Chapter 10: Mortifer and the girl

The Light in the Dark (r)
Yoona's P.O.V
"...Goodbye Mortifer" That's all I heard rather than his constant mumblings as I popped a chip into my mouth as we stared at him as he retreat back into a door and disappeared from the vast field. Once he was out, everything turned silent as no one move and no one said anything until I moved my head towards my unnies as we all shared stares before...
"hahahahaha!" We bursted out laughing. Me and Soo unnie started rolling in the floor as we clutched our stomach from the constant laughing we were doing.
"H-He was...haha...s-so mu-much fun to...haha...fool! hahahaha!" I tried to let out a proper sentence but failed miserably due to myself laughing so hard. We just kept laughing and laughing our heart's out until Sunny unnie suddenly stopped and stared at the door.
"Shhh! Someone's coming!" We all stopped and fixed ourselves as we sat at the ground. I don't know how she noticed that while we were all noisy as we were laughing so hard but then again, this is Sunny unnie we are talking about. We wiped away the tears in our eyes as we put our usual cold facade. Bipolar? We know.
Receiving nothing, Sica unnie suddenly groaned before she picked up a small pebble beside her before throwing it straight to the air aiming towards the door as we heard a sharp clink! as the small pebble went through the keyhole. It was then followed by a loud thump on the other side.
"Ow!" We heard a voice of a man followed by voices that seemed unfamiliar to us. Soon five to six pebbles were shot at the door before a file of bodies came next as soon as the door bursted open. They were the same group of boys we saw back in the auditorium.
'Why are they here?'
"What are you doing here?" Taeyeon unnie's voice sounded hostile once again as it changed from playful to cold as I gulped and shivered. I don't know but she has this effect on me that turns me into a shivering mass or even worse, a mess itself.
'It's okay Yoong,it's okay. I'm sorry ,unnie didn't meant it. I'm sorry if I scared you.' A voice suddenly appeared inside of my head as I softly looked to my left using my peripheral vision as I saw her smiling softly for a brief moment before she wore her mask once again. It helped me calm down as my shaking hands stopped.
'Gwenchana unnie." I replied.
"We're here in behalf of Mr. Leeteuk-ssi" Before I can get a reply, one of the boys answered Taeyeon unnie's question.
"Leeteuk huh, what did he say?"
"He said that you can visit the specimen now since your teachers are quite busy with arranging the S division right now so it may last for a few days or a week so you all are given freedom to do whatever you want during that span of time."
'specimen huh?'
"Arasso. We got it ,now leave!" Then in a blink of an eye they're gone as the door was left open before it was slammed close. I looked around on who did it but I doubt it was one of us since we are too far away.
"Stupid boys, not bothering to close the door. The aircon will escape if they let it open like that" Sica unnie was holding a rock this time as she threw it up and down on her own palm.
"Then go and catch it before the aircon escape" Yuri unnie laughed once again as Sica unnie turned red.
"Yah!" She yelled before throwing the rock towards Yuri unnie but she just dodge it with a flick of her head as she just continued laughing.
"You know what I mean" She suddenly pouted making Yuri unnie abruptly stop and hug her.
"Aww sorry Sica, I was just joking."
"Eesh you two! Stop making moments when I don't have my camera!" Sooyoung unnie complained playfully.
"Awww, umma and appa are so sweet!" I squealed.
 Taeyeon's P.O.V
'Specimen...I wish they would stop calling her as if she was some laboratory experiment. If they are going to keep calling her that then they might as well start calling us monsters.'
'It's okay' My head shot up upon hearing a voice as I looked around to find if someone is looking at me or connecting with me but I found none as I saw the girls getting busy with there own business. That voice, I just noticed that I was unfamiliar with it but I also felt a tug on my chest as I heard it.
"Taengoo?" Sunny suddenly appeared in front of me as she stared at me with her big rounded eyes as her cheeks were slightly bloated making her puffy cheeks turn into chubby ones.
"Aigoo, Bunny" I groaned as I pinched her cheeks.
"hehe" She just giggled at me.
"Let's go?" She asked me after I let her cheeks go.
"to where?"
"to meet the girl silly." She just giggled as she took my hand and led me to the door where the rest of the girls were waiting as they talked with each other.
'Thanks' I connected to Sunny.
'hehe, you're welcome and besides I can't go running around while calling her as a 'specimen' when I myself is far more worse than her'
'Yah, you're not the only one'
'I know'
 No One's P.O.V
The girls walked out of there classroom hand in hand before they let go after they reached the hallway as there facade covered there true expressions. They can hear murmurs and lectures in every door that they passed through indicating thst classes are going on in the M division. They followed and walked down the hallway before they reached an intersection as they went through the right path. After some walking, they saw a huge door as they went through it and opened it revealing the outside grounds of the school. They exited there building before walking towards the huge gate in which is the main gate of there school.
As they reached it, Taeyeon suddenly felt something break before she felt a headache set in. Due to the sudden ache, she wasn't able to stop it as the pain coursed through the rest of the girls as they felt it making them let out a simultaneous groan as they all held there heads.
"Ta-Taeng? Are you okay?" Yuri asked towards the silent girl who was busy drowning in her thoughts.
'What the? Where did that came from?' Taeyeon asked herself through her mind as she was still holding her temple while massaging it. Luckily as quick as it appeared, it quickly disappeared.
"Yeah I'm okay."
"What was that about?" Sooyoung asked earning a shrug from Taeyeon.
"I...don't really know."
After that, they went through the road and some alleyways as they used our normal shortcut to get to SM corps. It was there usual path to go to as it cut them some time and serves as some basic warm-ups for the girls as there shortcut are composed of some climbing at the walls towards the roofs and use them as there own main road rather than the road on the ground itself.
Soon enough they were came face to face with an eight story building with people coming in and out through the doors. Cars and whatnot around it.
SM corps. photo SMcorps_zps5145dc4d.png
"Come on." Taeyeon commanded with a soft voice careful of scaring the girls as she looked over her shoulder. All of them wore there hoods then with a soft nod from everyone they all took a small step back before jumping over the edge with ther feet outstretch ready for landing with one of there arms on there side folded just above there chest while there free hand are holding there hoods as the wind rushed towards them as they fell towards the ground.
occarius hes for school photo occariusclothesforschool_zps7fed9ed7.jpg
With a silent thump, one by one they all landed on the ground as the dust on the ground suddenly scattered in a soft manner in every direction creating a circular motion that pooled on each of there feet. Everyone looked at them but no one can see anything except for there bodies and clothes while there faces are completely hidden from anyone's view.
'What floor did Lee Soo Man took her in?' Taeyeon opened the gates of her mind for the rest of girls to enter to connect to while the girls did the same so they can communicate with each other without talking. An ability they had found while fooling around with each other. No one knows they have this kind of ability, not Leeteuk, not Eunhyuk nor Lee Soo Man. Just among themselves.
'I heard that they took her to the Black level'
'The Black level? Why would they put her there? Is she really that dangerous?'
'I don't know Yul but I heard that no one should come there except for the guards that are stationed to keep a look at her.Unauthorized persons are not allowed to get near the floor but I did heard that he said that she is quite a dangerous one so everyone should stay away from her.But! We were given special privilege to come to her since he did said we can visit her but be extra careful in coming in contact with her'
'Dangerous huh? Girls, you all know what to do when they said to keep away don't you?'
'Ne. When they said to keep away...we must come to it.' They all chimed as there infamous playful smirks once again took over.
'I'm so proud that all of you are my members.'
'It's like they're telling me that I should stop eating because they are running out of food storage.'
'If you're hungry, just eat Soo unnie.'
'Tch. Meanie Yoong, I was just trying to say something intelligent.'
'Don't worry Soo, you did a good job'
'See? At least Taeyeon unnie appreciates me.'
Among there conversations, they were actually quiet on the outside as they made there way inside the building.Instead of the guards blocking there way, they even made way for them as they entered and walked through the floors of SM corps as they enter and rode the elevator in silence while stares are all over them.
'Okay Seobaby, you know what to do' Taeyeon commanded.
'Ne Unnie.' The girl just closed her book as the thick pages came in contact in the middle creating a soft thump sound as all of the sudden it disappeared. She stared at Sooyoung.
'Your book is safe Seobaby' With that she slide her finger on the wall behind her as she was leaning on the wall that was near the face panel of the elevator in which were the buttons are. She scribbled something before a puff of smoke came out surrounding the part she scribbled in.
Password accepted
'What password is that Hyunnie?'
'SM Corps.'
After that, the face panel where it shows the current floor suddenly shut down before a word appeared written in the same dark red color.
Password for access to the black level?
All of the sudden, a small screen appeared on the same wall Seohyun scribbled on. On the screen appeared five characters, one number and four letters.
puzzle for access to black level photo puzzleforaccessinblacklevel_zps9ad36c8e.png
'Seriously?' Seohyun looked at the screen with one of her eyebrows raised.
'I guess so.' Taeyeon just patted the girl's back.
'And here I heard that Black level are highly authorized protected with mind boggling riddles and puzzles.' She scoffed before she tap the number ten lightly making it dissolve into dust as an alphabet suddenly appeared but not the korean alphabet but rather english ones. Seohyun pressed the letters H-I-G-H then repeats the process for the other characters before she spelled a word.
Access granted
and with a clink! everything reverted back into normal as the elevator opened.
'Wow, how mind boggling.' Seohyun rolled her eyes before starting to read again as Taeyeon combed her hair to ease the girl's frustration.
'Aigoo,Seobaby. Just forgive them again, arasso?'
'Ne unnie but still, I found hiding Soo unnie's foods more harder than gaining access to the Black level'
'So you're the one who hides them'
'Knock it off you two.' Taeyeon warned.
'Ne unnie' They proceeded towards the huge door of the Black level as the door immediately opened revealing them a room that looked extremely similar to a lab with creatures and beings inside containers that ranges from huge to small as Taeyeon noticed a huge room at the very far end. Without saying anything nor greeting anyone, they proceeded forward without giving heed to the various scientists and guards inside, not the guards and scientists were paying attention to them either. All of them were busy with there own businesses and matters.
Yoona's P.O.V
We followed Taeyeon unnie towards the room where the girl is as I felt excited to meet her. I wasn't able to get a glimpse of her since I passed out through the whole evening.
"tch." I hissed at the familiar pain that shot through my whole body as I abruptly stopped and held my stomach. 
'Yoong what's wrong?'
'No-Nothing. I'm just feeling some stomach pain again but I can handle it don't worry.' I assured them.
'You mean you are experiencing the same thing you felt when we are at Centrum?'
'Ne Soo unnie' I nodded as I slowly relaxed once I felt the pain slowly disappearing.
'Did you ate some black souls earlier or the other day?'
'Who gave it to you?'
'I actually killed one as I saw one of them lurking around the other side of the bridge near the Descending gate.'
'Eh! Why didn't you called me?' Sooyoung unnie complained.
'Mianhe unnie.'
'Wait earlier? But Yoona unnie, when did you do this? I was with you the whole morning before going to our class.'
'The time after I bought you a keroro. After you came running towards Taeyeon unnie, I sneaked out as I sensed something near to us so I checked it out and saw it. Seeing it was alone, I just killed it without disturbing the others.'
'But you came back seconds after I came running to Taeyeon unnie!' We then heard soft chuckling as we all looked at Taeyeon.
'Oh come on Seobaby. Don't act like you don't know Yoong. She can go over the whole world even before you can finish calling her name'
'I guess so unnie.'
'But are you okay now?'
'Ne Unnie. Now can we please enter 'cause I really want to see her.'
'Arasso,arasso.' After that, we enter through a door as we came in contact with a vast chamber that was colored in pure white as we saw a light coming inside the said chamber. We took a step closer as we peered in through the wide glass window. We saw everything that was happening inside through the clear window and bright lighting. The girl was against a wall wearing a nightgown in which seemed to belong to Taeyeon with both of her wrist chained on top of her hand with a pair of rusty handcuffs. Half of her body was leaning against the wall while her upper half was leaning towards the front. Her hair was covering most of her body and her face so we were not able to see her current state but judging at what we are seeing, we all know she's unconcious.
"Okay...then...oh...okay" We heard the scientist inside mumbling while writing smething as they were in front of the girl. I grit my teeth upon the sight as my hands bawled at my side.
'What the hell is this?' I almost barked aloud but good thing it came through my head. As if the girl heard me despite me not being conected to her, she slowly raised her head as she turned to look at me with her dull looking blue eyes as the way she looked was like as if she was in a daze, so distant and deep and broken at the same time and my heart broke at the sight. I don't know why but that was what I felt at that time. I rarely or rather never cared for anyone except for Hyunnie and my unnies but just seeing her in such a state with such gaze made me feel pitiful towards her.
'How could...they?' A rancorous voice echoed through her mind and my body started trembling once again. It was Taeyeon unnie once again. Her voice contained resentment not towards the girl, not towards us but at the scientist and probably at Lee Soo Man. As if the girl heard it once again, her gaze slowly traveled and changed.From me towards Taeyeon unnie. The two locked gaze at each other as if they were talking but I cannot hear anything coming from Taeyeon unnie or at the girl which means they are not connecting nor talking at all.
The girl's hair was messy as I had noticed that her skin was pale,paler than Taeyeon unnie's already pale skin as I can easily pinpoint the continous drops of her sweat all over her pale skin as was slightly open to catch her breath. Is she in pain? Why does she look so...exhausted?
"Okay." One of the scientist brought me back from my string of thoughts by it's voice as it nodded before handing his cliff board towards the other scientist before putting on gloves on both of his hands then went towards the girl who had broke her stare from us and looked at the scientist that came to her.
"Everything is set. After yesterday's experiment, I had noticed that when something happens to her or is inflicted at her, something will be inflicted back but I don't know what she inflicts or where it inflicts as all I know, the effect does not occur in her body so it could occur at other animals, plants or any other living things and possible other non-living things." The other scientist just nodded before scribbling down. Inflict? Inflict what?
"Okay, Test #2, Pain." 
'Wait pain?!'
'Test #2?!"
Without any further more explaination, we watched in horror and in disbelief as we saw the scientist suddenly slapped the girl at her cheek as hard as he could as the sound echoed throughout the whole chamber indicating that the slap was hard as her face was whipped to the side. She might have fallen to the side towards the floor if she was not binded at the wall.
And then we felt it, something being cut, something being closed shut, and something being awakened.


Hey guys ^-^ I'm glad that the viewers are rising so I'm the doing my best for readers to be kept entertained hehe. I'm so sorry for what happened to Tiffany at this chapter but I would like to tell you that there will be more on the next chapter.

Oh no! I wonder what happened next.

hehe I had always wanted to do that and oh! thank you to the one who gave this an uptove :)) It seriously made me incredibly happy keke. Misaio out~

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Chapter 16: :v
the story is interesting because of the story teller, the tragedy and the persons as well.... keep it up misao!! (*^-^*)
Chapter 10: Why does this remind me of Gakuen Alice? XD hahaha
Redrum #4
Chapter 9: Oh wow this fic is really interesting =) I really wonder who the storyteller and the other person are o.o anyways keep up the great work author ^_^
Chapter 5: Great chapter :) Now I'm curious as to what will happen next :D
Chapter 3: ohh..i dunno y but when dat person read the book, it remind me of the yamibou anime where the book speak n telling us the story lol
nice fic author~