Shes Floor Forty!

No More Control







Your POV


Nightlife in Seoul shines in the dark sky. Before while getting ready you were a little tired, but now you're wide eyed. You stare at everything and your eyes go in and out of focus on the fast passing lights as the cab speeds across the purple lit highway. You pay the cab driver as you arrive at the club.


“What’s this club called? It looks really busy...” You look cautiously at Ara and then to Sunye.


“It’s called Exotics, and of course it busy....its so new! AH! I’m so excited, cause I’ve been waiting for it to open for so long!” Sunye says as she helps Ara out of the cab. You step out on the other side and stride up next to them.


“Just so you guys know...I will probably be just at the bar...I’m not much of a dancer....” You try and make excuses to stay away.


“What are you talking about!? You’re an amazing dancer!” Ara slips out.


“Shut. Up.! I didn’t expect this! You have to come and dance with us!” Sunye squeals.


“Wait.What? ARA! HOW COULD YOU...!” You playfully act as though you are hurt, and hold your heart faking it’s nonexistent pain.


“You asked for it Y/N! I’m not letting you off the hook so easily! I’m tougher than you think..Don’t even try and run!” She grabs your arm as you fake trying to run away, feigning hurt.


You all finally reach the entrance. The two huge bouncers give the three of you a smiles as they let you in. Your ears are immediately flooded with the deafening powerful speakers. You adjust to the new environment and are taken over by the influential provocative dancing that is going on all around you. Everyone immediately stares at you as you descend the long staircase separating you and the crowd. But you have no idea that they are staring at you, you don’t even notice. B1A4’s Baby I’m Sorry comes on and you recognize it. Rolling your hips to the beat, as you carefully put one foot in front of the other, willing yourself not to fall. Your hair blows off your shoulders as you reach the bottom. Sunye takes your hand and Ara grab your other, they both pull and push you through the crowd of people and over to the bar.


“Damn! It’s packedd!” Sunye says as the bartender comes over to all of you. “I’ll have a Mojito...and...get her one too,” She gestures towards Ara, who is obviously admiring all the different things going on. “What..? you’re getting something already? Don’t you think you should wait for a guy...He looks like hes ready to come over here...” You say, making Sunye turn her attention to a guy on the other side of the room. He’s strongly built and definitely undressing Sunye in his head.

“Uh. No. I’m not into guys with thunder-thighs for arms.” She says swiveling back around in her chair. The bartender turns to you, waiting for your drink, but you don’t notice...too shocked by Sunyes blunt judgmental rejection of the perfectly fine looking guy.  

“Miss, what would you like?”


“Ah. I’ll have a Cosmo. Make it strong. I’m gonna need it.” You say the last bit to yourself. You lean back with your elbows against the metal bar table and cross your legs. You always give off an aura of being in control wherever you are, you are quite nervous right now. You have been to clubs before, many times infact. But you just have this feeling, like, tonight is different.


On the top floor you see a guy leaning up against the steel railing. You squint. He looks really familiar. Another guy comes up next to him, he also look familiar. He slaps the first guy on the back, they both laugh. They seem pretty close.

“Hey Sunye...Why do those guys look so recognizable....?” You ask, pointing to the top floor. Sunye turns to where you are pointing. Her eyes squint at you.


“Really Y/N...Really? You can’t honestly say you don’t know who those guys are...right...?” She looks at you with pleading eyes.


“Uh..I got nothing....”


“Whose club are we in right now?” She continues pressing.


“Uh. I don’t know...Lets see...” You pull out your phone to check. You look up once more, not only are those two HOT guys staring at you, but about 10 more are aswell! Sunye sits patiently waiting for it to hit you. You type in ‘Who does Exotics Nightclub belong to?’

Your eyes widen at the realization before your phone has time to come up with the answer. Sunye smiles in satisfaction of your ability to catch on.


The bass drop of Voodoo by Bassnectar is set free, just as you scream the answer. But anyone who looked at your full lips would be able to tell immediately what you said.






All The Guys POV


“Man! Its totally packed tonight! Damn, look at all that fine !” Sehun says looking out at all the people. He’s sitting on the couch downing a couple shots, but thats nothing for him since he will be going all night at the same rate.


“Damn! Look at herr! Shes HOT!” Chanyeol says, leaning on the railing.


“Woah! You’re right! She makes the two girls beside her look like trash..Not to be mean....” Suho say, realising that he sounds harsh. Tao and Luhan rush to Chanyeol’s side, to see what all the praise is about. Their eyes widen with surprise and excitement.


“SHES HERE! Sheeees hereee!!!!!!” They scream above the music, grabbing each other's hands and jumping up in the air. If someone who didn't know they play girls like instruments, that person would think they were gay together. Tthough that would be hot.


“Who the hell are you talking about?” Sehun gets up from his seat and runs over, bumping up against the two inseparable boys and separates them. “! She is hot! I call dibs!” He says turning around and raising both his hands in air, claiming what he thinks he now owns.


“WHAT!” Luhan and Tao say in unison! “No! We already claimed her! Shes ours!!!! Ours!” They screech.


“Prove it.” Sehun says, amused. The rest of Exo has gotten up and is now leaning against whatever they can, to see what all the fuss is about. And what they see does not disappoint.


You are stunning. Hot. Striking. You are .




You are wearing a black skin tight dress. The thin midnight material caresses your body like all of them wish they were right at that moment. You casually walk down the stairs, your legs describing . Your hair blows off your defined collarbones and exposes your shoulder blades, making all of Exo practically fall over the railing. The lights of the club grace our curves. They are cheering and screaming as every detail of the moves you make becomes their world.


“Call my Umma!!! I think I just fell in love!” Chanyeol says, faking a faint, making Xiumin catch him. Xiumin fails, and Chanyeol falls on top of him.


“Seriously. You just ruined my moment.” Chanyeol looks at him with disgust.


“I...I...I was just trying to help....”Xiumin looks down at the floor.


“I’m just playin!” Chanyeol lightens up again. “But seriously.” Giving Xiumin the death stare. Luhan and Tao look on in horror at everyone gawking over their prey.


“She...Looks familiar...” Sehun says more to himself than the other guys. And even though it is so loud in the club, they still hear him, their senses on overdrive.


“What! How can you say that about her! Shes completely original!” D.O say offended.


“I’m just saying...” He runs his fingers through his rainbow colored hair.


“No just saying. Shes our angel. So if you think that someone else in this world looks like our baby, then get outta here.” D.O says, everyone backing him up by nodding their heads.


“Yeah man, I’ve seen a lot of hot es out here, but she...she looks amazing.” Kris says agreeing with D.O


“Guys.Guys! I think shes hot too! I’m not hating or anything.” Sehun says returning to the group and continuing his undisturbed gazing at your flawless frame. Although...I think I have seen her before.... …..  ..I GOT IT! Shes Floor 40!!! Shes the hottie from the elevator. Sehun smiles proudly at his perfect memory of you being cute. Tripping all over him, and then giving the y ‘last look’ as the elevator doors closed behind you. ‘Floor Fourty’ You just got soooo much more interesting. He has no idea that you are about to get billions of times more interesting.

Heyy guys! Next up is B1A4's turn to gawk over Y/N!!! Can't wait! So yea. Ik that this update is short. But I did it all in one day. Im devoted to you all! Hehe. yea. We will see how long that lasts since my grandparents from Las Vegas are flying in tomorrow. Which means my cousins are over for a couple days, I can’t help but hang around with them...THERE SO CUTE!. aaannd! If you guys would like to hear little secrets I let out about my new updates...thennnn subscribe to my blog! Cause those hints about my new chapters (on most of my fics) will be there. Hope you guys liked this update! I had a lot of fun writing it!<3

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marlimacha21 #1
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 12: amazing. loving it too much... man i feel like im always the one commenting.. maybe i should give it a break? lol you're probably bored of just hearing comments from me XD
wildandyoung #3
Chapter 12: they are definitely fanboying inside.
Chapter 11: omg omg omg!!! EXCITING STUFF~!!! Im looking forwards t the next chapter~~~ haha its going to be such an epic scene when they meet again but her as manager XD hahaha
Chapter 9: more more more updates please. and it would be amazing if they are longer but have funnnnnnnn with your cousins!!
Chapter 8: Cant wait for the club scene. Ive been to vegas a few times that place was insane!
Chapter 7: keep update!!!