
No More Control




“Wow! It’s full here. Definitely my type of club!” Baro says, accidently bumping into someone.

“Wow...Look at this decor!...They really went all out!” Sanduel walks in side by side with Jinyoung. Cnu comes in with the rest of them, following behind Gongchan. He’s not too excited to follow along, even though this is his first time at Exotics. The five of them always go out to different clubs, it’s become like a hobby/ritual. Why would tonight be any different from all the times of drinking and dancing? Dancing with ty girls, who throw themselves at even the cheapest of partners. It’s all so trivial to him. Not that he would’nt dance with a y girl, he would if she had a good body on her. But he’s been through the routine all too often. Once inside, Cnu’s mind sways just a tad. I have to admit, the interior of this place is really nice. And look at those stairs, the steps go on forever..!


“Guys! Guys guys guys! Look at that chick over there!” Jinyoung says running ahead with Sanduel. Jinyoung is pointing at a girl wearing a red flowing dress, paired with matching christmas ruby heels. The rest of the boys are just as curious as the confused Sanduel, who was half pulled along and half willing.


“Woah! Look! Jinyoung actually has good taste for once. I thought he was tracking down a ma-” Gongchan is interrupted by a playful stare down, consisting his uncontrollable laughing and Jinyoung’s glares.

“Don’t you dare replay that story! I’ll kill you!” Jinyoung starts pointing at the smirking Sanduel. He shudders at the thought of how he mistook a guy for a girl once while dancing the night away. You can’t really blame him though, the girl-looking-guy was really really good at crossdressing. Cnu honestly thinks to himself. They all walk to the bar, Cnu gets something to make sure that he has a fun night. It’s gonna take a lot to make this interesting. But little does he know that it’s gonna get real interesting real fast. He downs a shot and in the corner of his eye he sees a girl in black walking to the dance floor. He shuts his eyes at the strong liquid courses through his body. Man, it’s gonna take a lot more of this to get me drunk. Better get on that. But instead of going for another drink, his attention is caught by his friends making shouts and howls. Wtf..? He turns to where they are looking. All attention off his drink.




Your POV


After having another drink, courage seems to have a higher level than originally. Suddenly you feel like dancing. Of course Ara and Sunye have already entered the dance floor and are owning every eye within sight. It feels right to go to them, so you roughly set your glass down and make your way towards the two dancers. You feel a little tipsy since you haven’t had much alcohol for a while. Even so, you haven’t come close to reaching your limit. Willing yourself to not sway in your footing, you put one foot in front of another, aiming for perfection. You feel as though eyes are watching you, that feeling seems to follow you everywhere, but you always pass it off as nothing.


Finally reaching your friends, you are met with disappointment. Two guys have already come up to dance with them, you just play if off. Thank goodness Ara didn’t see me, that would have been awkward. Hope she will be okay...You know what? She will, she’s with Sunye. One of your favorite songs comes on, and you definitely don’t feel bad about dancing by yourself. It’s pretty surprising that no one has approached you. All the guys are still working on liquid courage to edge them on...


Just like Ara had said, you are a natural when it comes to moving your body. Even just swaying to the music is enough to send the guys screaming. You look up at all the lazer lights on the ceiling. Your eyes moving from color to color. You notice the balcony above again. The top level railing is now packed with the 12 boys of Exo, they're screaming and shouting praises in your direction. You of course, being clueless, think hardly anything of it. Wonder what got them going crazy..? You smile at how cute some of them look as they blush. Others just look hot, yeah just hot. The way one of them runs his fingers through his hair as he backs up, shouting over the music. One of them yells something in the ear of a taller one. He just laughs.


Your attention is stolen by another group of boys behind you at the bar. They are praising some girl as well. You just don’t know that girl is you. Again.





“! Look at her!” Sanduel jumps up from his seat. Of course he is shouting over you. Your long strides towards the dance floor. The way your tight dress moves with your body, as if it’s connected to your soft skin. He imagines himself being that dress, that damn lucky dress.


“I take back what I said about that girl before. This girl, is wayyy better!” Jinyoung jumps up and down with Sanduel.


“What girl before? This girl makes me forget everything.” Gongchan exaggerates. The song changes to Obsessed by Mariah Carey. You start to tap your hands on your hips, adding more motion. With every tap, you send the boys’ hearts beating faster. Cnu has just spun around in his chair, searching for the girl who is making his bandmates go all weird. He hasn’t seen them this excited since Twinkies made a comeback. Ew.  He pushes the thought out of his head, trying to make it never return. It doesn’t take him long to find the object of their new obsession. He immediately sees what they are all drooling over. He’s known this obsession for the past few days. It’s...Her. Her. The girl I couldn’t stop thinking about for days. The girl I lost sleep over. That cute, funny, little girl. And I thought she was pretty then! Look at her now! Shes...so...Hot. He would recognise her anywhere. Even without glasses, you still look the same. Yet so different. He’s so confused. Maybe it’s the alcohol. No it can’t be, I only had one shot. He watches in shock as the girl he has had a clueless crush on is right in front of him. You’re dancing, alone, but you don’t even need a partner, you dance as if on air.




Exo’s Pov


“Guys. Why are we just standing here, let’s just dance with her!” Chanyeol says, making a very good point. And before he says anything more, everyone is running down the stairs and towards you. But before they reach you they see some familiar faces. B1A4!


“Look! We have to say ‘hi’ to them first!” Xiumin yells above the music. Of course everyone happily agrees. Exo has started to become good friends with B1A4. Hanging out a couple of times and seeing them at parties. It’s a pleasant surprise to see them at their club.



All The Guys POV


“Guys! Whats up!” Xiumin rushes over to Sanduel, taking D.O with him. They've all been friends for a while.


“Heyy!” Sanduel stands up and continues with their special handshake. “I knew this was your new club, but I didn’t think you would actually be here!” He says.


“Babo! Of course we would all be here on opening night...!” Xiumin laughs.


“Aish. Well, I guess...” Sanduel looks down in embarrassment.


“I just messing with you!” Xiumin slaps him on the back. Everyone is catching up. Laughing and teasing each others new hair colors, when, someone mentions you.


“YEA! Did you guys see her!!!” Chanyeol jumps up and down.


“Who...That girl?” Jinyoung point towards you.


“Isn’t she hot!” D.O literally jumps into the conversation. Almost tackling Kris to get into the new circle. Soon everyone joins in, creating a huge group.


“Uh! Yea! We’ve been staring at her for what seems like eternity.” Gongchan laughs.


“Are you sure she's not famous, I mean, I’ve never seen a regular girl with a body like that. Damn.” Kai looks over in your direction.


“I was thinking that too, but I think I would have remembered her, shes...so...memorable.” Jinyoung says, for lack of words.


“Look at her dancing all alone. I just can’t get my legs to go over there. The rejection!” Chanyeol transforms into ‘drama queen’ again. Cnu doesn’t really care too much about their complements. He sort of just ignores it. Then he see someone walking up to you. Sehun has already made it halfway to you.


“Hey guys...” Cnu gestures in your direction, cocking his head as if he could care less. But inside, he curses himself for not being the first to go up to you.


“Damit! I knew that little brat would go up to her first!” Kai starts walking down the stair to the dance floor, waving everyone else over. “Come on! Were not letting him get away with this!”



Your POV






You notice all the Exo boys have gone over to the other group of boys. They blind you with their brightness, too hot to stare. All the girls around you, dancing, give you glares. What the hell. Am I that much of a bother to dance alone! ing ! Why can’t one guy even come up to me. This blows. What you don’t know is that those es are jealous that the girl Exo and B1A4 is gawking over is you. You don’t notice that though, since you think they are too good for you to even look at. Babo. You still steal some glances. That’s when you see Sehun coming over to the dance floor. Wow. He’s. Gorgeous. You think to yourself, thats when you accidentally make eye contact with him. Although, he did it on purpose. You turn around, trying to play it off. That was totally awkward, yet, I kind of want him to notice me, again. What the hell! You turn back around, only to find him right in front of you and actually really close...


“Hey.” He says. You would think that it’s just a ‘hey.’ But it’s not. It’s one of those y elongated ‘heyyys’. The kind that makes your heart skip wayyy too many beats. But tonight is going to be different. You are not going to be the one who just dances alone. You're not ‘the one by the bar’ anymore. Tonight is different.


“Hey” You change your scared expression into a mysterious eye smile. It nearly knocks all the boys who followed after Sehun off their feet. They definitely don’t want to be left out, even though theres like a bajillion of them!


Without even having to say a word, the beat controls all the moves you make. Sehun goes behind you, holding you around your waist. Very close. It’s exhilarating, going out of your comfort zone. The music commands your every act, taking you totally by surprise. Rolling your hips, you can’t remember anymore how much time has gone by. Until you feel a single sweat droplet roll down the side of your face. You slide your hands up from your thighs to below your chest, continuing up. Stealthily sliding away the dose of passion from the side of your face, you reach to the sky. Quickly turning around, and sliding your hands up his chest all the way to his shoulders, you own every part of Sehun. Deep into your grinding session, you hardly notice the boys who are in awe of the special scene they are witnessing. Tired of holding back the groups decide to move in.


Damn, what are they doing, ruining my moment! Sehun bites his lip as your attention is taken off of him. That was amazing, while it lasted...Shes so hot.! Did not expect that out of ‘Floor Forty’.




You dance with the groups of boys, eventually they want some one on one dancing. Luhan and Tao decide it’s their turn. Coming up from behind, Tao puts his hands around your waist. Luhan goes in front, positioning himself just right.


“Hey! You’re the two from the bubble tea shoppe!!” You say over the music.


“Hhahaha! You remembered! Were we that impressive?” Luhan smirks.


“We will be sure to leave an even better impression, this time” Tao whispers into your ear, pulling you closer to him. Normally this would never have even gotten this far, but you allow them to take control.


“Slow down, listen to the music.” Luhan teases you, as if you are off beat. Highly unlikely.


“What are you talking about” You say, almost out of breath.


“We’re talking about how you’re so eager for us” Tao says from behind. You just subtly laugh, but they definitely caught that.


“Come on, get me a drink.” You walk away from them and grab a random guy from the bunch. It ends up being Kris, you are walking so fast that he has no time to think. He adjusts to grab your hand, after recovering. And instead of going to the regular bar, he takes you upstairs to the private VIP area that they were at before.


“Sapphire Sin” He coolly says to the bar tender. You sip your drink, and walk towards the railing. You lean up against a pillar and look over the dancers downstairs.


“You having a fun night?” One of them asks. You don’t see you asks the question because on of the laser lights shines on all of them. You squint.


“Definitley.” You smile at them.


“What’s your name?” D.O asks, clearly all of them are curious.


“I’m _______.” You say after taking another sip. “And there are clearly a lot of you guys. What are your names?” You ask turning to face them better. Exo decides to go first.


“I’m Kai.” A exotic looking boy smiles at you. His beautiful tan skin and strong features draw you in. Hes pretty tall, since they are all standing. You smile back, and look at the next person for introduction. The next boy is really tall. And he’s the one who got you a drink.


“Kris.” He nods his head at you. Causing you to almost swoon. But you keep it together, looking hot as ever. Next boy...you look over.


“Sehun.” It’s the boy who had the balls to dance with you first. You give props to him, since it took forever for everyone else. His rainbow hair is more noticeable in this lighting. Wait, where have I seen that hair before....? Your thoughts are interrupted by the next person.


“I’M CHANYEOL!” He shouts. His curly light brown hair cutely catches your attention.


“Hi” You say back with a brighter smile. Earning a happy jump in the air from Chanyeol. While everyone else stands there jealous that he got a verbal response from you.


“And I’m, Xiumin!” Xiumin makes sure that you notice him. He smiles cutely at you. You can’t help but think he’s adorable. You smile at him, and wave your hand a little, like you would at a little child. The next boy seems a little tad bit more shy, but he’s the one you asked your name first.

“I’m D.O, Hi” He waves at you, his hand right by his face. His cute big eyes remind you of a baby looking around at the big world. You laugh a little. They just practically faint, ‘Shes so cute!’ they all think in their heads.


“Hello, I’m Suho.” Says a mature looking guy, with a prim hair cut. He looks the most normal. The next one also looks pretty normal.


“I’m Chen.” Yea he looks pretty normal also. But next up is two boys you know pretty well...


“You know us, right?” Luhan says, putting his arm around Tao’s shoulders. “Now you just need to know our names, I’m Luhan!”


“And I’m Tao. Now that we know eachother a little bit better, we should get to know you...Better.” Both Luhan and Tao walk over to you, going on either side of you.


“Hey..How do you guys already know her...Like we already know how they were squealing about you actually coming to this club, so we figured you knew each other. But like how did you meet...? By the way I’m Lay. Hi.” Says a ripped guy with a side fringe.

“Hi to you too.” You are sooo glad that it’s pretty dark, cause his buff arms are making you blush. Although all of them pretty much made you blush. So you are probably all red right now.

“Yea, let’s see if you remember how we met.” Tao and Luhan close in on you.


B1A4’S INTRODUCTIONS NEXT=] lol i didn’t forget out them. I feel like this is a really long update. Is it? cause on google drive it’s like 7 pages.....be happy! lol if you guys are ever on aff chat, im like always there now. I have no life. Just kidding I do! Hope you liked the update=] (ik i left out baekhyun. He gets a special introduction...)


Here’s my Tumblr=]


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marlimacha21 #1
Chapter 13: love the new update, can't wait for more xD
Chapter 12: amazing. loving it too much... man i feel like im always the one commenting.. maybe i should give it a break? lol you're probably bored of just hearing comments from me XD
wildandyoung #3
Chapter 12: they are definitely fanboying inside.
Chapter 11: omg omg omg!!! EXCITING STUFF~!!! Im looking forwards t the next chapter~~~ haha its going to be such an epic scene when they meet again but her as manager XD hahaha
Chapter 9: more more more updates please. and it would be amazing if they are longer but have funnnnnnnn with your cousins!!
Chapter 8: Cant wait for the club scene. Ive been to vegas a few times that place was insane!
Chapter 7: keep update!!!