
Beautiful Target


The week after the group met the foreigner, Sandeul and his friends could be seen walking from the school building once classes ended. Sandeul glanced around at his surroundings until his chocolate colored eyes landed on the girl harboring green eyes. She appeared to be walking in the direction of a locally known café. An idea came to the seventeen year old as his eyes widened and a grin broke on his. A glint appeared in his eyes.

Gongchan, standing by his hyung, noticed this face. "Hyung," he called, gaining the aforementioned teen's attention, "you look as if you're about to someone."

CNU looked at his dongsaeng in shock, "Channie! You don't say things like that!"

"What?!" Gongchan whined. "Do you not see that face?! That creepy grin could insinuate anything!"

"I'll meet you guys later!" Sandeul exclaimed, catching up to Sharon.

"Uh," Jin Young voiced, breaking the quareling friends argument, "he ran after her..."

Gongchan's eyes widened, "Hyung! Don't do it!! You can get her attention any other way!!!" he yelled to his older friend that had already reached his target.

Baro grinned, "C'mon, man! Hyung's just makin' a move! He's not gonna do anythin' like that. He's too nice for that!"

Gongchan thought the over before shrugging and agreeing.

"Sharon-ah! Sharon-ah!" Sandeul called to the female he met not long ago. She stopped and turned to see him and waited for him. Panting, he stood and put his hands on his hips to try and catch his breath, "Man, I need to get in shape..."

"Was there something you needed, Sandeul-ssi?" Sharon questioned as she studied his exhausted.

He looked to her with a surprised look as he remembered why he chased, "Oh, right!" Sandeul gained a smile on his face, "Would you liked to go with me to a local café that's near here?"

She glanced up in thought, "Ummm, I think I have some homework that needs to be taken care of first..."

"Can that wait?" he questioned. "I just wanna get to know you where we can be friends!" For good measure. he brought out a pout and performed aegyo to win her over.

Right off the bat, she saw his face and gave in, "Fine, but this needs to be quick."

"Okay~" he sang, looped his arm around hers, and took off for the café.

Upon their arrival to their location, they took a seat facing each other in a booth. They ordered their prefered beverages and started discussing their interests. Sharon heard a song playing through the café that sounded familiar.

"What's this song playing?" she questioned her companion.

"'Haru Haru' by BIGBANG," he replied. "You know it?"

"I have a friend back home who listens to a lot of foreign music," Sharon revealed. "I would hear her play this a few times and I think she showed me the music video before."

"Jinjja?" Sandeul questioned in shock. Who knew someone from where she's from would listen to Korean music. "Anyone else she knows of?"

"Actually, yeah," the American replied. "She listens to Block B, Dalmatian, Super Junior, and others."

Wow~" Sandeul was surprised by the things she told him about her friend. "Will she ever visit you? I would love to meet her!"

"She probably will, actually."

"Do you like one pf the bands she listens to?"

"Super Junior," she replied. "I heard her play 'Butterfly' by them on a CD she made." They continued to shoot questions back and forth to each other until Sharon had to go home. "Later, Sandeul-ssi."

"Wait!" she turned and lifted an eyebrow. "Call me 'oppa'!"

She giggled to herself. He had the cutest face when he told her to call him 'oppa'. "Okay... Oppa." With that, she walked away.

Sandeul sighed dreamily, "What a girl~"

The next day, Sandeul ran through crowds of people to reach his friends.

"There you are!" Gongchan exclaimed. The younger teen grabbed his hyung's shirt and stared intently at his face, "Don't tell me you did."

"But, Channie," the older said happily, "I did!"

Baro's eyes grew from their original size and stared at Sandeul, "Hyung, are you serious?!"

"Yep!" Gongchan and Baro stared at each other in shock.

"I told you he would do it!"

"Wae, hyung?!"

"I asked her out~" The other four stared at him in confusion.

"Say what...?"

Jin Young decided to drop into the conversation, "What do you mean 'I asked her out'?"

CNU joined in, "You mean like 'Hey, you heard about that movie? You should go with me to see it!' or 'Willyougoonadatewithme?'?"

"Weeeelllll," Sandeul drawled, "It wasn't EXACTLY a date. Atleast it was a date to me..."

"Did she know it was a date?!" Gongchan inquired.

Sandeul gave a shrug while grinning sheepishly.

"I don't think he knows," Baro commented.

While Sharon began her trek home, she didn't notice the group she was being observed by.

"Hyung," started Han Sang Hyuk, more commonly known as Hyuk among his friends, "look! A foreigner!"

"Doesn't she go to your school?" Cha Hak Yeon, or N, questioned.

"I think she's in our grade," Lee Hong Bin provided.

"So she's my noona?" Hyuk asked.

"Yes, Hyuk," Jung Tae Kwoon, also known as Leo, replied.

"She's hot!" Kim Won Shik, known as Ravi, exclaimed, a grin on his face.

"Calm yourself, Ravi," Lee Jae Hwan, or Ken, said to the excited male. "You don't want thinking you may attack her. Lord knows we don't need the cops arresting your ..."

"You're just jealous of allll this," Ravi said as he made a hand gesture to his face.

"I'm pretty sure it's the other way around," Ken retorted. "Who's the one with the fan club at school? Oh, that's right. Muah~"

Hyuk looked at his hyung as he deadpanned, "You need some ice for that burn, hyung?" he snickered. His only response was getting hit in the back of the head by Ravi's hand.

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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.