A Tease From Fate

Giving the Best of Ourselves for the Best of Us.

A year and two months thrown away just like a quick breeze that swept through the town leaving destruction.


Nichkhun's POV:

I was always so used to calling or texting Ara after work or during break, but now I have to fight the urge to not do such things. Matter of fact, I deleted her number to keep our distance and not bother with her life. It was a start although it was difficult.

"Hyung, everything alright with you?" Junho wiped his sweat on his towel as he walked over to me.

"Huh? Yeah, I'll be fine. It'll just take some time." I was honest with my answer.

"It's never easy. You guys ended on a good note though right?" He patted my back.

"It wasn't bad at all, but just the thought that we ended just doesn't feel right." I began to quiver and for the first time in a long while, I let my tears fall in front of one of my members. "I don't know why I failed let something like this happen? I always told her I'd fight for us, but I don't know why I didn't act out of selfishness when she asked me if I agreed. I was stupid and went along with what she wanted. I was too weak to stand my ground and tell her no. I didn't want us to end so easily like this." My fists tightened, mad at myself for giving her another way to solve our problem.

"Khun, don't be so hard on yourself. It's meant to be this way probably. You just have to be strong and live your life. You have so many things ahead of you. Maybe it was best for you to focus on your career and as for her, maybe if was best for her to gather herself together." He consoled me with his words.

Ara.............I miss you.


Ara's POV:

I don't know how he's holding up, but the pain for me seems like it'll never go away. Because of my constant longing to hear him and see him, I decided to busy myself as much as possible to avoid thoughts of him from talking over my life. I worked from 8AM to 5PM, went to the gym from 7PM to 8PM, worked on financial papers from 9PM until close to 11PM and somehow fit dinner during one of my open slots. It's been a constant routine like that lately. Since it's Friday night, I decided to not go to the gym or work on work from the office. Although I didn't follow through with my planned schedule, I had no clue what to do with my life at the moment. My phone rang and I thought of Nichkhun, but I knew if couldn't be cause I've changed my number to avoid calls from him. Very well, I even deleted his number.

"Hello, this is Ara?" I answered.

"You sounded so professional, aren't you off work already?" The silly tone belonged to Jenna.

"Did I? What's up?" I flipped through a magazine.

"Let's go have some fun tonight!"

"Fun? What do you mean by that. I might agree with you if you tell me what exactly. My life has been too dull."

"Club Secret tonight at 9? What do you say? I know you're not a fan of clubbing, but go, sit down, and hangout for a bit."

I sighed at the plan. I wasn't into clubbing because whenever I went, there were creepy guys and sweaty bodies on each other. It's pure disgusting. The smell of liquor and alcohol could make me tipsy without even placing my lips on a cup. I can't handle it. "Well, I want to go out anyways, so I'll take the offer."


I snuck into a simple red skirt, white spaghetti tank top that has ruffles in the from with black heels. I powered my face lightly with a soft touch of a smoky-eye and red lips.



"Are you sure you'll be fine sitting here alone?" Jenna asked to make sure with Ara.

"Yes. Now, go dance. It's your favorite song!" Ara commented and shooed her friend away.

Sitting alone at a stool, she leaned onto the table to savor her iced-water.



"Khun, you don't want to go dance? Hurry man." Taec was being dragged by a women in a black, strapless dress.

"No, I'm cool. I'll just sit here and drink up." He lifted his shot cup to his friend. Truthfully, he wasn't in the mood to drink either, but he had to keep himself distracted.

Wooyoung and Junho sat with Nichkhun while Taec and Minjun were off dancing with some pretty ladies.

"Khun hyung, what are you staring at?" Wooyoung asked as he followed off into the distance where Nichkhun was staring so closely at.

Nichkhun didn't answer.

Junho looked too, but brushed it off with his comment, "Aish, Nichkhun always looks towards the direction where there's red. He's truly in love with that color."



Nichkhun's POV:

Who's that girl in a red skirt drinking by herself? I had the urge to get up to go see her, but I didn't want to look like a fool. I shouldn't jump onto a girl so quickly after my breakup. That's too wrong of me, right? I observed from the distance. Her back figured looked familiar and that color red on her just makes me wonder who it could be. It can't be Ara since he dislikes the club scene. I snapped out of my gaze, feeling it wasn't polite to stare too long since she might have a man already.

"Do you guys want anything from the bar? I'm going to go pick up a cup of water to drain down the alcohol."

The two guys declined the offer and I was off into the distance to retrieve a cup of water. I walked past the girl and with her turning to her side profile, it was hard to see her face. The dim, flashing lights were no help either.

"May I get a cup of water please?" I asked the bartender.

"I have some orders to get to quickly. May I have your name so I'll call you up with your drink's ready?"

"Uh, sure. It's Nichkhun." That was odd that she couldn't just give a cup of water to me. It wasn't like he had to do anything special with mixings and what not. Plus, there were only 3 other people waiting. I guess. I sat at the table adjacent to the one where the red skirt girl sat. Still, I couldn't see her face. She was looking down at her drink as she stirred her straw around.


Ara's POV:

The music was loud and I couldn't even make up the lyircs. I sat and watched Jenna dance from afar. I saw a man approach the bar. His tall, lean yet muscular form reminded me of Nichkhun. I feel like it could even be him, but I knew it wasn't. It couldn't be. Out of all the clubs tonight and thousands of things to d, it wouldn't be him here clubbing. He could be rehearsing, recording, working out and everything else at this very moment. I traced the man's figure with my eyes and it made me miss Nichkhun more. I was out tonight for a reason which is to free my mnd, but instead I was here hillucinating that I see Nichkhun. I scoffed to myself.

I heard him speak as the bartender asked him name. I listened attenively to hear his name.

"Uh, sure. It's N-"

My listening was cut off when Jenna tapped me. "Are you ready to go home? I'm tired and it's already 11:37."

I laughed at her sweaty image and Vodka breath. "You need to go home anyways. Come on, let's go!" I pulled her by the arms.


Nichkhun and Ara had no idea they were at the same time, same place. It was as if fate was trying to tease their pain. They saw each other's figure, yet didn't get the chance to see one another's faces and confirm. But somehow that night when they returned home, their hearts were at a slight ease to think they saw someone who resembled the other. Pain was not casted away though. They passed each other just like in the movies when lovers would lmost encounter their other half, but miss it on point.

Only time will tell if they truly belong to each other or not.

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G-DestherKwon #1
Chapter 11: I like your story so much.. I can relate to it.. Getting over someone is hard but m so proud of them!! Good story :)
Nichkhunieee #2
Chapter 11: Omg woah!!! such a twist!!! I was expecting nichkhun to marry ara:) but this ending is realistic too! <3
Nichkhunieee #3
Chapter 10: Haaha woo and junho are soooo cute!!!!! Haahahah innocent junho <3 I LOVE THIS STORY A LOT!!!!! Nichkhun and araaaaaaa aishhh so awkward and hopeless somehow or maybe that's just how feel
G-DestherKwon #4
Chapter 10: AwwWwww I <3 all the chapters..please update soon!!
My Khunnie is the best~~
paquitz #5
Chapter 10: This story is so good. Update soon
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 9: Nichkhun Nichkhun prepared to get freakingggg jealousssss!!!! Haahaha chansung and Ara orrrr sang woo and Ara?? chansunggg's better though to me then when Nichkhun sees them together he'll get jellyyyyyy
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!changsung and Ara...yippeeee this is so interesting..please let them hangout okie...and keep updating.....
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 8: Woohoo...I like this chap..thnx authornim
G-DestherKwon #9
Chapter 7: Let Ara av a new guy too..so sad for her..nich and tiff??nooooooooooo
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 5: What!!! They broke up..can they just try a little harder??so sad :(