Car ride

Badass Girl and A Badass Boy?

As i stop crying myself by him out, i wipe my tears with his shirt away.

'*snif* sorry for making your shirt wet' i said and rub his shirt to make it 'dry'

He chuckles at the sight of me making his shirt dry again.

'haha, it's okay. Now, are you alright? Did that bastard do something to you before?' he asks worriedly and checking me from head to toe out.

He's so protective. I've never seen that side of him before. It's......sweet of him

I smile and shake my head.

'thank you' i bow

'ahhh, no need to' he ruffle his hair akward.

'but don't think that i'll like you, just because you help me!' i give him a cold stare

'huh? what?' he gives me an no-idea face

'i mean, because you help me, it doesn't mean that i will start beeing nice to you' i said arrogantly

Aish, this girl is really! I have shouldn't help her! He regret it for helping her, NOW. But if he really didn't helps her, he would hates hisself more.

'aish, you so weird!' he said frustating

'i'm not' i cross my arm like a little child.

'you are' he teases me

'pfff, whatever. Weird people are still better than normal people like you' i point at him

'YA! I can be weird also!' he pouts

'so you confirm that you weird? haha, such a fool' i laugh

He blinks a few times and then leaves insulted.

'awww, don't be like that' i follow him

'leave me alone' he mumbles

I sigh He's really fast insulted. Such a baby *sigh*

'Lee, turn back' i command

'why?' he asks still faceing me with his back.

'just do what i say' i roll my eyes.

He turns around and look at me with bored eyes.

Ugh, i can't believe i'm gonna really doing this....

~buing~buing~ I try to do my aegyo


'HAHAHAHAHHA' he burst out in laughter, he couldn't held hisself anymore. Was it so fail? 

I knew, i shouldn't have done this. Now he's thinking i'm crazy.

Pouted i walk away. He's so mean...

'y-ya! haha, s-sor-haha-a!' he tries to calm down

'let go of me, if you not able to say even my name then you should let me in peace' i said annoyed.

'awww' he chuckles a little bit and then he FINALLY stop it. I turn arround with cross arms, so that he faces my back. 

'okay, okay, sorry' he apologizes with his big smile. I turn arround to see his face and see that


'sorry' he smiles with a big heart

Woah, he's so cute! Without his glasses, he looks pretty different. Were his eyes always so beautiful like that?

I shake my head to lose these stupid mind

Aish, what were i just thinking of??!

'whatever' i roll my eyes and turn back, again.

'you still mad?' he pouts

'pabo, do you think, your words hurt me? no. Because you not woth it to make me hurt.' i coldy said.

His eyes widen as i said it and his face looks sad then.

'oh, i'm sorry then.' he bows.

'just kidding, it's alright' i lie. As i see his sad face, i regret it, so i quickly find an excuse.

His face changes and now he smiles. We don't say anything and just froze. We stare deep in our eyes and his eyes are really stunning.

Even though, she's a real jerk, she's pretty. He smiles.

'Oppa!' a voice suddenly shout

We turn arround and see a girl.

Oh that pretty girl. Gikwang's girlfriend.... i thought a bit upset. I'm a bit hurt, that he' in a realitionship, but why? Do i like him? NO! Impossible!

'Oppa, where were you? Oh, who's that pretty girl, oppa?' she asks as she points at me.

'hi i'm sora' i wave

'jieun' she smiles. She has dimples, what makes her cute.

'sorry jieun-ah, i was just talking with her' he looks at her lovely

'galge' i bow and were about to leave

'wait! Sorry jieun-ah, but i guess i will take her home first' he apologizes

'aniya, my friends can do it' i smile

'i don't think so, everyone of them are really drunk' he tells me

'where did you know?' i ask

'i saw them' he answers

'just take her home, it doesn't matter' jieun sweetly said

'arrasso, wait for me, i'll be there soon' he pats her back and then takes my hand.

I blush as he takes my hand. 

'uhhh, i can go by myself' i said akward and let his hand free.

'as you want' he said confuses

We walk through the big hall to the excit. I swear i would get lost if he iisn't here. Seems like he comes her often.


As we arrives at his car, we get in.

Sooo, that's the second time i ride with him....~sigh~

'uumm, that she...' i start the conversation

'why so interessted? Are you jealous?' he teases me

'pabo! I'm not' my cheecks blush

'haha, jieun, she was my girlfriend. But then we broke up, because she wants to study in the states. But now she's back after a few years and i don't really know what we are now...' he tells me

He's happy, i could read it from his face. My heart gets a little bit hurt, but why? Damn it, what's wrong?!

'aah, understand. So you still love her?' my heart beats faster

'actually, it was a childhood love, haha, cute, right?' he smiles

I nood.

'hmm, i don't know. My heart does belong to someone other' he said

My heart beats get now more faster then ever.

OMG GOSH! Why is it suddenly so hot in here? 

'would you please open the window, it's hot inhere' i said

'of course it's hot, i'm here' he smirks and then open it

'pfff, selfish' i roll my eyes

'now, who is it?' i asks

'what do you mean?' he acts dumb

'the girl you love! Well, i think it's a girl, or did you get gay? Haha' i laugh

'-____-, it is girl. A really hot chic' he descripes her

'name?' my hands starts to sweating.

'why should i tell it you?' he raises an eye brown

'why not?' i asks

'okay if i do it than you have to tell me who you love, okay?' he said

'who i love? but i don't really do!' i pouts

'but it wouldn't be fair then' he pouts to

'how should i tell you my lover if i-' i suddenly stop.

Oh wait, i have one! Ups, akward, keke

'okay, deal' i smirks

'at three, at the same time, one, two, three' he counts


'Bowh?' we aks confuse

'ya! I didn't mean an idol!' we both said.

'stop copy me!' we said again.

'gosh' i cross my arms and he rolls his eyes.

'anyways, we arrive' he park infront of the building

'thanks' i said shortly and slamm the door with purpose

'YA!' he shouts but i act like didn't hear him

'Aish! This girl is so rudly!' he angrilly hiss.


I open the door to our flat and walk quietly in my room. I take a quick bath and then i lay down in my bed lazily.

'Gikwang, you're making me crazy' i mumble as i stare to the cover. Then i finally fall in dreamland.


'Jung Sora, i regret it to meet you. Because you confuse me. Of course you are the one i






like?' he smiles






Was it okay? I feel like it was the worsest chapter i've ever written. It was boring....sorry, next time it won't be boring, i hope. Anyways, please, please, please comment! PLEASE!!

Love ya ^^





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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 26: Umm its 2015 and you got a new subbie , plz update soon!!
Chapter 24: im going 2 try 2 send it 2 ur email. :)
Chapter 26: o my good it really good it amazing
Chapter 25: o my god i love it you are awesome i am doing the happing dance yay you finally update love your story update more i am tired of dancing need water
i am rereading it because it is so good
Chapter 23: o my god it was so good i feel like dieing please update
Chapter 23: i wuuuuuv it!!! hehe please update soon~ xD
Chapter 21: Omg please update I am begging you I love it
Chapter 18: please update i love it