Let go of me

Badass Girl and A Badass Boy?

As we swing our hips and shake our hairs, boys slowly circle us. 

One boy put his hands arround hyuna's shoulder and comes nearer to her.


Hyuna turns immediatly arround and held on his jacket. She smirks and dances with him allong and leaves me alone standing.

Oh great. Hyuna found her next victim. Seems like she's a lot hungry, like she's dancing with him.

I pouting walk to the bar, to get some drinks as someone held my wraist and turn me arround.

My eyes widen how near my lips was with his.

'y-yah!' i angrilly hiss

'what?' he smirks

I was about to yell at him as he easily grab my hand and pull me to his. 

'let go og me!' i shout and try to free myself, but he was to strong

'don't be shy, babe. Don't wanna get to know me?' he pout, but fail by me

'no.' i coldly answer 'and now let go of me' i pull my hand back. 

I turn arround and walk as he suddenly hug me.

'i won't let you go this easily' he whisper in my ears.

I sigh and search for hyuna or the others, but they wierdly not to see.

His hands were at my tummys and they make theire way slowly up. 

Before they could reach my balls, i kick my foot into his worthy member.

He immedialty let go of me and whin in pain.

'ngahhhh' he moan and held .

'that happen if you don't listen to me' i arrogantly said and walk away.


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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 26: Umm its 2015 and you got a new subbie , plz update soon!!
Chapter 24: im going 2 try 2 send it 2 ur email. :)
Chapter 26: o my good it really good it amazing
Chapter 25: o my god i love it you are awesome i am doing the happing dance yay you finally update love your story update more i am tired of dancing need water
i am rereading it because it is so good
Chapter 23: o my god it was so good i feel like dieing please update
Chapter 23: i wuuuuuv it!!! hehe please update soon~ xD
Chapter 21: Omg please update I am begging you I love it
Chapter 18: please update i love it