^_^ Wedding day


I woke up early and prepare for the greatest day of my life Miya and my mom help me prepare (Wedding gown)

“Oh you look so beautiful honey! More gorgeous!” My mom said almost crying

“Mom, save your crying later” I said

“You’re beautiful” Miya said

“Thanks!” is said smiling then a knock on the door “Come in” is said and Catherine came inside

“OMG CATHERINE!!” Miya said and hugged cat

“MIYA!” Cat said

“How are you? OMG I really miss you” Miya said

“Me too, im fine and still single!” she muttered while walking to me “You gorgeous as ever” she said

“Thank you, you look great too” I said

“Let’s take a picture of you three” my mom said and we pose im the middle and Miya on my right and Cat on my left

“So cat are you alone?” Miya said

“Yup, after this I’ll be going back to manila, I have load of stuff to finish” Cat said

“You seem very busy and you still manage to come, Thank you” I said

“It’s my best friend wedding, & I already missed Miya’s wedding, I wouldn’t missed this one” she said

“Come on I’ll introduced you to everyone, we will be back” Miya said and they both walked out the door


“So how many months is that?” Cat said pointing to my tummy I smiled

“Almost 3 months” I said and she nodded

“Congratulation you’re going to be a mom now, remember when where little we used to play around pretending you’re the mother and me and gene are you daughters” she said

“Yeah, how could I forget that, it was the time your mom was so angry at us because your whole house is a mess because we play around all day!” I said and we both laughed

“And now it’s not a child’s play anymore, its reality” she said

“Yeah, and im happy about it and afraid at the same time being a mom is a huge responsibilities” I said

“Of course it is, so when do I meet this husband of yours?” she said

“In a moment” when we get to the wedding place where people are waiting I saw TOP beside Ji yong with Seungri and Daesung “There they are” I said and we walked to them

“Hey Babe” Seung Hyun said

“Nervous?” I asks looking at ji yong who is look like to collapse any moment now

“Oh yeah, I feel more nervous now than our debut!” ji yong said

“Guys this is Catherine, I believe you already meet ji yong the groom”

“Nice to meet you again, and best wishes” Cat said to ji yong

“Thanks, and im glad you came” ji yong said

“And this is my Husband Choi Seung Hyun” I said

“Hi nice meet you” Cat said and reach for seung hyun’s hands

“Nice to meet you too” seung hyun said

“And this is Seungri and Daesung”

“Hi nice to meet you” Seungri said

“Nice to meet you” Daesung said giving a nice warm smile as always

“Nice to meet both of you”

“And this is Yen seungri’s Girlfriend” I said

“Hi nice to meet you” yen said

“Nice to meet you too” Cat said

“Is Miya all prepared already?” Ji yong ask

“Easy ji yong, she will not run away or something” I said “Were going back to check her out ok” I said

“Be care in walking babe” Seung hyun said

“Don’t worry im here” cat said and we walked back to Gene room

As we walking we saw someone looking in the window it was a man, cat and I look at each other and walked to the man

“Excuse me? Do you need anything?” Cat said and the man looks at us weirdly and he suddenly runs off

“Wait?!” I shouted

“Did you know him? What does he need spying on Gene’s room?” cat ask

“I didn’t know him” I simply said and my heartbeat starts to pumped and suddenly gets chills all over my body

“Let’s go inside” cat said

We went inside and we saw Gene sitting on the edge of the bed and smiling

“Hey you ready?” I ask smiling

“Yes, I am”

“You know we saw a man spying on you earlier” Cat said

“What? What man?” Gene said

“I don’t know him but, I think it has something to do with the letters” I said nervously

“What should we do? I cannot let this day ruined” Gene ask nervously

“What letter? What are you both talking about?” Cat said looking at us confuse

I explain to her everything that is happening to Gene

“OMG, that is way too scary!” she said

“Yeah it is!” Gene said

“im going to call Seung hyun” I said I dialed seung hyun number

“Yeobo, can you come here and picked at us up” I said

“Why? Is there something wrong?” he ask

“I’ll explain when you get here, and Daesung too” I said

“Ok well be there” he said and I hang up

“They will be coming, it’s dangerous if it just are going to walked through that door” I said

We all waited and we heard Seung hyun voice shouting

“HEY WHO ARE YOU?!” He said

“It’s Seung hyun!” I said I open the door and I saw him “Seung hyun? What happen?” I ask

“There someone who whooping around your room” he said “Daesung run over to catch him”

“Go and help Dae” I said

“What about you?”

“Where fine, where going to call Ji yong” I said and he run over to help dae while I called Gene’s dad and tell them to come over, they all come over

“What happen?” Ji yong said

“There is some guy who’s spying on Gene’s room, we don’t know who it is?” I said

“Seung hyun and Daesung run after him” Cat said

“Where is gene?” Ji yong ask

“Inside, she was fine” I said and his relief and sigh then Seung hyun and Daesung came back dragging the man

“Uncle I think we should called the police now” I said to Gene’s dad he nodded and dialed his phone to get the police

As Seung Hyun and Daesung come close and held the man in his hands

“Who are you?” I ask “And why are you spying on this room?” I ask

Then gene went out of the room

“Ryan?” she said

“Ryan? Your Ex-?” I ask and she nodded

“Oh yeah I knew I saw you before” ji yong said

“So your one behind those letters?” I said

“I thought you’re already in Singapore, and you’re here to ruined my marriage” Gene said

“Well not quite, Im here to get you back” Ryan said

“Too bad your plan didn’t work” Seung hyun said

The police came and get Ryan the wedding was delayed for a few hours but after that it continued…


“And you may now kiss the bride” The pastor said and we faced each other everyone was cheering for us, Ji yong cup my faced and kissed me deeply after that all I know is I was crying im married to the man I loved to the person I will grow old with, the father of my son, every day, every night, now and forever we will be together and no one could tear us apart, he wiped my tears as I wiped his tears, Jidian run over to us and Jidian picked him up, after that we take picture with everyone and have fun at the reception, I changed my clothes to more comfortable one,

Everyone was having fun it was really the best day

“I think Jidian is already tired” Dad said while holding Jidian on his lap sleepy

“I think so too, im going to take him to your room” My mom said and thy both took him to our room

“So when you guys are flying to korea?” Cat ask

“Next week” I said

“That soon? Well I can always visit you guys, since we have an office at Seoul” Cat said

“That’s good” Miya said

We all laughed and Talked all night… 



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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)