
Beautiful Target

Sharon's POV:

Once school ended for the day, I began my, sson to be, daily walk to the train station. The host house I was living in was a thirty minute walk away the high school, so the more logical transportation was the train, seeing as my host parents work. While I walked, the group of five came to my mind. They were a strange bunch, that could be said.

Strange but nice.

That can't be said about many people from where I'm from. Few were the combination "strange but nice". Some could be nice, but it would be a façade. Just a mask to gain others trust and then throw to saw blades while leaving that person crushed. These boys, though, I could tell they were genuine. They were honestly interested in me, not for the reason of humiliation.

Gongchan seemed to remind her of a puppy in some ways. How he immediately wanted attention from his freind when he had sonething to say. Jin Young seemed to have an air of coolness. It appeared nothing could phase him. CNU just seemed like a sweet heart. He seemed like the type that couldn't hurt a fly! Baro, again, gave me the nagging feeling of a hamster. Maybe I'll call him Hambaro the next time I talk to him. He was, quite honestly, adorable. Oh, who am I kidding?

They were ALL adorable! But one that stood out most?


The hyperactive brunette stood out like a lighthouse in the middle of the night. Even barely knowing him, he was still able to grab my attention. Does that even happen often?

I shook my head as I purchased my ticket for the street my host house was located. I reached the terminal and waited for my train to come. Once it arrived, I boarded it and was on my way home to begin my first day of homework.

Baro's POV:

As our group was walking from class, I couldn't help but notice Sandeul-hyung walking with a dazed expression. I raised an eyebrow before asking, "Sandeul-hyung, what's with the weird face?"

Jin Young-hyung pitched in, "Aside from your normally weird face."

Sandeul-hyung came out his trance and looked at us in suprise, "What face?"

Gongchan grinned slyly, "Don't hide it, hyung~"

"Hide what?!"

CNU-hyung shook his head at his dongsaengs, "Stop teasing the poor kid."

Sandeul-hyung brightened at his hyung's words, "CNUnie has my back at least!"

"Who said I was on your side?" Sandeul looked shocked at CNU-hyung's words as CNU-hyung grinned. "More than anything I agree with them." Sandeul-hyung had a look of doom upon his face as the rest of us burst in fits of laughter.

Sandeul-hyung grabbed CNU-hyung's jacket and began to shake him in a comedic manner, "Waeyo, hyung? WAEYO?!" An even bigger grin broke out on my face.

"Hyung," Gongchan called to grab his attention, "just admit it and we'll take mercy~"

Sandeul-hyung released his hyung's jacket, shaking his head while pounting, "You guys , you know that?"

"It's in our job description," Jin Young- hyung said as me and Channie threw an arm over Sandeul-hyung's shoulder while grinning from ear to ear.

Sandeul's POV:

These idiots know no mercy... NO MERCY! I had to endure the walk with my donsaengs on each side of my with an arm around my shoulders.

"You're not talking~" Gongchan sang, trying to get information out of me.

"FINE..." I sighed, exasperated. They really don't know when to give up. The four all looked at me with expectant eyes. "You mean NOW?!"

"Duh!" Baro replied. Is he sassing me?

I pointed to his face, "You," I started, "do not sass me, mister. I sass people, not the other way around." He was about to retort, when he opened his mouth to I said, "Nope!" He tried again, "Nuh-uh!"

"You're stalling!" Jin Young-hyung exclaimed.

"Is that what it's called? I was merely just having a conversation with my dongsaeng here~"

"Hyung," Gongchan whined, "stop wasting time! I have to be home soon!"

I let out a long, drawn out sigh before collecting my words, "Ithinkshe'sreallycuteandinteresting. Wow, we should really get home!" I hurriedly ran in the direction of my house, leaving the other four in my dust.

3rd POV:

The four companions blinked at the friend's speedy exit. Gongchan blinked several times before asking, "Can someone here translate 'Duck high on coffee', please?"

CNU patted his dongsaeng's shoulder, "Quote-on-quote, 'I think she's really cute and interesting.'"

Jin Young and Baro looked at each other before smirking, "Our Sandeulie has a crush~" they sang.

CNU shook his head with a smile as the three decided to sing repeatedky about Sandeul's crush.

"Things are bound to get interesting."

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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.