chapter 7

in the name of love

In the car along the way to her brother’s house, Yuri and Jessica just keep silence. Jessica sat at the back seat while Yuri drove the car. Once Yuri took a glance at the blonde girl through the mirror but she got a death-glare from the blonde.





“what are you looking at?! Are you checking me out?!!” The blonde girl said coldly while crossed her arms and put her ‘icy-face’ on then made her gluped and trying to focus on her driving.  Jeongmal, an ‘ice princess’! stay away from her or else you’ll be frozen, Yul! gezzzzzzz.. – Yuri thought




After they arrived, Yuri park the car in front of the gate and get out from the car. But she confused when Jessica didn’t want to get out and just staying in the car. She tried to ignore and just wait for her while taking her luggage from the trunk, but still the icy blonde girl didn’t want to come out. Since she is her unnie’s friend, she can’t let this girl upset or else her unnie will be disappointed. She just sighed and forced herself to make a move, she knocked the door.





*knock* *knock*


“hey, won’t you get out? Let’s get in so you can take a rest in the room.” She said a little bit soften.





“open the door.” The blonde said coldly from inside the car.





“what?! who do you think you are?? You can use your own hands!” Yuri protest and refused her command.





“okey, then I won’t get out. I’ll call Shin Young unnie and tell her that her sister-in-law was treating her bestfriend so bad.” The blonde girl threaten.





“hish, jinjja!! Okey okey! I’ll open the door!!” the tanned girl opened the door with anger on her face. She almost exploded but she can managed to hold her temper. The blonde girl cames out from the car arrogantly with her black sunglasses on. The tanned girl just clenched her theeth while smile fakely to the shorter girl.





“bring my bag and my luggage then.” She said with icy-tone then walking away to the house.





“WHAT?!!” Yuri yelled but the blonde ignored her and keep on her way to get in. Yuri tried to hold her anger, she just can sighed and carrying the luggage.










~few hours later inside the house~



Yuri and Jessica keep ignoring each other since they arrived at the house. Jessica was busy with her luggage while Yuri has dressed up and ready to go to her friend’s house. When she’s about going to her car, someone called her.




“hey ert jerk, where are you going?” the blonde girl said coldly while coming out from her room and put her hands on her wist when Yuri passed her room.





“it’s none of your bussines.” Yuri answerd coldly and made the blonde girl mad and sighed.




“take me to the mall, I want to go shopping.” Once again the blonde girl said with a bossy tone and made Yuri boiled.





“just go by your own feets then.” Yuri tried to hold her temper and calm herself down.






“okay. I’ll tell Shi-,” when she tried to finish her words, suddenly the tanned girl grabbed her hands and dragged her away to the car. She shocked and struggled to get off of her, but she’s too stronger.





“hey! Get off of my hand! What are you doing?!  Hyaa!!” she shouted while keep struggling to release her hand but the tanned girl dragged her to the car and threw her in.




the sound of the door closed forcely. After the tanned girl locked the blonde girl at the back seat, she took the drive-seat and drove her car away while keep ignoring the blonde girl who can’t stop struggling.




“hyaa!! What do you think you’re doing?! Are you insane?! Stop the car NOW!” Jessica shouted to the tanned girl but she ignored.





“I’ll go to my friend’s house first then I’ll take you to the mall.” Yuri said while her face straightly focus on her drove.





“I’M NOT PREPARED MYSELF YET! AND I DIDN’T BRING MY MONEY! GET BACK, NOW!” Jessica shouted madly to the tanned girl at the back seat. But she ignored her and made the blonde girl going to explode.






“I SAID, GET BACK! NOW!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!” she insert her dolphin-scream and made the tanned girl stop her car in a sudden.



*crack* *crack*



The car was stopped but none both of them want to speak out first. Till the tanned girl decided to speak her mind about the blonde girl’s attitude that made her upset and got a temper.





“now, what do you want exactly?! You want to take your  revenge?! Okay I’ll serve you well, but please not on my holiday trip!! I’m here to have fun and enjoying my trip, but you ruin it!!” the tanned girl shouted to the icy-girl and finally speak up her mind. Yuri is not a person who got easily shouted or yelled to other people. She has tried to hold her anger since she have a tolerant and respect to the blonde girl cause she is her sister-in-law’s friend and she has made a mistake to her, but her attitude was just too much.






“I said I will take my revernge. I can’t let you go easily since what have you done to me on the wedding party! what do you think I am? A ?! I’m not a who get kissed from a random guys!! NOW GET ME BACK TO THE HOUSE!! OR ELSE I’LL CALL THE POLICE AND TELL THEM THAT YOU’RE KIDNAPPING ME!!” the blonde girl shouted stubbornly.


 When she mention about the kiss, Yuri’s eyes widened then she remember about the stupid thing that she have done toward this girl. Once she felt that she’s attracting and she fell for her on the first time they met. She looked down and felt guilty. She betrayed herself, her mom, and especially her religion. It’s so wrong that a woman has a feelong for another woman. No no no! it’s wrong! I can’t have this feeling! Wake up, Yuri!! - Yuri





“I’ll drop you home. Sorry for my bad tempered.” Yuri said while turning back her car and drove the blonde girl to home. Jessica just smirk and glare at her through the mirror.













~at the house~


When they were back home, Jessica immadietly get out from the car and run to get in the house without seeing the tanned girl while Yuri just stunned in the car at her drive-seat while staring blankly.




“no. I’m normal, I love guys not girls!! It’s forbidden, God doesn’t like a betrayer! But why I feel this way? I never liked a girl before, I didn’t get interest on girls! But when I see her eyes, those beautiful eyes and soft lips. No!! oh God, please erase this feeling from me! ” she keep struggling with her own mind since she felt confused about the feeling. She realized that she has fell for her at the firstly, but it’s so wrong for her. God, why you created me in this way?! i beleive in your love.. please, Don’t let me anger you! – Yuri





*beeb* *beeb*

Her cellphone vibrated and made her wake up from her spacing out. When she saw the caller’s name on the screen, she immediately answer the call then put her normal face on and smile.




“ne, unnie?”




“hey Yuri. How’s she? Is she okay with you?”




“oh, ne. she’s okay but a little bit hard to handle her spoiled attitude.hehe..”




“hahhaa.. just be more patient toward her, Yul. she’s a daddy’s little girl, no wonder she is so stubborn and spoiled. But I ensure you, she’s a cute and a good girl actually.”




yeah.. cute and good girl..”




what did you say, Yul? unnie can’t get it.”




“eh? Nothing unnie. hmm.. how is oppa, unnie? when do you two going back home? I’m suffering and feel lonely when you two were not here.” Lied, I’m suffering cause you leave me alone at home with that arrogant, violence and spoiled ice princess! Stresss! – Yuri




“hahha.. cutie KkabYul! That’s why I leave her with you. I bet that she will make your day full of cheerness.”  No! my day full of misery with her! – Yuri








“key, Yul. I just wanna make sure that you two are okay.” We are not okay, unnie – Yuri




“then, I’ll back to the meeting. Just have fun, my KkabYul! We’ll going back home soon after the meeting. Love yaa *chuu~*!”





“love you too, unnie.”


She hang up the phone and threw it on the seat.



“*sigh* WHY YOU HAVE TO COME INTO MY LIFE AND RUIN IT, JESSICA JUNG!! ARRGGGHH!” she shouted while banging the steering wheel frustasedtly.



















“what!? did you just call my name!?”

















Damn – Yuri














To be continue

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Chapter 12: Pero khe?
Chapter 3: Jaja, bueno el cap
Chapter 1: Omiga
leesonekyu #5
Chapter 12: ughhh..what the heck its going to be good and then no ending?
so tragic T.T
Chapter 12: it is a nice story
please write more
Chapter 11: wow, the story is complicated but interesting one o_o
PJParalejas #9
Chapter 10: waaah ?
That's too bad .. I really like this story ..
hope ur next one is just as good .. if not, better :D