Chapter 2: Friendship and Conflicts

The Light in the Dark (r)
A knock was heard at the old door as the figure looked at it expectantly before speaking up.
"Come in, come in. It's a good thing you were able to find your way unlike yesterday where you got lost." The figure chuckled and once everything is now settled, it opened the book and after a few pages a bookmark with the color red, blue and black appeared and another label appeared that was also written in the same black ink but this time the black ink that was used was thin.
"Shall we start?"
----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2-------------------------------------------------------------
Setting gate | 12:05
Taeyeon and the other girls finally arrive at the once popular gate of the east, the setting gate. The once shining silver gate is now scraped, tainted and moreover covered in rust from all the events that has passed. Taeyeon slowly reached out as she touched the said gate. No matter what other's say, no matter how much people judge it,no matter how much rust the gate has, this gate will still be beautiful to her eyes and that gate never fails to amaze her. With a gentle push, it opened as they slowly made there way.
"You okay?" Yuri asked to the girl whose eyes were glaze in front of her as they kept walking.
"Yeah" Taeyeon answered shortly as Yuri hesitantly nodded. Yuri knows Taeyeon from head to toe due to the amount of time they had spend with each other along with the others too. She also knows that the girl was far from being alright but she had decided to not push it. That gate,the setting gate. Yuri knows that it was extremely important to the girl and that's why she never utters a word about it. It was a very sensitive topic to the latter and Yuri respected that. As they walked at the long pathway, they finally halt to a stop.There was no more way because the rest has been destroyed as the rest of the pathway is now in the lake. Taeyeon carefully put the girl that were on her arms on her back and supported her. When she was satisfied and sure that the girl won't fall, she immediately leaped to the other side as Yuri and Sooyoung followed her. The gap that they jumped were not short at all, it was wide,extremely wide but for the girls, it was nothing. For them, it was like the game called longest jump as they strive to see who can jump farther. With a silent thump, they landed on the other side and continued there walking. At the back was Sooyoung as beads of sweat are now forming and dropping as she strive to not be a burden. It wasn't like that she was tired, her condition is far from that. Like what Taeyeon had stated earlier, She and Yoona are highly sensitive to souls and those huge souls made an impact to them. The black soul inside of her are also creating a turmoil and since she ate a large amount twice,one inside the warehouse and one was from the creatures she killed on there way to Centrum, so the effect was twice and she can feel her body burning as her sight are getting blurry.
"Damn it!" She hissed as she held her stomach with her right hand as her legs buckled. She doesn't want to burden the others so she chose to be behind.
"A few more." She encouraged herself as her every step is now getting more and more heavy along with her eyelids who are dying to close and also the darkness not from the dark night but from her own vision as she was getting dizzy but she continued her way.
"I'm going to kill him!" She hissed once again as she felt her stomach twitch in pain as her right hand gripped her stomach tightly trying to surpass the pain even for just a while.
"Sigh..." She sighed in relief once she has saw the gate that leads inside her so-called paradise With a rhytmic knock, the gate opened itself, clich`e they know but now is not the time to complain about it.Once the door has been opened, they saw almost everyone waiting for them with smiles on there faces but a smile is far from being formed on the girls faces.
"Girls! You finally arrived and I can see that you are able to bring the girl-" The person flew as Taeyeon punched him across his jaw letting out all of her anger, frustrations as others watched in horror as he flew and hit one of the tallest buildings as they can hear the sound of things being crashed to pieces.
SM Corps. | 12:10
As a meeting was being held,the sound of a window being breaked followed by a sound of clatter made everyone's attention turn to the source as they saw a man holding his jaw with the wall behind him crushed and copied the outline of his body as it left a crater along with some plants and whatnot also imprited on it.Not giving the others to talk and question the man on how on earth was he able to enter through the window as the floor he was in was the highest one in the tall being, a rope can be seen tied around his ankle as he tries to cut the rope but as soon as he touched the rope that was binding him, his hands got burned. Turns out that the rope was actually made out of flames.The flames were growing wilder as it was out of direction as the flames grew hotter as he emitted a painful scream as it burned his ankle. The flames changed from red to orange with the color blue lingering. All of the sudden,someone appeared and held his neck as his back found the wall once again as he was slammed to it with a greater force erasing the past mark as it created a new deeper one.
"What in the world was that ritual? Why didn't you told me that creatures like X-reaper will appear? If you've told me then I shouldn't have brought Sooyoung and Yoona. The description on the file that you gave me only stated that we will bring back a girl. That's it! but you didn't told me that a freaking ritual will be held! What the hell are you thinking? Do you want to kill them?" Taeyeon yelled at him through gritted teeth as her grip on his neck tightened.
"I...I'm sorry! There was a problem with the computers and the research lab! When we have learned that there will be a ritual that will be held,it was too late. You four have already set out. I'm sorry!"
"Un-Unnie, it's okay" Yuri along with Yoona that was on her back appeared as Yuri's right hand was grasping the same flame rope that was holding the man's ankle.Yoona spoke with much difficulty as her voice suddenly turned out rasp as she also coughed.
"Be thankful Yoona is here if not, I could have killed you already. Remember, if you screw up one more time then I won't hesitate to kill you Leeteuk." With that she let go of Leeteuk's neck as he coughed and tried to catch up to his breath as the fire rope also disappeared. Taeyeon glared at him making him gulp as she turned her back and look at the hole she made.
"Where's Sooyoung?"
"She's inside the emergency room. After we arrived here, she immediately passed out. Her condition is a lot more worse than Yoona. Her high fever is very unusual so they tried to bring her temperature down." Yuri said with a sigh as she was complete worried for Sooyoung.
"I'm going to bring Yoona to the infirmary so she can rest. Bye Taeyeon." Taeyeon didn't said anything as she glared at Leeteuk as he froze in fear, afraid of what will come next.
"By the way if anything bad happens to them, I will bury you into the ground alive or I'll send your body into pieces. Whatever suites my taste." Taeyeon flashed him a sweet smile that she often shows to others when she threatens them and without another word, she disappeared.
"Why do you train beings like them? I can totally see that she is being cocky with her powers. If it wasn't for you and SM then she wouldn't gain those kind of abilities. If I were you, I'll get rid of her as soon as possible before she can kill someone." Leeteuk who was on the floor groaned but at the mention of the girl from earlier who was Taeyeon, he can't help but get furious as he abruptly stood up not minding the pain all over his whole body.
"Don't talk as if you know her! She's not being cocky! If you know what she went through,then you will understand why she acted like that! She's just complicated but she is not a murderer like what you are implying!" He pointed angrily and once he was finished, he quickly jumped down from the hole and disappeared leaving the building.
"Complicated? From what I see is complete ignorance." The same man mumbled when all of the sudden, another man appeared.
"I think you are the one who are wrong this time."
"Lee Soo Man Hyung! Why would I be the wrong one this time? You all completely see that right? She was being cocky and her attitude is not the nicest around here and also you need to reconsider of keeping that girl here."
"You see Myeong-soo, I know that you know the saying of don't judge a book by its cover."
"Yeah, what about it hyung?"
"In Taeyeon's case, you should never judge her. If you know what happened to her then I believe that you will view her actions from earlier differently. This meeting is now done and let us go back to our respective lives and houses shall we gentlemen?" With a snap of a finger, all the damage inside his office got fixed as if nothing had happened.Soon everyone left except for two people.
"What are you still doing here Myeong-soo?"
"What do you mean about Taeyeon's case?"
"I am not in the proper place nor has the right to reveal such things but I will tell you this,be careful of what you say in front of her or in front of her friends especially around Yuri and Sunny because you might meet your death sooner than expected. I think you saw what they did to Leeteuk, a high ranked member here in SM right?" and with that Lee Soo Man left leaving Myeong-soo shuddering in his place.Like they said, heed someone's words and you will escape danger. Back in front of the emergency room was Taeyeon and Yuri. They were sitting down on the row of benches as Taeyeon stared madly at her watch as if she was waiting for something to happen and Yuri has also started to notice this and it has been starting to tick her off.
"Hey Taeyeon, why do you keep staring at your watch? Is it broken?" It was a stupid question but Yuri has no other option besides if it leads to the right answer, might as well take it. There won't be any harm that will come to her by just simply asking about her watch right?
"Yeah I think it's broken but I was sure I checked its condition before heading out earlier. I don't understand it at all." Taeyeon kept on staring at it with a serious expression on her face.
"You might call me crazy if I told you." Yuri snickered as she looked at Taeyeon.
"Taeyeon why would I call you crazy? Besides you already told me enough stories that would be considered as much more crazier than this one. First you told me that you saw a huge chicken on the forest when we were five in which was true. Second you told me there were monsters under my bed when we were six and it somehow got true and third you told me-"
"Alright, alright that's enough." Taeyeon snickered as Yuri joined in laughing as a round of laughter can be heard just outside the emergency room.
"So what is it this time?" Yuri asked one the two of them has finally settled there laughter down but it did took them half an hour.It's not like you can have a chance like this and they don't come that easy as Yuri treated it as one of Taeyeon's rare moment. The atmosphere quickly turned serious once again as there face has also changed to there normal ones, cold. Call them bipolar but it's just who they are.
"Earlier, when we arrive at Centrum, it was already 12 midnight. I was sure that we spent almost half an hour inside Centrum but when we already found the girl and made our way back, I got curious on what time it is and when I was still 12:00."
"That is weird. I wonder what happened." Yuri pondered as she tried to think of a logical reason but then again there presence alone is already hard enough to be explained by using a logical reason and those creatures has also crossed the line, the line of logic and insanity or any more absurb explaination. So finding the right reason from the occurence earlier but it wasn't easy as it sounds at all. Taeyeon was also in the same state but being the genius that she is, she already came up with a reason but it wasn't near to being a logical one. She thought away from that topic as one thing crossed her mind but she herself doesn't want to admit it and tried to search for more but that only reason always finds a way to resurface back into her mind then with a sigh, she gave as she used the only reason she can rack inside of her head. There's no harm in admitting it, afterall things weren't that normal to start with so what can a little reason do? 
"It was like the time got rewinded."
----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter 2-------------------------------------------------------------
The figure leaned back and closed it eyes for a while before opening them once again as another smile grazed its lips.
"Did you enjoyed it? Remember to never judge a book by its cover arasso? Though I want to spend more time with you, I can't so please come back whenever you feel like and I will always welcome you. Have a safe trip going back."  It wave its hand as they door shut closed once again as the figure leaned back while facing the window with the book once again in its lap as the chair craddled the exhausted body. Even reading is taking a toll on its body but it was glad someone was listening to its story. It got excited of meeting each other once again as its smile never left.
So here is chapter 2 ^-^ Thank you for the continous subs and views but please at least leave a comment. I guess all of those subs are silent readers (?) but I'm glad that others are waiting for it so I hope you enjoyed and had a merry time as you read. Misaio out~


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Chapter 16: :v
the story is interesting because of the story teller, the tragedy and the persons as well.... keep it up misao!! (*^-^*)
Chapter 10: Why does this remind me of Gakuen Alice? XD hahaha
Redrum #4
Chapter 9: Oh wow this fic is really interesting =) I really wonder who the storyteller and the other person are o.o anyways keep up the great work author ^_^
Chapter 5: Great chapter :) Now I'm curious as to what will happen next :D
Chapter 3: ohh..i dunno y but when dat person read the book, it remind me of the yamibou anime where the book speak n telling us the story lol
nice fic author~