chapter 8

in the name of love

hallooo ^^ hey hey! hihihi i just want to tell you that i want to cut the plot and make it short. since i have a big even next semester. so if you confused about the plot, don't be shy to asked me.hehehe criticisms and suggestions are allowed. i'm fine with that :). see yaa~







“I’m sorry if I have to tell you this, but you are pregnant for 2 weeks, Miss Jung.” a doctor said to a woman who was sitting in front of him.




“WHAT??! no way! this is insane! For the goddamn shakes, I never had with any guys before!! Are you trying to trap me? I can report you as a fake doctor and send you to a jail for giving a fake inference!”

the woman shouted crazily when she heard his explanation about her condition. The doctor shocked and gluped when he got a death-glare from the pregnant woman.




“b-but that’s true, Miss Jung. we are doctors should tell the truth, we’re forbid to tell our patients lies.” He stammered tried to defend himself from her ‘scary-glare’.




“so in other way you said that I’m a liar?!! Do you think that I’m Mother Maria who can get pregnant without a man?! It’s a mistake! You must had make a mistake!! Hey you, stupid doctor! Don’t you know who I am? Don’t you try to fool me, I’m Jessica Jung! I can dump you from your current job as a fake doctor!!”

the woman was so stubborn. She shouted to the doctor while pointing her index finger to him and crusing. He just frozen at his spot while trying to explain more.





“t-that’s not w-what I mean, Miss Jung. l-let me.. let me explain first. We didn’t find any abusing or deflower on your , and we conclude that you have been a victim of an illegal Artificial Insemination.” The doctor said and made the woman raised her eyebrows since she can’t get the doctor means.








“Artificial insemination is a technique that can help treat certain kinds of infertility in both men and women. In this procedure, are inserted directly into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus. This makes the trip shorter for the and by passes any possible obstructions. Ideally, it makes pregnancy possible where it wasn't before. Intrauterine insemination (IUI), in which the is placed in the uterus, is the most common form of artificial insemination. Since it didn’t get your approval, so it means that someone take an advantage of you and do that when you were unconscious.”

The woman just stared at the doctor blankly but at least she knows that someone has done something to her womb and make her pregnant.








“oh , that crazy doctor?! I don’t want this baby! can you abort it?!” she was afraid, confused, angry, and miserable. She didn’t know what do to or what to say, she just want it over.








“h-huh? I-I’m sorry miss, but we can’t do that. that’s forbidden for us to do as a loyal doctor. We can only do the abortion if the fetus is harming the mother. And in your case, y-,”

when he’s about finishing his statement, the woman interrupt him and give him a death-glare once again.









“aisshhh! about your stupid loyalness! Arrggghhh! This is insane!” she was crusing non-stop while the doctor just keep in silence and fears. (you know, Hellsica is so scary.hihihi)




~end of flashback~









“e-uh, huh? n- no!! I’m not! You are full of confidence! i didn’t mention your name, AT ALL!” Yuri said while getting out from the car and face the blonde girl.She was trying to defend herself. Busted!








“*sigh* I’m not deaf! I can hear you called my name clearly!! Do you want to fight with me now?!!” the blonde sais boldly while her hands rubbing her stomach seemed like hold a pain, but Yuri didn’t notice her.







“haish!! Whatever! I’m going in. just do your thing, I don’t even care.” Yuri said coldly and walk away from her.







“YOU!! I’m not done with you! hey, comeback!! You- arghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” she groaned in a sudden and made the tanned girl stopped and turned around. When Yuri saw the blonde girl fell on the ground, she shocked and panic.






“Sica!!” she shouted and immediately running to approach her.








“What happened to you? oh my… you’re bledding!” she hold her unconscious bodies, she’s worried and panic when she saw bloods running from her thigh. Yuri carried her with a bridal style. She put Jessica in the car then sent her to the nearest hospital.









~at the hospital~




Yuri was walking limped from doctor’s room toward to Jessica’s room. She was spacing out and stared blankly like a zombie. She didn’t know why her heart was so damn hurt after hearing the doctor explanation about Jessica. She shouldn’t be like that, Jessica is no one for her, she’s a stranger that barely she knows. But still she felt like her heart was sunk, she can’t thinking straight. Now it was more obvious that she has fell for her, obviously. But she keep struggling in her mind, she keep denying.





“why? why should be me? no! I can’t love her! Yul, she’s just a stranger! Don’t you even care about her, it’s none of your business! Yes, you just help her as a human to another! Yeah, i’m just trying to help, no feeling. Yes, no feeling! Arrrgghhh!” she talked to herself while running to Jessica’s.






When she reached Jessica’s room, she saw the blonde sleep peacefully on the bed. Her face looks pale and weak. She stared sadly at her and took a sit right next to her bed then patted her cheek.





“hey, Miss Rich. What you have done to me? you came into my life suddenly and ruin it, but I never can’t hate you. *sigh* it’s funny, right? I never felt like this with somebody before, guys or girls. But it’s you, the one who can made Kwon Yuri, the KkabYul acted like a jerk. I don’t know why but I’m enjoying the moment when we have a fight, when you treat me like I’m the biggest enemy in your life. And when I know that you’re… arrghhh! What’ve done? Hisshh, you fool Kwon!”

she talked to herself while get her hands off of her cheeks since the blonde girl still unconscious. She was confused and looked miserable, then she starred at her once again and said something to her bravely. (hehehe no wonder, Yul. since sica was unconscious, she’ll never heard you.hihi what a smart Kwon Yul)








“so you’re hiding a big secret, huh? since I know your secret, that should be my bullet to beat you and dump you out of my life. but why I can’t do that to you. hisshh.. who is the father, huh? did he leave you when he knows your condition? A jerk! So you were dating a jerk before? Stupid ice princess! how can you let him got into your pants and took an advantage of you then leave you easily? So that’s why you acted like a dump lastly? *tck* I promised, I’ll take a good care of you and your future child. I don’t know what happened to me, but I do care about you. please be nice to me till I can convience to myself that my feeling for you is just a fake, this is just a feeling of a friend to another one.”

She said while starring at the blonde girl who was sleeping peacefully. Yes, I’ll be your friend. As a friend! – Yuri










Without she noticed, actually Jessica was awake but she pretend to sleep and closed her eyes when Yuri talking. Her eyes almost tearing when she heard what Yuri said,and she tried to hold. Jessica felt hurt whe she has to act like a dump to the tanned girl, but deep inside her heart was screaming for her badly. I wish I can tell you the truth but I can’t. I love you, Yuri. I love you – Jessica













Jessica was sitting at the couch while reading a magazine. But seemed like she didn’t focus on her reading, she was spacing put and reminizing about the incident at the weeding party. her eyes, her lips, her warmth breathes. I still can feel her scent clearly, when she touched my skin, my lips. Uhhhh! How can I feel this way? she is a woman, Sica! And she is a ert jerk! Wake up! – Jessica









“Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!” she screaming when someone surprised her from behind.








“hahahaha… look, your shocked face is so funny! Ahahahha…” someone laughing at her and made her upset.







“Shin Young unnie!!!! I almost have a heart attack! That’s not funny unnie!!” she pouted while crossing her amrs and threw the magazine away.







“hehehe.. you want to read the magazine or just spacing out? You are starring blankly like a Mr. President who was thinking about this whole states. Hahaha..” the older mocking ans teasing her. While the younger give her a glare and pouting.







“tell me, what are you thinking about? Did you have a problem? come, share it with unnie. you know we are more than friends, we are sisters, right?” the older sister said while sat next to the younger.







“hmmmm, unnie.. how’s your feeling when you met Yoochun oppa for the first time? did you have fall for him at firstly?” the younger asked.






“huh? why you ask me about that in a sudden? Hmmm.. no, it’s not a love at the first sight. We were enemies at the first.”






“what? seriously? Then why you marry him?”






“hisshh! I said we were, silly! *punch her cheek* he was a jerk at the first time we met. He was a playboy, you know I hate a plaboy. ” The older said while grabbing the magazine on the couch and read it.








“then, how can you two falling in love each other?” the younger arked curiously and focus at the older talking.








“eh? Why are you so curious? Hmmm.. did you…” the elder asked with a teasing tone made the younger nervous.







“no! I’m just curious about how can two person who were hating each other but end with falling in love each other. That’s it!” the younger said to hide her nervous.







“hahaha.. you are so cute, Sica! Well, we can’t choose to whom we can fall in love with. But sometimes when we hate a person too much means we are paying too much attention for him/her too. Then we can’t stop thinking about her/him all the time. love is growing and flowing with the bad feeling. You are ignoring but you are accepting slowly at the same time. actually i fell for him slowly, but i acted like he was the biggest enemy in my life in front of him. but it’s just happening to some of people, not everyone. Some of them was end in a bad way, keep hating each other till the end.hahaha”

 the older said while laughing hardly, but the younger listening with a serious face. I fell for that ert jerk?! No way! noooooooooooo! - Jessica






“hey, did you fall in love with your enemies?” the older asked.









“w-what? no! I hate that ert jerk!! No way!” oops!

She slipped . Whe she realized what she said, she covered with her hands then running away to her room. While the older sister just laughing and felt amused with her little sister’s acted.




~end of flashback~









~few days later~



Jessica and Yuri keep in silence each other since that day she fainted. They pretend like nothing was happened. Yuri keeping her secret while Jessica pretending like she didn’t know that Yuri has found out her pregnancy. Jessica didn’t tell her unnie yet and just keep it all fo herself while Yuri feel pity for her. Yoochun and Shin Young didn’t notice about what happened to their little sisters, they thought that they’re fine. Yuri always take a good care of Jessica, she drove her to everywhere she goes, she took her to beach to hang out and spent their holiday while Jessica just keep quiet and didn’t refuse or complaining when Yuri give her attention to her. They’re started to close each other.








“hey, becareful! You can’t running like that! you might fall and hit the ground!” Yuri said worriedly when she saw Jessica running from the upstair. She was surprised when Yuri said to her with raised her tone.







“n-ne. I’m sorry.” Jessica said while pouting and walk carefully to her room.








“Sica…” Yuri called her and made her stopped.








“sorry, I’m just worried. I just want to be your good friend.” Yuri said while looked down didn’t dare to face her.







“that’s okay. Thankyou for all your times and your kindness for me. and sorry that I treated you bad at the past.” She said almost shed a tears but she hide it from the tanned girl then walk away.










“this feeling won’t go away. Tell me Sica, what should I do now?” Yuri said when the blonde girl








@Jessica’s room





She cried hardly while holding her kness on the bed. She felt hurt everytime Yuri mention that she just acted as her friend. I know I don’t deserve to have this feeling for you, Yul. I shouldn’t hope the more of you. – Jessica.






*beep* *beep*


Her cellphone vibrated. She whipped her tears then pick up the phone.






When she saw at the screen, there was named



‘my daddy’






“hello, daddy.”

She said while fixing her lack face after crying.






“sooyeon-ah.. how’s your holiday with Shin Young? You have fun, right? daddy, have a good news for you.”






“I’m happy to be here, dad. unnie treat me well. nde? Jinjja? What’s that, dad?”








“good then. Guess what? your little sister and your mother are coming from the sates. They will stay with us!”








“really??! Oh my gosh, are you serious, dad?”

She smiled happily almost jumped, but she managed herself to behave.







“ne.. I promised you to bring them back. Your mother started to accept daddy, Sooyeon-ah.”







“oh my gosh, I’m so happy dad! I miss you all! I can’t wait to see my family are getting back togheter.”







I’ve tell your mother about your pregnancy. She’s sad but she can understand about your situation. Are you sure you won’t let me to find you a father for your baby?”



Her smile disappeared when her dad mention about her pregnancy. She felt sad and guilty.





“no, dad. I’m okay with it. Since I have you, mom, and Krystal with me. I’m sure I can survive without a husband.”







“well, I’ll support you sweetie no matter what happened. daddy love you so much, Sooyeon-ah..”







“*sobs* ne, daddy. I love you too.”























“yes, honey?”






“pick me up, I want to back home now.”







“are you sure? You’re still on your holiday. Won’t you to spent your holiday with your unnie?”








“no, I can do that at another holiday. I just want to spent all day with my family. unnie will not mind it. I’ll tell her that i miss mom and Krystal so much!”








“hmmm. Okey, I’ll pick you up. Wait for me, key? Soon I’ll be there. See you there, honey..i love you so much.”








“thanks dad, I love you too..”



She hang up the phone then starring at the skies trhough the window. Goodbye, Yul. thanks for everything. I hope that forget you is the right choise. You deserve to have a better person. I love you – Jessica









~while at the other place~



A doctor was feeding a patient, while the patient just starring blankly. The doctor just starred at her sadly.





Suddenly she threw the plate and screaming crazily.







“arrghhhh!! No! you can’t do that to my baby! no! don’t kill my baby! I want my baby! I want my baby!!!!” she screaming and explode. Soon the doctor grab her and hold her thight on his embrace.








“suster! Give her an tranquilizer to calm her down! shhhhh… we won’t hurt your baby. we won’t. shhhhh..” he said while hugging her and patted her hair.







“yes, docter Kim.” A nurse give the woman an injection to make her sleep







“Taeyeon-ah.. I want my baby. Where is our baby?” she said while burying her head on his embrace. The tranquilizer was working on her.







“we’ll get our baby back, fany. We will, just wait a little more.” He said to made her calm. When she was tired, he rest her on the bed and wait her till she get in her sleep. He’s patting her while he kissed her palm softly. He starred at the sleeping woman sadly.









“when will you stop it? I missed the old you, honey. It’s been 4 months since we lost the baby. Please get well soon. I promised I’ll find our baby, I’ll find her. And we can live happily with our baby. I promised. I love you, my wife.” He said while kissing her forehead and peck her lips.





















~to be continue~


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Chapter 12: Pero khe?
Chapter 3: Jaja, bueno el cap
Chapter 1: Omiga
leesonekyu #5
Chapter 12: ughhh..what the heck its going to be good and then no ending?
so tragic T.T
Chapter 12: it is a nice story
please write more
Chapter 11: wow, the story is complicated but interesting one o_o
PJParalejas #9
Chapter 10: waaah ?
That's too bad .. I really like this story ..
hope ur next one is just as good .. if not, better :D