
Beautiful Target

That same day, the VIXX boys and Sharon went to the arcade near their school. As they entered, Sharon became mesmorized by the decor and selection the arcade had to offer. There was barely a dark corner in the building it was so bright. Vintage games were seen amongst newer ones. Hyuk jumped in excitement, grabbed Sharon's arm, and high-tailed it to begin his video game marathon with the foreigner.The other members except for Leo and Ravi laughed as Ravi grew annoyed and Leo shook his head. Ken and N took off to participate in a shooting range game. Hongbin ran off to a game of his own as Leo walked off and wandered a bit. Ravi crept behind Hyuk and Sharon as the youngest dragged her all over. At one point, Hyuk brought Sharon to a noraebang machine.

"Why'd you bring me here?" the green eyed girl questioned.

Hyuk grinned as he replied, "I want to sing with my noona~"

Sharon grew self-conscious at the idea and began to deny his request, "Ani, ani, ani! I'm not that good!"

Hyuk was preparing for a situation like this and brought out his secret weapon. "Please, noona?" There it was: his very well used puppy dog pout. He'd been practicing it just for occasions like this.

Sharon's resolve faltered as she saw his way of persuaion. Quickly, she turned her head away and tried to continue her act of denial, "Aniya, I don't wanna!" She became curious about if he was keeping it up and decided to gander a glance. How stupid that was. Instantly, she knew could not withstand against his face and admitted defeat. "All right! I give in!"

"Daebak!" the blonde teen exclaimed as he clapped excitedly. From a distance, Ravi silently praised his younger friend. He wanted to hear her voice in singing as well. Hyuk picked out "Bang" by Afterschool. As the song progressed, Ravi became awed by her singing ability. He didn't think she would be bad, but he also didn't think she's be that good. Once the song reached it's end, the red headed male composed himself and walked around the corner he hid behind to the duo. Hyuk turned around as he heard footsteps, "Ah, hyung!" He waved the older teen over as he clapped Sharon on the shoulder, "Did you hear noona sing? She was great, right?"

"She sure was~" Ravi said with a grin and stared at the foreign beauty. Hyuk watched the interaction between the two and grinned.

"Hyung~" the younger teen called, grabbing his friend's attention, "you and noona should have some bonding time!" With that, the blonde teenager ran off.

Sharon blinked before turning to her new companion, "Well, that was unexpected..."

Ravi nodded, thanking his dongsaeng mentally, "Deh..." His expression brightened as he grabbed her wrist, "There's a game I wanna play. Kaja~" He ran off, girl in hand. to the same game Ken and N had first played.

"A shooting game?" Sharon questioned, confused.

"Neh! I like playing it cuz I can test my aim on it," Ravi replied. As they began, Ravi noticed the girl having troubles with it. He sat down his gun and came up behind her and placed his hands on her wrists, guiding them into the right positions to hold the rifle controller properly. Sharon stood there in shock as she felt him come up behind her. "You need to hold the to hold your left hand under the rifle to have balance," he said in her ear. Ravi grinned at the sight of red tint covering her face. "Be sure to keep you right hand on the trigger."

Sharon nodded nervously, "T-thanks..."

"No problem~"

"We should go to the arcade!" Baro exclaimed cheerfully.

"Wae?" Jin Young quedioned as they exited the school gates.

"Yeah, we already had to stay behind for you!" Sandeul complained.

"It's not my fault the teacher hates me!" Baro exclaimed.

"Maybe so," the eldest started, "but it is your fault for getting caught talking during the lecture."

"Yeah, hyung," Gongchan grinned. "Why you gotta be so rude?"

"Aish!" Baro yelled as he grabbed the maknae in a headlock.

"Yah!" CNU exclaimed as he grabbed the two and pulled them apart. "Since we haven't hung out together with just us, why not go to the arcade like Baro said?"

"WHOO!" said male exclaimed. "ARCADE!" With that, the hamster like teen took off in the deirection of the arcade with his friends following behind. After reaching their desired location, they entered and seperated.

Gongchan and Sandeul walked aimlessly through the arcade. Gongchan caugh sight of familiar red hair. He walked further and saw Ravi behind Sharon guiding her for the shooting game. Gongchan eyes glared at Ravi before he thought of something. Gongchan cupped his hands around his mouth and called, "Sanduel-hyung!" The aforementioned male came to see what his dongsaeng wanted and saw the same sight. Jealousy coursed through the normally happy duck's body.

"Yah, yah, yah, yah!" Sandeul exclaimed as he seperated the pair. "That amount of touching is totally unnneccessary!" he said with his hands on his hips.

Ravi glared at the lad, "What's it to you, huh?!"

"Nothing of your concern!" Sandeul said hotly. "C'mon, Sharon-ah," he said as he grabbed her hand.

Wrong move...

She screamed as she shook his hand off and high tailed it away. Sandeul blinked multiple times as Ravi and Gongchan facepalmed. "Now look what ya did, doofus!" Ravi exclaimed as he chased after her.

Gongchan walked up to his hyung and patted him on the shoulder, "You're really bad at this kind of stuff, ya know?"

"Shut up."

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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.