My head hurts badly I felt so dizzy, I can feel I was lying in bed, I slowly open my eyes, white ceiling is all I can see , I slowly sit up,

“Where im I?” I murmured “What the hell did just happen?” I felt something wrapped around my head then I remember Gabriel took me forcedly, and I hit my head on the car that is why I lose consciousness and I felt dizzy, I look around with my eyes,

“Your awake, is there something hurt?” Gabriel ask popping in front of me

“You bastard!! Get me back home!” i said standing up but I was dizzy and started to fall out but he catch me before I hit the floor

“Be careful, just stay in bed” he said and walked me back to the bed

“Gab, even if you take me I could never love you back” I said

“I will make it happen, I could make you love me again, and we will be happy” he said I just sigh coz I have no strength to fight with him, maybe if could rest and gather my strength  could find a way to escaped, and I think there also searching for me now, since Daesung saw me earlier, I lay on the bed and curl to the side

“Are you hungry?” he asks I didn’t answer and just close my eyes “Just call me when you need something” he said and walked out and locked the door, I look at the window above my bed and all I can see is the wide deep blue sea, where could he have taken me, well for now I need to recover my strength to plan an escape from here, I closed my eyes and went to sleep


We reported what happen to rose to the police since Daesung is one who saw the whole scene he was the one that’s going to be ask,

“What is the color of the car? And brand?” The police ask

“A red Mercedes benz” dae said

“Did you remember the plate number?”

“Actually it has no plate number” dae said

“What? No plate number?” Miya said

“Usually kidnappers do that so that they cannot be trace” one of the police said

“Did you see the face of the person who took her?”

“I only saw his back, he has a brown hair and nice clean cut, his shoulder was broad and I can say he has a built”

“It’s definitely Gabriel” I said

“Gabriel?” one of the police said

“Yeah, its Rose ex-boyfriend he was here to get rose back, I knew he was him who took rose” I said with anger in voice

“So this Gabriel is he a foreigner?”

“All we know is he is from France and rose ex” Daesung said

“Wait, Yen could help us, Daesung hurry and called yen” Miya said and dae nodded and called yen

After a few minutes Yen come running to the police station

“Ate miya, what happen?” she ask

“Gabriel took rose, and we don’t know where he take her” miya said

“That bastard!”

“We called you here to get some information about Gabriel” I said “it might help to find rose”

“Well Gabriel is a from France, he was a Mechanical Engineer graduate, me, rose, Martin, and him are friends we all meet in college, since martin court me while he court Rose, at first there relationship was good they lasted for almost 2 years, even when me and martin broke up, but one night Rose pay a surprise visit to Gab, but she was shocked to found out that gab was cheating on her, she decide to broke up with him, then we thought gab was over with rose but we were just surprise martin and Gabriel was here already”

“Did you know if he has any relative here in the Philippines?” one of the police ask

“No, he has no relative here, but he has friends that live here”

“Somehow did you know who is this friend of him?”

“No, but One person might know, Martin” Yen said

“And where is this martin?” Daesung said

“They are both staying in the resort’s hotel” Yen said

“We need to talk to this martin, to find out what he knows”

Everyone went to the hotel and the police talk to martin he said they had friends that live in the Philippines but they were in France working, and he didn’t know what Gabriel is planning, and all he want was to get back to Yen but not in gab way.


2 days! 2 ing days im still imprison in this room all I can see is the deep blue ocean through my window, im missing everyone, especially Youngbae the last two days I sleep while crying thinking of him, my head is better now Gabriel was checking for me every once in a while, and bring food and asking if I want anything,

“I want to go back Home to Youngbae!” that is what im always saying to him and he would just walked outside and leave the tray of food, I was eating the food I need strength if I want to escape from here, but how? Im not allowed to go anywhere besides this four corner room, I need to study the place, im sure I was still in Palawan, but where? He could have taken me to an island somewhere far from the resort, but no matter what I need to get out from here.

Gabriel walked inside the room as I was sitting and just looking out the window,

“Here I bought you some new clothes” he said I look at him and he placed the clothes on the bed I look back to the window

“2 days from now were flying back to france” he said and my eyes widen

“What? Im not going with you! Just kill me” I said glaring at him

“There is a helicopter that will picked us from here to the airport in manila, I don’t care if you don’t want to come you have no choice” he said and leave the room

I sigh please god I don’t want to go with him, please save me from that devil, I want Youngbae I missed my family already I need them, please gave me courage and strength to surpass this. I walked the door and turn the knob it was locked, I look at the clothes at the bed, I went to the bathroom and take a shower


As much as I don’t want to do this I need rose in my life, call me selfish I don’t care all I want is her, I know I’ve been a jerk for doing that to her before but I really love her, I’ve never meet anyone like her and I don’t think I could anyone meet anyone like her, I’ve been stalking her since the day I came here, he was with that Asian guy every time they were together it’s like I want to grab her and kiss her.

I was reading a magazine in the living room then,

*THUD*I sound noise coming from Rose room,

I ran to the door and knock

“Rose is everything fine?” I shouted then no answer

I unlock the door and walked inside she was not there, I walk to the bathroom and I saw her lying on the floor

“Rose!” I said and picked her up and brought her to the car and drive to the nearest hospital


I DID IT!! I TRICKED HIM!! I faked that I slipped on the bathroom, and lost consciousness I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to bring me to the hospital, he was panicking, I heard the doctor and nurses asking what happen and I stay my eyes closed and pretend to be unconscious, they put me in a stretcher and take me to the emergency room, as they checked what happened to me, open my eyes a little bit

“Miss are you awake?” one of the doctor ask, I slowly open my eyes and saw the doctor

“Please can you help me? The guy that brought me here kidnapped me” I said

“So you’re not really hurt?” the nurse said

“No, and im sorry I know that your all busy, I just need to do this to escape” I said

“OK, Nurse call the police and tell them what happen, for now keep the guy outside and told  him to wait and told him he still cannot see ms. Rose” the doctor said.

“Thank you!” I said 


Anoher update!! Thanks for reading! and i have a new readers!! YIPEEE!!! 

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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)