Party, Party

Badass Girl and A Badass Boy?

'arrrgh, i'm so super nervous now' i said as i stretch myself

'don't worry, we will win' ji hyun smile

'okay' i smile back

'guys let's go, they finish' ga yoon panik.

'okay, chill. We're coming' hyuna said and do her last stretch.

Then, finally we're stand at the stage. Everyone cheer, shout after us and clap theire hands.

'Whaaaaat's up 6pyyyy?!?!' the dj ask us and  give everyona high five.

'ready?' he ask

'we're always' ji hyun smile.

'okay then let the party start!!!!!' he shout.

He turn our song on and we start to dance.

We dance to  4minutes~say my name.

I feel so free, and so hyperactiv! I dance, move and give them my cool smirk.

As we dance our last part, i suddenly feel like saw someone familiar. But i ignore and just go on.

As we finsih, everyone shout:




We smile to each other and were proud of ourselves.

'wow,wow!!! Guys how was it? It was amazing, wasn't it?' the dj shout

'AHHHHHHHHHH!' everyone shout.

'okay guys, let's take a break and after that, i will give you the results' he said and play some songs.

We go down and sit at our V.I.P place. We order us some drinks and laugh. We were really proud.

Because i'm 16, i can't drink, so i just order myself water.

'Wooooooh! Guys, we were brilliant!' So hyun clap her hands.

'we already win it' hyuna said and sip at her drink.

'Ladys, after the results, we are going to do party hard!' ji hyun said.

'NAE!' everyone said and hold theire drinks in the air.

'guys, i'll be back soon.' i stand up

'where are you going?' ji yoon ask, a little bit drunk.

'toilette' i quickly answer and make my way to the toilette.

It's pretty loud and damn full. And the hall is so big and ´just great! i think

'heyheyhey! Nice show, you guys did' someone said suddenly behind me.

That voice,...i know it, but who?

I turn around and there he stand. Smirking

Oh no, not he again i worriedly think





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DaisYeolPark88 #1
Chapter 26: Umm its 2015 and you got a new subbie , plz update soon!!
Chapter 24: im going 2 try 2 send it 2 ur email. :)
Chapter 26: o my good it really good it amazing
Chapter 25: o my god i love it you are awesome i am doing the happing dance yay you finally update love your story update more i am tired of dancing need water
i am rereading it because it is so good
Chapter 23: o my god it was so good i feel like dieing please update
Chapter 23: i wuuuuuv it!!! hehe please update soon~ xD
Chapter 21: Omg please update I am begging you I love it
Chapter 18: please update i love it