Chapter 21: Rainbow

[HIATUS] A Complicated Kind of Love.

Soft whimpers as delicate as a thin newly laid sheet of ice covering a vast river escaped Sooyoung’s mouth. Falling; the tears kept falling down upon her cheeks. He gently lifted her out away from his embrace to take a look at her once cheerful face that would constantly greet him with a smile when they were younger. The bright wide U placed on her lips was replaced with one that was now upside down. It should have never been that way. Sungmin wiped the drops away with his thumb. Never should a girl look so sad and so frightened.


Their eyes met. It was probably the first time that they had stared at each other the way that they did…looking beyond the surface, but looking into their souls.

“I once loved you.”

Sooyoung calmly confessed what she couldn’t all those years to the person that occupied her wishes upon a star when she was in Australia.

“Nado…I did too once.”

It was about time that he revealed what he had no courage to do so. Hoping to keep the special friendship that he too fondly treasured, Sungmin never dared to tarnish it back then.


Their eyes glimmered with a slight twinkle as a new found breath of life entered into their bodies. They each now had someone they lived for, someone they wished to build a future with. Their soft giggles as sweet as sugar covered delicacies filled the plain washroom atmosphere.

The past would always be the past --something that can never be touched nor destroyed. No matter what, the idea that during one point in time the two shared equal feelings, similar thoughts, was enough for them to smile about. It was that past experience of missed opportunity that ventured them to meet people that would have always been in their sights, but never carefully looked at whole heartedly. They had each other to thank for the sudden detours their hearts had taken.

The two gathered themselves off the cold bare black and white checker floor tiles. They brushed all the burden and unspoken feelings they had held for one another away; both now ready to dive into their futures head on without a single worry or second thought.


The washroom door slammed open at an instant; the squeak of the old rusted shingles of the door too slow to even respond to the sudden action. The cheap lame flashing neon lights illuminating the dance floor of the club ran straight into the florescent lit washroom.

A panting Shim Changmin rushed inside while a petite clueless Sunny trailed seconds behind him.


The appearance of the two together before her triggered a sense of jealousy, anger, and envy to swim through Sooyoung’s body. Before flashing Sungmin that smile that she so often did before, she brushed past by the duo that stood before her. She wanted to escape from the scene. She wanted to disguise herself with the countless people dancing without a worry. Fist pumping, hip shaking, Sooyoung wanted to become like them. She was embarrassed of what had just occurred, of the fact that the time she decided upon dressing up for someone special turned out the wrong way.


She never realized the small bead of sweat that dripped down on Changmin’s forehead---the slight wetness of his hair that formed because of it; strands of hair falling here and there across his face. She didn’t notice the sense of ease his heart had finally settled once he laid eyes on She didn’t realize that at that moment all he wanted to do was run to her and hold the girl within his arms, never wanting to let go.

Sooyoung ran off a little too soon to realize any of that. Lucky for her, Changmin wasn’t one to let that slip on by. Despite the little bit of oxygen that was finally finding it’s way back into Changmin’s lungs or the relaxed feeling that was finally back in his legs, he chased her without the idea of tiredness nor pain being relevant.


It was then that Sunny had that light lit up inside her. As Changmin rushed out running past her, the only thing that her eyes noticed were the bruises left upon Sungmin’s precious face. The tints of black, purple, and red gracing the cheeks that were so flawlessly begging for a single peck every time they met. She rushed over to the delicate guy who finally shined in her eyes, cupping his face with her small hands. For the first time, Sunny gently kissed his cheek before his request to do so.



He nods at her before turning the other cheek and playfully requesting that the other side gets the same treatment…which of course was granted in a split second.




Despite her frantic desperation to hide, Changmin spots her in an instant. Although at that moment she dons an outfit that doesn’t quite describe her and she has make up on that she could go without, he spots her. Her long legs, chocolate brown hair, thin waist, stunningly beautiful face…they could never hide from him. He grabs her arm before she can attempt to pull off another disappearing act.


“What are you doing?”

“Let me go. Just let me go!”

“Why are you here? Why are you dressed like that?”


“I wanted you to notice me for once. Dress up like how the typical girls do. Make you see that I can be just as pretty as Sunny. Tell you that you can’t start afresh with her again….because yes, she has Sungmin. BUT ALSO BECAUSE YOU HAVE ME!! YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME!!”

She screams at the top of her lungs, not allowing the loud music to overpower the importance of what she has to say. The crowd of people circulating around them slowly begin to stop and stare until the dance floor comes to a complete stop.


“Babo,” Changmin easily replies back before firmly grabbing her small face in his hands and kissing her.


Their lips connect like a pair of magnets strongly attracted to one another. Changmin brushes the little strand of bang that falls down Sooyoung’s face, tugging it behind her small ear without once separating from her. While one of his hands continues to guide her face towards him, his free hand glides down slowly along Sooyoung's long lines of her back until it hooks onto her small waist. Grabbing it firmly he brings her the mere millimetre closer to cover the small gap that distanced the two. The warmth emitted from their bodies is no match for a blazing strong sun’s rays in a dessert.


They bring their faces out ever so slightly from each others for a second; both slightly panting from the lack of oxygen. Changmin looks down at the girl in his arms, the reason why he believed he had arms to hold onto her. He brushes his nose upon hers. 

“You don’t ever have to feel like you’re second to anyone. Dressing up like this will only enhance how beautiful you are, no matter what, you will never be anything less than beautiful. Just know that you will never be like the other typical girls because not any typical girl can make a fool like me fall in love with them.”


With eyes closed he answers, “I wouldn’t even dare to leave you Sooyoung”. The both of them stand there completely still in a tight embrace before their lips once again naturally find its way back to the opposite’s; an invisible line of thread pulling them close.


Their love is like a rainbow…that’s how it is--a mixture of something so magically beautiful for words coming together and forming into one. 



Their own set of audience forms without their knowledge. Small chuckles and amazed gazes direct the way to the couple that seemed to step right out from a movie.


All that was left was for their happy ending, but with many infamous love stories, a tragic ending may often at times creep its way into the picture.  

Would there be showers of rain up ahead that would disintegrate that colourful rainbow; hiding it behind the gray and frozen shots of lightning?

Only time can tell...



A/N: Wontondumpling's friend over here ^^ have fun reading. I'll update her other FF the 'Screw this thing called love' one later on...when I get the chance. Her hand is getting better though! Almost time to get the cast off :D

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Chapter 25: please update soon
hi author-nim!nice to see you online...
are you back?are you going to update this story?
just wanna know...if your still on hiatus i will still wait for you^^

it's justbthat i miss reading this...
Chapter 25: U left us readers hanging ^_^ come back author nim
hello author-nim!!!
i would lie to inform you that i'm already missing this story...
please do update author-nim^^
Really miss your GORGEOUS update <3<3<3
When will you comeback author-nim?
Please, come back T_T
Woaaaaaaaah~ its been a long time, glad you're back~ :DDD

and WTH just happened??? NOOOOOOOOO~~ :((

Please please update soon ^_^
omg i swear i subbed this before and maybe because of all those upgrading thingy it lost *sub again* and please update again ^^
shineeluv4eva #8
Yah upfated! more please
you updated again^^