This Heart was Already Yours 4

This Heart Was Already Yours


"Why are you staring at me like that...?...Is there something on my face?" The girl said as she wiped her face with a napkin. Onew forced his eyes away from her and tried to play off his embarassment by smiling. They were eating breakfast at the small table. As he looked, the apartment was pretty nice. It was spacious and very modern. The furnitures were mainly gray, silver, white or black.

The girl looked at him as he looked around fascinated. She chuckled and asked, "Haha. What is it? Why aren't you eating your food?" Onew looked back at her and answered, "Oh, right...hehehe..." Slowly taking a spoonful of rice, he thought about it more.

Well...will I even taste anything? I mean, because this is just all dream, it's not possible, right?...

Carefully, he placed the rice in his mouth. The texture seemed right, but since rice really didn't have a flavor, he couldn't tell. He reached over to the pickled radishes and ate it.

Okay, I can taste everything. Maybe I'm going crazy....What if...this is the real life and yesterday was just a dream?? WAIT, WAIT! I have to get a hold of myself!! YESTERDAY WAS THE REAL LIFE! THIS IS A DREAM!

He looked up to see his dream-wife looking at him curiously. "Did it not taste right?" She asked as she ate the pickled radishes.

"O-oh! That's not it! I was just...thinking...about if...this is all just a dream or not!"

The girl jokingly replied, "Does my food taste that great?" Onew chuckled nervously and scratched his head.

All this seemed so real and yet so fake...This girl who is supposedly my wife, I've never seen her before, but in my heart, I feel as though there's a connection between us. Am I really living in the future right now? If so, is that the girl I will give my heart to? What about Jinhee...?....Did I finally stop loving her?

"Jinki! Let's go out to the beach today!"

He heard the girl shouting from the living room. Following where her voice came from, he found himself in the living room walking towards a balcony. The white chiffon curtains waved as the wind passed through. The bright sunlight beamed into his eyes causing him to squint. When he walked out onto the balcony, he saw the girl leaning over the ledge with her face sticking out towards the sky. Onew looked around the outside world and saw nothing but brightness.


"I'll just go back to sleep now!" Onew said as he turned towards the door. The girl quickly grabbed his arm and dragged him over to her. With a saddened expression, she asked him, "Do you not want to spend time with me...?" The sunlight hitting her skin made it glow as her hair danced around in the wind. Her figure was too unreal, but unbelievably beautiful. Swallowing hard, he answered her, " It's just, this is only but a dream. You're not real. This place isn't real." Her hands softly moved up to his biceps. Her eyes stared into his as if he was really talking to someone real. She then said innocently, "But...I am real..."

These feelings...they're not mine. It can't be mine. Why is that...when I look at her...I feel all of these feelings inside that feels like her. I-I don't even know who she is! Why do I feel this way?? And her could someone in a dream look so deep into your eyes? This is just a dream, but why do I feel like I already love her?

Onew fought back his temptation to hold her and said, "But you don't even know who I am...and I don't know who you are." Her eyebrows curved up and she told him, "Yes, you do know who I am. I'm your wife, aren't I? You're Lee Jinki. We dated for three years and you asked me to marry you. Are you saying that you really don't know who I am?"

I can't believe this...I just can't. I don't know what to believe anymore! I feel like I'm going insane! How do I go back to the way life was yesterday? It doesn't matter if I go back and still face the fact that Jinhee is getting married to another man and not me. It doesn't matter. I just don't want to stay here any longer!

The girl let go of him and walked back inside. Onew slowly turned and watched her go. When he looked away, something suddenly flew towards him and covered his face. Screaming, Onew struggled to get it off. He took a good hold of it and pulled it off his face. Staring at it, he realized it was a piece of paper.

ARGH! Paper, why are you trying to kill me in my own dream?!

He stopped and looked at it. There was some writings on it. It was someone's handwriting.

This seems a dream, you normally can't read in it, can you? Hmm....

"Lee Jinki.

Do not be frightened. You are within a dream. You must be wondering what is going on right now.

Onew  paused and looked around to see if the girl was going to come back or not. Then he continued reading:

Your dream has led you to the future. Everything that happens here won't effect the future, but it is giving you a look of how your future will be. Some of the things you see here may be real or may not be. You must be careful of your actions in this kind of dream. Anything sudden can cause you to stay unconscious forever."

Suddenly, the paper dissolved and disappeared. His eyes wondered around for awhile until he came to his senses.

Wait, so I can die here?! HOW DO I GET OUT, YOU PIECE OF PAPER?! What am I supposed to do? I'm dreaming of the future. This isn't made up, this place is real...she's real?

He looked into the house and walked in cautiously. Looking around for the girl, he didn't see her. "U-um, wife???" He called out hoping for a response. When he walked back to the room, he saw her fixing a summer dress on. She glanced over at him and said, "Can you help me zip this up?"

"Me?" He nervously asked.

She laughed saying, "Yah, who else is here with us??" As he walked closer to her to help her, he tried to stay composed. He reached for the zipper on her lower back and took a hold of it. "W-where are you going?" Onew asked nervously. She lifted her hair up and answered, " myself because you don't want to spend time with me..."  Finishing zipping her dress up, he backed away and replied, "But it's not that! Really..."

She let down her hair and turned to him with a smile saying, "So...did you want to come with me then?"

"Uh...I...W-where we going?"

"You'll come with me?!"

Grabbing his hands, she smiled excitedly at him waiting for his obvious answer.


"Great! Get dressed then." The girl skipped out of the room happily leaving Onew by himself. Walking over to a door that looked like it could be the closet, he slowly opened it. The doors opened and he saw that it was huge inside. a walk-in closet. WAHH....where did I get the money to get this??

Amazed, he walked in and began looking around. He soon realized that one side of the closet was hers and the other was his. All of the expensive clothes were hung up, while the less expensive ones were neatly folded. Opening a small drawer on his side of the closet, he saw accessories such as watches and bracelets.

How did I get so rich...?

After he had finished dressing up, he met his wife waiting in the living room. He was wearing a light pink v-neck with a pair of khaki pants. The girl smiled and said, "You're looking mighty handsome today!" Onew blushed and replied to her, "Well, you look pretty handsome yourself!" Slightly, she hit his arm and grabbed her purse. Then they made their way out of the apartment. Onew looked around studying the building.

I don't think I've been in this place before. Everything looks so...detailed!

Arriving outside, Onew saw that the place seemed like a city. There were people walking and cars driving by. It was almost too real for a dream. He felt her small hand take a hold of his. As if a natural reflex, his fingers forced its way to intertwine with hers. She quickly led the way to a car that pulled up in front of them. A man wearing a uniform that the workers in their apartment wore came out and handed Onew the keys. Staring at the set of keys, he wondered what he was going to do with it. The girl climbed into the car and closed the door. She looked up and saw Onew still standing there.

I know how to drive? What? I-is this my car? Well...I'd be disappointed if I didn't have a car at this age...I am supposed to be 28 years old...

With the door slightly opened, she asked, "Is something wrong, Jinki?"  Onew looked over at her and nodded. He made his way to the driver's side and climbed in.

"A-are you sure I should drive?"

"Hahaha, why are you asking? Did you forget how to drive?"

He was about to say something but he decided not to. His body began moving on its own and he suddenly felt like he knew exactly what he was doing.

Whoa, whoa....I'm driving...Okay, okay....this is....going quite well...

Suddenly, something flew onto the windshield. "AH! What is that?!" Onew screamed and with his free hand, he quickly grabbed onto the girl's hand. The girl laughed and said, "It's nothing. It's just a cloud!"

"Just a cloud?! That's a-a killer cloud! And what's a killer cloud doing here?!" Onew shouted watching the cloud as it flew away.

Clouds can't exist like that in the real world....can it?

When they finally arrived to the place she wanted to go, Onew realized that while driving, he actually had no idea where he was going. All he did was drive straight. The girl climbed out the car and stood there for awhile. Closing the door, she quickly ran off.

"Oi! Yah! Where are you going?? Don't leave me by myself here!"

What if that killer cloud comes back??

Quickly, he unbuckled himself and ran out after her. Seeing her silhouette in the distant, he calmed down and looked around.

I'm at a...beach?

He looked down at his feet and saw white sand.

"Jinki! The water's really nice!!" The girl shouted from the waters. Onew continued his way towards her saying, "Where is this??"

This kind of sand is definitely not found in Korea...More like...somewhere in the Bahamas or something.

Looking up at the girl for an answer, his breath was taken away. The scene of his wife playing with the water was too beautiful. Her soft curls was gently flowing in the wind. Trying not to get her dress wet, her hands held it up revealing her legs. This fake scenery was too breathtaking. She stopped playing with the water and looked at him.

Nervously, Onew told her, "Uhh...I can't go in the water. My shoes aren't-"

"Just take them off! C'mon! Please!" She said as she walked over to him.

Giving in, he sat down on the sand and took off his shoes. He rolled up his pants and stood up. His wife watched as he took a couple of steps towards her. When he reached her at the shore, she smiled at him and held his hands in hers. Onew looked at her wondering what she was doing. She tiptoed to try and meet his height. An uncontrollable smile curved his lips upwards as he stared at her. Her lips gently pressed against that smile of his and he could feel his heart exploding.

Was it like this when I met this girl?...Did her this much? All of this feelings in my feels as though it's never-ending. The piece of paper said that...not everything here is is she real...or is she really just a part of my dream?


Are things moving too slow for ya? Lol. Sry if it is. 8(

Thank you for the subscriptions and especially the comments! I enjoy reading the comments. ♥

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Chapter 14: read this story fits nicely wif shinee's new song - dream girl...kekeke
yofunkeemonkEY #2
Awesome man:) love it:) I want a sequel write one ok?
*clap*clap*clap* i really hope you'll be making a sequel to this story...can't wait to read it. this story is really wonderful. ^-^ thanks for writing and sharing.^_^
oh my! oh my! i am reading one of your wonderful stories again.^^
ahhhhhhhhh why... whyyy.... too perfect... TwT thanks for creating this beautiful story~~
bumpop #6
This story was sooooo amazing!
I really love all of your stories!
This is one of the best stories i've read so far!!!!!! ><
DonaldDuckhyung #7
I LOVE IT!!! XD <3
AH! This story was amazing! >w< I wish you could make a sequel to this ^^<br />
*With a different future ahem if you know what i mean hahaha <3
MeisChanyoung #9
aaaw, this is so sweet.. I almost cried when Jinki's in his dream. He's such a hopeless romantic. XD<br />
<br />
I'm gonna read your other stories, so wait for my comments! ;D
onewjjang #10
Aww, the final is so sweet.<br />
A sequel? Wuah, I would like to read it.<br />
Love this fic very much. :)