IM BACK!!! Sorry for not updating this past few days!! I've been on my mom hometown and beleive me or not, There are no Cellular phone signal unless i climb up to the mountains!! SO NO NET FOR ME FOR THE LAST 5 DAYS!! And almost No cellphone Signal!! 

But i have wrtten so many updates so look forward to it!! And here is the next chapt! Enejoy!!! 

Drop a comment!! ^_^


Were at the resorts Resto eating lunch,

“Don’t just poke your food jidian, eat it” I said to jidian

“Jidian listen to your mama” ji yong said

“But I don’t like eating pancake for now” Jidian said

“Stop whining about your food jidian, I’m not giving you any if you’re not going to eat that, then you can wait for lunch” I said

“But mama” he whine

“Stop it ok” I said

“Hey, don’t scold him like that, why don’t you just gave him what he wants to eat”

“Ji if I always going to gave him what he want to eat, soon his going to have be so picky” I said and jidian began crying

“Jidian stop crying ok, just tell papa what you want to eat ok?” he said

“Ji…” I said but he doesn’t listen to me and order food that jidian wants.

After eating lunch I walked to my office a little bit annoyed to ji yong coz he shouldn’t spoiled jidian with things he wants. Then I heard knock on the door

“Come in” I said without looking on who is coming

“Babe” he said in low voice I didn’t even bother to look just the sounds of the voice I already know who it is, I didn’t answer and keep doing on what I’ve been doing. “Hey, please don’t be mad, I just don’t want to see jidian crying”

“Ji yong we shouldn’t spoiled jidian with just simple things like that, if his always whining about something we cannot always gave it to him” I said in a pissed voice

“I know, but I just know jidian now and I just want to make up things with my son, I want to spoiled him for the past 4 years that I didn’t be there for him”

“You can always show it to him, in different ways not with giving him all the things that he wanted, it’s one way if disciplining him ji, and you should know that by now” I said

“I know, and I’m sorry it’s just the way that I think to get back to jidian, Please don’t be mad at me” he said

“Just please promise me to not do that again” I said

“I promised!” he said I smiled at him he sat in front of my table

“So what are you still doing here?” I asks

“uhmmm… I just want to ask who is that ryan?” he said and i was speechless for a moment

“His not just an old friend” I said

“So his your ex?”

“Yes” I said

“It’s fine right? There is nothing I need to worry about?”

I stand up from my chair and walked to him he stand up in front of me, I caress his face and plant a soft kiss on his lips

“Kwon ji yong, you’re the father of jidian cruz, you’re the one that I choose, you’re the one that I love, so there is nothing to worry about” I said

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pull me closer, he kiss me deeply

“Thank you for that assurance babe, I love you and I promised to make our family the most precious one” he said

“Thank you and pleased don’t think too much ok” I said and he nodded “I need to work now”

“Can you just leave for me? Since jidian is with his nanny and your mom and dad is on the beach, the house is empty you know for us to play” he said smirked

“YAH! Kwon Ji yong!” I shouted and smack his chest a bit

“What! Im just saying!” he said “ok.. ok… I’ll leave for you work, but still my offer is still on tonight!” he said while closing the door


It was already noon and I felt hungry so I walked down to the kitchen and find something to eat , I open the fridge and I saw 2 slice of mocha cake, some leftover ham sandwich, and some bibimbap that I cooked yester coz seung hyun is like whining about it,

“I really want some mangoes right now” I murmured I close the fridge and I saw Seung Hyun walking down the stairs

“Yeobo, are you hungry?” he ask pulling me into closer

“Yes, I want some yellow mangoes, can you buy some for me?” I ask

“Sure, I will just call seungri to accompany me” he said and I nodded and smiled I sat on the couch and watch tv and wait for them to comeback.

“Yeobo” I heard seung hyun walking inside the living room I turn and look around and I saw a plastic bag of yellow mangoes, I stand up and walked to him,

“Noona, we bought a lot since you like them so much” seungri said

“Awww… Thank you boys!”  I said and gave them both a peek on the cheeks and grabbed the plastic on seung hyun’s hands and walked inside the kitchen and washed the mangoes and slice them and I sat on the counter and start eating them,

“Oh… this is so sweet” I said and seung hyun sat beside me

“it is really that good?” he ask and I nodded “Can I have some?” he ask

“here” I said handing him a spoon of mangoes into his mouth

“Oh this is really sweet” he said “I was just wondering what our going baby is going to be? A boy? Or a girl?”

“I want a girl” I said

“Why?” he said

“Because I can dress him up and play with her, but if it’s a boy it will be just fine too” I said

“Your right, whatever it is, it doesn’t matter” he said

“Did you tell your mom and unnie already?” I ask

“I called earlier when you’re sleeping and mom said we should go back to korea immediately”

“But we still have 2 months here” I said

“I already told her that you can go back even your tummy is a little big” he said and I nodded after that seung hyun keep feeding me until I was full


I was on the bench in front of the beach with Youngbae, his hand wrapped on my waist and my head resting on his chest,

“Youngbae ah…” I said

“Hmmm” he said

“When will you comeback to korea?” I ask

“In about two months, why?”

“It’s just… what will happen to us?”

“What do you mean?”

“You will go back to korea and continue doing your stuff, while me I’m still not decided what to do, if I will go back to France and continue my work of stay here and help ate gene in the resort”  I said

“Why don’t you just come with me back in Korea, you can find job there and besides Miya will there too”

“It’s so easy when you said it, but it’s not that easy you know” I said

“Baby, Don’t think about it ok, we can process your papers we still have two months, we will help you don’t worry” kissing the top of my head, I didn’t respond because I still don’t know what to do, maybe his right I can go with him but im still doubting about going to a different country and adjust like when we decided to live in France it was a very big step for me and my family.


After that we went back to ate miya’s house and eat dinner after I went to my room and I take a shower and change to my clothes then someone knock on my door, I open it and it was ate miya

“Ate” I said (Unnie)

“Pwede ba kong pumasok?” (Can I come in?”) she ask and I nodded and step aside to let her in and I close the door and she sat on the edge of the bed, I take a chair and sit in front of her,

“May problema ba?” (Is there a problem?”) I ask

“Wala naman, may gusto lang akong itanung sayo” (Nothing, I just want to ask you something)

“Shoot” I said

“Kanina kasi napansin ko matamlay ka tsaka tahimik hindi din kayo masyadong nagpapansinan ni Youngbae, nagkatampuhan ba kayo?” (Earlier I just notice that you’re a bit quiet and you and Youngbae didn’t talk much, are you guys having some misunderstandings?”)

“Ah yun ba… Nagusap kasi kami kanina, tinanong ko siya kung panu na kami kapag bumalik na kayo ng Korea” (Oh that… We talked earlier, I ask him if you guys already leaving for Korea, what will happen to us?)

“Anung sabi niya?” (what did he said?)

“He said that I should come with you and work there and live with him”  I said

“Anung sinagot mo?” (What did you answered him?)

“Wala, Hindi ko pa alam sa ngayon” (Nothing, I still don’t know what to answer him)

“He has a point; I can help you find job there and an apartment”

“I know everyone can help me, but it’s just that I’m still not sure what to do right now”

“I understand it is difficult to adjust in the life that you didn’t know, but if you will learn to accept t with all your heart and your happy on what you are doing, then there is nothing to be afraid of”

I smiled “Your right, I think I really fall for Youngbae this time, but sometimes I feel like I was with a saint, he is just too perfect for a guy” I said and ate miya burst into laughter

“Youngbae is just like that, as long as he thinks a problem can be solve by talking he will not force it”

“Yeah, I couldn’t imagine life without him; you think he feels the same way as I do?”

“From what im seeing, yes he is feeling the same with you, don’t worry Youngbae is really one kind of a guy, I know he will take care of you” Ate Miya said

“Thanks ate”

“For what?”

“For always being there, even when were little your always there for me, that is why I feel so embarrassed and guilty when that incident in your life happen, I couldn’t do anything to help you”

“Rose, its ok it’s not your fault and besides even if you could something i wouldn’t let you let you help me, it’s way too dangerous at that time” she said I just hugged her “Just remember that no matter what I’m always here for you, as a big sister”

“Thank you ate miya!” I said

“You should sleep now ok, and tomorrow talked about it with Youngbae, im not used that you too are cold to each other” she said and I nodded she stand up and walked to the door “Good night!”

“Good Night ate” I said I closed the door and jump to my bed I sleep thinking about what to say to Youngbae

^_^ Morning

Ate Miya and the others wake up early to go to manila and went to the embassy only me is the one left In the house, maybe could talked to Youngbae later when they got back, I just went to the resort and saw Ate Gene and Jidian,

“Jidian” I said walking to them

“Ate Rose” Jidian said

“Hi ate gene”

“hi rose, where are you going?” she ask

“Actually I have nowhere to go, I was just walking around looking for something to do” I said

“Really? You could come with us in the city hall”

“City hall? Why?”

“I was preparing jidian’s paper so that we can change his last name to kwon; ji yong said he wanted to fixed things while he was here”

“Oh really, are you guys getting married already?” I ask

“No, actually I don’t know what to do about that, and he hasn’t ask me yet”

“Let’s go, let’s just talked in the car”

We went to the car, I sat beside the driver seat while jidian sat at the back with the children car seat and buckled up, ate gene drive off to the city hall,

“Why he hasn’t ask you for marriage yet?” I ask

“Because I ask him to take it all slow, because I still don’t know what to do with the resort”

“You could left it with Kuya Nathaniel, and besides Tito is still there” I said

“I know but it’s not easy for me just to drop everything, im used being a working mother, and now should I learn being a plain house wife, doing nothing just at home”

“You could still work, when you guys are already in Korea”

“No, ji yong won’t allow me to work”


“Ji yong is very sensitive in that, you just now every time my office hour is over he came to the exact time to picked me up, and when im doing an over time he always got tantrums on me, and when I’m having a meeting he always spy on me, he didn’t know that I already know what his doing”

I laughed at what she said “Really? Ji yong really loves you, his just afraid you might run away for another guy”

“I know that, and that is why I’m just keeping to me, he is just so cute on what he is doing, but sometimes I felt like a kid being watched by my dad” i laughed hard again

“I know how you feel, coz it’s the same for me” I said

“What do you mean? Are you having problems with Youngbae?”

“No, it’s just that he wanted me to come with them when they go back to Korea and work there and live with him”

“so did you say yes?”

“I haven’t answered him yet, but I will talked to him later when they got back”

“You should really talked, I’m sorry I cannot gave any advice coz for myself I don’t know what to do”

“It’s ok, I understand and besides I already talked to ate miya”

“That Is great, Miya always gave good advice”

“Yeah your right”

“Mama im hugry” Jidian muttered

“Again? You just drink you milk earlier before we left right?” Ate Gene said

“But im hungry”

“Ok we will buy something when we get there”

“Jidian it’s a sign that you’re growing up, your always hungry” I said and we both laughed and after we get all the papers that ate gene needed for jidian we take jidian to the mall and eat and play a little before we got back to the resort, I walked back home and the others already got back from the trip,

“Hey how your trip?” I ask seungri sitting on the chair

“Oh I was so exhausted, it was a long process!” he muttered

“Yeah, I didn’t know it was this hard, usually our managers are doing this for us” Daesung said on the other side of the chair

“Where is ate miya?”

“Oh in there room, she was really tired and having headache all day, so hyung take her upstairs immediately” seungri said

“And Youngbae?”

“In his room too” Daesung said

“Did you guys eat already?” I ask

“Yeah, we already, you go up to Youngbae hyung now, were fine I here” seungri said

“Ok, in case you’re both hungry there’s a cake on the fridge” I said and they both nodded and I went upstairs to Youngbae room.

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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)