Chapter 14: To keep her safe is to hurt myself

The Light in the Dark (r)
No One's P.O.V
The sound of the waves crashing into the shore occupied the whole place even though no one can truly identify just how large the dark place was. All you can see is the vast ocean with purely black water with somehow a dark sun can be seen up into the horizon making the dark waters turn even darker than before. Up ahead is a sandy beach fortunately colored by darkish brown as it shined even though it's light is as dark as night.
Then, just above those dark,murky waters is a little body floating through and fro as it was carried by those waves as it's skin and clothes has been drenched by the water. Soon the body reached the shore as it was washed away by the said waves.
It just layed there, seemingly motionless as the waves continued to cover it's body before it was slowly being pulled into the ocean little by little. The ray from the black sun seemed to eat it's skin followed by the black waters.
The small body belongs to a girl judging from it's petite build.
Soon it was entirely covered by darkness but it remained oblivious to the darkness eating her. Until that is something alike to black goo started emerging from the black water as it took form of something that has no coherent form as it just took the form of humid black goo but it was large as it hovered the entire area as if it was a sea monster while it stared at the back of the small body.
Two swirling black and red eyes stared at her body followed by a loud snarl.
Slowly it inched closer to her and once it was close enough, the black goo started to drip down like wax from a lighted candle into her skin as it burned the white skin leaving nasty black marks on the smooth surface but nothing came out of the her. The more it inched closer, the more the black goo dropped down as if it was some poisonous chemical as some of it has already dripped to the small body's hair, making those it's hair strands to burn while some has dripped from it's neck as it surrounded those doubled chains making the once silver color change into a blackish one.
The sounds of sniffling occupied the air as it accompanied of the sizzling sounds coming from her already burned skin as smokes has emitted out of the same spots where those black goo has dripped. Her right arm has been fully colored black as smoke had also emitted out but the monster was nowhere into stopping.
After it sniffed the body around, it let out an angry snarl like an animal that detected a threat before it opened a mouth as the black goo surrounded the walls before drawing back high into the air before lunging into full speed with full force into the small body as it locked into one specific spot and soon it's jaw latched into her whole neck as it sharp teeth plunge into her skin,almost into it's shoulder and near it's collarbone.
The sound of skin wripping and bone crushing can be clearly heard throughout the whole area.
"ugh-uh-AHH!" The body's eyes flew open before it shut close again before she started to scream and squirm as pain surged from her skin up to her veins as it felt as if poison was running in them as her arms and legs started to flail as her screaming turned louder and louder.
"AHHH!" It tried to pull out the jaw that was latched into her own neck but her hands were burned upon first contact into the monster's skin. Blood dripped out from her bitten neck as she felt the stinging pain all over her body. 
From the crown of her head up to the tips of her toes.  She can felt it, the pain that was coursing in her.
She tried to crawl away but it remained futile as the monster was tightly latched into her skin.
Time has passed but her agonizing never stopped but nothing was done as her energy was being seeped out of her own body before she stopped flailing and laid flat into the sand before returning back into the same position it once held before being bit by the monster but the monster seemed far from stopping though.
The pain in her whole body seemed to coursed through to one place, her heart. She felt as if her own heart was being burned by the thing inside of her body as if her own blood was lava from an active volcano as it burned and melted everything that was on it's way. 
Tears poured down from her eyes followed by blood out of her own mouth.
"ughh!" With one last cry, the monster released her neck before it went back into the ocean after it let out another snarl. She remained motionless as she reverted back into an unconscious state as a final whimper left her lips before her eyes remained close for the remained of the day.
From her jawline up to near her shoulder blades and collarbone were all covered by black bruises as not a single spot was left. A straight line of small holes can be seen on the surface as something was seeping out of it but blood seemed to not be the matter that was seeping out.
It was different.
Soon the small body glowed in a bright light before her feet started to disintegrate into golden dust and soon it's legs followed and soon her lower half has disappeared into grains of golden sand before it's whole body followed suite. Once she has turned into complete dust, the whole place started to crumble down while the black ocean suddenly gained a huge whirlpool by the middle, everything in it's reach then the sound of crumbling soon accompanied the once quiet place as 、huge gust of wind occured.
Everything was destroyed as cracks and fissures covered the surface of every surrounding but the golden ashes remained where it was previously placed and soon everything cracked like an egg smashed into a wall and once it was done, it soon revealed a white room, a hospital room to be exact as the golden ashes were now situated on top of a white bed that were surrounded by advanced machineries and technology.
The window was open as a small breeze slipped in as it started to play with the golden dust. It surrounded the dust making it rise into air before the gentle breeze started to gain power but it wasn't enough to make everything turn amok, it was just enough for the dust to pile themselves as they squeeze each other then in the blink of an eye, a body was once again formed.
The body was slim with the edge of being petite,white bandages from it's fingers up to the forearm then to it's arm covering the two connected limbs followed by it's hand along with a bandaged shoulder,neck and a covered right hand.It's golden hair shined in the afternoon glow of the rays of the setting sun.
The body was situated on top of the bed as suddenly the wires and tubes were then connected to it's skin and another one on it's mouth.
*beep* *beep*
The heart monitor suddenly gained life much like the body as the thin sound was the only thing that accompanied the room. The body had it's eyes close as it breathe in then breathe out.
But like a cellphone that was charged after being drained out of energy, it's eyes slowly opened as it's eyelids fluttered. A pair of eyes soon scanned the room after it stared at the ceiling.After it loud a painful hiss, it sat up while holding it's neck.
Someone's P.O.V
'Damn, it hurts!' Another hiss escaped my mouth as I felt my neck and shoulder throbbing all of the sudden. I felt it sting under my touch even though it was covered by layers of bandages.
'What happened?' After enduring countless of pain in the past, I quickly set the matter aside even though the pain around my neck and shoulder feel different from all of the pain that I felt back then.
I tried to search this head of mine for answers regarding the reason why I'm here inside a room surrounded by contraptions and machineries and other whatnots but so far, nothing came to mind. I can't even recall the past events that occured before this happened.
'Ughh, just what happened?' I inspected myself trying to look for something that can help me remember but then all I saw was a body that's covered by bandages in which was owned by me.
'Did I got into a fight again? I guess so seeing I'm in this kind of state again.' I sighed but then I felt something was off. If I got into a fight then why do I look like this? From the past fights I got into, my opponent is the one who ended up like this, not me. But then again...
'Hmmm...I don't remember anyone picking a fight with me or at the other girls or someone bullying Sunny at all' Then what?
Wait a minute...
'Sunny!' A sense of adrenaline suddenly flushed into my system before I took off everything that was attached to me before I jumped from the bed to the floor as I shudder when my bare feet came in contact with the cold cemented floor as I also ignored the searing pain that instantly coursed through my body as I made a run to the door.
I quickly opened the door and rushed out, not even bothering to close it as I made way at the room just next to mine.
"NO! DON'T! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I heard a scream followed by the sound of breaking glass, along with a shuffling of feet and another round of yelling. I tried to hear some more but then my head started to pulsate making me groan.
"NO! DON'T GET NEAR ME!" It snapped me out of my painful trance as I slipped a rubber band out of my arm as I held it with my hand before rushing to the door. The door was locked when I tried opening it so without any hesitation, I kicked it open as I didn't expect that it wouldn't hurt so much than I thought.
I saw her on top of her bed just like me with everything trashed inside of her room while there were nurses around her trying to hold her, thinking that she was going crazy. I guess they were trying to calm her seeing the state she was in but I know that that was not the matter as of now. 
She was wrapping her arms around her knees trying to avoid any form of contact with anyone except for herself.
There eyes soon fell into me along with her as they gasped in shock while they stared at me but then my gaze was only at the girl on top of her bed who was looking at me with tears falling from her eyes.
I felt my heart break at the sight.
'I really hate it when I see them cry and after seeing her in that kind of condition...just how useless am I?' I thought to myself as I bit my lip trying to stop myself to break down from seeing her so broken.
Her whole body was wrapped in bandages, not even sparing a single skin to be exposed.
'Just what happened?'
"T-Taengoo..." She called out to me as I heard how her voice cracked. I didn't hesitate at all  as I ran to her side after hearing the first call of my name as quickly as I could.
Once she was in my arms, I immediately craddled her body as I rocked back and forth while I sat on her bed. She instantly gripped the front of my hospital gown while she buried her face in my chest.
I felt my chest getting wetter and wetter by her tears as all I could hear from her is her continuous sobs and whimpers. I ran my hand in circles at her back hoping to calm her down.
"Shhh, it's okay Bunny. Everything's alright" I whispered to her hoping to calm her.
" tried m-me..."
"No no...don't worry, I'm here. I won't let you touch them okay?" She didn't respond to me as she continued to cry instead.
"Get out" I harshly said to them with my eyes locked into each of there gaze making them shudder in return but they kept there place like a statue on top of a marble floor.
"Bu-But Miss Taeyeon, we have to give her her medicine"One of them said while she took a step forward.
"N-No!" I hissed.
"She doesn't need her me-medicine! Now get out!" Another hiss made it's way out of my mouth as soon as I felt her nails digging into my skin through my hospital gown.
Silence soon enveloped us and I can only gulp as I looked down at her. I can still hear her sniffling and hiccuping but other than that,nothing and I know things will run amok if this continued.
"Just please, let us inject this for her medication." They pleaded but I'm nowhere near to letting them have there way. 
I don't want to see another bloodshed.
"GET OUT!" I yelled as soon as I heard Sunny's voice pleading to me. They all jumped and scurried there way out of the door as quickly as they can.
"Here bunny,come on it's okay,they're gone. Here, play with this. I know how you've missed playing with something so simple." I said to her as I handed the rubber band to her but she just went silent until a hiss came out from me as I felt her retrieve her buried fingers from my already pierced skin. Just like what I had suspected, I felt something trickling down my chest and I was very sure that it was a thin trail of blood that I own.
I didn't need to look to know that it had stained my hospital gown as it passed through the thin barrier of the bandages that were wrapped around me.
"huh?" She asked me as she looked up with confusion written all over her face making me smile at the adorable sight. The heavy atmosphere from earlier has now completely disappeared making me let out a sigh of relief.
"I said, I have something for you bunny. It's not much but I'm sure you're going to enjoy it." I let the rubber band to dangle from my fingers in front of her before she let out a squeal as she took it from my finger and wrapped it on her own before she started to form different objects and shapes from the rubber.
I was hugging her from behind with my arms wrapped around her waist while she was seated in between my legs with her back on me as she played with the rubber band I gave to her, Good thing she calmed down. 
I didn't mind the trashed place, why would I?
When everything was starting to get peaceful and comfortable, I suddenly felt a sudden chill running down my spine. I looked at Sunny but it seems I'm the only one who felt it seeing how she was busy playing with the rubber band I gave to her.
'Whose there?' But no answer came to me. The voice sounded unfamiliar so it means that the owner of the voice doesn't belong to any of the girls. But I don't know anyone who has the same ability as us.
'Taeyeon-ah' There it was again but I didn't ask it seeing it won't respond.
'Who are you?' I tried after moments of silence but like the first time, I received nothing.
The voice sounded raspy,hoarse and moreover weak. It was like as if it was beaten to a pulp or was left in the middle of the Sahara desert. Things are turning very confusing right about now. 
I can't open the gates of my mind since my head will always throbbed whenever I do so and I don't want to distract her with my groans so I let the idea go but how come I'm hearing that voice? Me and her are the only one whose inside of this room then who? how? where? Just...what? 
Silence is the only thing that accompanied us after that but then...
'Tae-Tae' and everything shutted down after that.
No One's P.O.V
Taeyeon stared into space with her eyes turning glazed while her hold on Sunny's waist got loose as it now only hangs in the girl's legs who was still occupied to notice. Slowly she let go of the girl's waist before gathering her body up and sliding her lower half off of the bed and stood before walking away with the door in her sight.
But then, a hand grasped her wrist making her abruptly stop.
"Taengoo? Where are you going?" Taeyeon blinked her eyes before the glaze look from before has disappeared. Sunny thought she was going to receive an answer from the older girl but suprisingly, all she received was a plead from the girl.
"Just please, Sunny. Let me go." The younger was astonished.
'Sunny? She never called me Sunny before.' Still baffled with the way the older called her, she held still on the older's wrist. Taeyeon got impatient and snapped her hand out of Sunny's grip, much adding more to the younger's shock. She watched as Taeyeon made a run to the door but Sunny called out to her.
"Taengoo!" She jumped from the bed and was about to chase to the girl but then she felt lightheaded making her lose her balance. She grasped her head as she let out a groan before she fell to the floor.
Hearing the sudden sound, she quickly turned around but only to gasp in shock.
"Sunny!" But before she can get any close to the said girl, someone stopped her from doing so.
"It's okay Taeng. I got her, go. You can leave and don't worry, I'm not going to let her touch anyone except for me and the other girls." She looked back but only to see a tall figure causing for her to look up as she gazed at a pair of flashing golden eyes with streaks of amber surrounding the golden color.
"Thanks Soo" Taeyeon thanked her as Soo only flashed her a grin before letting go of her wrist as Taeyeon bolt to the door once more with Sooyoung going to the unconscious girl on the floor as she picked the tiny body and the rubber band before placing the girl on the bed once again and placed the rubber band on around the girl's arm before speaking up.
"You know, you didn't need to yell at those nurses earlier. You forgot you're also injured like bunny,or maybe even worse." Even with her back facing at the door, Sooyoung knows Taeyeon hasn't left as the girl made sure that her precious bunny is comfortably laying on the bed, not ony the cold, hard floor.
'Same as always' she mentally chuckled to herself before getting cut off by Taeyeon for the last time before the girl truly disappeared.
"I have to or Sunny might have killed them all and I can't bear to see her blaming and hurting herself for it when it's not really her fault. I don't want to see it for the second time."
Heol~Someone upvoted me but I haven't looked to see who it was but thank you~ I also saw that there was a new comment!! Thank you too~ and what's more it came from my best friend, tsuhiko :) I'm so happy right now. Also, here's an update because today is the day I got 200 subs! Yay, wohoo! *throws confetti* Enjoy reading~ Misaio out~
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Chapter 16: :v
the story is interesting because of the story teller, the tragedy and the persons as well.... keep it up misao!! (*^-^*)
Chapter 10: Why does this remind me of Gakuen Alice? XD hahaha
Redrum #4
Chapter 9: Oh wow this fic is really interesting =) I really wonder who the storyteller and the other person are o.o anyways keep up the great work author ^_^
Chapter 5: Great chapter :) Now I'm curious as to what will happen next :D
Chapter 3: ohh..i dunno y but when dat person read the book, it remind me of the yamibou anime where the book speak n telling us the story lol
nice fic author~