Poor Chunji

Will you be there for me?

<ByunghunChanheeMrs Lee, Daehyun, Youngjae>



*Byunghun's POV*

"Ne omma, yoboseyo." "Darling i think you do know the reason why i'm calling right?" "Ani. What's wrong?" "Hunnie-ah i'm really sick please come back." "No omma no more tricks please. The last time got me into trouble. I know i sound unfillial when i say such stuff but mum i know you well enough to know whether you are sick. I am not flying back to America this time round just so you can introduce me to another unheard of cousin or any of your friend's daughter please." "Darlng you know i mean it for your own good. Please don't be lke this." "Mom enough! I have someone already no need to introduce me to someone else please." "Really? You have someone already? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Who is she?" "Omma i hope you are mentally prepared for this. I am in love with another guy. His name is Lee Chanhee and i really like him. I know this might be traumatic for you but i was never really interested in girls all these while. I'm sorry if i disappoint you but i really like Chanhee please understand." "Hunnie, tell me i heard wrong. You are what?" "Mom i am interested in another guy, i am gay. I'm so sorry." "Hunnie i... I guess i really need some time to digest this news. This is.... I just didn't expect this ,really. Hunnie, omma really loves you and i am not homophobic but i just... I really need some time for this. Sorry darling." "Omma are you crying? Please don't cry omma i'm sorry i really didn't mean to do this to you." "Darling it's ok i will try to understand. I really need some time. I'll talk to you another time. Goodbye, i love you." "Omma i love you too. Goodbye."

Oh my god i can't believe i just did the most cruel thing to my mother. I just revealed to her on my uality. She must be feeling so traumatized. I'm a bad son for making her so sad. But then again, I can't possibly keep this a secret from her forever. Perhaps its better to tell her earlier but it doesn't make me less bad a son still. And I sort of lied to her. Well I do like Chanhee but he's not even mine yet. Heck i don't even know where is he! I just said that so she would stop pairing me up with some random girls but sooner or later i will make it true. I just need to find Chanhee first. He would be mine eventually right? Or he wouldn't? Oh how can i forget he doesn't have any idea who the hell am i so why would he be mine? I guess i did lied and it would never be real. Damn it why am i getting so depress already? I haven't even found Chanhee yet! I need to find him and make him fall for me. Yes Chanhee will be mine eventually i hope. Wait, what's wrong with me? Why did i suddenly think of Chunji and the peck on my cheek? I unconsciously touch the area where he kissed and felt my cheek burning again. why am i feeling this again? Damn it i really need to find Chanhee fast and stop thinking about Chunji. 


*Chanhee's POV*
It's getting harder. I keep thinking of Byunghun after that kiss. It's not even a kiss but just a peck on his cheek so why am i feeling so fluttery? The peck is not even for me to be mesmerise but for him to be bothered! I need to stop acting like some lovestruck girl because of him. I am suppose to make him fall for me not the other way round, although i'm quite sure i already did but no i will end this feeling for him and make sure he falls for me hard. I will so be able to do this. As long as i don't feel all the butterflies in my stomach anymore. 


*Next day at work*

How am i suppose to act in front of Byunghun today after what happen yesterday? I still need to act like i am interested in him right? I will first pretend that nothing happened yesterday and continue trying to make him fall for me but how do i do that? Right! I can act pitiful and all so that he will start pitying me and develop feelings for me. I'm sure that peck had a little impact at least so this will add on to the feelings! Oh i'm such a genius. "Annyeong Chunji darling!" "Ermm hi daehyun hyung. And please just call me Chunji." "Waeyo cutie?" "Jung Daehyun can you please stop with your cheesiness early in the morning?" "But Youngie, can't you see Chunji is so cute?" "Fine continue flirting i'm going in to start work." Youngjae just walked off looking piss. "Youngie! What's wrong again? Why are you so angry in the morning?" Daehyun hyung pout and just followed Youngjae in like a lost puppy, finally leaving me alone.

"I see the whole jealousy thing is on again?" I heard the most angelic voice and giggle from the door and immediately turn my head to see Byunghun standing there amused. "Yeah i swear Daehyun hyung is really dumb at times. They are obviously so in love with each other but he never noticed." "Yeah and i swear he really needs to stop being such a flirt." An evil thought just came to my mind. "But he's cute like that isn't it? He can be so cheesy but its nice to hear those compliment sometimes." I smiled at him and saw his expression turned sour for a moment and felt a sense of achievement. "Do you perhaps... erm.... like Daehyun in that sense?" "Hmmm i don't know about that. I just know him. Besides there's Youngjae. But i have to admit he's really cute." How fun is this to . It actually felt like we were friends for ages and a shiver ran down my spine as i felt those flutters in my stomach again. How can someone had such impact on me. Suddenly the situation turned awkward and i can see that it's because of yesterday. I acted like nothing happen as planned thugh. "By the way good morning L.Joe! What am i suppose to do today?" I flashed a pained smile so obvious that he would definitely notice and i saw his concern face even though he acts like he did not catch that. "Good morning hyung. You will just be practising with the cashiering today and i guess later i would get Ricky to be watching you." "Why aren't you the one guiding me?" I asked with a slight pout and i swear that came unconsiously. "Me? I..." "Please i would prefer that you are the one guiding me." "Alright then." He said while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly with i faint blush on his face and i can't help but find that so cute. Damn it Lee Chanhee stop it! 


*Byunghun's POV*

I hate myself so much. Why do i keep feeling the butterflies in my stomach around Chunji like the ones i felt when i was with Chanhee? I can't stop getting flustered around him and i swear i felt a slight pang of jealousy when he kept praising Daehyun this morning! This feeling i am developing towards Chunji is definitely unhealthy and it keeps making me think that i'm betraying Chanhee i seriously need to stop this but the problem is how? And he has been showing this pained expression the whole day it bothers me so much. I wish to ask him why does he look like that and find out what's wrong with him but guess i should supress this urge if i want to stop this feeling for Chunji. I mean that's the least i can do right? But i got a feeling i won't be able to for long. If he keeping showing me that look, i might just lose control and ask him what's wrong. I'm such a bastard. How can i claim to love Chanhee when i am feeling the flutters from Chunji? I feel like a flirt, a player, a total bastard! I just hope to stop this feeling and find Chanhee fast. 


*Chanhee's POV*

He sure is one patient guy to be able to hold back and not ask me what's wrong already but i will keep trying. I manage to get him to walk me home again today despite Daehyun's protest so i can continue trying. I let out a sigh and i guess that did it for him! "Chunji hyung, what's wrong?" "Huh? Nothing's wrong. Waeyo?" "Obviously there is something wrong if not you wouldn't be sad for the whole day." "You noticed? Sorry to worry you i just... I was thnking about him again." "Him?" "Ne there's this guy that appeared in my life and suddenly disappeared from it. He got me falling hard for him and he just.... He just left without a word. I'm not sure if i was ever important to him but to me he is. I sort of hate him for messing up my life but i still love him it hurts." I cried halfway through and none of these are lies. Even the tears fell out naturally and Byunghun hug me for comfort. He obviously have no idea its him that i'm talking about. "I'm sorry that this happened to you but i'm sure you can find someone better. I mean you're so cute and nice who wouldn't like you?" "Then do you like me?" I asked, still crying a little. "Of course i like you!" "Really?" I look at his eyes and blushed. "I... I mean I really like you as a friend. Now stop crying alright." He gently my back to soothe me and it felt really nice to be in his arms i don't wish to get out ever. "Thanks so much L.Joe you're such a nice person." I smiled at him and he slowly pulled me away before wiping those tears away from my eyes when i finally stop crying. His actions never fail to touch my heart and i felt that i failed again. Instead of getting him to like me more, its me falling deeper for him. Would i even succeed in my revenge? We continued walking in silence with his arms over my shoulders as another form of comfort which made me feel really safe and warm. I guess i could never get myself to stop this feelings for him now and i felt so damn useless.

"Here we've reached. You need to stop thinking and get a good rest. Sleep early tonight and i expect to see a bright Chunji tomorrow!" "Yes sir! Once again thanks so much for today it was really nice of you!" We smiled at each other geniunely and i suddenly felt an urge to move a step further. I lean in against him, attempting to kiss him and surprisingly he did not move back but instead leaned in closer and we both closed our eyes, lips almost touching and my heart was beating so fast it almost jumped out. 




Cliffhanger guys! Don't kill me please i just thought i wanna tease a bit sorry haha! I also apologised if it gets confusing with the constant change of POV i just wanted you guys to understand better what is going on in their mind! Well this chapter invloves a lot of mind war so i hope it doesn't get too bad because i wasn't really disappointed in this chapter because i'm already feeling so excited for the next one!!! And hopefully you guys caught a little hint at the start of the chapter! That's all for now! Cya again soon! Do comment and subscribe please!!!! Annyeong!!! Cheers! ^^


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Kazaria #1
Chapter 10: You've left me hangin on this cliff forever... ;(

Update soon I really REEAALLYYY Like this story I~~~~~ wanna read mo~ore
Chapter 11: Cliffhanger T^T
And that's okay Author-nim. I write some fictions too for my friends and I know how it feels to loose the chap. you liked .-.
We will wait. Fighting ^-^
Chapter 11: OMO they really need to talk and it's okay we can wait!
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 11: Anyway, it's okay author-nim... We'll wait~
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh you are cruel cutting it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Omo author-nim! I know how you feel, there isn't so many ChunJoe lately =/ But don't give up okay? ChunJoe will always be ChunJoe! Fighting! [And I really love the update btw =)]
Chapter 9: AWWW poor ljoe!!! Ahhhh chunji find out the truth ljoe just tell him!!!
Bambi10 #8
Chapter 9: U should double updates often lol and awwww poor l.joe he soo sweet and everything...chunji dont take revenge and break his heart he is looking for u
Chapter 9: yeeey double update \(^o^)/ uuuggh i don't know what to say, with all the misunderstand and oh my god, chunji still planning to revenge eventhough he know he feels this something for l.joe>,< ckckck~
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 9: Ahhhh double update. DaeHyun trying to hit on Channie~~ Lol! And Channie pecked Byun even though it's out of revenge, it still got both of them in heaven... I hope Byung found ChanHee soon so they could be together.