Loyalty and Understanding.

Giving the Best of Ourselves for the Best of Us.


Ara's POV:
"Hey, you busy today? Lets grab lunch at Tea Shop, yeah?"
"Mmmmm....sure. I just ate with the company, but I'll go with you. I'm really not hungry." He answered truthfully.
"Well if you're not hungry then why would I want to drag you along and waste your time, silly?"
"Oh please. I need to see you anyways..... I miss you. See you in ten minutes, beautiful." I can see him smile as he spoke.
Weakened by his last word, I just said,  "Mmkay."
"Hey, dear. You're quite fast. Miss me?" He welcomed me to the table.
"If you want me to tell you a sweet lie then yes, I miss you a ton." I .
I had my lunch while Nichkhun sat across of me sipping on his green tea. Although I didn't look at him, I felt his stare. Even though we've been dating for 10months, he still has his ways of making my stomach turn.
"Are you trying to avoid looking at my handsome face?" He lightly kicked my leg under the table.
"Eh? No. I'm not looking because there's nothing good to look at. My food is better-looking. As a matter of fact, it's also good-tasting." I hissed amusingly.
"You always try to pick small fights with me." He acted sulkily.
I grinned at him to indicate that the reason I've fallen quiet is because of his undying sweetness and cuteness.
He cleared his voice before speaking as if what he's going to state next is important, very important. I looked up at him and met with his hypnotizing gaze.
"What is it?" I asked as I scooped a spoon of rice into my mouth.
"What's what?" He asked cluelessly.
"You were going to say something. Now, shoot it. Tell me." I set my spoon down and wiped my mouth with the table napkin.
He scoffed with amazement. "You are so observant. It's kind of scary of you to know my every thought and movement, but I love that about you. You know me better than I know myself." His eyes drifted from me and out the window to the red, green, and yellow lights indicating for cars to pass or stop.
I gave him a smile. "Now, tell me. Something bugging you?"
His shoulders rose as he snuck in a deep breathe and placed his hands over mine. "You know, I'm so thankful for you. You stick it out with me through everything. When we fight and argue, you're always willing to mend it all and make sense out of it. 10 months really flew by. It felt as if we just started this relationship yesterday yet it always feels like a million years."
I looked at him taken aback. "Well, if we want to make things work then we must be willing to put in effort to make things right don't we?" I looked at him with soft eyes. "Why are you so full of words all of a sudden?"
"I just want to make sure you really know how appreciative I am of you, that's all. I don't want you to ever forget."
"I know." I lightly rubbed his hand. " But you know, if one day, God decides to divide us for the better, remember to never grow bitter. I'll promise the same." I was trying to sound reasonable, not negative. For the fact that we didn't know our future, I didn't want to make it sound as if we were guaranteed to be one forever. Nichkhun, being his understanding self nodded in agreement.
It was work day for the two of us. I was busy tracking down the finance for the hotel company headquarters that I worked while Nichkhun was busy with his schedules. The minute I got to sit down for break, I sent him a text.
'Hey, Don't work so hard. Get some rest! :)'
After 5 minutes or so, he replied simply.
'I will. You too. <3'
I ended it there for I believe I must not intervene with his workload too much. Knowing he's alive and well was enough to get me through my day.
When my work hours were completed, I decided to stroll down the busy-bodied street for some air. As I proceeded in my steps, I haunted myself when I saw a small billboard of no other than the man who's made quite an impact of my life, Nichkhun. In the advertisement, he stood next to a beautiful model holding a skin are product. my heart smiled at his success in his career. My eyes then traveled to the model as I admired her stunning beauty. I couldn't help resist the thought that Nichkhun can get any girl he wants. How does he handle it at work? Yes, it's all acting, but doesn't it trigger his heart at times? It has nothing to do with jealousy, but self-control and understanding. My pleased expression remained as I reminded myself of his loyal character.
Khun's POV:
"Don't wait up for me tonight. I'm going to Ara's place for dinner." I fixed my white polar shirt as I touched up the sides of my hair.
"Tsk. We don't care." The oldest male scoffed jokingly. "Be a gentleman like how I taught you. No touchy touchy kind of stuff." Minjun reminded him.
"Hyung, don't think like that." I responded.
"Just making sure." His voice slowly vanished into the distance as he walked away from me.
I prepared myself and paced out the door excited to share with Ara what is in store for my career. I was nervous to hear her insight, but I knew she'd be supportive like she always is.
Ara's POV:
Khun's coming for dinner so I prepared some Thai food for us since I wanted to bring him a touch of "home" for him. Just as the I tidied up the table, my door buzzer buzzed. 
"Come in." I opened the door instructing him inside.
"Hey. Mmmmm. I smell sticky rice, Pad Thai and curry." His eyes glistened.
"You have a very good nose Mr." I hugged him and remained in his embrace as he twirled us in a small circle.
"Well, my hands hurt from my workout earlier so you must feed me." He suddenly acts weak with a smirk. I pouted and pushed him away as I guided us to the table.
Khun's POV:
When Ara and I finished dinner. We sat in her living room and chatted, leaving the TV at a low volume to accompany us. She sat as I laid my head on her lap. Her fingers twirled in my hair, making me relax and at peace. 
"Mhm?" She looked at me with such gentle eyes which made me weak of love.
"Guess who has the main role in an upcoming movie?" I decided to get into my point slowly.
"No way?!" She was already surprised. "You?!" Her fingers pulled my hair lightly due to the sudden excitement.
"Yes! Your handsome boyfriend got the role of Jeon Ho in the upcoming film 'Made For You'!" I rejoiced along as I grabbed her hand and kissed it. Seeing her so supportive of me made me feel like asking her to be my girlfriend was the best choice thus far. 
"That's great Khunnie. I'm guessing you're going to be so busy." She patted my head.
"Yeah, but not too busy for you." I reassured her.
"Babe, I also forgot to tell you something else regarding the film." This part was kind of tough for me to tell her I didn't know how to go around about it. 
"What is it?" She questioned.
"Well, it's a movie dealing with a newly-wed's relationship. It consist of a lot of......."
"Intimate scenes?" She questions again, but it was somewhat calmer than I expected.
"Well.....kind of. The film will show some personal scenes long enough to make it seem realistic. They're quick shots only and nothing radical of any sort. It's kind of like Chansung's scene in our music video for "Come Back to Me When You hear This Song". It's not detailed specifically, but viewers will get the point of the physical activity the couple is engaging in. Passionate kiss scenes are a must as well."
"Oh. Okay. Well, I'm sure you'll play the role well." She gazed at me with a grin as if it didn't bother her. Her expression left me shocked and I couldn't conclude if she was holding her true colors in or if she really felt okay about it. If anything, I knew somewhere in her heart she was disappointed and I completely understand if she was and her reason to be so.
To be continued. . .
Tune into the next chapter to discover Ara's thought on Nichkhun's upcoming film. Will she be upset and disappointed or understanding and calm about the matter? 
Thanks for reading! :)
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G-DestherKwon #1
Chapter 11: I like your story so much.. I can relate to it.. Getting over someone is hard but m so proud of them!! Good story :)
Nichkhunieee #2
Chapter 11: Omg woah!!! such a twist!!! I was expecting nichkhun to marry ara:) but this ending is realistic too! <3
Nichkhunieee #3
Chapter 10: Haaha woo and junho are soooo cute!!!!! Haahahah innocent junho <3 I LOVE THIS STORY A LOT!!!!! Nichkhun and araaaaaaa aishhh so awkward and hopeless somehow or maybe that's just how feel
G-DestherKwon #4
Chapter 10: AwwWwww I <3 all the chapters..please update soon!!
My Khunnie is the best~~
paquitz #5
Chapter 10: This story is so good. Update soon
Nichkhunieee #6
Chapter 9: Nichkhun Nichkhun prepared to get freakingggg jealousssss!!!! Haahaha chansung and Ara orrrr sang woo and Ara?? chansunggg's better though to me then when Nichkhun sees them together he'll get jellyyyyyy
G-DestherKwon #7
Chapter 9: OMG!!!changsung and Ara...yippeeee this is so interesting..please let them hangout okie...and keep updating.....
G-DestherKwon #8
Chapter 8: Woohoo...I like this chap..thnx authornim
G-DestherKwon #9
Chapter 7: Let Ara av a new guy too..so sad for her..nich and tiff??nooooooooooo
G-DestherKwon #10
Chapter 5: What!!! They broke up..can they just try a little harder??so sad :(