CH. 10

Playing The Game

Sunday passed by in a blur, and before he knew it, it was Monday. Kai slugged out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. He got ready, brushing his teeth, fixing his hair, smiling at himself confidently. "Jung Miyoung," he said, his lips devilishly. "You're gonna fall for me." He winked at himself before walking out, making his way to school.

Kai crinkled his nose in disgust as he stood in front of the school gates. People passed by him, giving him looks as he continued to stand there, unmoving. Girls passed by in awe, gawking over his handsome features. Guys passed by in envy as they watched the girls drool over him. There where only a rare few that would look at him like he was stupid for just standing there, not entering the gates.

He just shrugged off the looks, though, as he propped himself against the cold metal gates, people-watching as he waited for a familiar face.

In the distance, he saw Miyoung and stood straight, crossing his arms. Once she was in arms reach, he took her hand smoothly, intertwining his fingers with hers.

She looked up at his unreadable face in shock, ears flaming red. Kai kept his gaze forward as he squeezed his way through the tight crowd of students, pulling Miyoung along as she kept her eyes locked on him. What was he doing? He never did this. During school, they always acted like they didn't know the other, and always got frustrated. Why the sudden change? Miyoung took note once again how his fingers laced with hers, his rough hands against her smooth ones.

Kai stopped abruptly, clearing his throat and snapping Miyoung out of her thoughts. "Have you fallen for me yet, Jung Miyoung?" he chuckled cockily.

Miyoung scoffed and pulled her hand away from his, crossing her arms over her chest in protest. "Not even, Kim Jongin." she said firmly as she stomped away, leaving Kai behind. He just watched her, expression baffled. 'She's a tough one.' he thought before following her to class.

Neither of them saw the strange looks of judgement in the hallway as a group of girls passed by. "What was that?" one of the girl's whispered in disgust.

"Is he with her?" another one said, glaring in Miyoung's direction. Needless to say, they were not happy.

Meanwhile, in 1st period, Kai sat in the same spot as before, across the isle from Miyoung. He would've sat by her, but once he walked into the classroom, she already had a desk partner, so he didn't even bother. Miyoung looked at her desk partner with thankful eyes as she greeted her.

The door opened and Miyoung faced forward in her seat, thinking it was the teacher ready to start he lesson for the day. However, she was taken aback when the person she thought was her teacher turned out to be Park Chanyeol. Just at the sight of him, his straight hair and his million dollar smile, made Miyoung's heart ache as her gaze followed him to his seat. Why couldn't she forget about him?

Kai followed Miyoung's gaze curiously, only to meet eyes with Chanyeol. He nodded politely in Kai's direction before facing forward in his chair. Kai turned back toward Miyoung-who had her eyes locked on Chanyeol-and waved his hand in front of her face. "Jung Miyoung," he said in his deep, charming voice.

Miyoung jumped, startled. She realized she had been staring at Chanyeol and couldn't help but feel embarrassed as she turned the other way with a pink tint in her cheeks. Fortunately, the teacher walked in then, and Miyoung didn't have to face Kai and his curious questions.

To her surprise, Miyoung couldn't focus much on the lesson. Her mind was too preoccupied with ways to make the player sitting beside her fall for her-her pride was on the line here, so she had to win.

Kai could see the distraction on her face and couldn't help but wonder what she was thinking about.

Lunch time came about, and Kai rose from his seat with a stretch. Just as he was about to walk out the door, the teacher called him back. He glimpsed at Miyoung as she passed by, acknowledging her with a slight nod.

Miyoung exited the class and stood outside the door, waiting for Kai. A few moments later, a tall figure exited, and Miyoung turned to face him. "About time!" she exclaimed, looking up expecting to meet eyes with Kai, but only to meet eyes with Chanyeol. "Oh... Wrong person." She pursed her lips as she rose to her tippy toes to peek in the classroom over his broad shoulders.

"Waiting for Jongin?" he said, his deep voice charming.

Naturally, Miyoung's heart sped up. She couldn't get the words to escape from as she stuttered.
"Um- I was- He's-"

He put his hands up with a small chuckle, motioning for her to stop. "I get it." Miyoung smiled nervously as her eyes fell to the floor. "You guys are a thing, am I right?"

Miyoung thought for a moment, trying to figure what 'they' were, but even she didn'y know. With a shrug, she opened to speak, but was inturrupted. Kai grabbed her hand and pulled her close. "Yeah, we are." he answered for her.

Chanyeol eyed them curiously, raising a brow. "Huh. I didn't think he was your type, Miyoung-ah."

'Miyoung-ah? They're casual with each other?' Kai thought, completely lost as to what was going on.

"I didn't either." Miyoung mumbled quietly.

Kai heard her and cleared his throat. "We should go to class now."

Chanyeol nodded in agreement with a bright smile. "We should!"




Hours passed and lunch time came around. Once again, like earlier in 1st period, Kai was held back by the teacher. This time, however, Miyoung wasn't gonna wait. She went ahead and left, making her way through the hallway flooded with students all heading the same way. 'I should probably tell Soonji-eonni now huh...' she thought to herself. 'But how?' How was she going to do it? It clear that Soonji wasn't exactly fond of Miyoung's "boyfriend," so how was Miyoung supposed to break it to her?

The whole way to lunch, Miyoung was lost in her thoughts. She was so lost, she wasn't paying attention to where she was walking until she crashed bodies with another. Stumbling backwards, Miyoung exclaimed, "Sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"

"It's fine!" the other person laughed it off. "I'm fine. Don't apologize."

"Are you su-" When she finally looked up at the other student, she beamed brightly. "Baekhyun!" She always broke into a smiled when he was around-he just had this feel to him, joyful and bright, that you couldn't help but smile.

"Actually," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "You were just the person I was looking for."

Miyoung's eyes grew wide in shock. "Me?!" she said with a finger pointed at herself. "Why me?"

"Um..." he hesitated. "Since you're with Kai," To be completely honest, Miyoung had forgotten about Kai during her walk to lunch. "We were thinking-"


Baekhyun nodded and pointed back to his lunch table. "We." Miyoung looked at the rest of his friends who were all sitting in the shade, laughing and playing with their food. "We were thinking, maybe do you want to sit with us?"

She remained quiet for a moment, and Baekhyun grew more neervous that she would say no.

"I don't think he would like it if I sat there..." she mumbled to herself, bringing her hand to her face nervously.

"What?" Baekhyun was utterly confused. "Why wouldn't he?" He raised a brow.

She shook her head clear and smiled sweetly at him. "Maybe not today, Baekhyun." Miyoung pointed to her luncg table, where Soonji was waiting-despite the distance, she could tell on Soonji's face that she was dying to know what Baekhyun was saying to her. "My friend is waiting."

Baekhyun followed the direction Miyoung was pointing and made eye contact with Soonji. With a polite wave in her direction. he chuckled and said, "That's fine! Maybe some other time then!" They said bye to one another and went their one ways to their own tables.

Just as Miyoung had expected, Soonji was pounding Miyoung with questions. She began to talk, but stopped when she saw Kai walking to his lunch table. He gave Miyoung a look, but she couldn't read it. She shrugged it off, thinking he was just irritated.


When Kai sat down, his friends greeting him, Baekhyun leaned over in his direction. "I asked Miyoung if she wanted to sit with us, but she said no." he informed, sitting back straight, laughing and eating his food just like the others. Kai kept his eyes locked in her direction. Why? Why was this bothering him?

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reading all your guys comments makes me smile /.\ you guys made my night c:


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Chapter 12: Sulking kai was so cute...=) was cute when she wrote him the note....glad kai spoke his mind about them sitting together for lunch...=)
Mina13 #2
Chapter 11: Kai's Feeling Feelings! Looks Like He Might Fall Sooner Than I Expected.. Miyoung Is So Tough & Fierce .-. I Love It~ You Better Update Soon SkyBooBoo! C:
Chapter 11: Woohoo...double update...I find their date refreshing...hehe...because its not perfect but at the same time it was sweet when they held hand, jongin rejected the girl straight out and when they both said good night

Hmm...cute that jongin waited for her in the morning...I wonder what he was thinking at the end after baekhyun told him that she didn't want to sit with him and his friend

Loving this story
How I wish I was Miyoung. Haha.
I love your story. :)
manlyteabubbles #5
Chapter 11: I think Kai's going to fall for her first!
Chapter 11: This story's sooo good :D
Chapter 8: Aww...I like their text conversation...=)...I like that she is strong...hehe...I think kai going to have a hard time charming her...=)
Chapter 6: I wonder how she going to deal with player kai...hehe...=)
RiyaBoo17 #9
Chapter 6: Wish SOMEONE had just went ahead and let me read this the second she wrote it -.- Pssh, And then she updates late??
Tsk tsk tsk
ANYWAYS~ Can't wait till the next update, brat
crepes #10
Chapter 4: I love this story so far <3
Keep up the good work !