
L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 10/06/2013 AT 17:09:15

The view was even more breathtaking at the topmost deck of the yacht as Yeonhee soon discovered. Baekhyun had given them a tour of the yacht which, to her surprise, comprised of several floors. The bottom most part of the cruiser was the engine room, the floor above that were filled with rooms for the staff along with the kitchens. The floor above that, which was the ground floor upon entrance, were the lounge area and the dining area. The floor above that was a game room and in the rear area was a large Jacuzzi. The floor above that were a few extravagantly decorated rooms. Finally, the last floor, which was where they were now, was the top deck.

Yeonhee knew that area must have been usually bare or maybe filled with umbrellas and a few folding beach beds, but tonight, there was instead in the center, a large round table covered in a white table cloth, the wind making the hem flow lightly. On top was a dinner setting for five, complete with a beautiful floral center piece with candles in between.

"Baekhyun, it's beautiful, you didn't have to do all this. We could've just had dinner somewhere in the city," she said, caught between amazement and guilt.

Baekhyun, who was standing beside her, watched as the kids ran to the table and argued about who was sitting where. "I know," he replied without looking at her. "But seeing as the last time we all went out in public didn't turn out too good. I believe this is a much better and safer choice."

Yeonhee blushed lightly and didn't say another word in the matter.

"Come," Baekhyun said holding an arm out to her. "I think it's better if we at least act normally around the kids. I want this night to be special for them."

Taking his arm, she allowed Baekhyun to lead her towards the table slowly. "What do you mean? Why do you want this night to be special for them?"

"I plan to tell them the truth, Yeonhee." Yeonhee's grip on his arm tightened as he said this. Baekhyun turned to look at her. "What is it?"

"I... H-How do you plan on telling them?" she whispered, looking at him worriedly.

"Slowly," he replied vaguely. "I want to show them a good time first. That's also why I decided going out to sea would be best."

"Going out to sea?" Yeonhee repeated, lost. "How long do you plan to keep us here anyway?"

"For the entire weekend. Did I forget to mention that to you at the house?"

"Y-You might have missed that particular detail," she said, turning pale.

"Well, now you know," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Now, let's go have dinner first. I expect the kids must be hungry by now."

"Wait! We can't stay here on this boat with you for three days!" she yelled at him under her breath, careful not to let the kids hear her. Baekhyun frowned at her. "W-We didn't bring any clothes at all. All we have are the clothes we're wearing now. We can't possibly go-"

"It's already taken care of," he interjected with a raised hand. "Yeonhee," he added more seriously. "They are my kids too. I want them to know the truth. I-"



The adults looked up towards the table. The triplets were motioning them over to join them.

"We'll be there in a moment!" Baekhyun called out before turning back to Yeonhee. "Look, I'm done filming. So that means I'll be leaving Busan as soon as I get another job offer for another movie. I don't know when that is exactly but before that happens, I want them to know the truth. It might hurt them, or it might make them happy. Personally, I want them to be happy to know that I'm their father. And though you may deserve to be hated by them if they find out that you've kept this secret from them and from me all these years, I don't want the kids to be any more confused and distressed about it. I just want them to know the truth and that's it."

"But, what if you do leave Busan?" Yeonhee asked, her voice with a hint of desperation.

Baekhyun caught her tone. Was Yeonheeworried about him taking the kids with him or that he would leave them, including her?

"We'll think of something later. For now, I just want them to know I'm their father."

Yeonhee sighed, and nodded in understanding. He wasn't asking much. In fact, he's asking less than he should and because of that, she couldn't help but feel guilty about this whole ordeal all over again.

Baekhyun held out his arm to her again, and again she took it.

"For now though," he said, a smile on his face. "Let's try to have a good time?"

Yeonhee smiled back at him and nodded.

As they walked towards the table, Yeonhee watched Baekhyun's every move. He really was a good man. Sometimes, even she couldn't believe she actually broke his heart so cruelly all those years ago. Even now, he was acting so civilly towards her, being so kind to her even if she knew full well that he hated himself for it. Baekhyun was torn between his feelings for her. She knew it the moment he kissed her outside their house a few days ago. The way he looked at her. His eyes were full of pain and... something else. She wanted to say she saw love in his eyes, but she didn't want to think ahead of herself. She didn't deserve Baekhyun. After everything she had done, she doesn't deserve him at all.


His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. He had pulled out and was holding the back of an empty chair for her.

"Thank you," she said, smiling at him and letting go of her hold on his arm.

- - -

"Seriously, is there nothing going on that's interesting at all?" the woman moaned in disappointment, letting her head fall on her arms atop the table.

After a few seconds, the phone rang almost immediately.

Lazily, grabbing the receiver, she held it to her ear. "Hello?"

"I have a tip for you."

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked, sitting up straight on her seat now.

"Never mind that, I have a tip. The actor, Byun Baekhyun, is on a yacht which , as of this moment, is only just a bit off the Busan port. If you head out now and tail him, you might find him and his company quite interesting. It'll certainly make a good story."

"Who was it, Boa?"

Boa looked at the receiver curiously before replacing it back on the cradle.

"We just received a tip," she said, grinning at her crew. "Ready the equipment. And tell the boss we need to borrow a speedboat. Be ready to leave in ten minutes!"

- - -

Taehyun burped loudly, making Raehyun laugh and Yuna giggle.

"Taehyun!" Yeonhee scolded with a disapproving look.

The little boy merely grinned back at her. "Sorry mom."

Baekhyun chuckled. "I expect you enjoyed dinner then?"

The triplets nodded at him.

"Thank you for the food," they said simultaneously.

"It was delicious," Yeonhee added.

"I hope everyone can still handle dessert."

That said, three waiters and two waitresses appeared from the stairs and walked towards them. They refilled their drinking glasses, took away the plates and what remained of the dishes and replaced them with smaller plates, a large chocolate cake, small cups of chocolate mousse, and small cups of different colored gelatin.

"Dig in!" Baekhyun announced as the staff disappeared yet again.

"Slowly," Yeonhee added, seeing the starry-eyed looks the kids had, especially the boys.

- - -

"I told you to keep the flash off!" Boa hissed, as she bent down low.

Then two men smiled apologetically at her. "Sorry Boa."

"If Byun notices or even just suspects us, then coming out here will be a total waste!" She peeked out of her spot and peered through her binoculars. "It looks like he didn't notice."

Her company sighed in relief.

"Okay, try taking the shots again, and this time, no flash. The lights on his yacht are giving off light for a clear enough shot if they get close enough. If that doesn't work, then we'll just have to settle with Night mode."

"Yes," everyone chorused in hushed voices.

- - -

"Looks like somebody's getting tired," Baekhyun pointed out, smiling.

Yeonhee followed his gaze and turned to Yuna whose head was lowering forward and immediately back up again. She was falling in and out of sleep.

Yuna shook her head and looked around her. She was looking at her mother and Baekhyun and her brothers who were looking at her with half-lidded eyes too.

"I-I'm not sleepy yet!" she defended, before her head tipped to the side yet again.

Baekhyun chuckled and Yeonhee giggled watching her.

"Really, I'm not! Right Rae..." her voice trailed off at this.

"Yeah, we're not sleepy yet too, honest," Raehyun said, although he looked like he was about to fall off his chair as well.

"We don't wanna leave yet. We can still stay up," Taehyun reasoned out, and he was already gripping hard on his chair, fighting sleep as much as he can.

Yeonhee turned to Baekhyun who nodded back at her. He left his seat and went over to carry the boys in each of his arms as Yeonhee did the same to Yuna.

"Follow me," he said, leading the way down the stairs slowly and towards the lower floor.

They had walked past a room with dark wooden double doors, and past another room that had wooden double doors in pale white, and into the third set of double doors.

Baekhyun let Yeonhee pass him and turn down the white covers of the queen sized bed with her free arm before he laid the boys down beside their sister on the other side.

"Where are their change of clothes?" Yeonhee whispered, and he nodded to the closet on the other side of the rather large room.

Yeonhee was surprised to see that the closet was stocked full of clothes. Two-thirds of the closet was full of clothes, shoes and other things for the boys whilst the last third was full of more feminine things obviously meant for Yuna. She took out three sets of sleeping clothes for the children and brought them back to the bed where she and Baekhyun slowly began changing them out of their dinner clothes and into their pajamas.

As the pair was about to leave the room, a tiny voice unexpectedly called out.

"Mommy?" Yuna called out, making Yeonhee stop and turn to her. "Sing for me, please?" she asked, making her mother nod at her in ascent.

Yeonhee sat beside her on the bed and started her hair before she turned to Baekhyun who was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of him, waiting. She smiled apprehensively before turning back to Yuna whose eyes were already half closed but waiting for her to begin.

- - -

Baekhyun watched from his spot, unmoving and in silence. This was the third time he had heard Yeonhee say the very words he had written for her. Once again tonight, once when he first heard her sing it to Yuna those months ago, and once five years ago when she was still trying to create a tune to the poem the day he had given it to her. He had recited the poem to her that day but she insisted on keeping the paper he had written it on and so he had given it to her, and she had immediately read it out loud again, humming between lines as she did.

He watched her, as she continued Yuna's hair until the little girl's eyes shut to a close, and he watched as Yeonhee's own brown pair closed as well. She had fallen into the song. And he didn't notice it but he did as well. Because the next time he opened his eyes, Yeonhee was making her way towards him, her eyes glassy with unshed tears.

Yeonhee turned the light off from the switch by the wall near Baekhyun before following him outside the room and closing the door silently behind her.

"You'll be sleeping here," Baekhyun said, indicating the white double doors as they neared it. Noticing Yeonhee slow down to a stop, Baekhyun immediately added, "I need to talk to you for a while."

She watched his retreating form for a while before following him outside and up towards the upper deck.

- - -

"They're back Boa!"

Boa scrambled to her feet and practically ran to the edge, rocking the speedboat, making the crew hold on to the sides for support. She looked on towards the large yacht through her binoculars and bit her lip in anticipation.

"It's just the two of them now," said one of the men with a camera that had a lens attached to it which was more than a foot long.

"I can see that," Boa said, rolling her eyes. "Be ready to take multiple shots. Things might get juicy now without those kids up there with them."

- - -

"What did you want to talk about?" Yeonhee asked, leaning onto the railing beside Baekhyun, and pulling the fur coat closer over her shoulders. The wind was picking up and though the yacht was sailing at a very slow pace you could barely feel the cruiser move, it still picked up much of the sea breeze.

Baekhyun didn't answer, instead pushed himself off the railing, retrieved a pair of champagne glasses filled them to the brim with wine and handed her one before settling himself back beside her.

Yeonhee looked at the contents of the glass.

"I'm not trying to get you drunk or anything," he pointed out with a raised brow. His glass was half empty already. "I just thought you could warm yourself a bit."

"O-Of course," she said, blushing for the ninth time that night as she took a generous sip. The liquid felt surprisingly hot down before it settled in her stomach that she actually coughed a bit.

He raised a brow at her again.

She smiled back weakly before taking another, much smaller, sip.

"How do you propose I tell the kids tomorrow?" he asked, seriously wanting to consider her ideas. She knew the kids best after all.

"Before we get to that Baekhyun," she said hesitantly, making him look at her. "I... I need to tell you something."

"What about?" he asked, before downing the rest of his drink and returning to the table and taking the whole bottle with him back to her.

"It's about, well, everything."

"You have to be a bit more specific Yeonhee," he said almost jokingly.

Yeonhee smiled faintly before breathing in deeply. "I'm sorry I left five years ago. I'm sorry for not telling you I was pregnant when I found out, even though I only found out after I left. I'm sorry at what all this," she said, raising her arms in the air, "must be doing to you. You've been working hard all this time with your movie and all the while coming over to spend time with the kids, trying to win them over when they're supposed to like you from the beginning seeing as you're their father. I'm sorry for how much you've spent on them for the past few months. I'm sorry for all the emotional drama this must be causing you. And I'm sorry for..."

Baekhyun looked at her now, noticing her trail off on her words.

"... I-I'm sorry for kissing you earlier," she added in a low voice, looking away from him, her face red.

Yeonhee gulped down what was left of the liquid in her glass as she finished.

"You do know that some things need more than just a verbal apology to earn forgiveness?" he said in a light tone, tipping the bottle of wine and filling her glass full again.

She smiled at this. "Of course. Right now, I even feel like I owe you at least ten years of servitude or something."

Baekhyun chuckled at this in spite of himself. He had lost his grip on his mind and his body, and unfortunately his wretched heart ever since he saw her in that damned dress which he had personally picked out for her. And the damned heels weren't helping either. Neither was her wavy long hair and her glow which he knew her make-up did nothing but amplify. When he had decided on this little escapade, it was for the sole reason to win his kids' favor and to have them accept him more easily. Yeonhee was supposed to be an extra, a little detail to his plan. And yet now, he finds himself actually wanting her to play a large role in it. Ever since he kissed her four days ago, he had purposely avoided her and the kids for a few days to forget about it. He wanted to believe that he was annoyed, that he was angry with her, but in truth, he wasn't anymore, and that made him angrier although more to himself than to Yeonhee.

Then she went along and kissed him. It was a little peck, he knew it was, but she still kissed him willingly. She kissed him, and not the other way around.

"," he hissed under his breath. His emotions were getting the better of him again. 'This is the woman, who left you Baekhyun,' he reminded himself. 'But she apologized, and she did say she left you due to your career. If she hadn't left, you wouldn't be this rich and famous now,' countered the more rational part of him. 'Yes and now that you're rich and famous, she's trying to win you over so she can be rich and be famous too for being with you!' the irrational part of him pressed on. 'You know Yeonhee's not like that Baekhyun. How can she raise your kids to be as they are now if she was like that? You know it in your heart that she's not,' the better side of him countered yet again. 'You have no heart!'

That one final thought got to Baekhyun the most. Did he have a heart? Of course he still did, though he realized this only just recently. If he didn't, then he wouldn't be feeling all this longing for Yeonhee all over again.

'Longing?' he thought with a frown. How much did he want the woman beside him? He turned to Yeonhee who was looking out towards the sea, a faraway expression on her face. Did he really want her back in her life?

Baekhyun sighed irritably and downed another glass of his wine. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he did. He did want Yeonhee back. But he can't- no, won't allow himself to. Not when things are as they are now. He knew deep down that Yeonhee still had feelings for him. How else would things turn out as they did now after all these months if she still didn't feel something for him? What he wanted most of all before he would even allow himself to consider getting her back, is the truth. He knew something was wrong when Yeonhee explained to him why she had left five years ago. And being in this business, being an actor actually increased his flair for spotting liars. Yeonhee might have told him the truth that time when he asked her, but he knew she wasn't telling him the entire truth either.

"Yeonhee," he said, getting her attention. "I'll forgive you, if you answer my question honestly."

Yeonhee looked at him, not saying a word. She knew what he was going to ask, and already her mind was racing on how to answer him again.

"Yeonhee?" Baekhyun repeated, noticing her composure falter.

"Yes?" she squeaked.

"Will you answer this one question honestly?" he asked again, wanting her word more than anything.

It took her over a minute before she finally nodded her head. "If," she added quickly. "If you promise not to hate me more than you do now when I give you my answer, and if you promise to believe my answer to that one question."

"I promise not to hate you more than I do now when you answer me, but what do you mean I should promise to believe you?"

Yeonhee almost smiled sadly at him. "If you promise to believe my answer, then I promise to answer your one question truthfully and completely." Seeing the puzzled and almost accusatory look on his face, she added, "I already know what you're going to ask me Baekhyun."

Baekhyun watched her every move as she sighed again and returned her gaze to the dark and open water.

"Enlighten me then," he said, still watching her closely.

"You haven't promised me that you would believe my every word. You have to promise me that, no matter how unbelievable my answer may seem to you."

Just like Yeonhee, Baekhyun paused to think about her condition. She already seems to expect that he wouldn't believe her. He knew it was not the sort of promise he should make. Promising to believe something he didn't even know yet was already wrong in itself. What if she told him she had to leave suddenly five years ago due to a sudden offer she go to travel to the moon? How could he possibly believe that?

"I promise to believe whatever your answer will be," he said before taking another sip of his wine. Whatever Yeonhee's reason was, he knew there would be truth behind it. Or rather, he hoped there would be truth behind it.

"Okay, ask me your one question then."

"Why did you leave me five years ago?"

A small smile crept to her lips as he asked the very question she dreaded yet again.

"I knew you were going to ask me that again. I suppose my last answer didn't suffice?" she said with a rather sad and halfhearted laugh.

"Not in the least," he said, watching her even more closely now for any sign of a misgiving.

"I knew it wouldn't of course. I was just hoping you wouldn't bother asking me again," she explained before taking a deep sigh and turning to look at him straight in the eye. "I left... because I was told to leave, Baekhyun."

Baekhyun didn't expect that. Not at all. His brows furrowed immediately. "What-"

She raised a hand for him to stop and let her continue, which he did, though still with a frown on his face.

"Five, almost six years ago, remember that show we went to for MBC? We prepared for months for that event, you with your monologue and me with my singing. Of course I ended up not going on that show because I was too scared and too self-conscious. So I ended up not signing up the roster by the time they accepted applicants."

Baekhyun nodded. Of course he remembered. How could he even forget? He certainly tried to forget everything in the past that he had shared with Yeonhee but to no success.

"Well, that day..."

- - -

so if you haven't figured it out already the next chapter will
be all about what happened five years ago! apparently it will
also be much more longer than this an the previous chapter c:
i hate to share such bad news, but this will be coming to an
end very soon. thank oyu all for supporting this fanfic! ; u ;
i hope i will not disappoint you with my editing techniques~


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!