BigBang is already starting their preparation for their comeback and Press is still digging up the issue about me and Jidian, Rose and Youngbae already got here from France and Rose is starting to work with yen, and me im starting my class about Korean Language and Culture, im meeting some other people also mothers from different country, and I easily get friends with them, but of course they did not know that im the wife of Kwon Ji yong or A.K.A G-Dragon some of them are in my age some are older, after my class it was my turn to picked up Jidian in his Kindergarten school, well it was just a few blocks from my school, so I can go there by walking, I was waiting on the gate and children are starting to come out, then I saw him walking with a smile on his face and talking to one of the kid, great he makes friend already that was a relief, then he saw me,

“Eomma” he shouted I smiled and waved at him and I crunch down to hug him

“Did you have fun in school?” I ask and he nodded happy

“Jidian see you tomorrow” one of the boy said waving goodbye

“See you, Chin ho”

“Wow you made some friends already, are everyone good to you?” I ask holding his hand walking in the side street

“Yes, Eomma everyone was good to me, even my teacher” he said

“That was great, So are you hungry? You want to eat something?” I ask

“Can we eat some pizza?”

“Sure, anything my baby wants” I said and we walked to the nearest resto and eat, after that I made some grocery and we take a cab home, amy greeted us and took the grocery, I take Jidian to the shower and dress his comfy clothes,

“Ok, do have any assignments?” I ask

“Yes, seon-saeng-nim gave us some” he said

“Ok, let me look at it” I said and he open his bag and take out his assignment and gave to me, it was written in English since Jidian was enrolled in Foreign exchange school, it was some simple  Korean alphabet

“Korean Alphabet”

“Yes” he said I told him the instruction and let him do it by himself, and Amy knock on the door

“Come in” I said and she come in with a tray of fruits

“I brought some fruits ma’am in case your both hungry” she said

“Thanks Amy” I said and she placed the tray on the table and leave and we continue to do his homework after an hour his done,

“Let’s take break, and later we will study some of your lesson’s ok?”

“Yes, eomma” he said im so great to have a child like Jidian he always obey what I said but sometime he has some of JI yong stubbornness, but I think it is just normal for a kid like him in his age,

After eating some fruits watching some cartoon, we got back to his study and read some of his lessons and review, after that I let him play, while I get to study my lesson, it was just 3pm in the afternoon, maybe two hours of study will be fine and I will cook dinner, I went to the study room with my notes and browse in the computer for some information that I needed, after that im done, and walked to the kitchen I saw Jidian watching TV silently in the living room, first I called ji yong first

*ring…ring….ring… Just keep on ringing, then Beep your message will be transferred into a voice mail*

I look at my phone, “Maybe his busy” I murmured and just cook some food, after that I glance at the clock, 6:45 pm then I called ji yong again, but still he didn’t answer, I sigh and gave up I called Jidian to come and eat,

“Eomma this was delicious” he said

“Really?” I said and nodded and smile

“Eomma, When is appa going home?” he ask and though I also didn’t know, he haven’t answering any of my call

“He will come home soon, appa is just a little busy with work” I said and he keeps eating and I sigh


Where so busy in the meeting regarding the our comeback, and we buried our self in the studio the whole day, with teddy hyung and Kush hyung and of course the boys, practically where making songs recording it and adjusting some of the tune and mixing it, I glance at the clock 10 pm, I haven’t called Gene since this morning and she didn’t know that I will be coming home late, so I get up and grabbed my phone

“Im just going to make some call” I said and walked outside

I dialed gene’s number…

“Hello?” she answer

“Yeobo, mianhe I just called now” I said with guilt

“I know your busy, it ok” she said

“Are you upset?” I ask

“Well, I called you many times today but you didn’t answer, and Jidian is asking when are you going to come back home, he expect you to help him in his homework, and eat dinner with us” she said

“Im really, really sorry I promise that If will get a chance I will make it up to the both of you”

“I know ji, don’t worry I will explain it already to Jidian, and I understand that it’s your job” she said and I sigh

“I’ll be able to get home late, so don’t wait for me ok, I’ll see you later, I love you”

“Ok, see you later, I love you more” and then she hang up then I get back to the recording and continue the recording for more 4 hours, then I get to go home,

I went to upstairs to Jidian room and kiss him on the forehead and went to our room, but Gene wasn’t there I look in every room and there she was in the study room, his head on the table and she was sleeping maybe she fell asleep while studying,


I picked her up and brought her to our room, and tucked her in and kiss her on the lips and I went to the bathroom and take a shower and wear my PJ’s and went to bed with her…

^_^ Morning


I woke up and I was in our bedroom and ji yong was beside me, maybe he saw me falling asleep in the study room last night, I turn so that I could face him, and gave him a soft kiss, but before I could pulled off he pulled me close and making the kiss deeply and passionately, he pulled away and open his eyes

“Good Morning” he said

“Good morning” I said “What time did you came back last night?” I ask

“I think that was around 2:30 am” he said

“You should sleep more, I will make some breakfast” I said and attempt to stand up but he pulled be me back to his embrace “Ji…” I said

“5 more minutes” he said snuggling to my neck

“Ji yong, Jidian is going to school” I said

“3 minutes” he whines and I sigh

“Fine” I gave up and after a 3 minutes “JI yong you have to let go now, or Jidian will be late” I said he sigh and let go I just gave him a kiss on the cheeks “Sleep more” I said and went downstairs and cook breakfast for Jidian, after making some breakfast I went upstairs to wake my little precious

“Hey good morning honey, time to prepare for school” I said and he open his eyes slowly and he smile widely “Let’s go breakfast in ready” I said and picked him up his feet wrapping my waist and his head snuggling on my neck I walked into the dining room and put him down on the chair and we both eat breakfast, and after that I shower him and put on his uniform and we head outside and I saw ji yong all dressed up

“JI yong” I said

“Appa” Jidian said and run to his father and Ji yong picked him up

“Omoo… my baby is growing up, going to school already” he said

“Where are you going?” I ask

“Im going to take Jidian too his school” he said and I was surprise

“Really?” I said and he nodded “But the whole school might goes in chaos if they saw you there” I said

“Don’t worry, BigBang will have a TV guesting tomorrow and I decide to tell everyone about us and Jidian” he said and was so surprise, Ji yong is really becoming as father to Jidian and a real husband to me then tears started to fall I felt so happy that he was going to do it for us,

“Don’t worry everything will be fine, now go and change, we will take Jidian to his school together” he said and I nodded and change and take Jidian to his school…

He pulled the car In the school parking lot he was wearing his casual clothes with a White shirt with some little print and a suit like jacket and not so skinny jeans just right and his snicker and a shades, while wear


We both went out of the car, I held Jidian in his hands while ji yong get his bag and we walked to his room, and of course people are looking and some of the mothers are whispering,

“Omoo… it’s G-dragon” one of the mother said and she was about my age we keep on walking and when we get to Jidian room ji yong lean down to his level

“Ok buddy, be good ok, and listen to your teacher”

“Yes, Appa” Jidian said and I look at the reaction of the people of course they were shock and surprise that Jidian said that G-dragon is his appa.

“Jidian remember what I thought you yesterday?” I ask

“Yes eomma” he said

“Here is your bag, go on inside” JI yong sad\id he kiss both of us and waved good bye and his teacher came to us

“Hello, you must be Jidian parents?” his teacher said

“Yes, we are” Ji yong said holding my hands

“Jidian is a very active child, and he was also a friendly one, he makes friends easily and we very bright”

“Oh really, thank you, and pls take care of him” ji yong said and we both bow and the his teacher smile and get inside the room while we look Jidian for a moment before we leave,

“You don’t have class today right?” he ask while were walking back to the car

“Yes, maybe you can drop me to Miya’s house, I told her that I would come today” I said

“Ok” then he drive drop me off in front of Miya’s house and I kiss him before he drive off…


Gene visited me today and we talked a lot about some stuff, then I showed her the nursery room, we did changes to the original plan and it came out good,


“Wow, it’s beautiful” Gene said

“Thanks, seung hyun really focused on the details, he really wanted it to be perfect” I said

“I can see that, even if it simple but it was so beautiful”

“Im in my fourth month now, and im starting to have back pain” I said

“It’s natural to have back pain you know, and it will be worse when it gotten bigger” Gene said and we talked more and catch up some things….


Another update! As i promise a long chapter for eveyone! Enjoy reading! 

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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)