Waking Up?

Will you be there for me?

<Byunghun, Chanhee, Nurse/Miss Kim>

*In the hospital*

*Byunghun's POV*

"Chanhee how are you feeling today? The doctor said your condition has improved a lot and it seems that it wouldn't be long for you to wake up if you continue trying. I'm feeling so happy i can't contain this happiness anymore! I can't wait for the moment for you to wake up. I actually wished I'm the first person that you see when you open your eyes. Chanhee do hang in there, i know you can do it. We've came all the way here already just a little bit more and we're there! Are you actually anticipating too?" 

Why am i getting so happy that Chanhee might wake up soon? I mean yeah i should be happy that he is finally waking up but aren't i getting too happy for my own good? What's wrong with me exactly? I don't even know him in real life but i'm already opening up to him. I don't know how this manage to happen too. Am i starting to have feelings that i'm not suppose to feel for Chanhee already? 

*Chanhee's POV*

Byunghun I'm really trying my best already. I'm really anticipating for that day when i woke up to your face. I can finally see how you look like after so long. And we can also become good friends and share more about each other. But i'm not too sure if i'll be able to open up to you. After all, my previous friends did abandon me so i sort of lost confidence. I'm getting too dependent on you it feels more than friendship already. This is not possible right? Hopefully i'm just imagining things. But for now, i'm just going to continue struggling to wake up.

*2 days later*

*In the hospital*

*No One's POV*

"Byunghun?" Chanhee spoke as he woke up. He did not see anyone beside him but he kept muttering Byunghun's name. The nurse came in to check on Chanhee and saw him awake so she went to notify the doctor before making a call to Byunghun.

"The number you just called in unavailable. Please try again later." The nurse can't seem to get through Byunghun's phone no matter what so she went back to the ward. "Hi Chanhee, the doctor said since you just wake up, you are still quite weak but if nothing goes wrong, you will be able to discharge in a week's time. And during this time when you were unconscious, there's this guy by the name of Byunghun that kept visiting you and cheering for you. I've tried calling him to notify him that you've woke up but i just can't get through his phone no matter what so i guess we will just have to wait. Do you by any chance know about him being here for you?" Chanhee wanted to cry. Byunghun threw him on his own and disappeared just like his friends did. He wanted to just break down right there at that moment but he held back and just gave the nurse an innocent face before shooking his head a little so that she would not worry. "That's too bad i guess. He was such a nice guy to stay with you throughout these times." "That's nice. Say thanks to him for me." Chanhee faked a smile. 

*Chanhee's POV*

After the nurse left, my tears start flowing down non-stop and my heart ache badly. He's gone already? After making me struggle so hard to wake up he left me. Why? It didn't take long before i sob hysterically but i tried to calm myself down. I decided to trust Byunghun one more time. Perhaps he was just busy? Maybe he will visit me in a few days time just like he always did.


*A week later* 

He's never coming back. I guess its time i got over right? Once again i got abandoned, only that this time it hurts a lot more than usual. Yes because i fell for this stranger that I've never met. Not once have i seen his face, only had the chance to hear his voice. Whatever it is, he's out of my life now. Its not like he'll be able to recognize me since he has never seen my face without all the machines and tubes connected to me. Well i am angry with him but what else can i do? I can only survive on my own now. And now, it will be harder for me to have faith in others again. I guess i won't be able to open up to anyone for now, i'm scared to do so. 

*No One's POV*

"Mr Lee please sign here and you can leave." Chanhee is settling his discharge as he can finally leave the hospital. Byunghun did not visit him once ever since the last time before he woke up and he lost hope in waiting for Byunghun. He feels that Byunghun ditched him for whatever he thinks is more important to him right now and he felt disheartened. Just when Chanhee was about to leave the hospital, Byunghun rushed in and knocked against Chanhee but because he was in a rush, he just bowed and exchanged glance with Chanhee before rushing into the hospital, to supposedly Chanhee's ward. "What's wrong with this guy?" Chanhee muttered and left the hospital. 

*Byunghun's POV* 

I rushed to the hospital but accidentally knocked into a guy at the door. He seems a little familiar but i have no time for that now. I just bowed for apology before running down to Chanhee's ward. I had been away for almost two weeks now and i wonder how is he. When i reached the ward, the nurses are tidying up the room. "Miss Kim, where's Chanhee?" "Oh Byunghun ssi you're finally here. Chanhee has discharged and just left 10minutes ago." What did i just hear? "You mean he's awake and has discharged during this period of time when i wasn't around?" "Yeah and sorry to say, Chanhee said he have no impression of you but still he ask me to thank you for being there for him." \Oh crap! I don't even know how he looks like how am i going to find him now? Damn i'm never going to see him again! Worse still, he have no idea who am i, neither does he know of my existence. Tears were falling by now and i just can't stop it.



Oops sorry it ended angst here. Cliche i know but that's my point there heh. Byunghun and Chanhee missed each other, how are they going to ever find each other now? And the rival!!! He's appearing most probably in the next chapter or a chapter later than that! Have you guys voted? Hope you guys did enjoy the story up till here coz i tried my best. I'm not that good in writing so yeah i'm sorry if its bad. ):

No matter what, remember to comment and subscribe!!! I need your views on the story so that i can improve!!! 


Remember to vote for the poll on which group is the rival gonna be from and i'm gonna post another poll tonight for you guys to choose which member to be the rival! That's all for now! Cheers! ^^

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Kazaria #1
Chapter 10: You've left me hangin on this cliff forever... ;(

Update soon I really REEAALLYYY Like this story I~~~~~ wanna read mo~ore
Chapter 11: Cliffhanger T^T
And that's okay Author-nim. I write some fictions too for my friends and I know how it feels to loose the chap. you liked .-.
We will wait. Fighting ^-^
Chapter 11: OMO they really need to talk and it's okay we can wait!
ILoveYou_Forever #4
Chapter 11: Anyway, it's okay author-nim... We'll wait~
ILoveYou_Forever #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhhhh you are cruel cutting it like that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 9: Omo author-nim! I know how you feel, there isn't so many ChunJoe lately =/ But don't give up okay? ChunJoe will always be ChunJoe! Fighting! [And I really love the update btw =)]
Chapter 9: AWWW poor ljoe!!! Ahhhh chunji find out the truth ljoe just tell him!!!
Bambi10 #8
Chapter 9: U should double updates often lol and awwww poor l.joe he soo sweet and everything...chunji dont take revenge and break his heart he is looking for u
Chapter 9: yeeey double update \(^o^)/ uuuggh i don't know what to say, with all the misunderstand and oh my god, chunji still planning to revenge eventhough he know he feels this something for l.joe>,< ckckck~
ILoveYou_Forever #10
Chapter 9: Ahhhh double update. DaeHyun trying to hit on Channie~~ Lol! And Channie pecked Byun even though it's out of revenge, it still got both of them in heaven... I hope Byung found ChanHee soon so they could be together.