Chapter 1

My Fake Boyfriend {HIATUS}

~Hello! You need to read this. Hahahahahaha. This isn't a good story. I'm sorry. I really don't know how to start this story. I made this unexpectedly XD I'm not in my real self yesterday lol. But you know, I need feedbacks :) HAHAHAHAHAHA I want comments please.



Happy couples everywhere. Happy group of friends together. While you, you're alone. You sighed. You were walking happily while drinking your bubble tea when someone approached you.


"Eunmi?" you looked up to see who it was. O_O




(A/N: I can't think of any extras. Hehehe. I want Baro :3 I'll put Baro's picture weee)


"how are you?" he asked and smiled at you. Baro was your ex-boyfriend. Yup. You read it right. He was your EX-BOYFRIEND.


(A/N: again. Hahahahhaha. Sorry. Just agree okay? Baro was your ex-boyfriend. Having an ex-boyfriend doesn't mean your a flirt in this story ^__^v)


"I'm fine! I'm always fine. How about you?"


"I'm fine as you? Are you alone?"


You paused for a second. Am I alone? Of course not! I'm with my pride!


(A/N: italic = thoughts. This is my last note here sorry)


"no. I'm not alone" you lied. Pride is not a person for you to be with.


"who's with you?" he's still smiling at you. You frowned. Too many questions. Psh.


"I'm with my........boyfriend" you lied again.


"boyfriend?" his eyes rounded. Obviously, he's surprised.


"yeah. Why?" you looked around and spotted a guy. He looks fine >:)

Without even thinking, you grabbed the guy and,


"honey~ I've been looking for you. Where have you been?" you said. You were nervous while saying it, though, it's npt obvious. You can see the confusion in the guy that you grabbed just now. "ah. Baro, he's..." OMO. What's his name?! Should I think of a name for him?!  Your mind started to panic. Yeah, your mind. Not you.


"I'm Baekhyun" you slowly turned your head. The guy introduced himself to Baro.


"n-nice to meet you" Baro said. You sighed as a relief. "I think I should go now? See you around Eunmi" and with that, Baro started to walk.


Baekhyun coughed on purpose to get your attention.


"ah eh?" you quickly removed your hand on his wrist. "should I say thank you? And.....sorry?" you bowed a bit.


He smiled. HE'S CUTE! OMG. I HAVE A GOOD TASTE!, those were the words you shouted in your mind.


"you're funny" your expression changed when he said those words.


"me?" you pointed yourself.


"yes. Hahahahaha" he's laughing at you. What the hell..


"Baekhyun!" a good-looking guy came. And that's the time when Baekhyun stopped laughing.




"we've been looking for you idiot" Chanyeol said.


"hahaha sorry" Baekhyun looked at you. "see you again?"


"no. I mean, yes. See you~" you smiled and waved at him. He's a good guy. you thought and take a sip of your bubble tea.


That was exactly my ideal boyfriend. Cute. Kind? Ugh. I'm thinking too much.



~Hi. I'm laughing while doing this >.< I can't think properly I'm sorry.

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Update soon~
Baek looks like he's doesn't give a at their relationship am i right?><
how is he still so sweet i'm crey
i like this update ouo;
iloveexo10 #3
Chapter 4: This story is really cute!!!!
Chapter 3: why are you saying sorry for your story? oAo