Gikwang, Gikwang, Gikwang...everywhere

Badass Girl and A Badass Boy?

Okay guys, i fool you by the last part! Hehe, i know, evil me. Wanna know the true part? Then read below and have fun :D



.....But i try to ignore these pain. I open the door and at the same time, someone open it too.

'huh? Young lady, why are you not in your bed?' it is just the nurse.

'I'm fine now.' i said and pass her.

'Ya! where are you gong?' she shout after me, but I ignore her. I'm not in the mood for a discuss.

What time is it? Oh, there's someone standing, just ask her/him for time.

'hey you! What time is it?' i ask

He/she turn over and it is........................................................................Gikwang?

'it's 16.00.' he said without facing me. Seems like he didn't saw me earlier, because his face looks shock.

16.00? , i'm late!

'thanks.' i coldly said and leave school. I still have a feeling, mix of angry,sad and disappoint compared with him. Don't know why i even care, but these feeling won't go.

'Ya! wait! we have to talk!' he shout.

'There's nothing more to say.' i coldy said without turning over.

What is she talking? (Gikwang Thought)

'But i have to say!'

Aish! I have no time. I have to hurry. I'm pretty sure, mom will yell at me. I'm to tired for yelling...

I run, as fast as i can at home. Great. It's raining -____-! and if it wasn't enough, it had to raining hard.

I take a book out and put it over my head. Better a Nothing.

'Wanna have a ride?' a low voice said behind me.

I turn over and it was Gikwang. 

'no.' i arrogantly said and conntinue walking. My hands are frozen. I will deffinitly caught a cold. And i'm hurt, also. Gosh, First day and it .

Rain still doesn't stop and my book doesn't help anymore...

So...there i stand. In the middle of my way. Why did i forgot my mobile?!

'get in.'

I look to my right. It is Gikwang in a car. Actually, i'd rather walk but i'm very late, so there's no choice left. I have to....

I open the door and get in. He smirk. So annoying!

'i just get in because i'm in hurry. Believe me. I would rather walk instead of driving with you, but I'm in hur-'

'shut up. You talking too much.' he cut me off. 

'pfff, i just wanna make something clear.' i roll my eyes.

'where do you live?'

'in pushwell-buil-' i cut myself off as i remember something. wait, then he know my address! Is it that worth?

'Don't worry. I won't misused your address. As if i going to kippnapped you,tzzz' he roll his eyes.

Can he read minds? But, mom will think i were going out. It's better if he let me out some blocks earlier and then i walk. Yes, that's it!

'Ya! Let me out now.' i said.

'huh? why? We don't arrive yet.' he said.

'i can walk home.' 

'No! A true gentlem leave his lady always at that place where it should be.' 


'yes and that place is now.' i rudely said.

He don't say anything. I yell at him and insult him, but he ignore me.

But it doesn't change anything, because we arrive.

'out.' he coldly said.

'as if i wanna stay here. Pabo.' i said and get out the car.

I quietly open the door and creep slowly in my room. But then...


. Ming, sometimes i really want to....argh!

'Sora? Sora! Where have you been? Why are you so wet? And what happen to you? Gosh, Sora why are you arrive home just now?!Didn't you know that we just died of provide?!' mom said or shout.

There it goes. The part that i thought with a very little hope, didn't will come.


'go take a shower first! Before you will caught a cold. Gosh, child, what are you done?' she said and wrapped me with a towel.

I take a hot bath and after i finish, i change to my warmest pyjama.

'mom, can you please make me a-hatschi, hatschi' i sneeze

'here' she handle me a cup of hot chocolate, like she know that i want it right now.

'Sora, why did you take so long? I miss you so much!' ming said with his cute voice.

'awww, i miss you too.' i chuckle

'Sora, where have you been?' mom ask

'mom, i'm too tired, gonna tell it you later.' i said and take another swallow of my milk.

'umm, mom? Where's dad?' i ask her, as i notice that he isn't here.

'he's shopping some ingredients.' she said.

'Arrasso, i'm going sleep now. Good night.' i bow.

~Ding Dong~

'Huh? who's that?' mom ask

I twitched my shoulders, because i have no idea too.

'Dad?' i guess

'no, he has a key. Silly' mom roll her eyes.

'i wanna open!' ming said excit and open it.

'hello young man, is Sora here?' a familiar voice ask

I immediatly go to the door with mom and it's Gikwang, again.

! What is he want here?!

'Sora? You forgot your book. Here.' he give me my book.

Huh? How? Maybe it drop out.

'uhh?umm, thanks.' i take the book.

'who are you? Sora's boyfriend?' mom suddenly ask.

I widen my eyes at her sentence. AKWARD

'no mom, he's not.' i quickly said with red cheeks.

'whaaat? gosh, Sora, are you to ugly for him?' she ask.


'MOM!!' i hide her behind the door.

'sorry, I'm really sorry...' i said to him. First time i excuse my self by a boy, i hate. What for news, right?

'it's okay. Sweet pyjama, bye then.' he wink and leave me blush.

I blink sometimes and shake my head. Then i go inside, again.

Mom ask me, where he is it, but i ignore him and just go to my room. I lock it and let me plump in my bed. Then my eyes fell and i enter dream land.


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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 26: Umm its 2015 and you got a new subbie , plz update soon!!
Chapter 24: im going 2 try 2 send it 2 ur email. :)
Chapter 26: o my good it really good it amazing
Chapter 25: o my god i love it you are awesome i am doing the happing dance yay you finally update love your story update more i am tired of dancing need water
i am rereading it because it is so good
Chapter 23: o my god it was so good i feel like dieing please update
Chapter 23: i wuuuuuv it!!! hehe please update soon~ xD
Chapter 21: Omg please update I am begging you I love it
Chapter 18: please update i love it