Good. Bye.

Giving the Best of Ourselves for the Best of Us.


A month passed and Nichkhun was done with his filming. So much has happened within the duration as well. Ara doubted their relationship and Nichkhun spent a lot of time with models and actresses alongside with work. He's not necessarily cheating, but the two drifted as they both became closer to the outside world than themselves.
Ara's POV:
"Nichkhun, we can't do this anymore. Our lifestyle right now isn't allowing our relationship to bloom." I came down a bit hard.
"I don't understand. What did I do wrong? I won't let you go just because you think I'm fooling around with other women." Nichkhun pleaded.
"It's not even that anymore. Of course, I'm scared that you'd fall for other women, but that's not the reason. Can't you see we don't even have time for one another? I don't want us to burden each other." I tried my best to not be too harsh. I just wanted Nichkhun to understand.
"I think we're perfectly fine. You do your thing and I do mine, right?" His face was no longer bright as if he was going to tear up any minute.
Just then his phone rang and clear enough, I saw Jin Hee's name. Nichkhun looked at me with sorrowful eyes. "Give me a break. Let me take this call." He turned his back towards me and walked tomy balcony. I can hear him mumble about a party.
Nichkhun's POV:
I couldn't take it so I excused myself to answer the call and maybe refresh my mind.
"Hello, Jin Hee?"
"Oppa! Are you busy tonight? I have a party and I was wondering if you'd be able to come."
"A party? What time?"
"Around 7. I reserved Karaoke Town tonight for some friends so come! Bring your members along too!"
"Sure. I'll see what happens. Thanks."
I ended the call there. I stood out on the balcony to recollect my thoughts before entering back to face Ara. As I made my way in, I faced the woman that I possibly was going to lose.
"Ara, please give me time to think this through. I really don't want us to just end like this. There has to be another way." I held her hands.
"Sure. Think about it and please accept it. You already know my answer." She slipped her hands out of mine.
I walked towards her door as she escorted me out. I was devastated.
Nichkhun thought about what Ara said and he couldn't believe he was going to agree with it. Deep down he didn't want to compromise with Ara's idea, but he knew that if it's what she wants, he'll give it to her. Perhaps, she was right. It was difficult to juggle a relationship and work altogether. Maybe it was for the best of them. It was time to sacrifice. 
Both lovebirds met at the amusement park for their last date, their last meet as boyfriend and girlfriend.
Ara's POV:
"I'm glad you thought it through. It's tough, but it's something we must do."   We sat by a bench eating our cotton candy. It was the end right here.
"Yeah, I feel it's best too." His puppy eyes hung low with sorrow. "But can you promise me something?"
"What is it?" I carefully avoided agreeing.
"Promise-promise me that if fate allows us, we can work it out again after some space." His voice hinted hope.
I grinned lightly, "Well, I don't have a say and I can't promise that. It's all up to fate. If I make a promise with you, that's me determining fate and I don't want to. I just want to go along wherever the river flows." I tried to be reasonable that I couldn't give him a promise especially one I'm scared to keep.
Nichkhun's POV:
She made perfect sense to me, but I didn't want to understand a word she was saying to me. It hurts me so much, too much to contain it.
I looked at my watch. "It's 7:36PM. I must get going to rehearsal at 8." I breathed heavily wishing time could stop just so I can see her for some minutes longer.
"You should get going. I don't want you to be late," she said.
"Well then. Take care of yourself. I'll-I'll miss you." My voice trembled.
"You too. Don't work too hard." Her voice was soft and I could see it in her that although she initiated our separation, she wanted to hold on just as much as me.
I walked away first cause I couldn't bare to see the sight of watching her walk away from me. It was too much, yet it suffocated my heart to leave her alone. I was already ten steps ahead of her but my heart couldn't do it. This isn't how I say goodbye. This shouldn't be how I say goodbye. I turned and I saw her walking the opposite way. I had to do it right.
Ara's POV:
He left me first. I couldn't believe this was it. Our hearts were unwilling, but the circumstances weren't working well with us. I watched his figure trail back to his car as I decided to walk the opposite way to give us space. As I dragged my cemented feet down the pathway, I felt a pair of hands tug me around. Before I knew it, I was pushed into a tight embrace. Arms held me in place as if they'd never let go. This place was my protection. It was far too familiar to forget. The scent of him traveled into me and I started to cry. At this point I didn't care if I damped his favorite red shirt. I just couldn't bare to hold it in anymore. I heard him sniffed and very well, he was letting out his tears too.
"Nichkhun, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." My hands grasped tightly onto him. "I hope you'll forgive me after sometime. You have every right to hate me for this."
Nichkhun's POV:
I had to. I wanted to hug her for the last time. I didn't want no simple "goodbye and take care" farewell. I wanted it to be worthwhile. I ran and caught up to her and hugged her with my dear life. I listened to her sob and she didn't dare to move from me. Hearing her cry made me cry too. I was never an easy crier, but this time I couldn't be tough. I listened to her apologize and bid for forgiveness.
I lifted her face and wiped her tears. "It's okay. Don't be sorry. I don't want us to cry. I want us to leave happily. Smile now." I stretched her cheeks lightly to form a smile. I wiped my tears and smiled along. "Let's not make it hard on us. We both know why we're leaving us behind. It's not because of you or me, but it's because time just isn't right." I rubbed her back to cool her down. I kissed her forehead and then her perfect lips one last time like I always did.
It was the end of us.
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G-DestherKwon #1
Chapter 11: I like your story so much.. I can relate to it.. Getting over someone is hard but m so proud of them!! Good story :)
Nichkhunieee #2
Chapter 11: Omg woah!!! such a twist!!! I was expecting nichkhun to marry ara:) but this ending is realistic too! <3
Nichkhunieee #3
Chapter 10: Haaha woo and junho are soooo cute!!!!! Haahahah innocent junho <3 I LOVE THIS STORY A LOT!!!!! Nichkhun and araaaaaaa aishhh so awkward and hopeless somehow or maybe that's just how feel
G-DestherKwon #4
Chapter 10: AwwWwww I <3 all the chapters..please update soon!!
My Khunnie is the best~~
paquitz #5
Chapter 10: This story is so good. Update soon
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 9: Nichkhun Nichkhun prepared to get freakingggg jealousssss!!!! Haahaha chansung and Ara orrrr sang woo and Ara?? chansunggg's better though to me then when Nichkhun sees them together he'll get jellyyyyyy
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!changsung and Ara...yippeeee this is so interesting..please let them hangout okie...and keep updating.....
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 8: Woohoo...I like this chap..thnx authornim
G-DestherKwon #9
Chapter 7: Let Ara av a new guy sad for her..nich and tiff??nooooooooooo
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 5: What!!! They broke up..can they just try a little harder??so sad :(