
Beautiful Target

Walking through the heavily populated streets of Seoul, the American foreign exchange student Sharon Pittman quickly made her way to the nearest cross walk. While waiting for the sign to change to the desired signal, she pulled her sandy brown, curly hair into a ponytail, weary of her thick, black framed glasses. Once the sign change to the green signal, Sharon began her walk to the local high school. She was registered to Seoul High for her junior year, in hopes to acquire an understanding of the Korean culture and education. All around her, a collision of conservations could be heard. Students filled nearly every nook and cranny. Some speaking of the latest gossip, others conversing of their favorite music.Seeing as there was time left before classes were scheduled to begin, Sharon pulled out a copy of the second book of the Hobbit , one of her favorite books. Her green eyes scanned the words printed on the page as she waited for classes to initiate. From far off, a pair of brown eyes He noticed her reading instead of exchanging words with another girl.

"Sandeul-hyung!" Sandeul snapped back to his senses as he heard his dongsaeng Gong Chan Shik, more known as Gongchan, whine to him.

"Mwoh?" Sandeul questioned.

"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes and all you can say is 'mwoh'?!" Gongchan feigned hurt. He then gained a curious expression on his face as he questioned, "Where were you even looking to?"

Sandeul threw an arm around his dongsaeng's shoulders as he streered him to a position in which Gongchan could see the foreign beauty, "You see that girl?"

Gongchan looked at the green eyed American then turned to Sandeul, "You mean the new foreign student?"

"Yes!" Sandeul exclaimed. "She seems interesting. While everyone else blabbers away, she sits there and reads a book."

Cha Sun Woo, or Baro, who had been eavesdropping, comments, "I think she's just anti-social, hyung."

Sandeul puts his hands on his hips and says, "Why would you assume something so rude?!"

"She's just sitting there!" Baro retorted.

"Then why don't you go over there and find out if she is?" Jung Jin Young inquired with a smirk.

"Yeah, hyung, why don't you go over there?" Gongchan added on to the pressure.

"How about making the one who thought she was anti-social go over there?" Shin Dong Woo, also known as CNU, suggested.

"Only if you guys come with!" Baro exclaimed.

"Fine, fine," Jin Young replied with a wave of his hand.

As Sharon read her book in peace, she was suddenly disturbed by an unknown person's voice.

"Hello~" called a student with blonde hair; he also resembled a hamster in some sorts.

Sharon slowly closed the work of literature as she greeted, "Hi?"

From behind the boy, she could see a semi-tall one with black hair rapidly patting the tallest with glasses, "Hyung, hyung, she has your glasses!" The apparent older guy just nodded his head with a smile.

The one in front cleared his throat as he introduced himself, "My name is Baro and yours?"

Sharon glanced at each of the five individuals before offering her name, "Sharon."

"Nice to meet you~" the second tallest said. "I'm Gongchan!"

The one with glasses raised his hand, "CNU."

One with fiery red hair was next to speak, "Jin Young."

A hyperactive one with brown hair began to wave his hand in a frantic wave, "Hi~ I'm Sandeul!"

She gave a small wave before Baro got back to his point, "So we saw you sitting here reading; would there by any chance be a reason?"

Sharon blinked, "Honestly?"


"I'm just really anti-social," she replied, laughing a little.

Baro threw a smug look over his shoulder to Sandeul. Turning back to the brunette, he gave a short bow and thanked her. Soon enough, the bell for class rang and students scattered to the designated rooms.Sharon looked at all the people around her wakling to where they're needed to be before turning back to find the group of five gone.

"All righty then," she sighed, getting up and began her trek to the principal's office for directions to her class.

Once Sandeul knew he and his friends were out of Sharon's visual range, he began to slap Baro's shoulder repeatedly. "Ow! Aish, what's wrong with you?!"

"Why did you say that to her?!"

Gongchan's face lit up, "Hyung has a crush!"

"Channie, hush!"

CNU wrapped an arm around Sandeul's shoulder, "It's all right, dongsaengie~"

Jin Young gave a laugh as he threw in. "Yeah, we could help ya!"

"Not you, too, hyungs!"

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Finally finished editing my story!! That was a pain in the but...


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wow B1A4 and VIXX! update soon plz author-nim.