Chapter 22: Captured

[HIATUS] A Complicated Kind of Love.

The next few days are composed of happiness and picture perfect moments.

The school bell rings that annoying alarm indicating the end of homeroom, but furthermore, disturbing the sleeping beauty from her little shut eye.


Yoona tugs at the girl’s long locks while the other musketeer, Seohyun, races towards anything that would prevent her from getting hit from her fiery sleepy friend. Today, her usual reflex to throw a punch at the pair of hands is non existent, neither is there that all too familiar grunt of dissatisfaction and glares of pure hatred. Instead, her thin lips slowly curl up, hanging at the corners of .


“Chang-eukhanmi,” she whispers out into the now deserted classroom; her voice like a soothing cry from a bird’s early melody. Her closed eyelids batt furiously as if her dreamland is one of a sweet wonderland.

“Chang-eukhanmi?” Her friends echo cohesively. Yoona looks up at Seohyun in confusion, but the latter is just as clueless.

Sooyoung was always the type to sleep talk in her dream, a feat that was nothing new to her two friends. But the words that escaped the tall girl’s mouth were of the usual tasty treats of foods across the world and not some random gibberish that was now being heard.


Yoona daringly pokes at her friend’s chubby cheeks with her index finger.


She opens her eyes graciously showcasing her sparkling eyes. Honestly, it was a tad bit scary, heck maybe even frightening to the two friends who are so accustomed to the angry stare they were often greeted with.

“Gen chahn ah yo?” Yoona asks while she cups her friend’s face in her hands, examining if possibly the odd behaviour resulted from sickness.

“Neh. Perfectooo~” She smiles widely.

Sooyoung shakes her tall body here and there, stretching her long limbs before gathering her stuff and exiting the classroom. Yoona and Seohyun watch in astonishment at the transformed girl as they tail her close behind.


“Sooyoung, what exactly is Chang-eukhanmi?” Seohyun abruptly asks while the trio scamper down the hallways of their school and towards the cafeteria, where every other student were at.

“Hahaha I have no idea what you’re talking about there Seo…” She replies back as her steps nervously begin to grow faster.

“You said something like that just seconds ago. You’re always sleep talking! For some reason this time, we just couldn’t figure out what you said though…”


Down the hall, Sooyoung begins to seemingly start semi running, as if afraid of being trapped.

“Have you done something that you don’t want us to know about?” Yoona cries out from her gasps as they both continue to pester their odd friend.


Sooyoung feels a little warm, she knows all to well what she has done. She fully made out with someone yesterday…and not just someone. He had a name. A name that was praised in the god damn school she attended, a name that girls dreamt about occasionally not just daily, but hourly.

His name was Shim Changmin.  

Sooyoung recognized that no one quite picked up in their “special little relationship” and that’s just how she wanted it to continue to be…for the mean time at least. She figured that she was all too young to have an anti café. She was a normal girl, a girl who subconsciously and full heartedly found herself falling in love with the same one that every other girl happened to love. Knowing her thoughts upon their relathionship, he never once hesitated to oblige or questioned her. Afterall, it was her well being that he cared for. 

Her face grew a shade darker, looking a tad bit rosier. For one of the first times in her life, she took on the spitting image of a genuinely shy girl, innocently struck by cupid’s arrow.


Sooyoung eyed the near staircase that she figured was only 8 steps away. She trotted to the area as if her life depended on it, hoping that the stairs would somehow have magic that would make her curious friends lose interest about her slip of the tongue.

To her disadvantage, just like her, Yoona and Seohyun were blessed with remarkably long legs that seemed to start at their necks. Sooyoung was no where from losing them and their pestering questions.


“For a second there, I thought you said Changmin.”

Yoona casually says out loud while keeping her eyes at the countless stairs she is running down in order to keep up with her active friend.


For a second there, I thought you said Changmin.

Yoona’s words knock Sooyoung off guard for a split second, a little moment which causes her to loose her footing. Her foot gives out on her for one of the rare moments in her life, causing her to wobble from her unbalanced self.


Out of no where a firm hand grabs hold of her, catching her in perfect time. The arm wraps around her tiny waist perfectly and the warmth emitting from it is familiar to her as the air she breathes. Shim Changmin smiles that dorky witty smile of his at the clumsy girl as she tries to gather herself up once more. Sooyoung tries her best to squirm out from his hold swiftly, but Changmin playfully holds her a tad bit tighter, as the feeling of her in his arms is like no other. The tall girl puffs her cheeks at him giving him a sneaky eyeing look indicating that he should stop so they don’t get caught.


Their actions are barely visible to her two friends who remain clueless to the couple’s little secret movements. Instead, they are distracted by Changmin’s mere presence, their hoobae in school. Yoona and Seohyun, although not totally fanatics towards Changmin couldn’t help but stare at his gloriously handsome face.

Changmin catches on to the new found attention he had gathered from Sooyoung’s friends and decides to use it to his advantage. Finally pulling apart from his girl, he friendly wraps his arms around Yoona and Seohyun.


“You lovely girls must be hungry. I have two stand up guys who I bet would die to take you out for lunch right now.”

His charismatic voice states as he slowly directs the two towards his friends waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Just like Changmin himself, the two others are just as sharp looking.


“Girls, I’d like you to meet Donghae and Kibum. They were just going to grab something to eat and you girls would fit just nicely to the company that’s needed.”

“We were going to eat?” Kibum replies in confusion while glancing at the two girls whom he had never laid eyes on before.

“Just do me this favour please. Arasso?” Changmin nudges Donghae lightly, but the guy doesn’t need much convincing since his eyes sparkled once they came across Yoona’s precious little face.


With not much effort, Changmin successfully inherits some much desired alone time with Sooyoung. He repositions his arms around her tiny self once again and begins to playfully kiss the bridges of her neckline.


“Stop it Changmin! People can come out from the cafeteria and wherever else anytime now.” She giggles aloud as the small trails of kisses tickle her every nerve.

“Ok seriously, we need to stop this. Besides, aren’t you hungry?”

“Hungry for you.”

She playfully flicks his forehead causing him to finally break apart from her to death like some vampire. Rubbing his head he innocently looks at her and pouts.

“Fine then cook for me.”


“You live near here right? Let’s go.”


With that, he grabs onto her hands and pulls her away before she has a chance to reject.

“Ya! Pabo, have you gone mad?”

“I’m only mad about you.”

His cheesy replies were really something. Astounding in her mind that she often would smile like an idiot to those ridiculous lines. Maybe being in love really made you go crazy.




“I never even said that I would cook for you!”

Sooyoung playfully shouts and waves a wooden spoon in the air as Changmin continuously runs after her around the small kitchen with an apron in his arms.

“At least make me porridge like what you did for that Minho poodle hair guy.”


It was a miracle that the Choi household was left unattended at that time. Sooyoung could have sworn that she thanked the heavens at least a million times from the result. God only knew what would have been if her mom or even if any of her siblings were at home.


He jumps at her pinning her down onto the cold kitchen floor which thankfully was cleaned by herself this very morning before school. Her body itches away from him to the best of her ability as he tries to wrap the apron around her little waist.


“Get away from me you crazy giraffe!” She starts to smack his body with the wooden spoon, but he blocks every attempt with the top of his head.

“Bwuahaha that doesn’t hurt Soo, luckily my padded volumous hair is like a helmet.” He sticks out his tongue playfully at her.


“Oh yeah? Take THAT!”

Without knowing, Sooyoung’s competitive nature comes boiling out as she swings her leg forward in between his own.


Noises of unknown fall out from Changmin’s mouth as he droops down to the empty space next to her.

“OHMYGAHHHHHH~ Soo! No I may never have kids!” Changmin cries out in pain as he curls into a small ball.

“Aigoo please don’t say that! How the hell am I suppose to live with that guilt if that’s even true?!?” Sooyoung picks herself up from the floor and brings his head onto the top of her lap.


His eyes sparkle with a devilish undertone while his lips curl into a stupid smirk. Changmin’s body automatically draws apart and expands outwards as he gets out from the ball and picks up Sooyoung into his arms.

“Ya! What are you doing? Put me down now Shim Changmin!” She squeals as she flails her long limbs that are dangling.

“Should we give it a try? Whether or not I can still have children?”


“Ya! Ya! Ya! I was just joking, YAAAA!”

He carries her to a room which he figured to be hers due to the pink “Girls Only” sign happily hanging on a doorknob. Changmin lightly throws her onto one of the beds and laughs at her as he draws down over her semi frightened face.

“This isn’t my bed! This is Yuri’s…so you better get off me! I’ll make you that damn porridge you hungry beast, if you just get off.”

“Babo, I’m not that dumb Soo. I know this is your bed.”


Changmin reaches over her, grabbing something from the top of the headboard. As he pulls it down, it unravels from its neat folding, the soft elegant touch brushing slightly upon Sooyoung’s face.


“Now I believe this was once mine huh? Until a little alcoholic someone totally blew her nose on it and ruined the thing,” He teased at her.

“Ya! I’m not an alcoholic! You should be grateful that I actually took good care of it,” the feisty Sooyoung retaliated instantly.


“Soo, thank you,” The generosity in that line from his voice was evident.

“Mm, but for what?”

“For taking good care of me…for seeing something good in a guy like me.”


Sooyoung stares at his eyes and the sincerity that reflects off from it. She grabs his beloved scarf from his hands and wraps it around his neck, using it as a tool to draw his lips close to hers.

For a long period, they engage in a hot make out session. Nothing over the top but nothing quite PG rated either. All they needed were each other’s lips and the rest was history. Naturally, their bodies were glued atop of each others with steaming pants falling from their mouths. For a single second that mere thought of children did fly across their minds as the moment together was an engagement in sweet bliss. It was when Changmin’s quivering shy hand was slowly gaining confidence and finding its way to a little black laced bra, when a loud thud erupted from the front of the house.


Startling the two, they literally jumped off from each other. With Changmin’s long body being thrown to the wall, his manly arms catch hold of the drawer, knocking the abundant random belongings onto the floor.


“Unnieeeeee~ I know you’re in here somewhere. We need to talk NOWWWWWWWW!”

Yuri’s voice screams from the moment her loud footsteps enter into their home. Quickly her steps gain in speed towards their shared room.

“Changmin get under my bed! HURRY!”

Sooyoung literally starts shoving the six footer under her tiny bed. Pushing his body into the small area, he cramps up like a small fetus in a mother’s womb.


Swinging their wooden door open, Yuri walks into the room like a boss with one hand against her hip and another holding up her iPhone in the air as if it contained some kind of miracle.


“You think you wouldn’t get captured?!?!?! It’s all over youtube already! ”


Sooyoung stares at the screen in bewilderment as drops open.

She is in complete and utter shock.

How did this happen?



While all the commotion is going on before him, Changmin is distracted by the contents that he just so happened to knock off from his girlfriend’s drawer. Countless random rubbish now graces her bedroom floor. He’s surprised by the odd things which by the looks of it are things that are long forgotten. But among the various pieces a small childish picture frame sticks out from the corner of his eyes. Changmin sneakily draws the piece close to him and looks at the picture.


Surrounded by various painted hearts along the self made picture frame is a girl with full blunt bangs and a killer smile. She wears her hair confidently in a pair of ponytails as she sticks her tongue out at the camera. Changmin smirks as he knows right away that he is looking at the young version of his girlfriend.

It is only after finally taking his eyes away from Sooyoung that he realizes that there is another person in the picture.


A little boy sits beside her on the sandy shores of a beach. His eyes are big and dark as chocolate. He is neither smiling nor frowning at the camera; instead his lips pout as the little boy places a small kiss along the cheek of Sooyoung. This mystery kid takes on an awfully well resemblance to someone whom Changmin has met before, but he just can’t put his tongue on just who it may be.

He draws the picture closer to his face and notices a small scar that he had once seen, but it is that little bounce in the hair that is captured in the photograph that confirms who it is.


Changmin stares at the screen in bewilderment as his mouth drops open.

He is in complete and utter shock.

How did this happen?



SHIM CHANGMIN KISSED YOUUU?!?!” Yuri shouts out loud.

CHOI MINHO KISSED YOUUUU?!?!” Changmin’s mind screams out loud.

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Chapter 25: please update soon
hi author-nim!nice to see you online...
are you back?are you going to update this story?
just wanna know...if your still on hiatus i will still wait for you^^

it's justbthat i miss reading this...
Chapter 25: U left us readers hanging ^_^ come back author nim
hello author-nim!!!
i would lie to inform you that i'm already missing this story...
please do update author-nim^^
Really miss your GORGEOUS update <3<3<3
When will you comeback author-nim?
Please, come back T_T
Woaaaaaaaah~ its been a long time, glad you're back~ :DDD

and WTH just happened??? NOOOOOOOOO~~ :((

Please please update soon ^_^
omg i swear i subbed this before and maybe because of all those upgrading thingy it lost *sub again* and please update again ^^
shineeluv4eva #8
Yah upfated! more please
you updated again^^