
Beautiful Target

After a few more meetings and bonding experiences, Sharon and boys had become a lot closer. Along this time, she found out the group of five were wanting to become a band and have a career in music. She informed them that she would support them whole-heartedly. This action only increased the grow feeling in Sandeul for the foreigner. Everything about her made his heart beat quicken. Her rarely seen in Korea green eyes. The way she would rather read than converse with strangers. So many things could be said about her yet he couldn't form the words required, if any could even describe her. Sharon had similar thoughts about the Korean boy. His hyperactive personality and positive attitude contributed to the growth of these feelings. His appearance didn't help, especially when he would pull a pout or aegyo on her. It reeled her in deeper than ever.

"Sandeul-ah," Sharon called.

"Bwoh?" he replied.

"Do you know any English?"

He had a look on his face as if he had been caught in the midst of a crime. "Uh, I know... 'hello'..."

"Anything else?" she questioned with a raised eyebrow. "I'm gonna say a full sentence in English and I want to see if you understood or not, hm? You can answer in Korean if you wish." She gained an affirming nod before beginning, "Where would you like to go?"

His expression didn't change and he continued to stare at her until answering, "Toothpaste...?"

She deadpanned, "You would like to go to... Toothpaste."

"Is that what I said?" he asked sheepishly, trying to play it off. "I could've sworn you said 'What's your favorite...'" he looked around the room to find something that could help him, "object!"

"So basically you didn't understand."


"Ugh," Sandeul groaned, "why is it so hard for me to impress her?!"

"Who knows," Baro replied. "I don't think it helped with you saying you wanted to go to toothpaste."

"I will hire assassins from Mars to kill you in your sleep."

CNU shook his head, "Tsk, tsk, no violence, Sandeulie!"

"He started it!"

"What were you even doing to end up in that situation anyway?" Jin Young from beside CNU.

"She wanted to see if I knew English..."

Gongchan snorted, "Obviously you don't."

"Tell them to stop picking on me!"

"Stop whining!"

"Yeah, that's my job around here!"

The two eldest stared at the the three dongsaengs bickering, "Should we stop them?" CNU questioned.

"I dunno," replied Jin Young. "It's actually kinda funny."

"Sharbear! Sharbear!" Gognchan exclaimed while running to her.

"Mwoh, Gongaji?" she questioned as she was just about to go home. He quickly grabbed her wrist and sprinted in the oppostie direction. "Where are we going?!"

"You'll see!"

Sharon smacked the younger teen on the shoulder, "You nearly took my head off running like that!!"

"Aw, c'mon!" he whined. "It was just a few people!"

"And a ladder, and a cat. and did I forget to mention those kids playing SOCCER?! I was nearly hit in the face!"

"You're okay~" He turned her around to face the store. "This is what I brought you for!"

"A music store?" she glanced over her shoulder at him. "I nearly died for a music store?"

"You'll like it!" Turns out, she did enjoy herself.She found out she was a fan of BIGBANG, MBLAQ, Block B, SHINee, and others.

"Bye bye, Sharbear~" Gongchan waved as she walked home. She waved back as she walked home. Gongchan looked behind him to see a familiar figure watching Sharon as she walked.

"Sandeul-hyung may have some competition..."

Sharon and the boys were hanging out in a restaurant when she thought of something, "CNU-oppa, Jin Young-oppa?"

"Deh?" the two looked towards her.

"Aren't you two older?"


"Then do you go to the high school?" her question was answered with the two's shaking heads.

"I do," Jin Young answered, "I'm a senior along with Sandeul."

"But I'm a freshman in college," CNU informed. Sharon gained a look of understanding.

"So," she pointed to Baro, "you are in my grade," she then pointed to Gongchan, "and you're a sophomore?"

"Deh," they replied.

From a distance, a group of six boy watched the other six, "She must be really close to them, huh?" N questioned. The rest hummed in response.

Ravi could feel a jealous feeling coming onto him as he watched the six converse. He noticed the one called Sandeul stared at her as if she were a goddess. The amount of love in his eyes could barely be described and that egged on Ravi's jealousy.

'Watch out, Sandeul,' Ravi thought, 'take one eye off her and I'll come in and snatch her.' He smirked.

A/N: Gongchan + Gangaji (Puppy) = Gongaji

With Love and Mustaches,


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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.