10: Finally

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I looked at the rain pelting down from my window and put my coat on. Nothing was going to stop me from going to see Jonghyun. No matter what, I had to tell him how I felt. I couldn’t keep this in any longer.

            I put a beanie on and shoved my boots on as I opened the front door.

            “Good luck!” I heard SeoYoung say behind me. I didn’t turn back, I just hurried on my journey to confess my feelings.

            When I was halfway to the SHINee flat, I thought of how much of a good idea it would be to drive there instead, but it was too late now. My mind was buzzing, trying to think of the perfect way to tell Jonghyun that I wanted to try again. Finally I was crawling back to him, hoping that his feelings didn’t change and he didn’t actually like Se Kyung. If he did like her, then I would just turn around and make my way back home.

            I finally got to the apartment and slid into the building after another tenant. I made my way up to the proper floor (from my drunken memories) and knocked on a familiar door. When it was opened, Key stood there with a smile, which then turned into a concerned face.

            “Jacklyne, you must be freezing. Do you want me to get you some warm clothes?” He asked, quickly letting me into the flat. That must’ve been his motherly attitude kicking in.

            “Thank you, oppa, but I’ll be fine. Is Jjong oppa here?” I asked.

            “Yeah, last time I checked he was sitting out on the balcony, thinking. He asked me not to bother him, so maybe it’s not a good idea to...” he trailed off as he realized I wasn’t listening to a word he was saying because I was already on my way to the balcony.

            I walked out onto the balcony and carefully closed the door behind me. I saw Jonghyun sitting there, staring out onto the cold and rainy streets of Seoul.

            “Key, I told you-” he cut himself off when he saw me coming over to sit beside him. “Oh, Minji... what are you doing here?” He asked, confusedly.

            “You know, I feel as though we’ve switched rolls here.”

            “What do you mean?” He asked, confusing written all over his face.

            “I mean, you should be the one that’s soaking wet because you walked all the way to my flat to see me. You should be the one finding me sulking on the balcony by myself because the man I love is somewhere else.”

            “What are you trying to say?”

            “Jjong, what do you think I’m trying to say?”

            “I would’ve came to your house, but you don’t want me t-”

            “Please just shut up and kiss me already,” I interrupted. He kept quiet, until a smile appeared on his face and he grabbed my chin to lift my face up to his as he kissed me passionately. He kissed me with all the passion I had been waiting for, for the longest time.

            After he pulled away, the smile was still prominent on his face. I smiled back at him and poked his nose. “Don’t stare at me, you’re making me uncomfortable,” I said, snuggling closer to him.

            “What made you change your mind?” He asked, wrapping his arms around me.

            “I guess seeing you with someone else bothered me so much that it made me like you again,” I teased. For someone who is gullible, I sure do have a lot of sarcastic remarks to make.

            “I paid her to walk with me to make you jealous,” he blurted out.

            I burst out laughing. “Well, I guess it worked ‘cause here I am!”

            “I’m glad something worked. I don’t think I could spend another day without seeing your face,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “I missed kissing this head,” he said, kissing it repeatedly.

            I laughed and turned my head to face him, looking up to him. “Jjong, I love you. I’ve loved you for a while.”

            “I love you too, Minji,” he said with no hesitation, leaning down to kiss me again. The kiss was about to turn into something more until we heard the door open and we quickly broke apart, and I went into this unnatural pose.

            “Ok, I know what’s up but I can only keep Onew away from here for so long,” Key suddenly said, putting his hand on his hip. “And don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. I can keep a secret, especially if it’s for one of my hyungs and the most amazing girl he could ever have.”

            I smiled at him. “Thank you so much, oppa. The good news is, you’ll only have to keep it a secret for three years,” I said with a sympathetic smile.

            “Yeah, I’d like to see you two last that long,” he said, smirking before running back into the flat.

            “Yah! Get back here you little muggle!” Jonghyun yelled, getting up and chasing after Key. I guess one thing to know about Jjong is that he likes to yell out Harry Potter profanities.

            I followed them back into the flat and saw all of the boys in a huge dog pile on the floor. I laughed at their childishness. They were honestly the most perfect group of boys I had ever met.

            “Are you and Jonghyun friends again?” Taemin asked hopefully from the top of the dog pile.

            “Yup! We’ll probably be best friends forever considering how Jonghyun is like a fly that just won’t go away,” I teased, causing the boys to laugh.

           “Yeah, once you get to us, you ain’t never going back,” Key joked. He then purposed toppled over, causing everyone on top of him to fall as well.

            “Ow, hyung, that hurt,” Taemin whined.

            “Don’t be such a baby, maknae,” Key sassed, getting off the floor and straightening his outfit. “Anyways, it’s nice to have you back, Minji.”

Hurray! XD I have to put a bit of Jongkey and 2min in every SHINee story I write, just cuz it's like, a rule. XD But I seriously need to finish this story because I don't want to get writers block and my stories are usually pretty short anyways :P

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Chapter 7: i like this fan fic keep goin
Chapter 11: xD hhehehe~ i see my name~~ :P and Key~~ gosh I love key heheh~~ever knowing dongsaeng~~ kekke and seoyoung's comment~~ hahahha!!!
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 10: Ah...they finally confessed to each other! Sweet!!
Chapter 9: OMO!!! YOU JUST MADE ME A HELLA HAPPY READER~~~MY BOO KAI!!!!!! SUL HEE IS SUCH A REBEL~~ XD This deserves an upvote~~ [why am i so happy right now? it's not like it's real.. *_* ah well~~ KAI~]

and aww you used JongJi~~ xD hehehe~~
Chapter 8: OMO~~ YOU DID NOT JUST MAKE MY HEART STOP AND SPEED UP WHEN YOU SAID THEY WERE CONSIDERING AN EXO COLLAB IN STEAD~~ *O* Minji out to see the sunlight~~lmao~~ and by sunlight.. *cough*jong*cough* hyun*cough cough* :P
Thekatsmeow #6
Chapter 7: Now where is shinyoung going? Not man enough to face the truth? Maybe self preservation kicked in...
Chapter 6: Hmmm...deep shiz you say??? i'm intrigued~~ and yes finally i see who is this shinyoung! kekke
Thekatsmeow #9
Chapter 6: This was a sweet ending chapter...they have a wonderful friendship developing!!
Chapter 5: *_* Who's this SHINYOUNG???? *_* What does he look like??