I was at the beach playing with jidian, Nathaniel went to California to help dad with some matter,

“Mama, let’s build a sand castle” jidian said

“Sure, let me get your stuff” I said I get his stuff for building a sand castle

I help  him build a sand castle and after that

“Let’s go you should take a bath now, your full of sand” I said and I picked him up, while walking back to the resort,

“GENE!” Someone shouted and I saw it was miya

“Aunt Miya!” Jidian said and he get down and run to his auntie Miya picked him up and she was not alone, she’s with her Husband seung hyun and BIGBANG, so that means jiyong is with them.

I walked to them and great them, but I couldn’t look into ji yong’s eyes unlike the others

“Oh.. jidian your full of sand” Miya said

“Mom help me build a sand castle” jidian said

“Yeah, so now you need to take a bath young man” I said and get him from Miya “You guys make your self comfortable” I said and walked passed through jiyong and to our room


I could really feel it Jidian is my son from the looks and the name, but Gene don’t want to talk to me, she can’t even look me in the eyes, I cannot let this continue if Jidian is really my son I should make my family united, I love Gene and I know she love me too, but there is just something that stopping her, and I need to find it out but it wasn’t going to be easy I need Miya’s help and the others, Gene prepared a dinner party for us in the resorts pool, just some of their relative and Miya’s dad and family, and Jidian, I saw him sitting on the edge of the pool, I sit beside him.

“Hi Jidian” I said

“Hello, You’re Aunt Miya’s friend right?” he said


“What is your name?”


“Oh… our names are almost the same”

“Yeah, I wonder where did you get your name?”

“Mama said she takes it after my Papa” then it strikes me

“Really? Did you know where is your dad?” I ask but before he could answer

“Jidian” Gene shouting walking to him

I stand up and Jidian too,

“Mama I meet Uncle ji yong”

“Ok baby, time for you to sleep, it’s getting late” he said picking up Jidian and walked inside

“Ji yong” Seung Hyun said walking to me “You still think Jidian is your son?” he ask

“Im not going to give up until I know who is his father, and I can feel, just take a look at the similarities between us and our names, he said his mom takes it over to his dad”

“But you still need to be sure, 100%” Youngbae said joining our conversation

“I know, that’s why I need you help”

“Why what are you planning?” Seung Hyun said

“Just something, I will let you know soon” I said and I walked inside where gene walked then I saw her coming out of the room, I walked toward her,

“Gene we need to talk” I said in front of her

“There is nothing to talk about ji” she said she try to walked away but I grabbed her wrist and pulled it to the place where there is no people

“Ji yong let me go!” she demanded

“No until you tell me who is Jidian’s father?”

“Why? Why are you so eager to know who is his father?”

“Because I know it’s me, and I just to confirm it from you” I said

“What?! How could you say that you’re his father?”

“His looks and his name how could you explain it to me?!” I said

“He inherit all from his father, and not from you!” she said

“So tell me who his father is?”

“Kwon ji yong! I think it’s none of your business!” she said

“Yes it is, so just tell me damn it!!”

“What ever you say it doesn’t matter, your not Jidian’s father, and you have nothing to do with us! So just leave us alone!” she said and walked away.

Gene im not going to give up, I will take you back you and my son,





Where at the pool side eating and drinking while Miya is Playing with her little brother Bryan on the pool, her face is much brighter and she was always smiling now than before, she and Bryan get out of the pool I hand her his towel,

“Thanks babe” she said and plants a soft kiss on my lips

“Would you like something to eat?” I ask and she nodded

“Bryan let’s go to mommy” she said and take Bryan to his mom while I get her food she waits for me at the table

“Here you go” I said placing her food in front of her and I take a sit beside her

“Where is ji yong?” she ask

“I think he follow gene”

“He still thinks that he was Jidian’s father”

“Tell me did you know something?” I ask her

She was answering me she just keep on eating “Miya” I said and she looks at me and nodded

“What?! You know something and didn’t tell me?”

“Im sorry I just think it’s not my story to bloater about” she said

“But still im your husband, you should trust me”

“Im sorry, im going to tell you later” she said

“You better be” I said she just smiled at me

After that we went back to their house, the boys went to their rooms and her dad and step mom with bryan.

“Let’s go to our room, I will tell you everything” she said pulling me into our room then she locks it

I seat on the chair and she sit on the end of the bed across me,

“Ok im listening”

Then she start the tell the story and im just listening carefully, after she’s done.

“So you’re telling me that gene is afraid that she might fall for the wrong guy again?” I said and she nodded

“And you know for 4 years that he is ji yong’s son?” she nodded again

“And until now Gene do not want ji yong to be part of their life?”

“Yes” she said

“But why?” I said “I mean ji yong is a responsible person, I know that he can take care of his family” I said

“I know, but it was genes decision not mine, I already persuade her a million times to tell ji the truth, but she was so stub born, she said she doesn’t need ji yong”

“I know this is hard, but we cannot just meddle into their business, but can we help?”

“Maybe, I don’t know, Gene is my Best friend and you know that if im going to help ji yong I felt that im going to betray her”

I walked to her side and hugged her,

“But me helping ji yong doesn’t makes you betray her is it?” I said and she nodded “maybe I can help ji yong in some thing on his plan but he wasn’t telling us yet, maybe he was still thinking”

“Maybe, and I don’t want Jidian to grow up without a father”

I hugged her more tightly,


I was relief telling Seung hyun everything I know

“Wait” he said he looks at me “I had an idea” he said

“What idea?” I asks

“I think it’s time for us to have a little Miya and Seung hyun running around” he said and I was like O_o

“Are you being serious right now?” I said glaring at him he was winking and biting his lips while nodding then he start to crawl on top of me,

“Choi Seung Hyun!!, stop what are you doing!!” I demanded him but he didn’t mind me

He start to kiss me but I tried to push him but he was too strong since im tired from swimming, he started to trail his hands under my shirt and start squeezing my softly, OH !! CHOI SEUNG HYUN!! WHY I CANNOT RESSIST YOU!! Now im turn on, I kissed him back making it deeply, he lifts up my shirt and I ed his shirt, stripping each other and making his way on me, it was a night full of love…






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I just love your stories!!!! Amazing
Hi. I've read this story 3 times.... XD It's really addicting. :)))))) PLEASE MAKE A PART 3 FOR THIS....... PUH-PLEASEEEEEE *PUPPY EYES*
im already your follower,sugoii! another great fic! arigatou gozaimasou ^.^
Iheartlife #4
awesome fic:D
Done read it<br />
love the flow of story :)
tunfish #6
love this fic so much <3<3<br />
you have done a super great job! :)<br />
klahrah #7
this fic is great!!! keep up the good work!!!! ok..bye.. i'm going to read your third fic!! hahaha :))) kaya mo yan! ang galing mo! aja aja fighting!!!
awwww!! Me too!! Im going to miss this fic!! Thank you guys!! Don't forget my third fancfic ok!! ^_^
i'm gonna miss this fanfic :(
sunshineislove #10
loved every detail. :O)