
L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 12/06/2013 AT 18:50:45

Yeonhee looked down at her empty glass of wine and sighed. She finally told him. She finally told Baekhyun the truth of what happened five years ago. She turned slightly to look at him, he had a thoughtful look on his face and his brows were furrowed slightly. What was he thinking now? Does he believe her? She hoped within hope that he would. She knew the type of relationship he and Sulli have, and she might even sound like a lunatic now for putting the blame on his most trusted manager but she's counting on the fact that he promised to believe every word of her story.

She bit her lip nervously as he downed another glass full of his wine.

"Baek-" she stopped as he abruptly turned to her, his gaze almost accusatory. She sighed in resignation before turning back to watch the water below. "You don't believe me," she said rather than asked, feeling the lump in grow and the tears at the back of her eyes already threatening to escape.

Baekhyun looked at her, the lights around the top deck with the moonlight above head giving her an almost goddess-like glow. He took her empty glass and placed it on the dining table with his own empty one and the now empty wine bottle he didn't even realize he had finished by himself.

He walked back towards her. She was still leaning over the railing, looking almost morosely at the water below.

What he did next caught Yeonhee off guard. She looked down and saw Baekhyun's arms snake around her tiny waist from behind. Now she could really feel her tears fall. Did he really believe her?

Baekhyun nestled his head beside hers, feeling her hair tickle his ear and his jaw before he started nibbling her earlobe.

Yeonhee sighed in content. This... this is how they were five years ago. Always so close together and deep in love. She turned around to face him and let him kiss her. What she was thinking those years ago, why she even listened to that vile woman, why she let herself get talked into leaving Baekhyun out of guilt, she didn't know. She really was a fool. Yeonhee nibbled his bottom lip playfully before he took control over the kiss yet again as he did so many times in the past.

'I love you Baekhyun,' she thought almost achingly. She wanted to tell him. She wanted him to know how she felt after all these years. "Baekhyun?" she started through his kisses.

Baekhyun ran his tongue along her bottom lip once more before pulling back to look at her.

"Baekhyun, I... l-"

"I don't believe you, Yeonhee," he cut in. He ran a hand along the side of Yeonhee's face gently but his expression was as serious as ever as he spoke.

It was obvious that what he said didn't process in her mind as fast as it should have. But it was obvious when she realized what he was saying when the loving smile on her face started to falter. "You... don't... believe me," she repeated slowly. Her gaze was hazy with the tears now reforming in large quantities in her eyes.

Baekhyun ran a finger along the side of her face before resting it under her chin and pulling her head up to look at him straight in the eye. "I'm sorry. I just can't believe you," he whispered, feeling his heart tighten as the tears in her eyes were freefalling now.

Yeonhee cried silently but continued to look at him. "Y-You promised to believe me," she said in a pained whisper before she let her head fall onto his chest, gripping the front of his suit as she did.

He kissed the top of her head. "I can't. It's just too... unbelievable," he said, thinking of Sulli again. "It's impossible. Sulli would never do something like that. She's been there for me through everything since day one of becoming my manager, supporting me in every decision I made along the way. I just can't see her acting like that and threatening you to leave," he explained gently, hugging her close to him as her sobs became slightly more evident. Maybe Yeonhee held a grudge over Sulli because it was widely known that he was dating her ever since it was announced during the premiere of his last movie months ago? Or maybe Yeonhee was lying to him to win his affection over again. He didn't know.

After a few more minutes of crying, Yeonhee finally composed herself and pulled back slightly from him, although still holding onto him for the hope that he might reconsider. She didn't want to let him go. Not again. Not now when she finally told him everything.

"Baekhyun," she said, looking up at him. She wanted him to reason, to think of it all thoroughly. "What other reason could you think of? Why else would I have left you so suddenly then?"

Baekhyun looked down at her and sighed. "I don't know. That's the very thought that's been haunting me ever since you disappeared," he admitted with a sad smile.

He loved her. Yeonhee knew it. He still loved her. She saw it in his eyes and she can hear it in his voice. And she refused to believe Baekhyun would just kiss any girl with such passion as he just did now unless he was really in love.

"Baekhyun..." One hand was still gripping the front of his suit for support, but she let the other find its way to the back of his neck and pulled him down slowly towards her. "I love you," she whispered, before kissing him with everything she had and still felt for him.

Baekhyun's eyes widened at her statement. He looked at her worriedly for a moment before he closed his eyes and surrendered.

'I love you too Yeonhee,' he thought, although he didn't want to admit it. But he didn't care anymore. Right now, he didn't care.

So what if things won't go back to the way they were?

For tonight, he wanted her in his arms again.

- - -

'What the hell was I thinking?' Baekhyun thought, looking over at the sleeping angel beside him who was lying in his king sized bed, wrapped in nothing but the thin bed sheet.

Baekhyun was sitting at the edge of his bed, watching her breathe silently and peacefully. He sighed and ran a hand through his messy hair before walking over to the window where a decanter of whiskey sat atop a small table, looking at him invitingly. He poured himself a glass and downed the contents entirely before heading over to the shower.

- - -

Yuna yawned sleepily. She didn't want to get up yet but her brothers' hushed voices got to her.

"I know we promised Luhan," said Taehyun. "But how much would it hurt if we help them?"

"Yeah, I agree," said Raehyun with a hint of excitement in his voice. "I mean, if Baekhyun really is our dad, we're doing this for the good of our family. Right?"

"Right!" agreed Taehyun loudly, earning him a shushing noise from Raehyun.

"Yuna's still sleeping, keep your voice down," he whispered.

Yuna felt the bed beneath her shift slight before her brothers spoke again.

"So, do we agree?" Taehyun asked in a much lower voice.

"To help Baekhyun and mom get back together?" Raehyun asked.

"To help Baekhyun and mom get back together," Taehyun agreed.

Yuna frowned hearing this. To help Baekhyun and mom get back together? Baekhyun? Was Baekhyun really their father? Her brothers said "if Baekhyun really is our dad", but then they also sounded like they were sure it was the truth.

Yawning loudly to warn her brothers that she was awake, she felt them shift on the bed again. She waited a few moments to give them time to compose themselves before she turned to them slowly.

"Good morning Taehyunnie, Raehyunnie," Yuna greeted in a sleepy voice.

- - -

When Baekhyun stepped out of the shower, Yeonhee was still asleep, in the same position, on his bed. He wrapped a towel around his waist and placed another over his head as he dried his hair.

"Yeonhee," he whispered, shaking her lightly by the shoulders.

Yeonhee moaned a little but didn't move.

"Yeonhee, it's almost ten in the morning. Wake up," he said, shaking her again.

Sighing, Yeonhee rolled over and opened her eyes halfway. Spotting him sitting beside her, she smiled. "Good morning my little wolf," she said sleepily.

Baekhyun watched her as her eyes shut back to a close. He ran a hand over her forehead, sweeping her hair off her face.

It had been a long time since she called him that.

He bent low and kissed her forehead. "Wake up my cherry blossom," he whispered, earning him another smile.

Yeonhee's eyes opened slightly again and she looked at him lovingly. "Congratulations in winning that event Baekhyun, you're gonna be a great actor," she said before her eyes shut to a close yet again.

Baekhyun stared at her. She was still half asleep!

"Yeonhee, our kids might be awake now. You have to get ready for breakfast," he said into her ear.

"Our kids," Yeonhee echoed with a lazy yawn. "Kids?" she repeated, her brows furrowed. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at him, his amber eyes almost playful. "Kids!" Yeonhee yelled, sitting bolt right up.

Which was a big mistake seeing as the bed sheet fell right off her and it was the only thing that was covering her from Baekhyun's gaze.

Yeonhee gave a small shriek before she pulled the sheets up all the way up to her chin.

Baekhyun gave a small chuckle before kissing the top of her head and heading towards his closet. "You better take a shower and get changed quickly Yeonhee before the kids decide they might find you in here with me," he said rather calmly as he dropped the towels covering him and pulled on a clean pair of underwear.

Yeonhee stared at his backside and blushed furiously. She looked around her. 'What the hell was I thinking?' she thought incredulously as she spotted the red dress she wore from last night on the chair across the room and, to her horror, her underwear exposed on the ground beside her heels.

By the time Baekhyun had finished changing into a pair of khaki pants, a deep blue polo shirt and sandals, he was surprised to find Yeonhee still unmoving and watching him closely.

"What is it?"

"C-Could you, possibly... uhm... get out?" she muttered, looking embarrassed.

Baekhyun raised a brow at her as he sprayed on a bit of cologne. He walked over towards her and gave her one last kiss on her forehead. "I'll get the kids ready for breakfast, meet us at the top deck," he instructed before taking his leave.

- - -

"Baekhyun, where are we?" Raehyun asked. He and Taehyun were holding on to the bars of the railings than ran around the top deck of the yacht.

"A place I like to visit," Baekhyun answered vaguely from the table which was now filled with toast, eggs, bacon, jam, glasses of orange juice, and cups of coffee.

"You've been here before?" Taheyun asked, staring at the far distance. The yacht wasn't moving at all and if the waves were actually moving them slightly in place of where they had anchored, they couldn't feel it from where they stood. They could see nothing but water for miles now except for the small patch of white sand close by that ran along their side of the large cruiser.

"No," he said with a smile. "But I like visiting small islands and sandbars when there are any nearby."

Yuna looked at Baekhyun as she ate her toast with jam. She couldn't help but stare at him ever since he came and helped them get changed for breakfast.

"Is something wrong Yuna?" he asked, noticing her prolonged gaze.

She shook her head. "Where's mommy?" she asked.

"Here," a new and slightly groggy voice said, making the four of them turn to the source.

Yeonhee smiled at Yuna and sat beside her on the breakfast table. "Boys, come here and eat breakfast."

Taehyun and Raehyun did as they were told and sat beside Baekhyun and Yeonhee since Yuna was sitting between them. Yeonhee absolutely refused to sit beside the man, immediately taking her place beside her daughter instead.

"Had a good night's sleep?" Baekhyun asked with a smirk without looking up from his magazine.

Yeonhee frowned at him and didn't answer.

- - -

"Who is this woman?" Boa asked out loud.

No one in the room answered her, instead looked through the rest of the photos they managed to take in the previous night. They would have willingly followed the yacht to whatever location they were headed but unfortunately, the boat they were on made it impossible to. They didn't bring enough fuel along with them to make a return trip and they couldn't very well camp in the speedboat overnight either.

"Don't forget the kids," one man said, tossing the stack of photos when the kids were still in the top deck with them back onto the table.

"Well, who are they?" Boa asked again. "We can't publish these 'til we find out."

"She's obviously Korean," a woman pointed out.

"Hey, I know these kids!"

The group turned to one of the younger men around the table.

"I was at the Haeundae Theme Park the day Byun was promoting his previous movie. These kids," he said, pointing to the two identical boys by the railing, "are the twin boys who went up on stage with him."

Boa took a closer look at the shots. They did look identical but the shots of them and the little girl weren't too clear. "Are you sure?"

"Positive! I mean, these kids look pretty identical to me. And those twins at the theme park were pretty close to Byun that day too. I didn't know they still saw a lot of each other though. I mean, no one's got news of Byun lately since he's been busy with shooting that new movie of his around Busan."

"Then who's the little girl?" she added, looking more closely. The pictures being taken in Night mode didn't help at all. It was obvious that there were two identically shaped and dressed boys and that there was a little girl, but her face could barely be recognized.

The man shrugged before looking closely at the photos again. "The woman's pretty hot though," he added needlessly.

Boa rolled her eyes. The woman in the photo with Baekhyun was indeed attractive. They were lucky enough to get a clear enough shot of her and Baekhyun since they stood higher above the railing but unfortunately, they have no clue who she was.

"This is our next big story guys," Boa said, getting up from her seat and looking over at her team seriously. "I want to know who this woman is as soon as possible so we can get this story published. Call everyone we know, we might get this on the Sunday paper if we're fast enough."


Boa nodded her dismissal at the group before taking one last closer look at the photo of Baekhyun and Yeonhee embracing and kissing each other passionately.

"Hey Vic," Boa called out, catching the younger woman's attention. "Get me Byun's manager on the phone first. She's the closest person to Byun we know of. I'm willing to bet she knows something about this," she said in a suspicious voice. 'I thought she and Byun were dating?' she asked herself, remembering the premiere night months ago when she confessed in live television of their supposed relationship.

- - -

The weekend was more fun than she would've expected it to be, though Yeonhee didn't want to admit it. They have spent the entire Saturday swimming, fishing, and even jet skiing. She would never have expected there to be a jet ski stored in the yacht, but then again the entire weekend was full of surprises.

Baekhyun was full of surprises.

He and Yeonhee hadn't spoken a word about their conversation that first night at sea, and neither did they talk about what happened within his room after their little talk either. Yeonhee found it awkward at first but Baekhyun acted perfectly normal so it was easy enough for her to forget anything that ever happened. For now.

"It's almost time," Baekhyun told her as he waved at the triplets from above. The three were lounging around the sofas by the Jacuzzi two floors below.

Yeonhee smiled down at her kids and nodded before looking up. The buildings of Busan were slowly becoming larger and clearer under the clear Sunday sky. It was a nice escape from reality, but they had to go back at some point. "Do you want me to tell them?" she asked, looking at him in worry.

Baekhyun stared for a moment more at his kids. "How about we tell them together?"

She nodded, liking that plan better until another thought crossed her mind. "What if they ask us if we're getting back together?"


Yeonhee looked at him when he suddenly stopped. "What is it?" she asked, noticing his features darken considerably.

"Damn it," he hissed, clenching his fists.

She looked at him worriedly before following his gaze. Yeonhee looked over at the docks. Everything was normal, although there were a few flashes in the distance.

"What is that?" she asked, placing a hand over her eyes to get a clearer view.

Baekhyun immediately took out his cell. "Do we have enough fuel to take in the cruiser in another port?" he asked immediately before going silent for a moment, swearing aloud, ending the call and dialing another number. "Kris, where are you?"

"Right where you asked me to be, Baekhyun."

"Who started that mess back there?" he hissed angrily.

"I have people looking it up already."

"Can we still get through?"

"I hope so. The police arrived only a few minutes ago to assist in crowd control."

"Good. Just try to keep the paparazzi down as much as possible. I don't want the kids handling all that right now."

"I'll try."

"We'll be docking in less than twenty," he said before pocketing his cell and meeting Yeonhee's worried gaze.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Somebody tipped off the media beforehand that we're docking today. The port's full of people," he said getting anxious. He didn't want the kids to be exposed to something like this, especially not Yuna.

"What're we going to do?" she asked looking horrified. She knew just how harsh and meddling the paparazzi could be. She didn't want her face plastered all over the newspapers with a bullocks headline about her and Baekhyun's supposed affair. And God only knows what kind of publicity her kids will be getting if they manage to take their photos too.

- - -

"We'll have to make a run for it to the limo. If we wait any longer, they're only going to get more foolhardy," he told Yeonhee as the cruiser started slowing down and the actual number of people waiting for them getting more evident now.

"What about your plan in telling the kids?"

"It can't be helped. We can't do that right now. We'll decide what to do later, as soon as things die down,"

Yeonhee wasn't too sure about this. If they still put off the truth from the kids now when the media is up in their business, who knows what sort of rumors come up and reach them first?

"Hey mom! Mom! We just stopped! And there are a lot of people outside!" Raehyun said as he and Taehyun ran towards Yeonhee and Baekhyun in the lounge area.

"Yeah!" Taehyun said rather excitedly. "They're all bringing cameras and microphones and everything!"

"They even took pictures of us outside!" Raehyun said, grinning.

"Boys, here," Baekhyun said, putting caps on their heads. "Wear these until we get to the car okay?"

The two looked at him curiously but nodded.

"Where's Yuna?" he asked, holding a sunhat that was similar but a much smaller size from Yeonhee's which she was currently trying to pull down her head tightly.

Taehyun and Raehyun turned and only just noticed that their sister didn't follow them inside.

"Yuna!" they called out before dashing back outside.

"Boys!" Yeonhee called out before running after them with Baekhyun right behind her.

- - -

"What's your name little girl?"

Yuna didn't utter a word but stood stock still on the spot.

The yacht had stopped, docked right beside a large crowd of people holding cameras, camcorders, microphones and tape recorders.

"C'mon little girl, what's your name?" Another reporter asked while he took shots of her nonstop along with his competition from other companies.

"Hey, I got this spot first, move over!" A woman yelled, trying to push the man who was holding a camcorder beside her, while trying to keep her balance.

"Where's Byun, little girl?"

"Hey, say something kid!"

"What's your name?"

"Who's your mother?"

"How come you're with Byun?"

Yuna was in the verge of tears, looking from one person to the other as they threw questions at her all the while flashing their cameras in front of her face.

"Oy! That yacht belongs to Mr. Byun! Go any closer and he could sue you for trespassing!" A large man shouted from the crowd as he tried to make his way towards the yacht with a few other men. "Get down from there!"

Yuna watched as the men and women with cameras moved away from the boat but still continued to take her picture.


At the sound of her name, she backed away from the unknown group of people until her back hit her brothers.

"Yuna!" Yeonhee said, hugging her daughter to her as Taehyun and Raehyun edged a little forward to the group of people.

"Hey! Leave our sister alone!"

"Yeah, you're scaring her!" added Raehyun.

"Oh my God, it's those twins from Haeundae!" shrieked a woman before more flashes went off in front of their faces.

"Hey! Stop that!" the boys shouted in chorus.

"Taehyun, Raehyun, come back here," Baekhyun said, pulling the boys back and glaring at the crowd.

"Baekhyun!" Kris shouted as he made his way to the front of the mass of people.

"Kris, this is getting out of hand!" Baekhyun shouted as flashes continued going off in his direction.

Kris nodded at him and whistled loudly behind him.

A large group of men and officers started clearing off the paparazzi as well as Baekhyun's fans to the sides, making a small path.

"I'll get the car ready!"

- - -

"Yuna, are you okay?" Yeonhee asked her gently.

Yuna stared back at Yeonhee with a frightened look on her face.

"What do they want mommy?" she asked shakily.

"Nothing hon, nothing," she reassured, running a hand through her hair. "They just wanted to know who you are, that's all."

Yuna looked at Yeonhee and nodded before taking deep shaky breaths.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yeonhee asked again.

"Yuna? Are you okay?" Baekhyun asked as he entered the lounge looking livid.

Yuna looked up at him and nodded.

Baekhyun knelt down beside her and looked at her closely. She was shaking all over.

"She's really shaken up," Yeonhee told him, mirroring his worried expression. "We have to get out of here."

"Kris's bringing the car as close as he can. Everyone outside went crazy when they saw the four of you but security and the police are trying to keep things under control. We'll be out of here in no time," he assured her before going over to the boys who were peeking through the window. "Come away from the window boys."

"It's okay, they're starting to go away. Look!" Taehyun said, pointing outside.

Baekhyun watched as the crowd was forced to stay behind the human barricade his security and the police were forming.

"Let's go!"

- - -

"Here he comes!" shrieked a girl excitedly as Baekhyun came down first from the yacht.

The crowd of people shrieked in delight at seeing him and the paparazzi went crazy with their cameras. But it was nothing compared to when Baekhyun took the kids one by one from Yeonhee before he finally helped her off the cruiser too.

They all pulled their hats over their faces as they walked through the hoard of people, in the narrow path his security team and the police were able to clear for them to pass, all the while ignoring their questions and avoiding the cameras as much as they can.

With Baekhyun carrying the boys ahead first and Yeonhee carrying Yuna right behind them, it was hard to navigate through the path while having to listen to all the screaming.

"Excuse me miss! Who are you?"

"What's your relationship with Byun?"

"Are those kids yours?"

"Is it true that you're Byun's girlfriend?"

"Are those yours and Byun's kids?"

"What are the kids' names?"

"What's your name?"

Yeonhee pulled Yuna closer to her and tried her best not to lash out at all the people who were screaming impolitely into their ears.

"It's going to be okay Yuna," Yeonhee whispered into her ear. "Try not to listen to them," she instructed as she felt the little girl in her arms shaking harder now.

"What's that kid's name?"

"How old are those children?"

"Please, leave us alone!" Yeonhee finally said out loud to anyone who could hear her. This was getting ridiculous!

"Just answer a few questions!"

"Yeah, it wouldn't hurt!"

Yeonhee felt someone pull her shoulder and she almost lost her balance, tipping to the back slightly, making Yuna scream.

"It's okay Yuna," Yeonhee said when she steadied herself, shushing her daughter before she glared at the people behind her.

- - -

"Come in, come in!" Sooman called out from his desk. "Ah, Sulli, what brings you here?" he asked, nodding at one of the empty chairs in front of his desk.

Sulli smiled at him and took a seat. "Is this new?" she asked, indicating to the song currently blaring from the speakers around the office.

Lee Sooman grinned at her and nodded before lowering the volume considerably.

"Fresh talent. This is just a copy from the pre-recording. Not even the final song yet and already I can't stop listening to it. You know Lee Jinki?"

"The owner of that recording company?" Sulli asked, trying to recall the name of the studio.

"Yes, SHINee Studios. He's a good friend of mine. He's the one who insisted I come down to Busan in the first place. He found a delightful young lady who has the voice of an angel!"

Sulli raised a brow at his exaggeration.

"I tell you Sulli, this girl's the next big thing in Korea. I can feel it!" he said almost excitedly. "Now, what brings you here anyway?"

"Just came by to tell you that Baekhyun's filming is over," she said, making him grin. "He hasn't filmed since Friday and I went over to meet with Donghae-ssi earlier today and he said Baekhyun's part is officially done."

"Excellent!" Sooman said, clapping his hands together. "Now, what are you guys up to now?"

"I was going to ask you the exact same thing. We can't stay in Busan. Baekhyun doesn't own a residence here, so we might be leaving for the States soon. And maybe we'll be back for the premiere and for promotional appearances."

Sooman frowned at this. "Did Baekhyun decide this?"

"No, but it is the practical thing to do," Sulli pointed out.

"Well, practical, yes. But I think he should stay around for a couple more weeks or maybe a month or two. Busan's great this time of year and from the feedback Donghae's been giving me, he says Baekhyun's improved significantly over the last few months. He says he looks like he's actually enjoying what he's doing. It's been long since I've heard anyone in the industry tell me such a thing."

Sulli frowned at him but didn't say a word.

"How's Baekhyun's singing coming along, do you think?" he suddenly asked. "Maybe I could convince him to do a duet with Yeonhee sometime," he said jokingly with a laugh before turning serious. "In fact, that wouldn't be a bad idea! Most actors in Hollywood these days are actually singing now. Or maybe I could get him to star in a music video with her when her album's properly released!"

"Yeonhee?" Sulli asked, instantly suspicious of the name. "The singer you just found, her name is Yeonhee?"

"Eh?" Sooman asked, not paying attention and not noticing Sulli looking suspicious. "Yes, yes. She's a local talent, lives here in Haeundae. Her name's Im Yeonhee."

Sulli immediately jumped from her seat. "Im... Im Yeonhee?"

- - -

okay, i'd just like to say that this is definitely ending soon ; ;
three more chapters, actually. it's really saddening right? :c
i'd like to thank everyone for their continous support~ i'll
shoutout everyone in the final chapter. i love you all! ; u ;


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!