A Borrowed Heart


" A story of LOVE between a girl and 2 different man with the same HEART.. "



 The Heart that contains not just blood , but also feelings.

Feelings for someone that you truly love and care.

But , what if.. That heart would be given to a certain someone?

What if that heart's owner had some emotional attachment to someone

but never did confessed. 

The feeling that got jailed in his heart for the time being.

Would that new owner will feel the same thing towards the girl?

And , would that girl love him not because he got his heart.

but because she really does?

Would their future depend on that "BORROWED HEART"...





About this story , this was like inspired by the movie "My First Romance" . But the story would be different from it ,yet it will have some similarities . (i guess)
The characters will just be introduced as you are reading the story. They'll be not a celebrity or something but just normal people as to how we are. 
I hope you enjoy this ... *^^



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