Returning Favors

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 22/04/2013 AT 15:26:14

"What really is your relationship with the lovely Choi Sulli? We've heard a lot of gossip now and again for the past few years that you two are officially dating but no one has ever gotten a confirmation from either of you. So, I ask now, is it true?"

"Well, I-"

"It's true, Baekhyun and I have been dating for some time now. And we both hope all of you w-"

The image on the screen disappeared and turned black before Sulli got her final words out, making Luhan turn to Yeonhee.

"Hey, what's up? The news wasn't finished. And it's quite interesting knowing a ruckus is going on not far from here," he said thoughtfully.

Yeonhee looked back at him guiltily before replacing the controller to the TV on the shelf beside it.

"I'm sorry Luhan, too much TV is bad for the kids. I try to limit the time they spend watching TV as much as possible," she responded truthfully, glancing over at Yuna.

With a doubtful brow raised at her, Yeonhee merely smiled an innocent smile at the man.

"If you say so," he said, letting it go... for now.

- - -

Outside, just by the kitchen doorway, two little boys were arguing, which wasn't often.

"You tell her," Raehyun said.

"No, you," Taehyun replied.

Both twins looked at the other, trying to make the other lose.

"What about…"

"... we tell her together?"

The two grinned at the other before clasping the other's hand and taking a deep breath simultaneously before stepping through the doorway.


Yeonhee turned to her boys who were looking back at her with identical serious faces.


"We have business with you…"

"... about this Saturday."

Gesturing towards the two unoccupied seats of the dining table, Yeonhee nodded for them to take it.

"And what sort of 'business' is this?"

"Raehyun and I have plans…"

"... and we are here to ask for your consent on the matter."

Luhan watched the scene with his face resting against his palm, an elbow on the table, his features holding one of great interest.

"What sort of plans did you two make?" Yeonhee asked, brows raised in pure curiosity. This was the first time the boys ever brought up such a thing up that seemed so serious to them and it intrigued her at what the 5 year olds could possibly have in mind.

"We want to go to a district not far from the main city of Busanjin…"

"... we heard there's a new theme park opening."

"Ah!" said Luhan, a smile spreading across his face. "I heard of that. Haeundae Theme Park is having its grand opening this weekend."

"Haeundae?" the two boys repeated, never heard of the word before.

"Is that the name of the theme park?" Taehyun asked.

Luhan nodded. "It's the name of the theme park and the town. The theme park's located in Haeundae, a district not far from here actually. They named the new theme park after the town."

"Great, so mom can we go?" Raehyun asked, grinning as much as his brother was after hearing the place wasn't that far to go to.

"No," Yeonhee said dismissingly, making the boys frown as well as surprising Luhan. She was never one to say no to her boys unless the request was particularly unreasonable, but this really wasn't.

"W-Why not?" they both asked, not believing their mother had just said the word so easily.

"I have to take Yuna for a routine check-up every Saturday, and that begins this Saturday," she replied casually and nodding towards Luhan.

The pair turned to the observing man.

Luhan's brows raised as the boys him with pleading looks on their faces. "How did I get involved in this?"

"You're her doctor!" Yeonhee called from the sink.

"Can't you move the check-up…"

"... to another day? Like Sunday?"

Not at all immune to the looks on the boys' faces, he turned to Yeonhee instead.

"O-Oy, Yeong!" he called, sounding helpless as he looked down at the pair of pleading, glassy and round dark brown eyes.

Sighing, Yeonhee went back to the table and looked at the twin boys pointedly in silence.

Both merely grinned back at her, but their eyes were still begging.

She wasn't immune to it either.

"Fine," she muttered regrettably, getting loud cheers from the boys. "But," the boys fell silent at this, of course there was a 'but', there was always a 'but'. "If Taeyeon agrees to take you. I still have to take Yuna for the check-up, we'll go there as soon as we can."

The boys started cheering yet again after hearing this.

"Taeyeon didn't even agree yet," Yeonhee reminded them but that didn't stop them from cheering.

"If you say it's okay…"

"... then we're sure she'll say it's okay too."

Apparently, the 38 year old nanny wasn't immune to their puppy-dog eyes either.

- - -

"Boys! Boys!" Taeyeon called out, trying to keep an eye on the two very restless 5 year olds.

It was Saturday and Taehyun, Raehyun along with their nanny, Taeyeon were already in Haeundae. They had only just arrived outside the newly opened theme park and the boys were immediately running around as they got out of their seats from the taxi.

They ran back towards their nanny with identical grins on their faces.

"Okay, I convinced your mother that we will only be doing two rides until she gets here. So after the two rides, you have to agree with me and stay put until she arrives with Yuna, then maybe you can go on to more."

Nodding, the two took hold of their nanny, a hand each as they entered the park after paying the fee.

"What ride do you want to go on first?"

"That!" they immediately said, pointing up at the largest attraction in the park.

Taeyeon turned to the Ferris Wheel situated at the middle area of the large park. It was a safe enough ride for their age.

- - -

Taking a deep breath, Sulli opened the door that led to the make-up room.

"Hello!" she greeted, smiling at the three people inside.

The make-up artist and hair stylist both smiled and nodded her way. The man they were currently prepping, however, had a frown on his face as he saw his agent walking in towards them.

Sulli has been avoiding him ever since that little declaration with the press the night of the movie's premiere, and quite frankly he's annoyed by it. How can he possibly work well enough if his own agent is avoiding him?

"Ladies, can you please step out for a moment? I have a few questions I'd want to ask Sulli privately," he said, which sounded more like an order rather than a request.

"No, no, please, continue your job," Sulli told them as they started to leave. "The press conference will start soon and the autograph signing right after, we can't waste any more time."

"The sooner you answer my questions, the sooner we get out of here then," Baekhyun said flatly, looking at her as if daring her to say any more.

Sighing, Sulli nodded at the two women. "I'll call you back in a few minutes," she said before the door swung to a close behind them.

"Sulli," Baekhyun started, making the dark haired girl turn to him with a look of guilt. "Why have you been avoiding me?" he asked point blank.

"I haven't. I've just been really busy that's all. Organizing this whole thing and setting up the stage with the stage crew of the park, and then there's the p-"

"Yeah, you're so busy that for the past few days you couldn't even spare a single second to just talk to me?" he said sarcastically with a scowl on his face. "You didn't even ride in the limo I took in coming here."

Sulli scratched her head and looked down at her feet. It was true, she was avoiding him. And he finally caught up with her. "Look Baekhyun, about that night," she started, still looking down. "I'm sorry I told that reporter that we're dating."

"Yeah, it was ridiculous, you know well enough that I don't date or even like women, I-" he stopped as Sulli's hurt filled eyes looked up at him.

"That's exactly it!" she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. "Do you even know how I feel?"

Baekhyun looked back at her, seriously slightly confused now.

"I like you, okay?" she burst out. "I really like you…and not as how an agent's supposed to like her clients. I really like you, as more than just my client, even more than just a friend."

As she said this, Baekhyun merely stared at her.

"And do you know how it feels for me? For me, to work by your side day after day, day in and day out, and only as your agent for the past 5 years, 4 months, 1 week and 6 days?" Baekhyun was completely silent at this point. "It hurts Baekhyun," she answered, more calmly now. "It hurts that I can only be close to you as your agent, as a friend. I know I'm being selfish, since I'm the one who spends the most time with you as compared to anyone else in the whole world but... it's not enough."

Tears started sliding down her flushed cheeks as she said all these and Baekhyun was at a total loss. He never even knew she felt that way about him, and this strongly too. She's been helping him with his career for so long now, ever since she was hired by Sooman to be his agent, she's been there taking care of everything to make sure he was a success. And he has reached success with her help.

"I'm sorry," she said, bringing him back from his thoughts. "I-I... that was uncalled for," she said, wiping away her tears and raising her gaze towards the ceiling to stop more from coming down.

"I'm sorry," Baekhyun said, making her look back at him. "I never even considered your feelings at all for all this time."

"It's fine. I was j-"

"No it's not," he interrupted, sounding sincere with the gentle words coming from his lips which rarely happens. "I've thought about acquiring my own success to prove to... myself, that I don't need anyone else to get to where I am today. But in fact, you've been there to help me all the way. Thank you."

Sulli smiled at him, albeit it was a weary smile.

"How can I make it up to you? You can't avoid me forever, and I surely can't go on as I am now with a bad relationship with my own agent when we're supposed to be stuck together like second skin through every new project we take," he reasoned, looking at her for a solution. At this point, he was willing to do anything to keep doing what they've been doing for the past 5 years, 4 months, 1 week and 6 days... according to Sulli.

And Sulli knew that.

Taking the opportunity, she boldly stepped in, closed their distance and rested her palm on his cheek.

"Give us a chance," she said in a whisper, looking at him with a hopeful look in her eyes.

That startled Baekhyun, but he didn't show it, nor did he move away from her touch.

"I don't want to keep doing this behind a shell Baekhyun. And now that you know my feelings for you, I want to give it a shot. I want to give us a shot. I've always wanted to, and this is the only thing I want from you."

Baekhyun had to give it his all to stop his urge to scratch his head roughly with confusion and agitation. She didn't ask for anything else, not his money, his properties, or anything of the material kind. She wanted feelings, his feelings. How hard can it be? He's lived with her in almost every city in the world when he did on-location filming, he's lived the past few years well enough through different weather conditions, and even emotional conditions. She's the person who knew him the best and the person he completely trusts with everything.

"Okay," he heard himself say, as he rested his hands on her shoulders. "We'll give 'us', as you put it, a shot."

- - -

"Hey Taeyeon…"

"... what's going on down there?"

Taeyeon looked towards the twins who were standing on the seats inside the enclosed carriage of the Ferris Wheel they shared with a man and his 9 year old daughter.

Everyone inside looked over to where the twins were pointing.

A stage not far from them had a crowd surrounding it, and they could all see little dots moving towards the massive audience already formed around it.

"Ah…that must be the promotional event everyone's talking about," the man said, pushing his glasses up his nose. "They say a popular, international celebrity is here to promote his latest movie that had just come out a few days ago. He's even doing an autograph signing."

"Oh, daddy, can we go?" his daughter said, tugging on his sleeve.

"Taeyeon, we want to go too!" the twins told their nanny, even though they didn't understand what a 'promotional event' was.

The two grown-ups looked at each other before turning to the little ones.

"Sweetie, the crowd around that stage is already too large. I bet we can't even catch a glimpse of the actor even if we went," he explained to his daughter who now held a downcast face.

"Taehyun, Raehyun, we can't go there. You might get lost in that huge crowd. You might end up worrying your mother, Yuna and I if you got lost within the many people there."

- - -

"So, how was your stay in Jeju Island through the filming of the movie Mr. Byun?" asked the reporter before sitting back down.

"It was great," Baekhyun said truthfully. "The environment's good and the people there were nice too. It wasn't hard to communicate with them at all," he spoke, earning a few nods from the crowd.

"Okay everyone, that ends the press conference," the woman, who Baekhyun guessed was one of the theme park's managers, said into the microphone from the podium at the end of the stage. "Again we would like to thank you all for coming for the grand opening of Haeundae Theme Park, and of course for Mr. Byun Baekhyun for coming all the way here to promote his movie and the park as well!" she said, clapping her hands as did everyone in the audience.

Baekhyun bowed his head at them and gave a short wave.

"If all the media would please set your video cameras to the side, we would like to start with the autograph signing as soon as possible," she added, before large men in jackets with the label: Security came into the scene. Some of them started gathering around the stage, leading the media out of the front of the stage and taking the chairs, while some of them led the eager crowd to form a line towards the side of the stage where the short steps were placed.

"Be nice," Sulli said in a low voice with a smile on her face as a large table filled with stacks of his photographs and posters from the film were set beside him.

Baekhyun smirked at her for the joke. He was always nice to his fans, in such occasions. Of course his 'bad boy' image would be shown from time to time but that usually happened when it involved the paparazzi. And although he has the usual scowl or glare on his face, he was never one to be rude to his fans.

"Show me that smile you've been having lately ever since we got here," she added before leaving the stage as the first person from the audience was sent up towards him to the center of the stage.

As she said that, it was only then that Baekhyun remembered the twins. He looked towards the crowd of people closest to him, hoping he might see the two identical faces that were similar to his.

"Mr. Byun?"

His gaze snapped back at the rather calm woman who now stood in front of him with her hand held towards him.

"Nice to meet you," he said with a smile and shaking her hand before signing the poster with a large marker and handing it to her.


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!