Chapter 4

Curiosity lead to Destiny



The car kept on following until I went back home. I pulled out my phone and dial TOP's number. After a few beep TOP pick up.

TOP : Ya Ji ? Whats wrong?

GD: Need help ..

TOP : Something happen ?

GD: No. It just that someone is following me since I went back to school. Black limousine.

TOP: You know the plat number ?

GD: I think so. YEH 1778.

TOP: Kay, will help you later.



I ended the call and throw the phone at the other side of my bed. My house look like it was about to collapsed in any minute. Eventhough I attend a private school I am not even rich. i work my out to get all the money. I know i should just attend normal school but being this prestige school could make me respect by the others. My father is in the prison. He was arrested for abusing me and my sister. My mother? She's the worst. When she knows that her husband like to abuse people, she left with all the money and leave us here alone. My little sister is in her primary. it was a luck that she doesnt had any trauma  beaten by my father. Suddenly I heard my sister calling me.

"Oppa! Where are you?" Ji Min shouting calling for me.

"Oppa here. Stop shouting!" I looked at her and went to the kitchen. She just came back from school and must be hungry. I opened up the fridge and looked up anything that could be it.

"Oppa what are we eating today?" She looked at me and put her bag away.

"I don't know. What do you want to eat?" I tried to liften up the mood since I know there is no food left.

"Nothing to eat Oppa ?" She caught me and looked into the fridge. I could just smile and looked at her pity. I went into my room and pull out some money I just got from the place I working recently. My salary just came in since it is at the end of the month. I went back to the kitchen and give her some money.

"Here's the money. Go and eat. Just for you." I give her some money and smiled.

"You dont want to eat Oppa ?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"No, its ok. I'm not hungry. Careful on your way out." She took the money and nodded.


Sebastian POV

I followed Lady Eun Hye's classmate until it reached at an old apartment. 'What is he doing here?'. He took his bike and park in front of the apartment and went in. I waited outside the place about half an hour then I saw a little girl coming out. I went  out from the car and approched her.

"erm .. Hello." I bend down on her height and smiled.

"Who are you?" She looked away pissed.

"Its ok I will not hurt you. I just want to ask you something.." She gave attention to my words.

"What do you want?" She wrapped her hands on her body and waiting for y question.

"Do you know someone's named Gdragon?" She looked suprised whent I said Gdragon.

"He is ... what do you need from us?" I was at loss when I heard her answer.

"He is my brother." I gave out a smiled.

"So you're his sister?" She nodded.

"Did you two live here ?" I pointed at the old apartment. Again I received another nodded.

"Where are you going?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I want to buy some food. I'm hungry." 

"What about your brother?"

"He said he didnt feel hungry and ask me to buy someone food for myself." Her answer stabbed my heart. Eventhough I work as a butler I never feel this trouble about finding food. My master given me enough food for me and my family.

"Do you want to eat something delicious?" I asked her and a grin craved on her lips.

"Come on I will bring you back home." I held on her hand and took her to the car. I drove home.


Eun Hye's House

Sebastian POV

"Okey here we're." I park the car in front of the house and went out to open the car's door for the little girl. The look on her face is priceless. She must be amaze looking a biggest mansion in Seoul. I walked her in and took her to the kitchen. She sat on one of the wooden stool while I called my wife to cook her  some food.

As Anna walked into the kitchen she was so shocked to see a little girl sitting in the kitchen.

"Honey, who is that girl?" She questined me and pointed at the girl.

"I will told you later. Don't tell Miss Eun Hye about this. could you cook her some food?" I begged on her. She let out a sigh and started to cook.

"What will you cook for me , Ma'am" Ji Min looked at Anna with her green eyes.

"What do you want to eat? I will cook anthing for you dear." She walked near to Ji Min and touch her cheeks.

"It's ok. I don't have money to pay you. I will only eat ramen. Brother only give me money enough to buy ramen only." She looked at Anna and pulled her money out. When Anna and Sebastian here the little girl request, both of them were about to cry. Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and a familiar figure appeared. 

"La....dy Eun.. He..e." Both of them was shocked to see their lady in the kitchen. Eun Hee was rather shocked to see a girl in the kitchen holding a little sum of money.


Eun hye POV

"Who is that girl?" I pointed at the little girl sitting on the wooden stool.

"Are you guys threating her for money?!" I make an assumption. 

Sebastian looked at me confused.

"Noooo.. We will never do that." He denied my assumption and let out a heavy sighed.

"Who are?" The little girl came down from th stool and walked at me.

"Me? i'm the owner of this house." I squated down at the same height with her.

"Ohhh .. You have a veryyyyyy big house." She open her hands wided showing big and giggled. It is really cute to see her giggled causing me to hug her automatically. From the look at Sebastian face, he was shocked to see my reaction.

"Why is she's here, Sebastian?" I looked at him and raised my eye brow.

"She is hungry so I want to treat her some food." Sebastian answer sincerely.

"Then, where did you find her?" Asking another question causing Sebastion to panic.

"I .. I .." Beefore he could finish answer the litlle girl answer first.

"I'm Gdragon's sister." 

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No offense , but if you're still alive , PLEASE UPDATE !!!!! I LUV DA STORY SO FAR ♡ -support-
AinDaehyuniee #2
Chapter 6: UPDATE PLEASEEEEEE.............
funnybunny94 #3
Chapter 5: Omg plz update I wanna see what happened's next and if gdragon is felling in love with her can't wait till your next update.
funnybunny94 #4
Chapter 2: Update please I wanna know what sebastian finds out about gdragon update as soon as you can >_<
funnybunny94 #5
Chapter 1: Please please update I think am feeling in love with your story