
Beautiful Target

As the week progressed on, Sharon would be spending less time with B1A4, Sandeul and the others' group name, and instead spend time with VIXX, Ravi and others' group name. It's not like she forgot about them, it's just anytime she would try to go over to them, someone from VIXX would come by and sweep her away. The member of B1A4 that knew what was going on was Gongchan. Each day he would notice Sandeul getting sadder because he hadn't spoken with his crush. It hurt seeing his hyung like that. The others were curious about her disappearences and lack of communication.

"Noona~" Hyuk called as he and the rest of VIXX came walking up to Sharon.

"Deh?" she responded.

"You want to come eat lunch with us?"  Hong Bin qeustioned with a smile. Ravi was standing behind N with his fingers crossed and silently chanting "please say yes; please say yes".

Sharon gave them an apologetic smile, "Mianhae, but I was wanting to eat with a group of friends that I haven't talked to in a few days."  Behind N's back, Ravi threw a little tantrum.

Ken held a thumbs up with a smile as N replied, "Gwenchana! We were probably hogging you these past days, huh?"

Hyuk gave a light bow like a butler would, "We shall you, m'lady~" he said with a grin.

"Are you guys sure you're okay with it?" Sharon asked nervously.

Ken stepped forward and threw an arm around her shoulder, "Ah, if it worries you so much about our feelings, just come hang out with us after school~" Ravi walked up beside Ken and tapped his shoulder. "Neh?" Ken questioned his dongsaeng. In response, Ravi pointed to the arm around Sharon's shoulder. "Bwoh?" Ken asked confused. Ravi rolled his eyes before grabbing Ken's wrist and bringing it back to its owner's side.

With that done, Ravi gave his hyung a thumbs up, "Better~"

Ken gave Ravi a strange look before shrugging and turning back to Sharon, "Deal?"

She thought for a second before shrugging and agreeing.

At lunch B1A4 sat at their usual table, all of them chatting about except Sandeul. He sat there, playing with his food as a pout sat on his face. Baro looked to his right, where Sandeul sat, and looked to the older boy curiously. "Hyung," Baro called, gaining the sad teen's attention, "gwenchana?"

"Ah, neh," Sandeul answered sullenly.

Looking to his left, CNU saw a small group of people making their way towards the table. "Anyone know who they are?" he questioned his friends.

They all turned their heads in the direction as they noticed the group. Gongchan immediately knew who they were while the others remained confused. As the group neared, Sandeul's usual happy face came back as he exclaimed, "Sharon-ah!" and waved to her. Said girl reciprocated his hand gesture. Ravi, noticing the group they were taking her to was a group of guys, couldn't help the growing jealousy. Was it his fault he wanted her to be taken to a group of girls, not guys? Noticing Ravi's growing jealousy, Gongchan smirked.

Once they reached the table, Sharon took a seat beside Sandeul, across from Jinyoung and smiled at her first group of friends.

Ravi cleared his throat to catch her attention. Hong Bin put a hand on his shoulder as N began speaking, "Well, we'll get going now. Bye Sharon-ah~" Similar goodbyes were given as VIXX walked away from the table.

"So," Sharon started off a little awkwardly since no one was talking, "so-" she was cut off as Sandeul squeezed her in a hug and grinned.

"Sharon-ah~" Sandeul sang, "where have ya been?! I was getting lonely!" He gave her a pout.

"Aw, Sandeulie~" she cooed. The things he did to her...

"Actually," CNU started, "where have you been? We haven't seen you since we all went to the café."

"Well," she started, "after you guys left, I met the guys that walked me here and I was spending some time with them."

"So," Jin Young started but was cut off by Gongchan.

"You ditched us for them?"

Baro leaned forward and flicked the youngest on the forehead, "YAH! Don't develope an attitude!"

"Hyung~" Gongchan whined as he rubbed his forehead. Sharon sat in shock as she recalled Gongchan's face as he asked his question. She never thought he could look so fierce. He must be protective over the others or something...

"But really," Jin Young began, "what was up with that?"

"I did try and hang out with you guys," she explained, "but one of the guys would always drag me off somewhere else."

"So you weren't trying to ditch us," Baro questioned, leaning forward so he could see around Sandeul.

"Of course not!" Sharon exclaimed. "You guys are my first friends here, why would I do that?"

"Well, you kinda just stopped hanging out with us," CNU commented. "Sandeul wouldn't stop pouting and complaining."

She looked to the clinging boy and questioned, "Really?" All she got was a nod from the now happy boy. She looked to the boys surrounding her and smiled nervously, "Mianhaeyo; jeongmal mianhaeyo."

They all smiled brightly at her, "Gwenchana~"

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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.