Beyond Expectations

L'Amour Du Mensonge




EDITED: 09/06/2013 AT 13:12:43

"You have got to be kidding me!" Sulli exclaimed, exasperated.

Shoulders drooped, she frowned at her cell and threw it over to her bed before letting herself fall beside it.

She's been contacting every possible person she knew in the business for the last three days, heavily hinting and even sometimes openly asking if they have a job offer for Baekhyun after he finishes his current project here in Busan.

"Honestly! How hard is it to get an acting job anyway? Hundreds of movies are made yearly and not one outside South Korea or Busan is willing to take Baekhyun?" she muttered to herself, still furious. So far, the only luck she had of getting Baekhyun hired anytime soon is another project here in Busan, which is exactly what she's trying to avoid. She has to find another job for him outside the country before he gets offered another one here but most of those she had contacted are either too cheap to hire him, or find that he deserves to at least rest up first after so much box office hits he's had lately.

- - -

"Bravo! Yes, yes, yes! What a wonderful voice!"

Yeonhee blushed at the compliment but beamed up at the man all the same.

"Thank you Mr.-"

"Please my dear, I told you to just call me Sooman," he reminded her with a wave of his hand.

"Didn't I tell you it was worth the trip back to Busan, Sooman?" another man said as he came into the recording room Yeonhee was still situated in with a few people, who had played the instruments to the song, behind her.

With a wide and an almost excited look on his face, Sooman nodded. "Indeed you did and I don't regret it one bit!" he announced before turning back to Yeonhee. "My dear, a few more songs and we'll be ready to release a whole album with your name embossed in large gold lettering in the front! I don't know why you've kept this talent of yours under wraps for so long."

Yeonhee smiled a little. "I've had more important matters to attend to," she explained vaguely yet honestly.

"Understandable of course," he said with a nod and a face that looked like her response actually explained it all.

"Now Yeonhee," said Mr. Lee, cutting in. "We'll just have one more take on that last song. And we'll be taking a video of you singing as well. You wouldn't know when video footage might come in handy in the future."

"Now, now, Jinki," Sooman said, looking over to the owner of the recording studio and his long time friend. "Do you really think that's necessary? I mean, it's too early for that, isn't it?" he asked, not really knowing much on the music industry himself.

"Who knows," Jinki replied with a shrug before giving a nod at Yeonhee and the band before taking his leave with Sooman following after him.

- - -

"Thank you Donghae-ssi," Baekhyun said genuinely with a slight bow of his head.

"No, no, Byun. Thank you! You've done a fabulous job lately. I'm beginning to think we're actually underpaying you! This movie might only be open to theaters nationwide for now but I'm sure it'll reach the sights of international viewers soon enough when they find out you're in it!" he said in a sure tone and a jolly laugh.

Baekhyun grinned at him one last time before taking his leave.

"Mr. Byun," a crew man greeted with a nod as he passed by.

He couldn't help the pleased look on his face as he took out his cell.

"Hello? What is it Baekhyun?"

"Sulli! Where are you? Did you leave without me?" he asked though not at all minding if she actually did.

"Yes, sorry. I wasn't feeling very good in the studio earlier. I'm back in the hotel. What's up? Are you done for the day?"

"Well, I just spoke to the director. And yes, I'm done! Not just for the day but all my scenes are shot and my character's wrapped up for the movie!"


Baekhyun's grin widened hearing his manager's startled voice.

"Surprised? I am too, but Donghae-ssi had one scene taken out due to time conflicts so I'm done! They're still shooting now but it's just the rest of the scenes needed of the supporting cast. He's pretty happy with the footage taken earlier and he says he's confident re-shoots aren't a possibility at this point," he informed her as he nodded at Kris before getting into the backseat of his car. "I wanted us to celebrate but since you're not feeling well, you better get some rest instead."

"Oh, but I'm fine now. I mean, I've been resting up and-"

"It's okay, really. I have somewhere to go for a while anyway. So, you rest up. I'll be back later. Just order what you want in room service for now," he said and without another word, closed his cell.

"Where to Baekhyun?" Kris asked, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

Baekhyun considered him for awhile. No one but himself ever knew about his visits to Yeonhee's. But Kris did know about the twins already. So it wouldn't hurt to trust his bodyguard further. How would it hurt?

"Get into the freeway Kris, I'll give you precise directions from there," he instructed. "I have to get a couple of things first and then I have a few people to visit while I'm still here."

As he said that, it was only then that Baekhyun fully understood the meaning to his words. He was done filming in Busan. He would have to leave as soon as possible if he gets another job offer. Of course he would have to come back for the movie premiere, but other than that, he can't stay if he does get another job in some other part of the world.

He has to tell the kids. He's been avoiding telling them for the past weeks when he found out filming was coming to an end. But now that it actually has finished, he has to tell them. He has to tell them he'll be leaving soon. And he has to tell them that he's their father.

Before that though, he has to speak to Yeonhee, which he hasn't done for the past four days. They have to talk it through together first before he can talk to the kids.

Baekhyun unconsciously touched his lips with his index finger.

"Yeonhee," he said under his breath.


His head snapped up to Kris who was still looking at him.

"Nothing," he muttered before settling into his seat.

- - -

"I told you I'm perfectly fine," Yuna told her mother, grinning.

Yeonhee beamed at her and nodded. "You know I worry too much."

"Indeed you do," Luhan agreed as he swiveled lightly on his chair in his office. "Yuna's never been better in my opinion, and my colleagues agree as well."

They were back in the hospital, having just letting Yuna's doctors check her. It has been months since Yuna's last check-up that Yeonhee felt slightly uneasy. She was so used to having Yuna checked so often, that not going to the hospital seemed to unnerve her. Luhan of course hadn't minded. It's been a while since he saw the family and his colleagues were only too keen in seeing Yuna and see for themselves that she indeed has gotten far better than she had ever been.

"Where are the boys anyway?"

"They insisted on exploring around outside. I have Taeyeon watching them," she said, earning her an amused look from him. "Don't worry, I told them to stay within the ground floor only. I can't risk them meeting patients and catching something upstairs." This earned her another amused look from Luhan. "Okay, I can't risk the patients meeting or even seeing them," she amended with a little laugh.

- - -

"Oh boys! I'm getting too old for this!" Taeyeon said rather exasperatedly, bending herself down and settling her hands on her knees.

Taehyun and Raehyun stopped in their tracks a few meters in front of her, identical grins on their faces.

"Really, Taeyeon..."

"... you can just sit over there."

They both pointed to the chairs not far from where they stood.

"We'll just go to the front counter..."

"... we want to talk to the nurses again."

Taeyeon clicked her tongue at them. "You can't disturb the staff boys. They're working."

"We won't be disturbing them, honest!"

"We just want to see them doing their job."

Both held their breaths, watching their nanny consider this.

"Oh alright then," she agreed with a sigh. "I'll be sitting right here, so I'll be able to see your every move. Make sure not to make too much noise."

- - -

"Come in!" Luhan called out.

Yeonhee and Yuna followed his gaze to his office door as a nurse poked her head inside.

"Excuse me Luhan sunbaenim," the nurse said, bowing her head and looking apologetic. "I was wondering if I could have a word in private? It's rather... important."

Luhan's brows furrowed at this.

"I suppose it's time for us to leave anyway, we took too much of your time as it is Luhan," Yeonhee said, standing up from her seat.

"Oh no!" The three turned to the nurse at her exclamation. "It really won't take long."

Luhan nodded at her then turned to Yeonhee and Yuna. "Excuse me for a while ladies. I'll be right back shortly."

The nurse nodded at Yeonhee and Yuna and waited for Luhan to join her outside.

"What is it?" he asked in a low voice, closing the door shut behind him.

"It's Yeonhee-ssi's kids," she informed him quickly. "Taehyun and Raehyun are in the Information Counter right now. They've been asking questions."

"What do you mean?" He couldn't find anything wrong with this so the look of worry on the nurse's face was somewhat surprising to him.

Lowering her voice even further, the nurse leaned in slightly. "They've been asking a lot of questions about their father."

Realization dawned on Luhan at the mention of the supposedly lost parent. Besides himself and the team working on Yuna's case, a handful of other staff members in the hospital have become aware of the nature of Baekhyun's position with the family, all of whom he had personally told to keep under wraps from anyone outside of the administration and especially from the triplets.

"I'll handle it," he said, scratching the back of his head as he made his way towards the front entrance of the hospital.

- - -

"Ready?" Kris asked, making Baekhyun nod.

"The house isn't far from here," he said as he removed his cap and sunglasses which he had worn inside the mall. "Drive to the convenience store I went to buy ice cream by the studio those months ago. It's in a neighboring area."

- - -

"Boys?" Luhan asked, looking at Taehyun and Raehyun curiously as both tried to communicate with the other through their eyes. It was clear at this point that something was occupying their minds.

They hadn't said anything but nodded to each other after a while before looking over at Luhan. The three were seated inside an empty office of one of the doctors just beside Luhan's which was where Yeonhee and Yuna were still waiting in.

"The nurse told me you've been asking a few things to the nurses over at the Information Counter up front," he started slowly, making them nod at this. "Any reason why you're doing so?"

"Luhan," Taehyun started, looking serious. "Do you know where our father is?"

Luhan  was startled at this. He expected the boys to ask about their father but not as direct as this.

"Why do you ask?"

"We're just curious," Raehyun answered. "We've been wondering for a while. We want to ask someone other than our mom or Taeyeon."

"We figured they might not tell us even if we try asking them."

"And what makes you think I would tell you?" he questioned them, amused.

The boys shrugged. "We're just hoping you would," they replied simultaneously.

"We heard someone talking," Taehyun started, before telling him everything he overheard from Sulli. After he finished, Raehyun also told him about seeing Baekhyun and Yeonhee kissing outside their house.

When they finished, Luhan was even more amused.

"And after all that, you decided you want to know where your father is?"

They both nodded.

Luhan considered this for a while. He didn't have the right to tell the boys anything. It was Yeonhee's right to tell them, or Baekhyun's. They were both the parents after all. He wouldn't have minded telling the boys himself. He knew they could handle it. Yuna on the other hand, he wasn't so sure. Though, if she found out through the boys, maybe it would be okay. But the issue is still that he didn't have the right to tell them the truth himself.

"Luhan?" the boys said, cutting off his mental deliberation whether to tell them or not.

"Sorry," he muttered with a sigh. "Look boys, I-"

"We know you know," Raehyun pointed out with a frown.

"Mom won't be angry with you if you told us. We want to know."

"We won't be angry with her if you're the one who tells us either."

"If you won't tell us, we'll just ask other nurses and doctors about it."

"We're sure someone would be willing to tell us."

This made it all the more harder for Luhan. Should he tell them? Or should he not?

"How about this," he finally said, coming up with a decision. "I won't tell you," he started, making the boys frown and their shoulders sag. "But," they perked up at this. "I'll tell you something about your father. And it's up to you to figure it out or to finally ask your mother for answers. I don't want you going around the hospital asking the nurses for information. Okay?"

Taehyun and Raehyun didn't expect that but accepted with a nod.

With a deep sigh, Luhan looked at them both critically.

"Your question about where your father is, is wrong. Your question should be, who your father is."

"You know who he is then?" Taehyun asked, excitedly.

Luhan nodded.

"Who is he? What's his name?" Raehyun asked, perking up considerably.

"I told you I won't tell you anything of the sort, you have to ask your mother," he said with a shake of his head, earning him a frown.

"What can you tell us then?" they asked simultaneously.

"Well, I can tell you that I've met your father. He's a good man. I've met him a few times already in the past few months."

"You have?" they asked, getting more excited at the thought that their father might still be nearby.

Luhan nodded. "Let me ask you something first though," he said, a sudden thought occurring to him. "What would you do if you find your father?"

"Try to get him and mom together again," they answered immediately without a second thought.

"And how do you plan on doing that?"

They both shrugged at this.

"We'll think of something..."

"... but first we have to find him."

"I see. Well, your father is closer than you think."

The boys looked thoughtful as he said this.

"Tell me," Luhan interrupted yet again. "Back to what you told me about what you've heard and seen. How do you feel about Baekhyun?" he asked gently. "There seems to be something going on between him and your mother," he hinted casually.

It was a while before they answered him.

"We don't know," Raehyun answered.

"We like him," Taehyun clarified immediately. "But..."

"But..." Raehyun echoed.

"But no one can ever replace your father?" Luhan finished.

The boys nodded at this.

"We don't know how he feels about mom..."

"... and how mom feels about him."

"But our real father comes first," they concluded together.

"How would you feel about having him as your father?"

"We don't know," they replied in unison.

This worried Luhan. That wasn't a reassuring answer. Baekhyun was their father after all.

"But, he's a great guy isn't he? You like him?"

"We do."

"But then, he's different."

"He's a great guy…"

"... but we always saw him like..."

"... like you."

"A part of the family..."

"... but not a real parent."

Now Luhan was positively alarmed.

"Look boys, Baekhyun is a great person, a good man. He could be a good father too you know."

Taehyun and Raehyun looked at him with raised eyebrows, hearing the familiarity of the words he had just said.


"... is Baekhyun our father?"

- - -

"I wonder where Luhan is," Yeonhee voiced out with a frown.

Yuna didn't answer; she didn't know where the doctor was either. Instead she continued playing with the pendulum that was resting in the front of Luhan's desk.

Yeonhee checked her watch. It's been almost half an hour since he left. She didn't mind waiting of course, since she didn't have anything else to do for the day. She's already left her second job ever since Yuna's hospitalizations have decreased significantly as of late and since Luhan contributions to the kids' needs like their clothes and then some.

Lately, all she's done is go to work as a coach, continuing with giving voice lessons. And other than that, she's now able to sing her own songs and actually have them recorded thanks to Sooman and Jinki.

Things have been so great lately, she can't help but feel like something wrong might happen soon. She's having no problem with money lately, she's starting to live out her dream as a real singer, Yuna's health was coming along great for the longest time so far now, and all the kids are happy.

Of course there was her problem with Baekhyun.

Yuna turned to her mother and looked at her curiously.

"Mommy?" she asked, snapping Yeonhee out of her own thoughts that involved herself and Baekhyun in a tight embrace.

"Y-Yes? What is it?"

"Are you okay? Your face is really red," she pointed out, still staring at her.

Yeonhee's hand flew to her cheeks that were indeed hot under her touch.

"I-It's nothing! It's just a bit hot in here, that's all," she said with a guilty smile.

Baekhyun hadn't spoken to her ever since they shared that kiss four days ago. She thought it was bad enough that he spoke to her so coolly ever since their truce, but now with him not speaking to her at all, she felt even worse.

- - -

"W-What?" Luhan asked, even more startled than he already was.

"Is Baekhyun our father?" Raehyun repeated his brother's question.

"Why do you ask?" he asked, feeling uncomfortable now.

"Please just tell us the truth."


Sighing irritably, more to himself than anyone else for his own carelessness at his words, he walked towards the boys and knelt down in front of them.

Without another word, Luhan sighed and nodded, looking down with remorse.

"We knew it!" Taehyun and Raehyun exclaimed, jumping to their feet again, wide grins on their faces.

Yet again, Luhan was startled. He lost count of just how many times he's been caught in surprise ever since they entered the office.

"You knew? You knew that Baekhyun was your father?" he asked incredulously.

Both boys nodded eagerly.

"But just now, you-"

"Acting," Taehyun informed him rather smugly.

"We were trying to fool you so you could tell us," Raehyun added, just as smug as his brother.

Luhan still looked startled, and not as convinced, mainly due to the fact that he can't accept that he's been fooled so completely by two 5 year olds. It seems that not only did they inherit their father's good looks, but his talent as well.

The boys led him over to the sofa and sat on either side of him.

"We already thought Baekhyun might be our father when we first met him..."

"... because he looks so much like us."

"We thought that if our father was around, he might be like Baekhyun."

"We wanted him around, and when we got to know him more..."

"... we noticed he isn't like us that much after all."

"He's like Yuna," they said in unison.

"When he's around us he's really fun..."

"... but we also watch him when he doesn't know it..."

"... and those times he's like Yuna."

"He's very serious except when we're around."

If the boys weren't five year olds, Luhan would feel appalled at hearing this, but now, he just felt impressed.

"Then we noticed how Baekhyun is with mom..."

"... and how mom is with Baekhyun."

"They don't know it but we watch them when they're together too..."

"... and they look at each other differently."

"Like how those men who come and take mom away from home to go out at night with them…"

"Except mom looks at him like that too..."

"... and we never saw mom look at anyone like that."

"Not even to you."

"So we thought that was also weird..."

"... since they just met."

"Then things started happening."

"Like what Sulli said..."

"... when Yuna got really sick again..."

"...and how Baekhyun's got really close to all of us lately..."

"... and then there was the time he and mom were kissing."

That said, the boys exhaled deeply and smiled even more broadly at him if it were possible. They seem to be really happy with the whole situation and really pleased with themselves too.

"You figured it out all on your own after all that has happened?" he asked rather faintly.

"Well, no, not really," Raehyun said, sheepishly.

"We had to ask Taeyeon a lot of questions, like what 'suspecting' means," Taehyun said shrugging.

"And we had to ask the nurses at the front counter a lot of questions about mom and Yuna until we can ask about Baekhyun."

"The nurse who called me said she didn't tell you anything," Luhan said confidently.

"The other nice nurse there told us before you came."

"She said our father was kind enough to bring in all that stuff in for Yuna the last time we were here..."

"... and that she has never seen that many people crowd outside the hospital before."

"When she said that..."

"... we knew she meant Baekhyu."

They grinned at him yet again.

Luhan knew the boys were smart, but personally, he had never known them to be this smart. They were five years old! Close to turning six, yes, but nonetheless, they were still five!

"I can't believe this," he muttered, in between disbelief and being impressed by their wit.

"We wanted to believe it's Baekhyun from that start."

"But we wanted to hear it from someone we trust."

"We know mom won't tell us, and we don't even know if Taeyeon knows."

"We didn't know if you knew too, so we tried to fool you now to see!"

"Then we knew you did when you said Baekhyun is a good man."

Placing a hand over his eyes and waving his other at the boys, Luhan didn't even bother saying a word. He knew he slipped when he said that part, but he never even expected they would catch him at it.

Taehyun and Raehyun didn't say a word more after that. Instead, they waited for him to recover first, and when he did, he sat them both, side by said with him kneeling down yet again in front of them.

"Boys," he started in serious tone. "Your mother and father know nothing of this. I told Yeonhee it was best if she told you. As for Baekhyun, I don't know exactly how he plans to deal with all this. But your parents have gone through a lot in the past. I don't know what they plan to do exactly, but it would be nice if you don't force them into anything, okay?"

The boys didn't respond to this, instead only blinked back at him.

"I know you want your parents together, but promise me you won't try and force them back together. Okay?"

"But why?" they asked in unison, upset at having to make such a promise to him.

"Something happened to your parents in the past, it's better if they solve their problem by themselves. And then there's Yuna, does she know about any of this? Did you tell her what you know and... suspected?"

They both shook their head.

"I expect not," he replied more to himself than the boys, seeing as Yuna's health has been stable for a while now, meaning she hasn't experienced any major changes emotionally for many weeks now. "Promise me boys, that you won't tell her or your parents of what you have found out," he said, more precisely.

"But what if they have to know?"

"What if they need our help?"

Luhan highly doubted both grown-ups needed the help of two 5 year old boys, but then again these kids were not to be underestimated. Their capabilities seem to surpass his own expectations every time.

"Very well, if you feel like they really need your help over their problem, then you may. But as much as possible, try to let them work out their problem on their own. Okay? Promise?"

"We promise," they agreed without hesitation now.

"And what about Yuna?"


"What will happen when she finds out?"

"I honestly don't know," Luhan said with a hint of worry in his tone.

This didn't reassure Taehyun or Raehyun at all.


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ladm ⋮ as always i appreciate the endless support from you all! c: you make my day~ i greatly apologise i can't reply to all individual comments otl. :c


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Chapter 20: This was such an amazing story with rollercoaster of emotions. I definitely loved it 🥰
Chapter 20: Such a lovely story! The kind of fairytale romance with ups and downs but butterflies tingling in between . Thanks for sharing!
Here i am again reading this beautiful story~
KeemNoona #4
KeemNoona #5
Chapter 20: Great story and still suprise me even after reread!
Chapter 20: Just done rereading this. And im forever glad i read this. Such a beautiful story and forgiving oc. She have such a pure heart.
Chapter 10: Rereading this bcs its good. And baek behaviour makes me want to curse
Chapter 20: Happy to found this.. Thank you for a lovely story!