Were at the TV studio preparing for  Interview this will be the first and last time that I will talk about Gene and Jidian, and im also announcing my upcoming marriage to the whole world, and Seung Hyun hyung will also announce the pregnancy of Miya, were doing our makeup and fitting of clothes,

“Oh I want that jacket by Jeremy scott!!” Seungri said when he saw the clothes getting inside “It would look good on me”

“Ask the stylist first, before wearing anything, Idiot!” I said sitting on the chair while my hairstylist doing

“Arrasseo, Hyung” he said

“Ji are going to tell everything today?” Youngbae ask

“Yes, this is will be the first and last time” I said

“I hope everything will be fine after this, are you sure she is ready Hyung?” Daesung said

“I talked to her about it, and she said it was ok, and besides im not telling her name and no pictures” I said

“Press will surely be curious about her and him” Seungri said

“I know Seungri but I have to do this for them also, and I need to clear things for the VIP’s”

“Yeah, they been curious really my twitter is been flooded with messages” Youngbae said

After preparing for we went to the stage it will merely going to be a talked show, Q/A… and we greet the host of the show and it start…

Host: Good Morning everyone… ah… it’s a great Tuesday afternoon don’t you think?

Audience: YES!

Host: Ah our audience is so alive! And now we have a very special guest for today’s episode, I know you been waiting for them, they are here to Answer all of our Questions and to promote their newest album for their Most awaited comeback, Let’s all welcome “BIGBANG!” (Audience clapping)

Bigbang: Hello everyone! What’s up were BIGBANG!! (Bow and sit down)

Host: Oh they are really all handsome… so let’s begin with introducing your self

“annyeong haseyo TOP imnida” bow

“annyeong haseyo Daesung Imnida” bow

“annyeong haseyo Seungri Imnida”bow

“annyeong haseyo Taeyang imnida” bow

“annyeong haseyo G-Dragon imnida, thank you for having us here” bow

Host: There are so polite, so I just want to ask how you been in vacation?  how was it? Who would like to answer first?

(Seungri raise hand)

Seungri: Oh… our vacation was really great and we had a lot of fun and it gave us a lot of time to think about what is to prepare for the next album.

Daesung: But of course we also have fun with each other companies and we meet lot of people and learn from them.

Host: that sounds so good and exciting, so they said you have a vacation in the Philippines? Is that right?

TOP: Yes, we been to my wife house in the Philippines and it was near the beach so it was really a Vacation for us and we                   really had a lot of fun.

Host: oh is this serve as you honeymoon as well Top shii?

TOP: Ah… (Laughed) Yes! (Answer shyly)

Host: Oh don’t be shy, it’s normal for a couple to have a honey moon, so did the honey moon successful? Coz there are rumors that said it was?

Everyone was laughing…

TOP: Yes it was…

Host: OH… congratulation! BigBang has now a little Top coming along… (Everyone clapping) that was good news for everyone, so how long is she pregnant?

TOP: Almost 5 months now

Host: Oh we will wait for that baby to arrive; now there are also rumors about G-Dragon.

GD: Yes, there are and im ready to answer them for the first and last time, I will talk about it.

Host: A very serious answer and brave, so when you arrive fans and press are so curious about the child that you are holding in the airport? There are speculation that he was your child and hiding him in another country?

GD: It is true that he was my child (Audience: Oh….) but I was not hiding him.

Host: So you’re saying that you are now married?

GD: Yes, I am now married to his mother, and he is my biological child, I meet his mother 4 years ago through TOP hyung wife, and we had past but eventually things didn’t work out for the both of us in that time, so she leave Korea and came back to the Philippines but I never knew she was pregnant at that time.

Host: so you only knew that he was your child when you saw each other again?

GD: Yes, TOP hyung wife is her best friend and they live just a few blocks away in the Philippines when I saw her again I felt, the love that I had before for her never fades away, and I had suspicions coz the child is really a replica of me, then I need to make a move to make her mine again, I gain help from the boys and top hyung’s wife and it turn out to be good and im really thankful to everyone.

Host: Wow, I really thought that kind of scenes is just happening in the movies,

VI: We thought it too, but were really happy for hyung that he finally found his happiness

Host: A very supporting dongseng, did the wedding happen in the Philippines?

GD: Yes, and about that I want to say sorry to all the VIP’s that has been waiting for my answer to all of the rumors I hope you understand, and please keep supporting me and my family and also BIGBANG, I promised to worked hard to give you our beloved VIP’s a more good music and performances in the future, and also I would like to announce that we will have a Korean tradional wedding.

Host: Oh so you’re planning to have a Korean wedding? Will it be open to the public or a private wedding?

GD: Actually we haven’t talked about it yet; me and my agency will have a meeting about it and let you know soon.

Host: That was very exciting, what do you think people?

Audience: YES! (Clapping their hands) Your fans are very supporting

YB: Yes we are so great full to have fans like them, and they never leave us even in a tough situation we really like to give it back to them with a great music and performances. Thank you very much vip’s! (Everyone clapping)

Host: A very touching moment for an idol and their fans. (Everyone clapping) So now my next question is for Taeyang, uhmm… when the boys get back here in Korea, you are not with them fans are very curious of you were about’s? They said you were in japan? And some said you were in L.A?

YB: Yes I had to go somewhere with my Girlfriend (Audience: Oh….) (YB Laughed)

Host: so I see Taeyang is dating, don’t tell me you’re already married too? (ask in a joke way)

YB: ahahhaha! No im not yet married.

Host: Girl’s still have chance right?  Audience: YES!!! (Everyone laughing) can we know where you and your girlfriend went?

VI: They had early honey moon, (Everyone was laughing)

GD: Seungri ah, you had yours too right? (Laughing)

VI: AH hyung! Im just joking!

DAE: Seungri you said once you’re jealous of TOP hyung, you already wanted a child hahaha…

VI: Did I say that?  Hahaha… maybe in the future, not now.

Host: so Taeyang shii…

YB: We went to her second home town, in France.

Host: France it is, Wow it was a very beautiful city, and im sure she was a very beautiful girl.

YB: Yes, it was a very beautiful place, she toured me around and I had a lot of inspiration from there and you can all hear it from our album, and yes she was a very beautiful inside and out.

Host: What a very lucky women, im sure all of the girls here and the one watching in their homes are very jealous of your Wife’s and girlfriends… So that’s left with Seungri and Deasung?

DAE: Im still single, any one want’s to apply? (All girls raising their hands) Omoo… all of them are my GF… im not single any more  hahahaha… (Everyone laughed)


Seungri: What do you think? Im single or not?

Audience: NO!!!

Seungri: They are really VIP’s they know me well (everyone laughed) and your right!

Host: So the one is only available is Daesung, Girls you know what to do…

After discussing about out private life and about the album we gave a performance to the stage and the show is done, we bow to the host and left to the back stage to change and to our next schedule.

^_^ after 2 months  

Two months had pass since I announce about Gene and Jidian well press is not in chaos unlike to what I’ve been expected, Everything went smoothly even our Korean wedding we decide to make it open to the public because gene thinks that The fans want to see to since our first wedding is already private and she felt guilty for the fans, Gen already finish her Korean language and she can speak and write Korean now, actually she was a fast learner, and Jidian is doing great too in school, even BB promotion was going good, I hope everyday was like this.


I was talking to cat on the phone,

“When you will be here?” I ask

“Maybe, in two days, im still finishing some things here”

“And what is the reason again why are you coming here, besides from visiting us?”

“Oh im also visiting my class mate in college that has been working there”

“I see, call me again when you confirm your schedule ok?”

“I will don’t worry” she said “And im going to introduced you to my boyfriend”

“Really? I can’t wait”

“I need to go, ok see you soon”

“See you soon” then I hang up after that I went to the kitchen to get something to eat

“Eomma” Jidian called behind the fridge

“Yes baby? Want to eat something?” I ask and he nodded

“Ice cream perhaps?” I ask

“Yes pls” a voice said and we both look it was ji yong

“Ohh.. ice cream for everyone” I said get the tub of ice cream and we all sat on the couch while watching TV Jidian is in the lap of Ji yong while I was beside ji yong….


Twist and turn update!! Daesung tim to fall in love!! ubut who?? can you guys guess? 

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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)