An Unexpected Meeting

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 22/04/2013 AT 13:27:17

Sulli looked at Baekhyun, a scowl was still on his face.

"What'll it take to have a smile on your face?" she asked from across him inside the limo that had just picked them up at the airport.

"Nothing," he muttered, staring out the window. "Where are we going?"

"Straight to our hotel just here within Busan," she informed, trying to lighten his mood. Although if she had to admit to herself, she wasn't in as much of a good mood as he was. Both of them weren't at all happy to be back in Busan.

"When and where does filming start?" Baekhyun asked, wanting to get things over with. The sooner they started, the sooner it'll be over. And besides, most of the films they shoot anywhere in South Korea don't usually last more than 4 to 6 months anyway. That's the only good thing he's been thinking about since the day Lee Sooman had forced him to come or else he'd revoke his entire contract with him. He's never had such an argument with the man in his entire life until a few weeks ago when he threatened to personally put an end to his acting career if he doesn't take this job in Busan. 'What the hell was that man thinking,' he thought scathingly as he watched the familiar Busan scenery pass by as the limo drove along. 'He must have a motive.'

Before thinking of any possible reason why Sooman had demanded he come back to the past he didn't even want to remember, the limo drew to a stop and the door beside him immediately opened, letting in screams of the large crowd that had gathered around the front of the hotel.

"Smile?" Sulli said, looking at him with a pleading look.

Baekhyun sighed and smiled, making her grin. Of course Baekhyun's smile was the same as it had been for the past five years, just that tiny curve at the end of his lips without so much as a peek of his perfect white teeth. But that was enough for everyone. It was even more than enough for all his fans who thought he was just being cool that way, and not knowing the exact reason why they never saw their favorite actor smile.

- - -






Yeonhee looked at the round dark brown orbs of her twin boys before sighing exasperatedly.

"If Taeyeon says its okay with her," she agreed, giving in to their request, and smiled as the pair's faces brightened up almost immediately.

- - -

"Are you finished now?" Baekhyun said with a scowl on his face. It's been three weeks since he's arrived in Busan and his mood still didn't improve.

"Yeah, you can take a break now Byun," the photographer said before giving his camera to his assistant.

Sighing, Baekhyun jumped down from the elevated set where he was having a promotional shoot for the upcoming movie. It was ridiculous, they've been filming for only two and a half weeks and already they intend to do so much promotion when not even 1/8 of the entire movie was filmed yet.

"Baekhyun, where are you going?" Sulli called as she saw him heading out the studio.

"I need fresh air!" he replied without turning back but instead held up a cap and a pair of sunglasses for her to see.

- - -

"Are you gonna keep following me all day?"

"It's what you paid me to do Mr. Byun," replied the large man gruffly.

He smirked at the man before going into the large convenience store he had seen from across the street earlier. "Good point, want anything Kris?"

Kris, Baekhyun's bodyguard, shook his head as he positioned himself by the entrance to the store.

"Take your time, I'll be waiting out here."

Baekhyun never minded the presence of the large man, he was after all of great use for him especially with dealing with the paparazzi. But when he was sure he wasn't followed by cameras or fans, he'd rather he wasn't around either.

- - -

"I'll be waiting at the cashier with the large sign on top that has the number one, okay?"

The twins looked at their nanny and nodded their heads, willing themselves not to roll their eyes. They knew where the cashier line was and they knew they had numbers at the top and they also knew what the number one looks like, they could even count all the way to thirty now even if they didn't attend school officially yet.

They certainly weren't as dumb or immature as most people think due to their young age. In fact they were the exact opposite, but only their immediate family knew that, like their mother for example.

"Okay," they chorused before rushing inside.

"I'll go get the candy that Yuna really likes…"

"…and I'll get the ice cream," Raehyun finished with a nod.

Taehyun grinned at his younger twin by 6 minutes and nodded as well.

"You might take longer than I do so I'll just meet you by the ice cream freezer!" he called as he ran down the aisles of the store.


- - -

Sighing irately, Baekhyun took off his dark sunglasses. Wearing it inside only made it harder for him to see.

'Hmm…what would Sulli want…' he thought, looking down into the freezer.

"Excuse me, but can you move a little?"

Baekhyun turned around at the unfamiliar voice, but no one was there.

"Down here!"

Looking down, he saw a small child already glaring at him while holding a small stool, and he was left there standing stock still staring at him.

"Are you okay?" the child asked with furrowed brows.

Baekhyun shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts but continued staring at the small child. "Can I help you?" he asked rather amusedly, ignoring the child's question.

"Yes, you can. Please move a little," he ordered, making Baekhyun move to the side by a step. "Thank you."

Raehyun placed the stool he borrowed from one of the workers in the store firmly on the ground in front of the freezer before climbing on top of it and peering inside at all the ice cream.

Baekhyun looked down at the contents of the freezer as well but can't help but stealing constant glances at the child beside him. Although the glare he sent him earlier was enough to shock him, especially coming from a such small child like this but what surprised him the most was that this child is the spitting image of himself when he was just about his age. Of course, he knew dark brown eyes and black hair were common but this is the first time he'd actually met someone who had the exact same facial features as he did, the child even had his eyebrows, the shape of his nose and the messiness of his own hair. Even the glare, with the tiny sneer on the corner of his mouth, which he aimed at him earlier, looked like one of his own.

This child was either actually born looking like him or his parents were really big fans of his movies to actually turn their son into a spitting image of him, which, he thought was unlikely. The kid looked like he was only four or five years old.

"How long are you gonna keep staring at me mister?"

That statement snapped him out of it. "Sorry," Baekhyun said with a smirk.

Raehyun looked up at the unusual stranger and smirked back.

That did it.

"What's your name kid?" he asked, curiosity overwhelming him.

"Mom said I shouldn't talk to strangers," Raehyun replied immediately, but he can't help but actually want to talk to the man. He found him weird because he always stared at him but he seemed very familiar to him.

Baekhyun nodded in understanding at this.

"But if you can get that ice cream for me then you won't be much of a stranger anymore," he added, pointing to a strawberry cupped ice cream.

Taking the ice cream from the bottom of the deep freezer, he gave it to him.

'What a negotiator,' Baekhyun thought, even more amused.

"My name is Raehyun," he informed, immediately holding a hand out when his other hand took hold of the ice cream cup. "What about you?"

"Baekhyun," Baekhyun hesitantly replied, frowning a little.

Raehyun grinned at this before turning to look down at the freezer for his next pick.

"Raehyun! What are you doing?"

Raehyun and Baekhyun turned to the new but similar voice.

'Another one?' Baekhyun thought incredulously as he saw another spitting image of himself stalking towards them and a scowl was on his face.

"What are you doing?" he hissed to his twin who was standing on a stool while he kept an eye on the stranger.

"Getting the ice cream as planned... and this man is helping me," Raehyun replied, pointing at Baekhyun. "His name is Bacon. Funny name, isn't it?"

Taehyun looked at the really tall figure beside his slightly elevated brother. He and his brother always thought alike, if Raehyun trusted this man, then so did he, no questions asked. "Thank you for helping my brother, my name is Taehyun, nice to meet you," he introduced formally and holding a hand up towards him.

Baekhyun knelt down to their level and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"We have the same eyes," he pointed out bluntly which surprised Baekhyun.

"Exactly what I noticed when I first saw him," agreed his twin, which surprised Baekhyun even more. They're very observant... and direct, just like him as a child, although he wasn't as talkative like them back then.

"Tell me, how old are you two?"

"Five," they replied together.

"Hey, can you help me again please?" Raehyun said, pointing into the freezer.

Baekhyun got up and gave him the two chocolate Popsicles and one vanilla ice cream cup.

"Thanks, Mr... what's your family name?"

"B-Beon," Baekhyun amended immediately. They might be kids but he couldn't risk revealing his full name, especially not to smart kids like these, they might familiarize his name from his movies.

"Thank you Mr. Beon," they replied simultaneously yet again.

"It's always better to address adults by their family name…"

"... it's more respectful that way, according to mother."

He gave them both a nod before looking around them. "Did you come with your mother and father?"

"We don't have a father," Raehyun informed him.

"Don't feel sorry for us though, we're used to it," Taehyun added, seeing the look Baekhyun had.

"I don't feel sorry for you," he countered, a smirk on his face.

"Yes you do. We saw it in your eyes…"

"... you don't have to deny it."

Now Baekhyun can't help but chuckle. These kids were witty too. Never has he met children that actually got much of his attention, and here he was absolutely engrossed with two.

"So where is your mother then?"


"Taehyun! Raehyun!"

All three heads whirled around at the sound of the woman's voice.

Taeyeon looked absolutely troubled as she came almost in a run towards them.

"What are you doing? You've been gone for over 30 minutes already!"


"... we got held up."

The flustered nanny looked up and only just noticed the rather tall stranger who was with the boys.

"Do I know you?" the Taeyeon asked, trying to look into Baekhyun's features more clearly from under his cap.

"I was just talking to your boys," he said, pointing to the twins. "They're quite a pair."

"Oh, they're not m-"

"He helped us get the ice cream…"

"... he's a pretty nice guy."

"Thank you then," she said with a bow of her head before turning to the boys. "We better get going."

The twins nodded at her and turned back to Baekhyun.

"Nice meeting you Mr. Beon…"

"... and thanks again."

Baekhyun gave a final nod towards the boys and watched as they ran towards the cash register.

- - -

"What took you so long?"

"Bought ice cream, long line," Baekhyun lied casually, throwing a strawberry Popsicle to Sulli.

Sulli looked at it before offering it to one of the employees of the studio who passed by.

"Don't you like ice cream?"

"I don't like strawberry flavored ice cream," she corrected. "I thought you would've known that after all these years."

Baekhyun shrugged before taking a out of his own vanilla and chocolate flavored one.

"You should really stop eating ice cream so much, you'll get fat," she warned.

He merely raised a brow at her, daring her to do anything about it.

"Yeah, yeah, forget it. I know when not to come in between you and your ice cream," she said with a roll of her eyes, making him smirk.

That's one of the more odd things she knew about her client. Sure he was as serious as he looked, even sometimes just down-right mean. But when he did his job, he really does his job, which is why almost everyone in the business doesn't complain of his attitude, because he always delivered his best.

His image of being a 'bad boy' however would occasionally be questioned due to him always getting caught by the paparazzi with an ice cream cone or any iced treat in hand. And the absence of having a girlfriend and his indifference to the female population didn't help either, which is why she had to pretend time and again that she was his girl friend whenever gossip starts spreading about his questionable uality.

"Mr. Byun, do you have a girl friend?" Sulli froze as she heard the words that didn't come from within her thoughts and looked up at Baekhyun whose face was hardened.

"How did you get in here?" Sulli asked, looking at the girl with a frown before looking around. "Security!"

"No please, I only followed him inside, I-I didn't sneak in or anything!" reasoned the young girl as two buff guys in uniform came in and ushered her outside.

"You should really be more aware next time," Sulli reminded him with a frown. "Did you even notice that girl come in here with you?"

Baekhyun still had a hard look on his features before he left towards the photography studio's set.

- - -






Yeonhee sighed, eyeing the twins with a raised brow. She knew were this conversation was going, she's been led into this routine for almost two months already. It was always the same, every Saturday afternoon.

"You know the drill."

With that said, both boys kissed her on either cheek.

- - -

"You guys are late," Baekhyun said, raising a brow at the three new comers, two were running towards him.

The twins grinned at him.

"C'mon, I heard they have new kinds of ice cream that came in just yesterday."

"I'll leave them to you then," Taeyeon said with a kind smile.

"We'll see you in half an hour," Baekhyun said with a nod.

Taeyeon nodded back and watched the trio walk into the convenience with a fond smile. She didn't know how this routine came to be but it had. Ever since their first meeting, they've been doing this for almost two months already. Every Saturday afternoon at exactly 3:30, the twins would pester their mother into letting them out for ice cream, and she would accompany them to the convenience store where she would leave them with Mr. Beon, a complete stranger, at exactly 4:00 and pick them back up at exactly 4:30. She didn't even know what got into her for actually trusting the mysterious man who always met up with them with a hat and often with a pair of glasses. But she did, and so did the twins who seemed to find a liking for him.

Which was actually rare.

The twins don't trust men this easily, in fact they didn't trust any man at all unless they're like family or actual family, like their late grandfather. And here he is, a total stranger already getting their favor, maybe that's what convinced her to trust this man with them. It may change their perspective for the male population.

- - -

"What are you guys in the mood for?"

The twins looked at the unusually filled freezer, eyes bugging out at all the new sorts of ice cream they've never seen and tasted before.

"That one," they said simultaneously, and also simultaneously pointing at the exact same ice cream cone which was wrapped in a silver wrapper.

"You guys really are something," Baekhyun said with a raised brow and smiling down at them.

He didn't want to admit it but Baekhyun's never had this much fun for a long time now, and he didn't expect to feel like this especially when he was in Busan when this was where he lost his smile in the first place five years ago.

But he couldn't help himself, the twins somehow changed his mood, but that is of course when the two were around. He's been smiling a lot during their 30 minutes together every Saturday for the past few weeks. Just thinking about it, Baekhyun realized he's smiled more for the past weeks than he did for the past five years, excluding of course those times when he had to force a smile on his face during filming.

"Thank you," they replied in unison, a charming grin plastered on their faces as a group of ladies passed by and complimented how cute they looked.

Baekhyun looked at the passing group through his glasses and back to the boys.

"You two really are the ladies' men."

Both shrugged at this before taking their usual seats on the bar situated against the glass wall by the entrance.

"It comes naturally…"

"... our mom says we got it from our father."

"The first time we met, you said you didn't have a father," he pointed out. He's been avoiding this topic ever since they mentioned they didn't have a father in case the twins might find it a touchy subject. But now, he couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, we never met him…"

"... mom says he died before we were even born."

"We don't believe her though…"

Baekhyun raised a brow at them.

"... we think he just left us and mom."

He watched as the twins casually talked about their missing father in between of their ice cream. "Why do you believe that?"

"Gut feeling…"

"... we get that feeling often."

"Gut feeling?" Baekhyun asked, not understanding what they meant exactly.

"Yeah, gut feeling. Like the feeling we get with you…"

"... why do you think we trusted you this easily?"

"I see."

Sighing in content, the twins turned to each other and nodded before standing up from their seats.

"There's exactly 5 minutes until 4:30…"

"... we have to go wait outside now…"

"... or else mother might worry."

Baekhyun doubted the gentle woman who left the twins with him would worry. She's trusted him to watch the boys for some time now after all.

"Hey wait!" he called out, almost forgetting. The boys turned to him. "I forgot to give you these," he said, giving them both tickets.

"What are they for?" Taehyun asked, trying to read the labels written on the blue ticket.

"It's a... special pass. I can't meet with you guys next Saturday. I'll be at the new theme park that's opening not far from Busan, it's just in the next district over. If your mom's okay with it, you guys should go for the grand opening."

"What're you gonna be doing there?" Raehyun asked only understanding the words 'Busan', 'theme park', 'movie', and 'pass'. The other words were written in some weird language and the other words he hasn't exactly learned yet. And judging by the look on his twin's face, he was just as lost as he was.

Baekhyun was thoughtful at this, he couldn't exactly tell them he was there for an autograph signing for his last film which he had shot in Jeju Island. The movie was coming out this Wednesday and since he was in Busan, this promotional event was strategically set up three days after the premiere, giving the film massive publicity in Busan.

"You'll find out when you get there," he answered vaguely, earning a raised brow each from the pair. "You'll easily find me if you're allowed to go."

The twins shrugged at this. "If you say so," they replied.

"Just present the tickets to one of the workers and they'll know where to take you."

Both nodded at this.

Seeing Taeyeon through the window, Baekhyun nodded at her direction. "Time for you guys to go."

"Thanks for the tickets…"

"... and say 'Hi' to Mr. Kris for us!"

He waved back at the boys until they were out of sight, before taking out his cell.

"Kris? Where are you?"

In fact, it was only at that moment that he noticed the absence of his bodyguard.

- - -

"Wow, real slick!" Sulli complimented from the doorway.

Baekhyun raised a brow at her through the full-length mirror in front of him while straightening his tie.

"You don't look half bad yourself," he said, noticing the elegant red evening gown she was wearing. It was a tight tube from her chest down to her waist and from there flowed elegantly towards the ground, covering her legs entirely. Her hair was up in a bun with short tendrils falling around her face and tiny diamond studs were placed around random parts at the back of her hair.

"Thanks for the sort-of compliment," she said with a shake of her head.

"My bad, you look great!"

"Too late," she replied with a laugh before making her way towards him. "Let's knock them dead, yeah?"

He nodded at this with a smile spread across his face.

"I dunno what's been going on with you, but I I'm really liking it. You really should smile more often, you look more handsome that way."

Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun smirked back at her and rested an arm around her waist.


Sulli leaned into him and nodded. "Let's go 'boy friend'!"

- - -

"Taehyun! Raehyun!" Yeonhee called out as she left her keys on the plate on top a shelf beside the door.

"Yeah mom?" came their voices from another part of the house.

"Give us a hand please!" she called back before turning to the little girl beside her. "You have your stuff, right?" she asked in a less loud voice.

The little girl beside her smiled brightly and nodded, holding up a package towards her.

"Yuna!" Taehyun and Raehyun shouted in unison at seeing her before turning to their mother.

"How long is she gonna be here for?"

Yeonhee smiled at her boys at the question.

"Forever!" Yuna replied happily but still in her usual soft voice.

The twin boys grinned from ear to ear after hearing this.

"Is this true?"

"Is it mother?"

"Yes it is," replied a deeper voice from the outside the front door.

"Luhan!" they exclaimed, smiling at the man behind Yuna and their mother.

"Yo!" he said, grinning as he stepped inside. "How are you boys doing?"

"Just fine…"

"... we were just playing."

"Of course you were. Now, come help us with these," Yeonhee said, looking down at the bags she and the older man were holding. "Luhan's staying for dinner with us tonight."


"What is?" she asked, suspicious of the excited looks the two boys had just exchanged.

"Nothing!" Taehyun and Raehyun exclaimed in unison yet again.

Yeonhee's suspicion only grew even more at this.

- - -

"Mr. Byun! Mr. Byun!" called out a reporter amidst the large and very loud crowd gathered outside the theater. "Mr. Byun! Over here please! Over here! Mr. Byun!" she called out yet again as the actor got closer.

"That woman's a reporter from Entertainment Today," Sulli whispered inconspicuously as she leaned into him. "Talk to her for a bit, it'll be good publicity."

Sulli swore she heard him snort before he lead her towards the reporter, a hand still held firmly around her waist. She couldn't help but giggle.

"What's so funny Choi-ssi?" asked a loud female voice, getting her attention.

"O-Oh, nothing at all," she replied, caught off guard as the reporter's first question was directed towards her. "I'm just happy about today's turn out that's all," she added with a smile.

The reporter nodded before turning to Baekhyun.

"Mr. Byun, how do you feel about today's turn out? A lot of your fans are here to see the premiere of your new film even if the film is in both Korean and English!" she said before holding the microphone in front of him.

"I'm happy. I'm especially thankful for my fans for supporting me through the years considering the diversity of the films I've starred in."

"That's good to hear! Then how about answering a more personal question for us Mr. Byun?"

Baekhyun raised a brow at her as she said this, and stole a glance at the large video camera still aimed at him. "Depends, what's the question?"

"What really is your relationship with the lovely Choi Sulli?" she asked with a grin directed to him then to the woman whose waist his arm was still resting on to. "We've heard a lot of gossip now and again for the past few years that you two are officially dating but no one has ever gotten a confirmation from either of you. So, I ask now, is it true?"

"Well, I-"

"It's true," Sulli said, cutting him off and flashing a sweet smile towards the surprised reporter and the now even louder fans who had heard just near them. "Baekhyun and I have been dating for some time now. And we both hope all of you will give us your blessing!" she announced quite cheerfully before dragging a perplexed Baekhyun away from the reporter and back down the red carpet that lead towards the theater's front doors.

"What was that about?" Baekhyun hissed, as they reached the safe haven of the theater building.

Sulli looked at him guiltily, but a blush was present on her face.

"I'm sorry about that. I just thought that'd give you more publicity, that's all."

Frowning at her, Baekhyun didn't believe a word she said. How could he? When she only now looked certainly embarrassed over the whole ordeal that had happened earlier.

"Tell the truth," he said, looking at her seriously before pulling her towards an empty corridor for more privacy. "I've known you for years Sulli, and I certainly know if and when you lie. Now for instance, I'm quite sure of myself that you're hiding something."

Color flared up all the way to the top of Sulli's face at this.

With one long exhalation of air, she looked up at him, a brave face on her features.

"I like you," she admitted flatly.

"You're supposed to like me. You are, after all, my agent. I'd be more of a pain in your than I am now for the past few years if you didn't actually like me."

Sighing, Sulli lifted a hand and rested it on the side of his face.

"I like you," she repeated, looking more deeply into his eyes as she did.

Noticing realization spread across his features, she let go.

"Anyway, let's go. The movie's gonna start soon," she said, changing the subject before he got to say a word, and hastily pulled him after her.


- - -

on the previous chapter i stated that i will be using EXO-M
as other characters and EXO-K as the famous idol group of
which baekhyun is a part of. e u e it's just i'm running out of
people to use for the roles and i want to keep them all in the
smtown instead of branching out to different groups unless i
run out of options. so i hope that makes sense to you lmfao.
i also want to let you know that i don't hate sulli, and that she
is going to be 'rival' so deal with it for the sake of the fic. otl.
EDIT: i just noticed a bit of a mistake i made while editing ; ;
i fixed it and hope that i won't make stupid mistakes lmao.


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!