When Problems Arise

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 06/06/2013 AT 18:59:59

Baekhyun's mind was spinning but it was still racing with about a hundred thoughts all the same. He felt the wind knocked out of him, as if someone had just delivered a severe blow to his chest, making him unable to breathe properly.

"What's going on here?"

Yeonhee whipped around and hastily wiped her tears with the back of her hand before running towards the door to Yuna's room.

"Luhan! Yuna! How's Yuna?" she asked immediately and almost hysterically.

With one last glance in Baekhyun's direction- who had now collapsed onto a chair with a distant expression on his face -he looked back down at Yeonhee with a reassuring smile.

"She's asleep right now. I'm sorry I couldn't come out here earlier, but we had to do some tests on her as soon as we got her vitals stable. We have to resume the testing when she wakes up. She was too exhausted tonight to complete it," he informed them both although unsure if Baekhyun was even listening.

Yeonhee still wasn't convinced. "But if you didn't finish the tests..." she trailed off.

"Don't worry," Luhan assured her with a reassuring squeeze on the arm. "We immediately did the most necessary tests first to see how she was. Everything is fine so far. Still a little weak compared to her usual results from all those previous times, but nothing to worry about just yet. We'll complete it tomorrow to be sure."

Nodding weakly, Yeonhee let out a sigh albeit still looking worried and frightened to the core.

"Can I go in and see her?" she asked.

"There are still a few doctors and specialists in there. You can as soon as they clear the room," he said before putting his hands into the pockets of his white lab gown. "I just have to ask though, just what did happen tonight?"

Yeonhee glanced back at the still blank looking and silent Baekhyun before looking back at Luhan with a pleading look. "We went out for dinner, went to the mall with the kids and left them in the playground there. Baekhyun and I g-got into a row, and when I left him to fetch the kids so we can leave, I-I found Yuna had already collapsed. That's a-about it," she summarized.

Luhan nodded before gesturing for Yeonhee to take a seat on one of the empty lined chairs beside where Baekhyun was sitting.

Taking the chair a seat away from Baekhyun, Yeonhee glanced once at him yet again before looking at Luhan.

"I talked to the boys," he started, running a hand through his hair. "When I left with them to the waiting room with Taeyeon earlier, I asked them what happened. Their version of tonight's events is quite different, or at least, it was more informative."

"What do you mean?" Yeonhee asked, getting confused.

"By what Taehyun and Raehyun told me, it seems to me that you two were practically screaming each other's heads off," he said, brows furrowed and a very disapproving look on his face. "Did you even know how close you two were to the playground before you started fighting so loudly?"

"I-I don't understand," Yeonhee said. Even though she sat a little away from Baekhyun, she could feel him stiffen in his seat. She looked at him and noticed that he had gotten considerably paler.

With a regretful look at Baekhyun, knowing he had understood what he had meant, Luhan turned to Yeonhee. "They, and I mean all three of them, heard you and Byun's conversation, Yeonhee. All of it, or at least everything you shouted at each other. The boys told me you and Baekhyun were shouting at each other about them. They were really hesitant in telling me and some of it doesn't make sense by how they told me, but I can pretty much assume that you two were fighting over Byun's attitude towards Yuna. About how much he favors the boys and how much he dislikes Yuna," he finished, and by which Yeonhee was looking just as pale as Baekhyun had been. And Baekhyun on the other hand- if it were even possible –had gotten even paler than ever.

"They heard... they heard us?" Yeonhee asked meekly.

Luhan nodded, frowning. "They did. And the boys were shouting for you Yeonhee just when Yuna collapsed but they said you two were still yelling at each other and you must've not heard them," Yeonhee started sobbing as he said this. Yeonhee didn't hear them call for her at all! "Then they said a large crowd gathered over both of you and they lost sight of you two," he added, looking pointedly at Baekhyun whom he knew was the reason for the crowd of people forming in the first place.

Without a word, Baekhyun slouched forward and let his face fall onto his palms with his elbows resting on his knees for support.

Sighing yet again for the night, Luhan leaned back to the opposite wall in silence, waiting for the two to collect themselves.

"I-It's our entire fault," Yeonhee whispered, crying harder than ever.

- - -

Reading the message she just received on her cell phone, Taeyeon sighed in relief before pocketing it.

"Taehyunnie, Raehyunnie," she called to the boys who were talking across the room by the vending machines.

They both turned, hearing their names and walked over towards their nanny as she waved them over.

"What is it Taeyeon?"

"Your mother just sent me a message," she said, patting the pocket of her sweater she was wearing, indicating her cell. "She said your sister is fine but she has to stay with Yuna for awhile."

Taehyun and Raehyun looked at each other and visibly sighed in relief at the announcement.

"Why don't you two rest now? I'll be sure to wake you up as soon as your mother says it's okay for you to go visit Yuna," she assured as she handed them a pillow and a blanket each, provided by a nurse by Luhan's instructions since they arrived. "Take those sofas, you'll be comfortable enough there," she said with a nod towards the large stuffed sofas at one side of the waiting area.

- - -

After a few more minutes of crying from Yeonhee and total silence from Baekhyun, the two finally stood up and walked over towards the door Yuna was brought into, following Luhan's lead.

They hadn't noticed anyone at all coming out of the room or passing by them but apparently the room was now clear for them to go in.

Opening the door ajar for Yeonhee to go in first, Luhan nodded at her reassuringly.


Luhan turned to Baekhyun who now had a hand on his shoulder, stopping him from entering after Yeonhee.

"What is it?" he asked Baekhyun who was still looking miserable and pale as ever.

"I need to ask you a few things," he replied simply.

- - -

Yeonhee looked back as the door shut to a close behind her with the men still outside. Not thinking about that any further, he walked on towards the center of the room where a little girl was lying down, sound asleep.

The room was large and square shaped. There were different sorts of machines around. On one side was a counter that covered the entire wall, filled with papers, folders, several x-ray films, and smaller instruments.

On another side was a door, with a large rectangular glass mirror beside it, but Yeonhee knew well enough by now that it was a two way mirror where doctors observe the goings-on in the room. She was used to these kinds of rooms now from all the times Yuna came for a check-up. A number of specialists will always be on the other side of that glass, observing.

"Yuna," Yeonhee whispered, sitting down on a chair beside the bed and a hand lovingly along Yuna's forehead, clearing her face of any strands of hair. "I'm so sorry, I really am."

With tears filling her eyes yet again, she bent her head just beside her daughter's and sobbed silently.

Yeonhee didn't know just how long she had spent crying with her head bent over her crossed arms on the bed. She didn't even know that she had actually dozed off until she felt something warm and slightly heavy cover her back.

Opening her eyes slightly, she saw a tall form- who can unmistakably only be Baekhyun–moving away from her and turn to the other side of the bed. She didn't know just how tired she was until now. And so without a word, Yeonhee let her lids fall, and drifted back to sleep.

- - -

Baekhyun fell into silence yet again for that night, resting his back on the wall beside Luhan, a hand covering his mouth, trying to conceal his own horror. Just when he thought that things wouldn't get worst, it just did.

First he finds out that Yuna was his daughter. He actually had triplets! Though he still doesn't quite understand how it could be possible to have two identical children with a third fraternal at the same time. Was that even possible? For all he knew, he never thought it was. He hardly knew anyone who was a twin, let alone triplets. And sure enough, he didn't know anyone with this sort of condition either. That's what made Luhan's news worst. He never even knew Yuna had a condition of any sort! He always assumed she was younger by a year or so, explaining her smaller size as compared to the boys.

Second, he finds out that Yuna had been a really premature baby when she was born. Again, Baekhyun didn't know how that was possible, but according to Luhan, neither did he and the other doctors who had been monitoring her case from the start. As far as they had studied her case, she wasn't supposed to be born at all. She was like a miracle baby, an unexpected plus one from a set of twins rather than a real part of a set of triplets.

"Of course, we have handled premature births almost regularly, and we've come by the occasional twin, triplet, or even a quadruplet. We know their sort of cases but because Yuna is a fraternal triplet from two identical ones, and also because she was unusually premature when the boys were already matured normally during birth, it made things quite complicated. We all took interest in her unique case, so we monitored her since her birth. And good thing too because she's been experiencing lapses of immense fatigue from time to time according to her emotions and once she does get sick of any sort, she experiences it worst than any other child to the point that it's almost life threatening since her body can't take it."

"I can't believe this," Baekhyun moaned out in agony at the entire situation as he slid down to the floor.

Luhan looked down at him sadly before taking a seat on the floor beside him, back against the wall as well.

"Look Byun, I guess I can understand why you thought Yuna wasn't yours. I mean, she is indeed smaller and not to mention she got Yeonhee's entire physical appearance. So I won't hold anything against you for suspecting that Yeonhee and I are, well, more than what we are now," he said unsurely, but Baekhyun didn't move or say anything. "Frankly, this is all between you, Yeonhee and both of your kids. You have to find a way to fix all this. I've already told Yeonhee to try and make peace with you, which pretty much explains why she willingly went out with you tonight I believe, for Yuna's sake. It's like I said, Yuna's condition is affected so much by her emotions right now."

"Yeah, thanks for repeating that and making me feel worst," Baekhyun muttered sarcastically although his voice held no contempt in any way for the doctor. Most of the anger he felt now was directed to himself. Yuna had been visiting this hospital all these times with Yeonhee, and he didn't know. And the reason for her increase in hospital visits was because of him and his constant plot to make her jealous of everything he's done for the boys! He actually made his own and only daughter suffer immensely! He really was a heartless monster. 'Yeonhee was right,' he thought to himself, feeling more bitter by the second.

"I'm not saying all this to make you feel bad all over again," Luhan added hastily, seeing the dejected look on Baekhyun's face. "I'm saying all this so you can come up with a solution. You might have started the damage but you can easily turn it all around. I don't exactly know the sort of relationship you and Yeonhee had or have, but you both have to try to work something out. At least try to maintain a pleasant relationship when you're with the kids, and this time," he said, looking at Baekhyun pointedly, "treat Yuna with the attention she deserves from her father."

That said, Luhan got up and helped Baekhyun to his feet.

"Good luck," and with a slight bow of his head, he headed down the corridor and rounded the next corner.

If it were any more possible, Baekhyun felt worst yet again. Because of his hatred for Yeonhee , he ended up hating two people who didn't at all deserve it, Yuna and Luhan.

With one last sigh and without further contemplation, Baekhyun entered the room, afraid that he might change his mind if he lingers with his own thoughts outside the room.

A sigh of relief escaped him as soon as he saw the little figure on the bed covered with a pink fluffy blanket. He had half expected, and dreaded, that he would find Yuna lying on a cold looking steel bed with tubes and wires connected to her in different areas with an IV running in one arm and an oxygen mask over . But the only thing that was connected to her was a Pulse Oximeter that was attached to one of her little fingers with the machine beeping in a constant pace just a little away from her head.

"Yeonhee?" he called out in a whisper. Hearing no response, he walked over towards her in silence.

Baekhyun looked down at her sleeping form. Her arms were crossed just beside Yuna's head with her own head resting on her cheek on her arms. Taking notice of how thin Yeonhee's dress was and how cold the room is, Baekhyun took off his jacket and draped it over her shoulders. He couldn't help the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth at the sight of her getting engulfed in his large black jacket which was in total contrast to how white her dress and her skin was. She looked quite adorable and enchanting at the same time.

Catching himself short, he shook his head from his absurd thoughts and Baekhyun strode over across the other side of the bed and took a seat by Yuna's head too.

"I'm sorry Yuna. I hope you'll forgive this heartless monster of a father you have," he whispered soothingly into her ear before he began running his fingers through her smooth hair.

- - -

"Shhh... lower your voices boys," a deeper voice said in a low voice, immediately stopping the chuckling of identical voices from one side of the room.

"Yes, you'll wake them up," an older woman scolded silently from not too far away.

"Well, they've been sleeping for a long time..."

"... even mom. Shouldn't we wake her up too?"

There was a lot of shuffling going on around her and Yeonhee couldn't ignore them any longer. Shifting her position, it was only now that she felt her back ache rather badly.

"I expect that would hurt," the same female voice of an older woman said close to her ear. "You should do a bit of stretching dear."

Yeonhee's eyes fluttered open slowly and her vision was immediately attacked with a single color from everywhere she looked.

"Good morning mom!" voices greeted in yelled whispers.

Blinking and rubbing her eyes, Yeonhee yawned slightly and shook her head, trying to clear her vision of all the pink. As she opened them again, it was only then that Yeonhee realized that all the pink she was seeing can't be cleared out.

"W-Where am I?" she asked rather unsurely, looking around until her sights fell on Taehyun and Raehyun who were grinning madly at her before walking over to her, still trying to be as silent as possible.

"Still in the same room where you fell asleep in last night," Taeyeon answered from beside her. "Although with a lot of alterations thanks to Baekhyun," she added, indicating all the pink items now filling the room.

It was like waking up in a princess' playhouse. All the machines from last night were gone, instead there were long tables covered in pink table clothes with food on top. Other tables had a lot of stuffed animals in different sizes, in the colors of pink or white. There were also balloons of pink and white tied to the corners of the room, and a lot of pink banners hung on the walls saying "Get Well Soon!".

Yeonhee stared incredulously at the large white stuffed bear with a pink nose, belly, and paws that was sitting in one corner of the room. She wouldn't have given this much interest except that the bear was almost as tall as Baekhyun who, standing beside it, was looking fresh and nothing like how he looked last night.


Everyone turned to the figure on the bed. Yuna was stirring from her sleep.

"Yuna? Are you awake hon?" Yeonhee whispered close to her ear.

With a little yawn, and a rub of her eyes, Yuna's eyes fluttered open.

- - -

"Looks like everything is okay, don't you agree?" Luhan asked, looking over to his colleagues who were still looking through the glass at the scene unfolding before them.

"Well, with Byun as a father, how can it not be?" one of the female doctors pointed out, nodding her head in Baekhyun's direction. "Yuna's lucky to have such a hot actor for a father," she added in a dreamy voice.

Luhan raised a brow at her. "Remember, not a word to anyone. You heard what Baekhyun said earlier," he reminded.

"What's the point?" another doctor piped up. "The hospital's already surrounded with the press. I still don't get how the media got word that he's here."

"That's the media for you," Luhan said unfazed. "The point is, none of us must say a word to anyone that Yuna is Byun's daughter, nor should we disclose any other information about her being a triplet and about Yeonhee. Remember, this is a patient's right to privacy. We don't want to further Yuna's emotional stress. It's stressful enough to have a big-shot movie star for a father. Not to mention she doesn't even know that he's her father."

Everyone in the small room nodded before turning their gaze back to the family beyond the glass.

Luhan watched as Yuna talked to her brothers and her mother then to Taeyeon before her gaze landed on Baekhyun who had kept away from the group up until now.

Yuna looked hesitant as Baekhyun approached her bed.

"I hope this goes well," Luhan said under his breath.

- - -

"Mommy?" Yuna said in a questioning voice, looking slightly frightened as Baekhyun made a move closer to them.

Yeonhee smiled reassuringly at Yuna before giving her a kiss on the forehead. "It'll be okay sweetie. Baekhyun didn't mean what he said about you yesterday," she said before turning to Baekhyun and walking towards him. She could see the hurt on his features at the mention of last night's events. "What are you planning to do?" she demanded in a whisper, her brows furrowed and a distrusting look aimed at him.

"Trying to earn my daughter's trust and hopefully her affection," Baekhyun whispered back simply though making it clear that he had that right whether or not Yeonhee approved.

He owed Yeonhee a lot more of an explanation than just that but she didn't press it on him. This wasn't the right time or place to start having another row with him. Instead, she nodded curtly at him and turned to Taehyun and Raehyun.

"C'mon boys, let's go meet with Luhan. I have a few questions to ask him," she said, holding up her hands, which the boys immediately took hold of. "Taeyeon?" she added to the older woman who nodded and crossed the room as well. "Yuna, we'll be back okay? Baekhyun will keep you company while we're gone."

"But mommy..." Yuna trailed off as Baekhyun walked over to take Yeonhee's seat beside her.

"I promise it'll be okay," Yeonhee reassured one last time before blowing her daughter a kiss and leaving the room. Personally, Yeonhee didn't feel as reassured as she sounded at all but she was praying to God that it'll be alright.

When the door clicked behind them, total silence lapsed.

"Do you like your new toy?" Baekhyun asked in a soft tone, nodding to the stuffed pink bunny rabbit Yuna was holding with one arm. "I got that especially for you, Yuna."

Looking down, Yuna's eyes widened at the stuffed rabbit as if she didn't even know she was holding on to it all this time. She took it with her other hand and held it out to Baekhyun before looking away.

"It's yours," Baekhyun said, pushing the stuffed rabbit back to her. "It's a gift. Everything in this room is a gift from me to you. Do you like it?"

Yuna lowered her hand with the rabbit and looked down at it, not saying a word and not showing any sort of emotion either.

What Baekhyun would give to have her flash him a smile like she did upon seeing her mother and brothers, and even to her nanny. "Yuna, I'm sorry," Baekhyun said earnestly, "I know I said a lot of mean things last night. You and your brothers heard your mother and I fighting at the mall." Baekhyun waited for a reaction from her after saying this, but after hearing and seeing none, he continued. "I didn't mean what I said but I know I still hurt your feelings. But I hope you will forgive me."

He said a silent prayer than she would forgive him. He had woken up very early just to prepare all this for her when she wakes up, and it was lucky enough that she and Yeonhee had woken up only a little past noon. Besides spending half of the morning to make sure all these arrived and ready in her room, he also spent the other earlier half of the morning apologizing and explaining to the boys about what happened yesterday. It took quite some convincing but after everything they've been through, both had easily forgiven him- which, in his opinion, was more than he deserved. He didn't expect the same treatment from Yuna, but he hoped she would at least show some form of acceptance of him. That would be enough... for now.

The room still in silence except for the beeping of the Pulse Oximeter, Baekhyun didn't make any attempt to talk again. Instead, settled to just watching Yuna as she looked around the room in amazement.

Baekhyun almost felt hopeful that she would aim a smile at him, but she didn't. After surveying the room, she looked at Baekhyun, without the slightest trace of the smile she had mere seconds earlier. "Thank you," she said in a little yet unemotional voice with a face void of a smile, before looking down at her stuffed rabbit and its long ears.

He knew. Baekhyun knew Yuna had only thanked him out of courtesy, undoubtedly taught to her by Yeonhee. He knew it as sure as he was of his own name. But at least she had spoken to him; at least she had recognized his presence. And that was enough. For now, that was enough.


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!