Sorry for the very loooo~ng wait.
I was on a holiday :))

I want to thank to all of my readers espescially the silent ones..for taking time to read my fanfic!
Have a Happy Weekend!

Chapter 7

"Why did Min have to go to that stupid convention"

"Wait, Min isn't here?" Shin said looking around just realising the absence of Min.

"She's gone to the barista convention in Sydney"

"There's such thing!? I didn't know"

"Well, only low lives like you wont know about these things"

"I'm not a low life!"

"Reality to Shin, your holding a broom" Ara said pointing to Shin who was holding a broom and a dustpan.

"Well...starting from now, I'll work hard and become just like Min"

"What about ME!"

"Fine, fine...both of you are my idols"

Ara smiled proudly at herself and Shin just rolled her eyes at her senior.

"besides, coffee art isn't that hard, baking is waaaaaay harder" Ara boasted.

"oh really?" Shin said sarcastically.

"seriously, its easy!"

"Show me then" Shin challenged.

Without haste Ara took out a cup and poured in coffee. Then she took the cream, before she started she looked at Shin.

"go on" she said

"okaaaay, I'll do a rosetta"
(rosetta: )

The cream was carefully poured in. From start it turned out pretty ok, but somebody entered the shop and distracted her attention and accidentally messed it up.


"nice rosetta" again, Shin and her sarcasm.

"Is that supposed to be a bunny?"

Both Ara and Shin looked up to see from who the sudden manly voice came from.


He gave Ara and Shin a smile and sat down at the counter in front of Ara.

"If you're looking for Min then you might as well come back in five days"

"He might of already knew that since your coffee art didn't work out" Shin said.

Ara gave her a glare and Shin knew it was her cue to leave, so she backed up slowly until she was out of sight.

"Its a cute bunny" Nichkhun complimented.

"Its not a bunny!"

"But it looks like a bunny. See..the long ears and round face, except that it looks like it has fangs" Khun pointed out.
(bunny: )

"You know what, You're pretty annoying. Are you somehow Taecyeon in Khunnies skin?" she said while trying to take off the non-existing mask off his face.

"Ow! It's me Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul. Sorry, something must be wrong with me today"

"My advice is, stay away from Taec, his annoying grease might just rub on you. You don't want to dissapoint Mrs. Horvejkul, do you?"

"Mrs Horevejkul?" Khun raised an eyebrow at her in confusion.

"you're blunt, you know that. Are you sure you're not really Taec?"

Nickhun just smiled at her comment.

"uh, may I?" he asked eyeing the latte with the bunny.

"sure, but its not as good as Min's"

Khun took a sip out of it which left him with a cream moustache.

"Khun! You're such a kid."

Ara took a napkin and wiped his mouth for him. Just then, somebody entered the shop and saw the intimacy between them. It was Taecyeon.

"Yah! You son of a meerkat!"

Taecyeon stomped up to Nickhun and pulled him by the collar.

"Taecyeon! What are you doing!" Ara shouted. The customers all payed the attention to them.
The atmosphere was quiet and the look on some of the customers were frightened.

"What am I doing!? What is this guy doing!" He said glaring hard at Khun in the eyes.

Khun gave him a sukkso(rotten) smile.

"Taec, what's your problem?"

"My problem? MY PROBLEM!" he raised his voice and kept pulling on Nickhuns collar harder and harder. "Why are you being all love-dovey with Ara!?"

"WHAT!?" Ara exclaimed, "We weren't doing anything!

"You expect me to believe that!? I bet Nickhun told you to say that, didn't he!"

"So what if I did" Nichkhun said

"NICKHUN!" Ara couldn't believe Khun was actually making the matter worse. She panicked so she ran to the front of the counter to release Khun from Taecyeons grip before anything bad happened. "We didn't do anything!"

Taecyeon pushed Ara aside and released Nickhun.

"Lets fight!" Taec oredered Khun.

Khun answered by taking off his coat.

"Nickhun, no! Taecyeon, stop this!

Both of them ignored her. Instead Nickhun told Taec to punch him first.

"Come on. I'll give you a shot"

"You arrogant little...!" Taecyeons fist was in the air, ready to swing into Nichkhuns face.

Ara covered her eyes with her hands. She was unable to settle this so she screamed.



"thats cheating"

"psh, come on, come and get me"

Ara opened her eyes and was shocked to see that both of them, instead of real fighting, they were playing the chicken fight.

"What the..."

"APRIL FOOLS!" both Nickhun and Taecyeon shouted together and jumped around in circles.

Even the customers were shocked and dead silence at first, but then they clapped their hands for the great performance.

"April Fools? heh...April fools?"

"Khun, I think we should be actors!"

Both Nickhun and Taecyeon high fived each other.

"Shin!" Ara called out and Shin immeadeantly appeared by her side.

"You actors?"

"It was just a joke" Taecyeon said.

"So, can you two act as homeless kids, freezing in the cold?"


Ara put her hand out and Shin gave her a broom. Now Nickhun and Taecyeon were gonna get it.
Before they knew it, they both ended up outside the shop in the cold.

"On your knees!" Ara oredered.

"but..but Ara, it was just a joke"

"I said!"

"ok, ok"

Both of them kneeled down.

"Your hands over your heads!"

They slowly followed Ara's order despite being embarrassed having to do it in public.

"Who's idea was it!"

Both of them was silent.


"It was him! It was Taecyeon!" Khun confessed.

"good boy, now go back in"

"WHAT! We both were on it! Khun you traitor!"

"At least I wont be left out in the cooooold!" Khun laughed and entered the shop, watching through the glass door and snickering.

"You traitor! Your meerkat ancestors wont allow this!" Taecyeon shouted.

Without warning, Ara pulled his ear causing him to scowl in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry~"

"Look, I dont want to be the bad person here, so I wont be hard on you"

" you want me to do?"

"For today, you'll take Shin's place. Shin can take a break from this busy day"

"Whaat! Work at Cookies and Cream"

Ara gave him a glare.

"ok, I'll do it"

Ara pulled him up by the ear, but since he wa tall, she let go.

"Now get in there! If I lose any of my customers because of you, tomorrow you'll wake up in hell."

"ye, ye..arrasso"

"Shin, you can go home now"

"I'd rather stay here and watch him being punished" Shin whispered.

"Really. i was hoping for that too so we can both torture him" Ara whispered back and they both alughed at the diabolical plan.

"Revenge is mine, Ok Taecyeon. Revenge is mine"

[A/N: Its a bit too late for april fools ^o^]

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2100gv #1
omo!!!! i love the ending!!! <br />
but i want to see taecyeon and ara..doing lovey dovey to each other..<br />
because all the time they were quarelling!! hhhhahahaha<br />
btw, you did a great job!!! ilove it!!!!<br />
i love it!<br />
i like this kind of story<br />
2100gv #3
wahhh!!! NICE UPDATE!!!!!!!<br />
10 OUT OF 10!!!! *sings 2pm ship jeom man jeome ship jeom!!!!*<br />
hahaha i failed again!!! hahahaha hope u don't mind!<br />
hahahahahha<br />
so, i was really happy when i knew there's a part 2..but i hope it's the same character again..but still, it's your choice...<br />
fighting and goodluck!!! <br />
i'll miss this!!!! really really really!!! :))
lyssah #4
even without reading the final i rate it as a 10, i remember finding this fic with already a few chapters posted and i couldnt stop reading until there were no more chapters to read...then i was craving for more T__T so all fics that are written this good and captivating deserves a 10 =D 10 out of 10 ♪
2100gv #5
He will propose!!!!!! hahahahahhha<br />
hahah taec and ara!!! just confess now!!!!!!<br />
2100gv #6
wahahahahahha!!! this is so much LOL!!!!<br />
i love the part where she accidentally hit the thingy part!!!hahahahaahhaah<br />
lol!! taecyeon and ara makes my world go really crazy!!!<br />
aigoo, that two!<br />
and nichkhun and min, oppa..confess now!!!hahahhaha<br />
lyssah #7
oh he shouldn't have dodged, it brought mooore pain LOOOOOOL update soon please~ cant wait to see how it progresses...
yuio12345 #8
Hihi cute chappie... Really want to know who the dude in the pic is... Love taecs scene when he screamed that she was beautiful.... Update soon!!!!! Fighting!
fightingme #9
@taekhun_cess keep on reading to find out who it is! ^_^ he's kind of a special guess..<br />
<br />
@LunaTheOracle personally I like Ara too.<br />
<br />
Thanks guys!<br />
Appreciate the commens. Looove youuuuu! >.<