An Angel and Devil

"Jung Daehyun, I Love You"

- July 17, 5:30 AM - 

Early morning, you feel an unexpected touch which ruined your dream. You didn't want to woke up after realizing that it's your second day of school. Your first day had gone worst and it would be more worse today. 'Kim Himchan, please let me sleep' 

"Hyunmin-ah! Wake up!!" Himchan shook your body and took your blanket. He is your big brother, but your relationship seems to be broke. 

"Ngghh.. Wae?" You took back the blanket and pretend that you didn't see or feel anything. You haven't prepare yourself to meet the sunlight.

"Aish Hyunmin-ah, don't be lazy, it's your second day of school..." He messed your hair, which makes your anger burst. 

"Yah!! Oppa! Don't mess with my hair!!" You shouted and stood up from your bed. You hate it when someone messed your hair. They had no permission from you to do that. 

"I'll stop untill you woke up" He teased, which makes you woke up. You stood up and walk to the bathroom
"Fine.. Geez how can you be so loud this morning...." You complained.

"It was your voice. You made things loud." He teased you as he cleaned your bed.

You ignored him and went to the bathroom. "Just prepare the breakfast okay..." You told him. 

"Yessir!", Himchan chuckled, 
He went straight to downstairs and prepare the breakfast. 

After you finished your bath, you wore your school uniform, "Geez I hate this skirt. Why should girls wear skirts in school, they should've given us pants or something to avoid erts." You whined. 

"Hyunmin-ah~ breakfast is ready~" He shouted from downstairs. 
"Aish jinjja.." You took your bag and walked downstairs, "I don't wanna go to school...."

You sat down on the dining chair, and waiting for the dish.

"I heard you said that breakfast is ready?!" You complained.
He ignored you and continue cooking the breakfast happily. Your parents are working in other city and they'll be visiting you whenever they got freetime or stuffs. 

Himchan served the breakfast, oh cool chicken with fried rice. You ate the breakfast, "I never thought that you can cook well..." You compliment Himchan. 

"I attend cooking lessons.." He told you while preparing 2 mugs of hot chocolate. "Ah you never told me.. What kind of oppa are you..." You continue eating. 
"I want to surprise you.." He said as he gave you the hot chocolate, "Here's your hot chocolate." 
You took the mug and looked inside, "Himchan ♡
"What is this.." You giggled, what a silly oppa. 
"It means that hot chocolate was created by me to someone special" He smiled broadly.
"Don't be silly oppa." You drank it and continue eating. 
"Yah give me chicken, I want chicken." He took his fork and took your chicken from your plate. 
"Oppa, andwae. This is mine." You blocked his "attack"
You both fight, over a chicken. In the end he won because his hands are longer than yours. 
"Fine." You pretend to be mad, you continue eating without chicken. 

"You want some?" He asked.
"You sure?"
The more he offered you, the more you want it. Chicken is your favorite food. Himchan kept offer you untill you accept it 
"You sure? This is your favorite food"
"Ah don't lie, I know you want it"
"Or you want me more?"


"Ne.. Ne.." He laughed. "It was fun to tease you, Hyunmin-ah~" 

"Anniyo! Stop treating me like a kid! I'm not a kid anymore!!" You shouted. 
"I'm treating you like a dongsaeng right now" he finished eating and took both of your dishes. You both went to school by walking. 

This year Himchan will be graduating to university, and you'll be a new high-schooler. Himchan is a very popular senior that everyone in the school knows, but they never knew that he had a dongsaeng, which is you. 
Suddenly a person patted Himchan's shoulders, "Himchan hyung! Annyeonghaseyo!" He greeted him. 
"Ah, Daehyun.. Annyeonghaseyo" Himchan greeted back. 
"Hyung, buy me food I'm hungry" Daehyun wrapped his arms around Himchan. 
"Anniyo. I don't want. I don't know you. Who are you." He pouted.
Seriously, he never stopped pouting his cheeks. 

"I'm your dongsaeng~" 'Daehyun' replied, he patted Himchan's back. 
"Ouch! No! I only have one dongsaeng!" He rubbed his back because of pain and pointed at you. 
"This is your dongsaeng? Waa so cute~" Daehyun messed with your hair. 
"A..a..ani.." You wanted to reject him but you tought that he is very good looking. 
"Ahahha, she's cute, Himchan hyung may I have her? I want her" He joked. You blushed. 
"No, she is my sister. She's mine." Himchan messed with your hair. 
"OPPA ANDWAE!!" You shouted to Himchan 
"Ah mianhae.. Mianhae.." He laughed
"Which class are you?" Daehyun asked you.

" 1-C" You replied. You thought that you fell in love with Daehyun, but it's only a crush and probably it will end fast.
"I'm in class 2-D.. Kekeke..." Daehyun replied, "is Choi Junhong and Moon Jongup in your class?" 
"Moon Jongup is in my class..wae?" 
"Nahh, it's okay, he is my dongsaeng. We're close together.." He replied. 
"Jongup is my dongsaeng!!" Himchan is mad with Daehyun for taking your attention. 
"Aish you've got Junhong" Daehyun replied
"Junhong is Yonggukie's" 
"Okay oppa we have arrived, annyeong!" You smacked Himchan and waved at Daehyun. 
"Dongsaeng- ah that hurts.." Himchan said as he pretend to cried in pain. 
"Your acting hyung" Daehyun giggled. 

You went inside your class. There are some girls who gathered in a one place while talking about something. They love to shout. "Kyaahh! Do you know that our senior is very handsome? Unlike our classmates?!" "He is the handsomest person on earth!!" 

Someone get rid of them please. 

The teacher came, you're celebrating your victory in silence. The first is math class, Jongup sat behind you and next to you is one of the annoying girls back then. During math class she always talked with her friends near her seat, of course except me. But then she whispered to me, "Hyunmin! Please give this to Jongup!" She gave you a white paper with something written in it. 
Pabo. She didn't fold the paper so you could see what did she wrote to Jongup. " Jongup-ah, I like you, I want you to be my boyfriend " 
You feel nervous. She is a pabo for not folding the paper. Stupid. 

You fold the paper and gave it to Jongup
"Ah Jongup-ah, this is for you, from her" You pointed to her because you doesn't know her name. 
"Ne.. By the way are you Kim Himchan's sister?" He asked. "Ne, I am" You replied.
You quickly turned to your teacher's direction so that the teacher wouldn't be suspicious of both of you who's talking together and not listening to what she said. "Here, give this to her" Jongup lend you the paper. Well Jongup is smart enough to fold the paper, not like that pabo-girl. When you received the paper, there are two papers. One is for pabo-girl and one is for you. You were curious, but you realized that pabo-girl could recognize about Jongup giving you a paper, so you kept in on your pocket and give back that pabo-girl her letter from Jongup. She doesn't even say thanks. 

The math lesson continued, and it's break time. That pabo-girl left the class with her group and you took that letter that Jongup gave you. 
"Kim Hyunmin? (Is this your name?)
Ah ne, I'm Moon Jongup, Himchan hyung's 'dongsaeng'. Yesterday he told me to keep an eye of you because he is worried about you for being anti-social with your surroundings. For more details you could ask him later. I want you to meet me on the rooftop this break. I'm waiting for you, Moon Jongup."

"Wow what a long letter, well I think I should go now" 

You went to the rooftop by yourself. It was Moon Jongup all alone. 
"Hey," He greeted you. 
"Annyeonghaseyo" You greeted back, "Why did you bring me to the rooftop?" You asked. 
"Ah about that girl who sat next to you..." 
"Oh yeah.. Did you accept her?" You asked, curiously. 
"Wha..t? You knew it?" 
"Ne. She is a pabo for not folding the paper. In the end I fold it for her" you laughed. 
"I wrote that 'I'll think about it, meet me afterschool on the rooftop'." 
"Why rooftop of all places?" 
"Okay. Change the topic. So did you want her or not?" You asked. 
"No. I don't want. I want to reject her by running away after school since we got split lessons." He sat down
You sat next to him, "So now you need my help?" 
"Yes, you're the only one who know about the letter and you're Himchan hyung's little sister.." He washed away his sweats. 
"Hmm, I think I know how..."

The bell rang and its time for the next lesson. And let's skip till the second break, where Jongup met that pabo-girl named Rae Na. 

Yes Jongup did reject Rae Na, but Rae Na suddenly cried and Jongup have predicted it so he run away without helping her. From a far distance you laughed so hard. But one of the girl from that pabo-girl, oh Rae Na's group saw you laughing at Rae Na and told Rae Na right away. The last lesson before school ends, it was a split class of arts. Jongup and you followed paintings but Rae Na followed Music since she know that Jongup loves music, Jongup did this to get away from Rae Na. It's okay because it was only one year. 


In the art class, You whispered to Jongup. "Jongup-ah, I have a bad feeling that Rae Na stared at me for the whole Biology class before.." 
"Mwo? Seriously?" He shocked
"Ne... I have a bad feeling that something will happen..." 
"Aish it's just a feeling, don't trust on your feelings too much" he winked. 

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At first i want to write Zelo-Hyunmin fanfic, but because of the story that forced me to do Daehyun-Hyunmin, i did it :D 

aww yeaa

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well um i fixed some grammar errors from chap 1 ._. chap 30 will be updated soon! ^^


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ilabya18 #1
Chapter 30: Ah, yes, finally. Thank you for update, I'm crying out of happines. Please update soon 'n' good luck with your exams. Fighting (:
zeloleoz #3
Chapter 29: After I read your fiction, I feel pity for Daehyun. So I choose Daehyun over Junhong... Peoples make mistake sometimes...
Jokomotolings #4
Chapter 6: Ok so ya know when u put lines through the words I just read them cause it's hard not to hahaha
Chapter 29: i just started to read ur fics today and yes im confused i really feel bad for daehyun actually he really want hyunmin but junhong..ah i dont know anymore but i really want this fic to end up with daehyun and hyunmin give daehyun a second chance maybe he will change to a better person
kisekinaru #6
Chapter 29: And yeah I also can't wait for feb 3rd!!! DYING XD
Chapter 29: Yes gurl,you care for him!
Chapter 28: Daehyun, choose him!!!!
Chapter 28: I choose Daehyun!!!
kisekinaru #10
Chapter 28: T_T omo I feel bad for saying this, because Daeyun is my bias BUT since Zelo is my second bias....I CHOOSE ZELO. *slapped* Thanks so much for updating author-nim!! ^.^