“Youngbae!” I shouted at the bottom of the stairs I’m afraid were going to be late to pick up Yen at the airport

“Can we come with you?” Seungri ask

“I think it’s better for you to stay here seungri” Ate miya said sitting on the couch eating snickers again “People might recognize you at the airport since there are many foreigners there”

“Yes I think it’s not a good idea though” Daesung said

“You can wait us here Seungri” I said

“Let’s go” Youngbae said running down the stairs

We walked outside and get in the car and drive off to airport, great were not late and I wait at the arrival section to wait for her flight to be announce and Youngbae stay on the car, after a 15 minutes of waiting I heard her flight number and it said that I was landed already, My eyes keep eyeing on her face whenever someone is walking through the door, then

“Yen!” I said waving my hands and she saw me and smiled at me she walked to me and we hugged each other

“Oh I miss you so much!” Yen said

“Me too!!” I said I break the hug “Let’s go Youngbae is waiting in the car” I said helping her push her cart of luggage

 We walked to the parking lot and Youngbae saw us, he walked out of the car and walked to us,

“Yen this is my boyfriend Dong Young Bae, & Babe this is Yen my best friend” I said introducing them to each other

“Hi nice to meet you” Youngbae said bow to yen

“Finally meeting my best friend boyfriend, Nice to meet you too” Yen said

“Give me those, I will take care of it” Youngbae said getting the cart and put Yen’s luggage on the trunk of the car while we get inside the car, I sit beside the driver seat while yen at the back, and Youngbae drive off to Ate gene’s hotel since Yen will be staying there.

“Babe you can go home first, I will just help yen with her stuff” I said

“Ok, See you in a bit yen” he said and left

I check her in the resort and we go up to her room, I help her unpacked her things and while doing that we chat

“So how long are you going to stay here?” I ask

“At least two weeks of vacation, so I can really relax myself”

“You will have a great time in here, but I have to go back in France in 3 weeks”


“I need to fix my papers; I will be going to Korea Youngbae wants me to be there and to meet his family and friends”

“Ah…. That would be great! We can see each other every day when you get there”

“Oh yes you’re going to be in Korea, so what job did you get there?”

“Fashion consultant in one of the malls there, did you find job there already?”

“Oh that is great, not yet but Youngbae said he will help me to get a job”

“Would you like to work with me? I mean I can make you as my assistant”

“Really? Of course I would like to work with you”

“Ok, from now on you’re my assistant!” Yen said

After unpacking her things we went to Ate miya’s house

“Hi everyone” I said when we walked inside the house, and we sat on the couch with the others “This is Yen, my bestfriend”

“Hello nice to meet all of you” Yen said

“Hi, I’m Rose cousin I’m miya and this is my husband Seung Hyun” Ate Miya said

“Hi im Daesung” Dae said smiling

“Hi im Ji yong”

“Where is Seungri?” I ask

“Oh you know him, maybe in the resorts club having fun” Ji yong said

“You can meet him later” I said to yen

“So dinner is ready, Let’s go eat” Ate miya said and we walked to the dining room and have dinner with the others

“Oh im so full, I miss Filipino food so much, Thanks for the great meal ate miya” Yen said

“You can always eat here whenever you want, I will cook for you” Ate miya said

“Thank you” Yen said

“Hi everyone” seungri said walking inside the dining room

“Oh you brat! Where did you go?” ji yong said

“I’m just at the beach”

“Taking numbers of the girls you’re eyes meet” Youngbae said

“Actually it’s the other way around, there asking for my number” he said sitting down on the chair

“Oh Seungri this is my Best friend Yen”

“Hi” Yen said

“Hi there Beautiful lady” Seungri said

“Oh don’t you dare, make a move Seungri!” I said

“What? I’m just saying the truth” he said

“Oh just shut your mouth you brat!” ji yong said and we all laughed

After the dinner me, yen, Daesung, Youngbae and Seungri went to the club to have a great night we sit on the empty table

“So Yen, how long are you going to stay here?” Daesung said

“Two weeks and I will be flying to korea for work”

“Really? What work?” Youngbae ask

“Fashion consultant”

“You and ji yong hyung will get along” Seungri said

“And she will make me her assistant” I said

“That is great babe, at least I know who are you working with” Youngbae said

“You guys are from Korea right?” Yen ask and they nodded “So what are guys doing?”

The boys look at each other

“Here” I said handing to Yen my cellphone “Play the video” I said and she took it and play the video of MV of BB

“OH MY ING GOD!!! YOU’RE CELEBRITIES?!!” she muttered

“Shhhh!!” I said covering

“Sorry! It’s just that… I’m facing with a celebrities! And im hanging out with them!” Yen said giggles

“Get used to it, and besides we want to feel like were just like a normal people, so don’t freak out” Seungri said

“I’m just really shock, but I’m fine now” Yen said taking a sip from her margarita then her phone rings, she looks at the caller I.D and her face becomes dull

“Why?” I ask in French

“It’s Martin” she replied in French “Should i answer it?”

“Don’t that jerk is just playing with you” I said

“Hey what are you talking about?” Daesung said

“Nothing” Yen said cancelling the call and put it back to his purse

“Let’s go I want to dance” I said pulling her to the dance floor





After dancing we went back to our sit and I excuse my self to go to the rest room, after using the rest room I was walking back to our seat when someone grab my wrist I look who it is,

“What are you doing? Let go of me!” I said gasping on the man that I didn’t know

“Hey Beautiful lady, want to play with me! You sure are going to have fun!” He said and worst he was drunk

“NO! Let go!” I shouted and he hold my two hands to stop me from hitting him “Let go!” I shouted and then someone punch him and he fell on the floor I saw Seungri I run behind him,

“You ok?” he ask and I nodded “Get lost!” he shouted at the guy then he grabbed my hand and pulled me out and take me to the beach, we sat on the bench

“Thank you” I said

“It’s ok, but did you know that guy?”

“No, I was walking back to our seat when he just grabbed my hands out of know where” I said

“I see, let me look at your hands?” he said and he hold my hands, i felt my cheeks burning and turning to red, as he inspect my wrist,

“It’s just a little bruise, it will fade when you put some ice” he said and I nodded he let go of my hands “Let’s go maybe rose will be worried”

“Ok” I said and we went back to the club


I was watching TV in the living room, as I flip the channel there are no good show, I sigh and just turn it off, I was alone in the house, since everyone went to the club, even Seung hyun, at first he don’t want to go because of me, but I push him to go so that he could relax from my tantrums, I walked to the kitchen and open the fridge and I found some cake I took it and went to the pool side and eat it, as I eat relaxing and eating I heard some movement from the bushes across the pool, I stop eating for a moment and thought I was just some stray cat and continue eating, after eating I went back inside and place the plate on the sink, then I walked back to the living room and I heard some foot steps upstairs,

“Who could it be? Are they home already?” I murmured I look up from the bottom of the stairs “Daesung? Seungri? Youngbae? Is that you guys?” I shouted no one answered, then i walked upstairs and I heard some banging on Daesung room, I walked in front of it “Daesung?” I called and open the door then my heart jumped when I saw a man, I mean a thief who wore a black mask, who searching in daesung’s closet

“Who are you?” I shouted he look at me then he walked slowly at me I walked back slowly then I snap from shock and run downstairs, as I open the front door wide open he catch at me, and hold me on my arms, and pointed a sharp knife at me

“Let go!!” I shouted

“Shut up!” he said then he grab me by the neck facing my back

“MIYA!” Someone shouted and when I turn around it was Seung hyun with the others

“Ate miya!” Rose shouted then Youngbae hold her

“Stay back!” the man said

“What do you want? Money? Get all this money just don’t hurt her!” Seung hyun said handing his wallet

My heart beating so fast but I was not nervous for me, I was more nervous for my baby! My baby…

“Please, just get the money, im pregnant please!” I said almost crying

“Shut up! I don’t care if you’re pregnant!” he closed the door and lock it I heard Seung hyun slamming the door calling my name, he pushed me on the couch and tied both my arms,

“Stay there!” he said and he went upstairs I still heard Seung hyun slamming the door then the thief come down with some of my jewelry and some stuff, then he walked back to the pool, I thought that where he enters and the movement I heard earlier was not a cat, he was climbing the wall when I heard police siren and our door slam open,

“MIYA!” Seung Hyun shouted he saw me on the couch he untied my arms and hugged me, I hugged him crying on his shoulder, “You ok, did the jerk hurt you?” he ask and I shake my head “Im fine, I-I was just scared, he might hurt our baby” I said sobbing in tears.

“The police already caught the thief” Youngbae said

“They took him to the police station” Daesung said

“Ate miya” Rose said running to my side and hugged me

“Im fine, I was just scared” I said wiping my tears

“The police said you need to come down to the police station to gave your statement” Seungri said and I nodded

“You sure your fine? We can do this tomorrow” seung hyun said

“Im fine, I can do this” I said then they all accompany me to the station

I gave my statement to the police and put the thief behind bars, after that we all comeback home, i lay to my bed and seung hyun lay beside me I buried my head to his chest as he the my back,

“You’re safe with me, I promised I will never leave you like that again” he said

“It’s not your fault, I told you to come with them” I said

“And I shouldn’t listen to you, from now on where ever you go I will go, I will never loose my sight on you” he said I look up to him and plant a soft kiss on his lips,

“Im sorry, for making you worry”

“It’s not your fault, but I was so scared to loose you and our baby like that” I hugged him tightly

“You will not loose us, I promised” I said

“Just sleep, take a rest I will be here when you wake up” he said I close my eyes and tried to forget what happen…



Another update!! Enjoy reading!!

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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)