
Badass Girl and A Badass Boy?

'you are a motherer.' i angry said.

'bwoh? so if i am that then what are you?! Motherer!' he said back

'what kind of boy hit a girl?!'

'i wasn't sure if you were a girl!'

'What?! Mind replay it?!'

'I said, i wasn't sure if you-'

'what's going on here? Why are you so loud?' mr. kang suddenly ask

'He/she was it!' both of them said at the same time.

Mr kang sigh before he goes on  with talking.

'Okay, Listen kids. You guys will work togheter for some weeks and if you don't tolerate with each other, then it means, bye bye prize money. And without that prize money, the school won't get theire wishes, like new instrument or something like that. And, i'm pretty sure all students here will bully you, of the lose. So you Guys understand me?!' he strictly said. Then he turn over and walk back to class and left us dumb there standing.

Bully? No way! I was never bully in my whole Life! ....Mr kang's right. We have to do a break with our fight. Even if i rather change school as work with her, but...imo (aunt) will be mad at me. Oh, did you know that my aunt is the principal of this school? no? well, now you know it. That's why i get treat well by everyone. Sometimes it but sometimes it's really usefull. So, my life will be destroyed for a while by a little evil, named Sora. Gosh, this will be very hard. (Gikwang thought)

huh? why is he hitting his head? That's my job! I know that he is weird but id didn't know too much weird. Gosh, silly Pabo Gikwang. (Minah thought)

'YA! Why are you hitting yourself?' i ask

'none of your buisness.' he said and conntinue with hitting his head.

I roll my eyes and go back to class.

'Ya! Where are you going?' he ask after me

'none of your buisness' i copy him and walk.

He sigh and walk to class back, also.


~At Lunch~

I walk to the cafeteria by following after the students. 

Finally! I thought i have to died of Hungry! 

I look around and take a tablet.

hmm....on what has my appetite today? That Food looks very delicious and expensive...Luckyly i had brought much money with me.

I take the cheapest food and pay for it. Then i look for a free table and sit down.

woah! 25$ for only an apple, sandwich and water. How expensiv. Maybe i should bring my own food next time.

I bite into my apple and enjoy it. It's ing delicious! I sit alone, but don't really care. Then i notice that someone watching me. I turn over to that someone and it was....that boy form earlier.

What was his name again? Jake? Jo? Jay? Whatever.

I give him a cold glare and turn back to my food. First, he smile at me, but then he has a poker face after my glare.

I chuckle a little bit. After finishing i stand up and threw the rest in the garbage.

I walk and, suddenly i fell. My tablet with the rest fell on me and everyone laugh at me. Then i realize that i fell, because someone put his fet there. I stand angrily up and look for that someone. And it was that , again.

'YA! Why did you do that?!' I angrily shout at her.

'puhh! Someone stinking here. You guys smell it too?' she ignore me and laugh with her friends.

Then, i slap her. not hard.

'YA! WHO DO YOU THINK THAT YOU CAN SLAP ME?!?' She angrily shout.

Everyone was shocked of my sudden reaction, but i don't give a on it.

'I hope you notice that you shouldn't mess with me.' i coldy said and walk away.

'YA! I'm not finish with you! Come here, little !' she stand up and pull my hair, so that i fell again. I angrily stand up and pull her hair. 

She scratch and punch me with her fake long nails. I do the same, and by every move my beating gets harder. All the other student do a ring arround us and cheer for me and her. 

'YA! What's going on here?!' someone shout and disturb our fight.

We both turn our head to the direction where this voice came. It was Gikwang.

'oppa! Look what she done to me!' that cry and run to Gikwang arms.

I sigh and roll my eyes.

es stay es.

Gikwang look to her than to me.

'why did you hit her?' he ask me while helding her.

'umm, are you blind? She hit me too!' i defended myself.

he roll his eyes and face then Ming ( that ) .

'i take you to the nurse and take care of your insult, okay?' he sweetly said to her. She nooded her head and both of them left.

'oh and we will talk later.' he said to me.

Then they left.

'I don't want to!' i shout him after.

Now i am standing in the middle of the hall alone. Everyone left. I don't know but i'm disappoint. I never thought that he would ever help her. Not like i care, but...whatever...

I swear i could cry now! My eye hurt, because that punch me there. My lips are bleeding and my arms are full of scrates. She isn't so hurt badly as me!

I take my bag and walk to the next class.

'need help?' someone ask behind me.

I turn over and there he stand. Again.

'what do you want from me?'

'i just ask if you nee help.' he smirk

'no.' i turn over and conntinue walking.

That boy is really annoying.

Suddenly, my legs turn to wobble pudding and i couldn't stand anymore. I fell again and my eyes close, without i want it.

The last thing is i get carry by someone in a room.






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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 26: Umm its 2015 and you got a new subbie , plz update soon!!
Chapter 24: im going 2 try 2 send it 2 ur email. :)
Chapter 26: o my good it really good it amazing
Chapter 25: o my god i love it you are awesome i am doing the happing dance yay you finally update love your story update more i am tired of dancing need water
i am rereading it because it is so good
Chapter 23: o my god it was so good i feel like dieing please update
Chapter 23: i wuuuuuv it!!! hehe please update soon~ xD
Chapter 21: Omg please update I am begging you I love it
Chapter 18: please update i love it