Parent Trap

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 23/04/2013 AT 17:52:19

"Will you make sure they come back to me at this exact spot?" Taeyeon told the rather large, buff man, still very unsure. She can't believe the boys actually convinced her to take them there.

"Don't worry Taeyeon…"

"... we'll be back soon."

She turned to the boys as they said this. "You might get lost, you can't even see past this large crowd," she said, pointing towards the swarm of people gathered around the stage.

"Don't worry ma'am, I'll take care of them," he said with smile before lifting them easily enough with each arm.

The twins laughed as the man set them on his broad shoulders.

"H-Hold on you two!" the nanny called back as the man with the security uniform made his way through the crowd easily.

- - -

"Taeyeon just sent me a text message," Yeonhee said, a frown on her face as she pocketed her cell.

"What did she say?" Luhan asked as he circled the lot again in search for a free parking space.

"She said she took the boys over to the stage where a promotional event was going on and that they were taken by some security guy for a closer look."

"Yeah, so?"

"Those kinds of things mean there must be hundreds of people gathered there," she pointed out, thinking if the boys would be okay.

"Yeonhee, chill," the man behind the wheel said, sending her an assuring look. "They'll be fine. Those boys of yours are smarter than most kids their age, let them have a little fun. Besides, this is their first time ever going somewhere besides the supermarket and the mall right?"

Yeonhee held a guilty look as he mentioned this. It was true, she never took her kids anywhere besides the supermarket for groceries or the mall for occasional shopping of clothes. It wasn't like they needed to go anywhere else anyway, they were only kids. And she wanted to protect them from all sorts of influences, which is why she didn't want them watching TV or playing video games either.

"I guess you're right," she said with a sigh.

- - -

"Hey mister…"

"... where are we going?"

The twins were being carried towards the stage but they didn't know why. They were sure however that they were catching a lot of attention. As they passed through the throng of people of different ages and sizes, almost all them turned and stared at them.

"Backstage," the man below them said as he continued his way towards the stage.

"Why?" they asked in unison, wondering what was special there.

"Those tickets you have are backstage passes," he told them as he nodded at the man who was in the same uniform as he was, and letting them pass through.

Just as he let the two boys down, a woman approached them.

"What is this all about?" she asked, a frown upon her face.

Taehyun and Raehyun looked up at the tall and slender woman whose eyes were colored a dark brown and her straight hair of jet black that fell just in the middle of her back.

"Ms. Choi, these boys have backstage passes," he informed, pointing down at the twins.

Sulli looked down at the boys, only just noticing them. When she did, she was caught off guard as she looked into very familiar sets of eyes. And these current pairs of eyes were looking straight at her with a glare.

"Oh my," she said in a whisper before bending down to the boys' level. "How do you do?" she asked politely although a frown was still on her lips.


"... thank you."

They replied curtly, still looking at her with a glare. They really didn't know why, but it was their gut feeling acting up again, telling them not to trust this woman. Maybe it was because of the sort of look she was giving them.

"Can I please see your tickets?" Sulli asked, feeling a bit uncomfortable at their scrutinizing glares. 'What's with these kids?' she asked herself.

Taking the passes, she took one last close-up look at the Baekhyun-lookalikes before standing back up and inspecting the tickets. They were the real thing.

"Excuse me boys, but where did you get these from?"

"Mr. Beon gave it to us…"

"... last Saturday."

"Mr. Beon?" Sulli repeated, making the boys nod. 'Well, they are only children,' she thought, assuming it was the reason why they can't say Baekhyun's name right. "Very well then, let's go!"

As she said this, the twins looked at each other, doubt in their eyes if they should follow the woman. But Baekhyun's words filled their thoughts the day he gave them the tickets. He said the workers will know where to take them if they presented the ticket. And they did trust him.

Nodding at the other, the twins held hands before following her.

- - -

"Taeyeon!" Yeonhee called out towards the woman she had only just spotted after quite some time of searching.

Taeyeon turned and waved them over.

"Good afternoon Taeyeon," Yuna greeted the nanny softly with a smile.

"Good afternoon to you too Yuna," she said, patting the child lightly on the head.

"Where's Taehyun and Raehyun?" Yeonhee asked, looking around the older woman and seeing no identical faces.

"Take a look for yourself," the woman replied with a laughing smile on her face, pointing towards the stage.

Yeonhee turned and her breath got caught.

There they were, Taehyun and Raehyun, entertaining the laughing and cooing audience with various goofy poses on the stage. But what caught Yeonhee's breath wasn't the outstanding performance her twin boys made with entertaining the crowd, it was the man whom they stood on either side of.

"Baekhyun," she whispered, wanting to faint but found that her body didn't feel like fainting.

"Do you see them clearly from here Yuna?" Yeonhee's gaze turned to Luhan who was carrying Yuna in his arms and pointing towards the stage with the three identical looking boys. "Well, that man they're playing with on stage is a very popular actor," he added but Yuna's face remained unfazed. She kept silent but stared on to where the twin boys stood on stage.

- - -


"... where is Mr. Beon?"

They asked as Sulli went back inside the room she left the twins in.

"I just went out to talk to him, he says he wants to see you now," she said with a now gentle but unsure smile at the boys. She was still shocked however at Baekhyun's confession that he's actually been meeting these boys for a while. "Please follow me boys."

Taehyun and Raehyun did as they were told and followed her through the back stage where it was full of stacked boxes and racks of weird clothing until they reached an area with a lot of curtains hanging from a distance above them.

"There he is," she said, pointing to the unfamiliar man who was smiling and shaking the hands of different people who came up to him.

"That's not h-"

Taehyun didn't finish his sentence as Baekhyun turned to them and saw the man's eyes. It is him. This was the first time the twins actually saw him without a large hat on to cover his unruly hair which they only just noticed, matched theirs along with their similar dark brown eyes.

- - -

"Come here," Baekhyun mouthed to the twins with a wave of his hand, completely ignoring the very talkative teenager in front of him.

"... 'cause you know, you were like, really, like, hot in that movie and…"

A wide grin spread across Baekhyun's features as he watched the twins walk up to him side by side.

"... my friends also thought you were, like, hot of course, and I was like, I- Oh my God!"

Baekhyun turned to the teenager as she exclaimed in surprise when she saw the twins walk up towards the table from the curtains.

"They look exactly like you!" she said, watching the twins as they stopped right beside the actor.

"You lied to us…"

"... your name is Byun…."

"... not Beon…"

"... and you never told us…"

"... that you're a movie star either."

"Oh my God! That was too adorable!" the teenager exploded, and getting the attention of the rest of the crowd who hadn't taken notice of the twins' presence.

"Sorry about that, I thought you two might recognize me and give me away. I can't have people bothering us during our ice cream breaks right?" he said with an apologetic grin.

"We forgive you then…"

"... but you owe us twice as much ice cream next week."

They said, holding up two fingers each.

"Fair enough," he said, smirking at the boys. "Want to help me entertain this group?" he asked, pointing towards the sea of people below the stage whose hands were now in the air, trying to reach out to them and screaming how cute the three of them looked together.

Taehyun and Raehyun grinned at each other and grinned up at Baekhyun who led them towards the front of the stage with him.

"Mr. Byun! Who are these kids?"

Baekhyun looked down and spotted that the media had somehow found their way back towards the front of the stage again, large cameras and video cameras in hand along with their microphones.

"Meet Taehyun," he said pointing to the twin on his left. "And Raehyun," he said, pointing to the twin on his right.

The twins looked at each other and up at the man in between them with the same thoughts in mind. 'How can he tell us apart?'

"Hey kids!" their attention turned to the man who was holding a camera. "Do some poses for us will you!"

That said, they started doing all sorts of cool poses for them, and Baekhyun joined in on the fun, earning laughs from the crowd as he did.

Bright flashes blocked their sight from the crowd in front of them and the sounds of cameras clicking only increased as the trio laughed and posed even more for the audience's entertainment until their poses ended up wacky and until it turned out to be just plain silly.

"Okay, okay, let's get back to the autograph signing everyone!"

The twins immediately turned to the woman who appeared behind them, a glare on their faces. Baekhyun looked down at them bemused before turning to Sulli himself.

"There's still a long line, and a lot of posters and photographs left, you have to finish all that," she whispered into his ear and pointing to the still full table behind them.

Baekhyun nodded at this with a concealed sigh.

"C'mon boys, let's go back to th-"

"Sulli, leave the boys here," Baekhyun said, suddenly getting an idea. "And bring up two more chairs, and a few pillows too."

- - -

"What are they doing?" Taeyeon asked incredulously as chairs were set up, one on either side of Baekhyun.

As the twins got up and sat on the chairs with pillows to add to their height so to reach the table, Luhan laughed as the boys joined in the autograph signing. They were greeting and shaking hands with Baekhyun's fans as he signed the photos and posters for them to take when they leave.

"Yeong, those boys of yours really are something!" he said without looking at her.

Yeonhee merely watched on in silence as the boys sat there and helped the actor in doing his job. Worry was clearly written all over her face as she deliberated within herself a way out of this mess if worse comes to worse.

- - -

After giving away the last of the signed posters and photographs, Baekhyun sighed in relief and watched as the security personnel started to turn the crowd, making them leave the stage area.

"Mr. Byun, I'll take the boys back now."

The twins looked up at the large buff man that had carried them earlier and jumped off their seats.

"No, I'll take them," he said with a wave of his hand. "I have to go thank their mother for letting them come."

The man nodded at him before rumpling the twins' hair and messing it up, making them complain.

"Hey! It's hard enough to fix our hair…"

"…for you to just ruin it."

The man and Baekhyun laughed as the little boys attempted to fix their already unruly hair to begin with.

"I don't know about you Mr. Byun, but seeing these two reminds me a whole lot of you. It's like they're your sons or something," he joked before leaving the stage.

Baekhyun laughed, can't help agreeing with him. If he had sons, which he didn't, he'd imagine them to be like these boys too.

"Okay, c'mon. Do you know where your mother is?" he said, standing up from his seat.

The boys looked over towards the dispersing audience and spotted Yeonhee already there.

"There she is!" they both said excitedly.

Baekhyun looked over to where they pointed, but they were pointing in the direction of a woman whose back was turned, a man who was carrying and talking to a little girl.

"Wh- Ah, there," he said, spotting Taeyeon standing just by their group and waving in their direction. "Let's go out back. We need disguises."


"Well, you two are really popular now. You saw all those people taking pictures of you, now you need a disguise so they won't bother you when we go out there."

- - -

"Here they come," Taeyeon said joyously, spotting Baekhyun with the twins walking towards them, their similar hair covered with similar white baseball caps.

Yeonhee was officially panicking now. 'Calm down Yeonhee, it'll be fine. Breathe,' she told herself, while making sure Luhan was covering her from sight.

- - -

As the twin boys spotted their family, they started tugging on Baekhyun's legs to make him go faster.

"There they are!"

As they reached them, Baekhyun bowed his head at Taeyeon who gave the twins a kiss on the cheek each for the wonderful job they did on stage.

"Thank you for letting them go up there," he said with a smile. "And I'm sorry I never told you guys I'm actually an actor," he added with a guilty grin.

"Yes, it would've been a lot easier on my nerves if I actually knew who you really were from the start rather than assuming you were some nice stranger, but its fine," the nanny replied with a smile. "And you should thank the boys' mother, if she hadn't consented, I would've dragged those boys right off the stage!" she said with a laugh in her voice.

This confused Baekhyun. "Excuse me? Their mother? Aren't you their mother?"

"Heavens no, I'm their nanny!" she corrected.

Frowning, it was only then that Baekhyun saw that the twins were missing from her side.

"Mr. Byun!" Luhan greeted, surprising Baekhyun as he suddenly appeared beside Taeyeon. "I'm a real fan of EXO as well as your films!" he said, excitedly shaking Baekhyun's hand with his free one. "Aren't I, Yuna?" he asked, looking at the child in his arms.

Baekhyun could literally feel his whole world stop.


He repeated the Korean name in a very faint voice, as he stared at the little girl the man was carrying. Her hair was the color of a dark brown that ended just above her shoulders and her eyes were round and innocent, in a similar color to her hair. She looked exactly like…

"Yeonhee!" Luhan called behind him. "Come and meet Mr. Byun!"

Nothing else would've snapped Baekhyun's attention from the very familiar little girl in front of him except for that.

"She isn't normally this shy, I mean, the boys got their personality from her after all," Luhan told him with a grin before turning to look behind him again where the boys were pulling their mother towards them.

'Crap,' Yeonhee squeaked in thought as her eyes fell on Baekhyun, who was now openly staring at her.


"... meet Mr. Byun Baekhyun!"

The boys said, grinning from ear to ear as they stood on either side of her in front of Baekhyun.


"... meet our mother!"

Baekhyun and Yeonhee stared at each other, not uttering a single word.

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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!