Several Conclusions

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 24/04/2013 AT 18:04:00

Taehyun and Raehyun looked at each other before reaching up and pulling on both of Yeonhee's hands.


Yeonhee snapped out of it.

"A-A pleasure to meet you Mr. Byun," she replied as calmly as she could with a hand held towards him.

Baekhyun could literally feel his blood boil within him. Realization after realization hit him like cold sea water crashing down on him wave after wave.

"What the hell is t-"

"My name is Im Yeonhee, I believe this is the first time I've met with such a famous actor before," she added in an innocent tone, cutting him off.

Baekhuyn's brow furrowed at hearing her say this, then he felt something tug on his pant leg.

"Don't be rude to mother," Raehyun whispered, pointing up at her held out hand.

Reluctantly and silently, Baekhyun took her hand and shook it, unable to say anything.

Yeonhee smiled at him before turning to Luhan. "How about we grab something to eat? I believe the boys haven't had anything to eat yet due to their little detour," she said with a brow raised at the twin boys who were grinning.

"Of course! There's a restaurant not far from here, I think it'll be better to eat there than eat the unhealthy ones served here in the park," he said before turning to Baekhyun. "How about it Mr. Byun? Would you care to join us? That is if you don't mind joining this average family," he added with a grin.

"Yes, you may join us if you want Mr. Byun," Yeonhee said with a sweet smile.

Baekhyun, a frown still on his features, was still confused with the whole situation, he still couldn't say a word.

"He'll come!" Raehyun answered for him.

"Won't you?" Taehyun added, looking at him.

- - -

"What?" Sulli said into her cell, a frown on her face. "Well, if you're sure… okay, bye."

Frowning, she looked at the screen of her cell until Baekhyun's name disappeared as the call ended.

"Ms. Choi?"


"Where do we put all these?" the man asked, pointing to a few boxes.

"Just put them in the truck please," she said with a smile before a frown appeared on her features again. 'Why is he so attached to those kids?' she thought. It was the first time Baekhyun had any emotional connection to anyone or anything for the past few years. Now it's happened again and in the same country no less.

"Don't worry… I'm just gonna grab a bite to eat with the twins and their family as thanks for helping me with the signing earlier. I'll meet you back in Busan."

- - -

"Excuse me, I have to use the ladies' room," Yeonhee said, getting up from her seat.

Watching her leave, Luhan turned back to Baekhyun whom he had noticed had been frowning ever since they left the park.

"Are you alright?"

Baekhyun looked at him, a frown still on his face. "Yeah, I'm… just a bit tired from earlier," he lied, trying to put a smile on his face.

"Yeah, there were a lot of people…"

"... but it was really fun!"

That said, the twin boys started goofing off and doing all sorts of poses on their seats.

"Now boys, don't make too much of a scene, we're trying to hide ourselves, remember?" Luhan reminded, nodding at the people around the restaurant. They were seated on the large round table at the corner and positioning themselves so no one can properly see Baekhyun.

"Sorry!" they replied in unison but with grins on their faces before turning to their sister.

"Yuna, you haven't met Mr. Byun yet…"

"... he's very nice!"

The Yeonhee lookalike kept silent on her booster seat that was positioned in between Yeonhee and Luhan.

"Sorry about Yuna," Luhan told him. "She's not really much of a talker compared to the boys."

Baekhyun looked at the child with a blank face, not sure what to make of her. Just looking at her made him as angry as when he first saw Yeonhee. She was just an innocent child but he looked too much like her mother, in fact she looked like her own mother's twin.

From the trip they made in Baekhyun's limo to the restaurant, and the time they spent waiting for a table and through the course of their meal, Baekhyun's come up with several conclusions about the entire family.

One, Taehyun and Raehyun were his sons.

Two, Yeonhee married Luhan to give the kids a father.

Three, she gave birth to Yuna, making her Luhan's and her daughter.

Four, somehow, she's lost her memory about the past he and Yeonhee shared.


Five, she's developed some acting skills of her own through the years and is pretending she's forgotten all about him.

Baekhyun's fourth and fifth conclusions didn't really matter to him, neither did his second and third conclusions if only they didn't somehow involve his first conclusion.

But his first conclusion, he was damn sure it was true. He knew it within his heart and mind that Taehyun and Raehyun really were his and Yeonhee's flesh and blood. There was no question about it. The kids told him before that they were 5 years old, and his relationship with Yeonhee ended five years ago, but that didn't mean she couldn't have been pregnant when they broke up. And the chances of Yeonhee getting pregnant at that time weren't an impossibility at all.

Knowing all that only made his hatred for Yeonhee double, and also made him hate Luhan and their child Yuna.

"Sorry I took so long."

"Are you alright?"

Everyone at the table, Baekhyun included, looked up at Yeonhee whose eyes were slightly red and puffy.

"I'm fine. I was washing my face, I just got soap in my eyes," she reasoned with a wave of her hand. "Anyway, shall we go? I mean, we can't keep Mr. Byun with us all day."

"Can we ride with Baekhyun again?"

"We wanna ride in that fancy black car!"

Yeonhee looked at her boys with a stern look. "You can't have Mr. Byun do everything you want for you boys."

"I don't mind," Baekhyun interrupted. "I can drop off Taehyunnie and Raehyunnie on my way back to Busan."

An unsure look crossed Yeonhee's features at Baekhyun's statement, and the kind of look he was currently giving her made her look to Luhan for help.

"That's fine," he agreed, making Yeonhee sigh. That wasn't the line she was expecting him to say. "But Yuna should ride with us though," he added, looking at the little girl with a gentle smile, making her nod in silence.

"Perfect," Baekhyun said, trying not to sound so harsh.

- - -

"Who would've thought, eh?" Luhan started conversationally as they followed Baekhyun's limo out of the parking lot of the restaurant. "Your boys really are something Yeong, I mean, Byun's obviously in close terms with them if he's able to add the 'ie' at the end of their names."

Yeonhee thought about that too, just how much do they know of each other? Baekhyun's close enough to them to actually know and add 'ie' to the boys' first names to make them 'Taehyunnie' and 'Raehyunnie'. Personally she didn't approve of adding such sounds before just because, but the boys insisted, and it sort of stuck.

But the problem was, Baekhyun actually calls them by that with the boys' approval. The boys never allowed anyone to call them that aside from herself, Yuna, Taeyeon and Luhan. And she can't believe how close they were either. Taehyun and Raehyun have lived their five years disapproving of any male from coming close to their whole family. Of course they don't hate all men, they were only particularly naughty towards the men who seemed interested in Yeonhee. Whilst the rest of the male population, they treated with respect but never taken a close liking to them like how they are with Baekhyun, well, except with Luhan of course, but he was an exception.

"Is something wrong Yeonhee?" Taeyeon asked from the back seat where she sat beside Yuna.

"I-I'm fine, why?"

"You seem out of it today," she pointed out.

"No, it's nothing. I'm just worried that's all. We didn't get to finish Yuna's check-up today," she said which is actually half true. They were supposed to be at the hospital for the entire day but had to cut it short to go to the park for the boys.

"It's okay," Luhan said reassuringly. "We can always finish it tomorrow. Right Yuna?" he asked, looking at the little girl through the rear-view mirror.

"Yeah. We can go back tomorrow mommy," Yuna responded with a smile.

- - -

"Boys," Baekhyun said, getting their attention from all their button-pushing.

Ever since they got back inside the limo, the twins have been touching things non-stop, pressing buttons that raised the mini-fridge from one of the seats, opening the roof, opening the small window that revealed the driver, and more.

It wasn't entirely annoying for Baekhyun, in fact, he was more entertained than annoyed. But he wanted to talk to them while he can.

"What is it?" they asked, only just noticing the serious look on the older man's face.

"About Yuna-"

"Our sister, yes what about her?" they finished for him.

"Yes, your sister," he said through gritted teeth at the word.

"Are you okay?"

"You look a bit... mad," Raehyun said bluntly.

"It's nothing," he said unconvincingly, making the twins lift a brow each at him. "Anyway, yes, about her, are you close with her?"

"Yes, of course…"

"... she's our sister after all."

"What about the guy?"

"Luhan?" they asked, making Baekhyun nod, willing himself not to punch the window nearest him at the sound of the man's name. No offense to him, he seemed like a nice guy, but the thought of him actually having a child with Yeonhee is enough for him to hate the man with every fiber of his being.

Not trusting himself to respond without the hint of anger in his voice, Baekhyun merely nodded.

"He's a nice guy…"

"... we trust him…"

"... we don't really trust other guys, like how we trust him…"

"... except for you of course, your different."

'Of course I am, I'm your father,' he thought in approval, although not the part when they said they trust that other man as much as they did with him. "So about your father…"\

"Our dead father?" they cut off again, and yet again, Baekhyun willed himself not to go on a rampage inside the limo as they said this. He was really going to kill Yeonhee for all the she's been feeding into the boys' brains.

"Yes, about him. What do you know about him?"

The boys looked at each other with furrowed brows, looking like they were deep in each others' thoughts.

"We're only telling you this…"

"... because we like you…"

"... and because we trust you, so…"

"... don't say anything to our mom."

Brows raised at this statement, Baekhyun got curious. He nodded at them, indicating he swore not to tell her.

"Remember what we told you? She told us our father is dead…"

"... and that we don't believe her and that we think our father just left us."

Baekhyun nodded again, remembering when they had mentioned this to him in the convenience store just last week.

"Well, it's true we never believed our father was dead, we really did know it by our gut feeling…"

"... but we only found out that our father left us because of mother. You see, she talks in her sleep..."

"... we don't think she knows it though…"

"... but we hear sounds coming from her room sometimes…"

"... and we easily wake up from our sleep…"

"... so we always go to see her in her room if she's okay…"

"... but we always find her crying in her sleep…"

"... and saying things like 'I'm sorry'…"

"... and 'I can't believe you left'."

The twins fell silent after the confession, and looked over to Baekhyun who had a hard look on his face.

'She's sorry? Huh…yeah right,' he hissed in thought. 'And what the bloody hell is she thinking? She can't believe I left her? She's the one who left me first! Not the damned other way around!'

He was getting more furious at Yeonhee now even if she didn't intentionally say those words in her sleep, because she still did. And now his own sons think he's the bad guy when it was their own mother who had run off without a word, not him.

"What're you gonna do if your real dad appears?" he asked before stopping himself.

This earned him concerned looks from the twins.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing," he muttered before the window revealing the driver slid down to an open by half.

"We're almost there Mr. Byun!" he called out before sliding it close again.

Baekhyun looked out at the scenery outside. The address Yeonhee gave them led them to a suburban area. Where they really in Busan?

"Where are we?"

Taehyun and Raehyun scooted over to the window as well, looking out at the dark scene outside due to the overly tinted windows of the limo.

"This is the neighborhood we live in…"

"... we've lived here ever since we were born."

"Haven't you guys ever lived in Haeundae?" he asked casually.

"No, why do you ask?"

'I guess she never went back,' Baekhyun thought, figuring Yeonhee must have never gone back to where both of them grew up. Now he can't help but wonder if Yeonhee ever hesitated from letting the boys go to the theme park in the first place. The day he found out about the event being held in Haeundae, he was 100% against it and outright refused to go. But he's been in such a good mood lately from the great times he spent with the boys, and his thoughts were all on that outburst Sulli made to the press for the last few days, he forgot all about his hesitations on going in the first place. "Nothing, just wondering."

"We're here!" the twins exclaimed before scrambling to their feet and heading towards the door.

"Take care you two," he said with a smile and a nod.

"Aren't you coming in?"

"No, I have things to take care of at my own place."

"Oh," they said with a small frown.

"How about we spend the day together tomorrow?" Baekhyun suggested with a grin.

"Where are we going?"

Thinking about some good places to go to for 5 year olds, Baekhyun deliberated. "How about the zoo? Or the park?"

Grinning at each other the twins then nodded in his direction.

"We've never gone to the zoo…"

"... or to a park."

"Never?" Baekhyun asked with a frown.

"No, mother's always busy…"

"... with work and with Yuna."

Baekhyun knew that if he heard another word about Yeonhee's obvious favor for her other brat over the boys, he'd really lose it.

"To the park and to the zoo then!" he said, trying to plaster a big smile on his face.

"We have to ask mother though…"

"... it'll take some time to convince her."

"I'll talk to her," Baekhyun offered as he saw Luhan's car pull up to a stop behind them.

"Great!" they said excitedly before running out the door.

An irritated scowl spread across Baekhyun's features as he punched hard on the seat beside him, releasing all his pent up anger for the past few hours.

- - -

"We're here," Luhan announced in relief as he stopped in front of a neighbor's house since the limo stopped right in front of the house. "Do you want a piggy back ride Yuna?" he asked with a grin.

Getting out of the car, Yeonhee was still deep within her own thoughts. She was at an utter loss of what to do now.

"Mom! Mom!"

She turned to her boys who were running towards her, and now hugging a leg each.

"Calm down boys," she said with laugh at their overexcited faces.

"Baekhyun has something to tell you!" they said, pointing to the man who had just gotten out of the car in front of theirs.

Yeonhee watched as Baekhyun made his way towards them in a few, long strides.

"Tell her! Tell her!"

Baekhyun smiled down at the boys. "Don't worry, I will. You guys go in first. It looks like it's about to rain."

Everyone looked up at this and indeed the clouds overhead were growing thick and dark.

"Go on boys, I'll see you inside."

"See you later Baekhyun!" the boys said with a wink at him before following Taeyeon and Luhan who was giving a giggling Yuna a piggy back ride into the house.

"What is it you wanted to tell me?" Yeonhee asked in a calm voice and a gentle smile, even though her insides were already doing front flips, back flips and all sorts of flips from just looking at the handsome man in front of her.

"I want to take the boys out tomorrow," he said rather rudely, making it sound more like a statement of truth rather than a question of her approval.

"Excuse me?" she asked, perplexed at the tone he was using on her.

"You heard me," he barked, glaring down at her small form. Which was true enough for him, Yeonhee barely reached the height of his broad shoulders.

"I did Mr. Byun, there's no need to say it in such a tone that's all," Yeonhee interrupted.\

Baekhyun eyed her suspiciously, and Yeonhee knew all too well what that look entailed.

"Do you rememb-" he stopped as soon as she raised an open palm facing the sky.

"It's about to rain. I better get inside," she said abruptly. "If you wish to take the boys out tomorrow, please come by at 10 o'clock in the morning. Good day Mr. Byun and thank you for your willingness to take my children back home."

Baekhyun frowned and watched her make her way into the small gate that held a small path beyond it, leading towards the front door of the average 2-story house. Holding his palm up, he tried to feel for any droplets and felt none.

'She's avoiding me,' he assumed before making his way back inside his limo.

Just as he shut the door to a close, heavy rain suddenly poured outside.

'Or not,' Baekhyun muttered, scratching the back of his head forcefully in annoyance.

Seconds ago he assumed his fifth conclusion, of Yeonhee only acting like she has no recollection of him, was true. But now, he was back to considering his fourth conclusion yet again.

'Could she really have forgotten everything that had happened to us five years ago?' he asked himself, getting angry and more annoyed. He hated the feeling of not knowing something that he's supposed to. 'What the hell happened five years ago?'


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!