Dropping Hints

Giving the Best of Ourselves for the Best of Us.


Ara was thinking back and forth about Nichkhun. She thought back to the restaurant scene where she accidentally saw Nichkhun with a woman. The angel side of her said that Nichkhun would never do such a thing. The devil side of her said that Nichkhun is still a man and would do anything to get a woman.
Her phone rang.
Ara's POV:
"Hey baby, are you busy tonight? I want to see you. I miss you." He spoke cutely into the other end.
"Mmmmm. I'll have to think about it." I tried to play hard.
It was quiet at both ends to signify that I was thinking and he was waiting for my answer. The quietness made it clear that there was a female with him. "Oppa, come wait inside. I can't find your shirt. It has to be around here somewhere. Let me check my bedroom."
I couldn't help, but think of the worst although I closed my eyes to get my mind out of the gutter.
"Nichkhun........where are you right now?" I tried to stay calm.
Nichkhun's POV:
I was at Jin Hee's apartment to get my shirt she borrowed yesterday at the shoot when she spelt coffee over her. I didn't know how to respond to Ara's question. I didn't want her to misunderstand. I told her half the truth.
"I'm at one of my costar's place to get my shirt I lent." I hoped she didn't catch it the wrong way.
There was a pause. "What time did you want to meet?" 
My heart lifted once she asked about the time which meant she was willing to meet me.
"8PM at your place?" 
"Okay, see you then."
Ara's POV:
My door bell ring and I opened the door to see a smiling Nichkhun with a bag of popcorn in one hand and a movie in the other.
"You didn't tell me you had this planned." I helped him with his full hands.
"I wanted to surprise you. Have you ate?" He curiously asked.
"I'm not too hungry, but popcorn will do."
We sat on the living room floor as your backs leaned on the bottom of the couch. We watched Junho's latest movie "Cold Eyes". Although my eyes were glued onto the screen, my mind was wondering about Nichkhun and his "costar" earlier. I decided to wait until the movie finished before jumping with questions.
Nichkhun's POV:
There were times when I feel Ara tense up. It seemed as though she's been thinking a lot about something. Finally as the movie ended, she stood up first and threw our empty cans and popcorn bowl away.
"Baby, is everything alright?" I asked carefully as I wrapped my arms loosely around her waist.
"Yeah. I think so." Her troubled face told me something else.
She continued, "Has filming kept you up late? I'm starting to see dark circles around your eyes." Her fingers gently ran over the skin below my eyes.
I lightly caressed her fingers and laced them with mine. "No. It's you who keep me up late. I think about you too much that I can't sleep." I cheekily commented.
A small smile formed on her face, but vanished. "If I'm the problem then maybe we shouldn't be like this." It sounded as if she was joking but her unreadable face seemed serious.
"Like what?"
"Like this." She lifted out laced hands for me to see. He chuckled lightly. "This relationship thing."
My brows furrowed as I frowned. "What makes you think we should end? I won't let that happen." I kissed her forehead. "Don't even doubt it." I kissed her lips next.
Ara's POV:
Times like this reminds me that Nichkhun  could be such a sweetheart. It kind of took my mind off his "seeing-other-women" mindset. It scares me to lose him to someone else especially since he's wanted from so many. I thought it'd be hard to like him afar, but being in a relationship with him was beyond difficult. I have to watch from a distance as he acts lovingly with other women and I have to keep quiet about our real relationship.
I cleared the air of silliness. "Nichkhun, if things begin to become difficult and we have to start making sacrifices, let's promise to not let hatred settle in." I looked into his eyes.
Nichkhun's POV:
I was a bit confused with her words. Did she mean as in if things don't workout between us? If so, why would she hint that?
"Why'd you say that?"
I saw her forced smile. "Nothing in particular. I just mean it generally since the future is unreadable."
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G-DestherKwon #1
Chapter 11: I like your story so much.. I can relate to it.. Getting over someone is hard but m so proud of them!! Good story :)
Nichkhunieee #2
Chapter 11: Omg woah!!! such a twist!!! I was expecting nichkhun to marry ara:) but this ending is realistic too! <3
Nichkhunieee #3
Chapter 10: Haaha woo and junho are soooo cute!!!!! Haahahah innocent junho <3 I LOVE THIS STORY A LOT!!!!! Nichkhun and araaaaaaa aishhh so awkward and hopeless somehow or maybe that's just how feel
G-DestherKwon #4
Chapter 10: AwwWwww I <3 all the chapters..please update soon!!
My Khunnie is the best~~
paquitz #5
Chapter 10: This story is so good. Update soon
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 9: Nichkhun Nichkhun prepared to get freakingggg jealousssss!!!! Haahaha chansung and Ara orrrr sang woo and Ara?? chansunggg's better though to me then when Nichkhun sees them together he'll get jellyyyyyy
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!changsung and Ara...yippeeee this is so interesting..please let them hangout okie...and keep updating.....
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 8: Woohoo...I like this chap..thnx authornim
G-DestherKwon #9
Chapter 7: Let Ara av a new guy too..so sad for her..nich and tiff??nooooooooooo
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 5: What!!! They broke up..can they just try a little harder??so sad :(