Chapter 10

At another cafe near by.

"You should of seen the look on your face" Dujun laughed.

"Dujun ah! Stop it! I'm embarassed enough already. Gosh!" Min covered her face hiding the embarassment.

"Ok. Ok, I'm sorry" he said while pulling away Min's hand from her face.

Min took a deep breath and exhaled. Just as she was about to calm down, she noticed that he was just staring at her.
Dujun smiled when she started to blush again.

"So, why are you here?" Min asked while sipping her juice and avoiding eye contact.

"Here? I thought I'd have some juice, with you" he said and gave a wide grin.

Min gave him a 'whatever' look.

"Relax. I was just playing with you. I came back because, that day when I met you at the convention, I suddenly missed Korea. When I actually saw you again, you reminded me of so many things from the past"

Min suddenly felt a painful feeling in her heart.
Now she remembered. She started to remember the many things that both of them did together before he left her.
and she tried her best to hide it from him.

"Is it ok if I see you again? Maybe see your patisserie?" he asked Min.

"Oh..uh, sure. You can come anytime" she smiled at him.

"Where do you live?" he suddenly asked her.

"Just a few blocks away. Why?"

"Come on. It's getting dark so I'll walk you back home" he said while wearing his jacket.

"It's ok..."

"I wasn't offering. I insist, really" he said while taking Min's coat and her hand so she would stand up.

Since Dujun 'forced' her, she followed his orders and walked towards her home together.

"Ah! My purse please" Min said while holdin out her hands.

"your purse?" Dujun repeated her words with a very confused face.

"Yes, my purse. Didn't you call me so you could hand me my lost purse?" this time Min's face became more confused.

"Oho~ that. You must of misheard me. I said 'have you lost something precious?'" he corrected Min.

"What do you mean by 'something precious' if it's not my purse??" she said.

Dujun could only smile at Min's silliness.
How could she not even understand the phrase 'something precious'when it's staring her in the face.
But he just kept on watching her, the one person that he missed the most after 5 years. Min.

"But then..where's my purse?" she hung her head low.

Dujun could do nothing but smile and patted her head since she was a lot more shorter than him.

"Knowing you, I bet you misplaced it somewhere in your room" he comforted her.

He took her by one arm and brought her closer to him.
Min immediately forgot about her purse since his scent was intoxicating her.
They both walked side by side with his one arm still around her.

They both reached Min's place.

"Min? Min!"

Min turned around to see Ara who just got off a swing and running up to her.

"Ara. What're you doing here?" Min asked.

"Waiting for you." Ara answered.

"Then why didn't you wait inside, you might've caught a cold"

"I just felt like playing outside to see you again, Dujun" Ara greeted him.

"Finally you noticed me, I was kind of feeling lonely with only you two talking to each other" he said.

"I found your purse Min" Ara took out Min's lost purse from her pocket and handed it to Min

"Mwoya! Jinjja! Where did you find it?"

"I don't really know why, but it was in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom" Ara explained.

"See, I told you. You must've misplaced it somewhere weird" Dujun said.

"Thanks Dujun. But I think I'm Ok for now since I have Ara with me" Min told him.

"Well, ok. I'll be going now. See you soon" he waved at both of them and left the compound.

Ara went back to the abandoned childrens playground and sat on the swing.
Min followed her suit and sat on the swing next to her.

"Thanks Ara, for finding my purse"

"No biggie." Ara replied and played with the dirt under her feet.

"You know I know you well Ara, and you hanging out here in the cold is not something that you would normally do" Min said, "so, what's up?"

Ara wanted to say something. She wanted to take it off her chest real bad, but the words just wouldn't come out.

"Is it..Taecyeon?" Min made a wild but obvious guess.

Ara replied her with a loud sigh.

"Just spill it Ara, I already know that you like him. Actually I knew it since the first time you two met, or more accurately when you two first argued"

"Why is it so hard to even try and like him. Now he's going to go out with his ex. He told me they didn't have anything to do with each other anymore, but what if he's wrong?"

"Have you told him that you liked him?" Min suggested.

"That's something I call 'suicide'"

"Well, you'll never know till you try"

"What about you Min? What was all that about with Dujun?" Ara changed the topic.

"NOthing. We just happened to bump into each other" Min said.

"As far as I know, people who 'happen to bump into each other' don't really put your arms around one another and hold them close to you, do they? I thought you said you wanted to forget him."

"I don't know Ara, he just came out from nowhere. I guess when I thought I forgot about him, he wasn't really erased from my memory, but just kept far away somewhere in me. Now I'm confused whether I'm still in love with him or not."

"But, what about...Khun?"

Min's eyes widened. All while she was with Dujun, she didn't even think about him.

"You forgot about him, didn't you" Ara said.

Min couldn't respond to anything. She was in a conflict between her past and present.

"Now, it's my turn to give you some advice, isn't it?" Ara said with a smile that was meant to try and cheer her friend up.

Min looked up at Ara with pleading eyes.

"I can't tell you who to choose, but the one that lets you go, will be the one you'll be happy with"
"Ara. That doesn't even make sense and you sound like some old philosopher"

"I guess you don't fully understand my advice then. You'll understand when it comes to you"

"I hope so" Min said.

Then suddenly Ara shouted at the dark sky.

"AAAARGH! WHY DOES EVERYONES PAST LOVE HAVE TO COME BACK AND HAUNT THE INNOCENT" and she panted after shouting the long sentence.

"Ara! Are you crazy!" Min scolded her.

"Try it Min. Just try it. You'll feel better" Ara insisted.

"But I don't know what to say!" she panicked.

"Just say anything random" Ara said.


Min took a deep breath and shouted.

"I HATE MAKING DECISIONS! AND I HATE CANNED TUNAAA!!!" Min also panted and felt better after shouting out her worries.

"Min. I think that was too random"

and they both laughed.

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2100gv #1
omo!!!! i love the ending!!! <br />
but i want to see taecyeon and ara..doing lovey dovey to each other..<br />
because all the time they were quarelling!! hhhhahahaha<br />
btw, you did a great job!!! ilove it!!!!<br />
i love it!<br />
i like this kind of story<br />
2100gv #3
wahhh!!! NICE UPDATE!!!!!!!<br />
10 OUT OF 10!!!! *sings 2pm ship jeom man jeome ship jeom!!!!*<br />
hahaha i failed again!!! hahahaha hope u don't mind!<br />
hahahahahha<br />
so, i was really happy when i knew there's a part 2..but i hope it's the same character again..but still, it's your choice...<br />
fighting and goodluck!!! <br />
i'll miss this!!!! really really really!!! :))
lyssah #4
even without reading the final i rate it as a 10, i remember finding this fic with already a few chapters posted and i couldnt stop reading until there were no more chapters to read...then i was craving for more T__T so all fics that are written this good and captivating deserves a 10 =D 10 out of 10 ♪
2100gv #5
He will propose!!!!!! hahahahahhha<br />
hahah taec and ara!!! just confess now!!!!!!<br />
2100gv #6
wahahahahahha!!! this is so much LOL!!!!<br />
i love the part where she accidentally hit the thingy part!!!hahahahaahhaah<br />
lol!! taecyeon and ara makes my world go really crazy!!!<br />
aigoo, that two!<br />
and nichkhun and min, oppa..confess now!!!hahahhaha<br />
lyssah #7
oh he shouldn't have dodged, it brought mooore pain LOOOOOOL update soon please~ cant wait to see how it progresses...
yuio12345 #8
Hihi cute chappie... Really want to know who the dude in the pic is... Love taecs scene when he screamed that she was beautiful.... Update soon!!!!! Fighting!
fightingme #9
@taekhun_cess keep on reading to find out who it is! ^_^ he's kind of a special guess..<br />
<br />
@LunaTheOracle personally I like Ara too.<br />
<br />
Thanks guys!<br />
Appreciate the commens. Looove youuuuu! >.<